Devil on my shoulder
The all-too-familiar sound of the morning alarm indicated the beginning of a brand new day.
You turned it off as you were slowly opening your eyes. When you did, you were met with a hint of sunlight sneaking through the covered window
Wonder what could be in store for you today?
Gently, you sat up and stretched to prepare your body. As you did, a joyful voice called you from downstairs
It was mom
"Y/N, darling, breakfast's ready!"
Was all you said before standing up and proceeding to change clothes, officially recognizing this new sunrise
It didn't take long for you to get ready and walk down the stairs, where a delicious smell got a reaction from your stomach
When you got to the source, you found a brunette woman in an apron adding the finishing touches to the food. She smiled the moment she saw you and giving you a plate, she said:
Mother: I made your favorite today, sweetie. I hope you're hungry!
You: Absolutely. Thanks, mum!
With a peck on the cheek, you thanked the woman while taking your plate to the table
???: What's that wonderful smell?
Another voice called from the stairs, a male one. When you looked at the source, you found your father, smiling
He was already making his way into the kitchen, he ruffled your hair to greet you on his way
Mother: There you are! I thought you'd be too busy sleeping to eat breakfast
They shared a brief hug before the man took the other two plates
Father: I'd be mad if I ever missed your cooking, luv
Then, he gave her a peck on the lips and then walked to the table. Mom joined soon after with some drinks to compliment the meal
Mother: So, what's on the agenda for today, John?
Father: I'm going to help Zee prepare for her act. Y'know, the special effects thing
Mother: As long as we get free tickets
They shared a laugh before your mother looked at you with a smile
Mother: What about you, sweetie? Are you going to cheer for Rose in that game?
You nodded slightly as you finished munching
You: The Amazons sacrificed a lot to get to this match, I have to be there for them
Upon hearing this, both your parents gave you a warm smile, you could tell they were proud of what they heard
Father: That's my son, alright
You continued (and eventually finished) your meal talking about random topics that came to mind naturally, chuckling and laughing at the occasional silly comment every now and then
It was when the doorbell rang that you were reminded of your agenda
Gulping his last bit of food, your father stood up and grabbed the keys
Father: I'll go, it's my turn
He walked towards the door and unlocked it before opening it. On the other side was a young white-haired girl wearing a leather jacket denim jeans
When he saw her, a bright smile appeared on your father's face as he stepped aside
Father: Rose! Do come in
Nodding, the teenager accepted the offer
Rose: Thank you, Mr. L/N
Upon entering the house, Rose was immediately spotted by your mother. She walked up to her with open arms and soon enough, a hug
Mother: Rosie! Good to see you
She was quick to answer the gesture, you too stood up to greet her
Rose: You too, Ms. L/N
Once that was done, she looked at you with a smirk
Rose: Hey you~
You chuckled, arms wide open for her and the girl immediately went for a hug, but with such force, she was squeezing you with excitement... literally
Rose: Thank you for coming with us
As soon as you found room to breathe, you wrapped your arms around her waist and back
You: Wouldn't miss it for the world
The embrace ended shortly after, both of your parents were standing there with a sympathetic look to them, almost if remembering the feeling
You: So, are you ready?
Father: Make sure he doesn't get in trouble, will you?
Your father ruffled your hair while asking that, making Rose chuckle
Rose: Absolutely, Mr. and Mrs. L/N, I promise to take good care of him
And so, you walked to the door with Rose and your parents followed suit
Mother: Have fun you two!
You hugged them before walking out with the white-haired girl
Parked in the street, near your front yard was a motorcycle, Rose handed you a helmet while putting hers on. You sat behind her on the vehicle, adjusting for the imminent trip
You: So, where to first?
Rose: There's still half an hour before the match. Maybe we can go to the comic shop?
You: ...You always have the best ideas, don't you?
Rose: Only when I'm with you
She gave you a playful wink before looking forward and beginning your journey, you held her by her waist as she did
And so, without further due, you made your way through the town, which was not a difficult task thanks to the lack of traffic in the area, so it took you mere minutes to complete the journey.
The city was relatively peaceful, mainly because it was still kind of early, but it also made it much more pleasant to explore, especially since you had Rose along
Soon enough, the motorcycle stopped when you reached a small store called "The Watchtower", a place you had grown to enjoy with the years
Rose: Alright, were here
You both took your helmets before walking inside to the heavily decorated place. There were statues, replicas, and toys carefully placed over the shop to spice the place up
Behind the counter, was a ginger boy whose attention you caught immediately upon entering, he smiled when he saw you
Wally: Hey guys! Here early?
Rose: You know it, is there anything new?
Wally: Yeah, I stored them in the back just for you. Take a look while I go get them
Rose nodded before he left to check the storage room. Meanwhile, you checked to see the different titles waiting to be read
From "Sandman" to "Watchmen", there was quite the selection. Rose herself had a book detailing the latest adventure from the caped crusader
You: What's new?
Rose: Some secrets about the origin of the town and secret clubs. Did you know about the court of owls?
This question made you lower your comic to give her a puzzled look, also answering her question
Rose: Guess they're new, then
Wally soon returned and told the white-haired about the new things in store. Meanwhile, you took your time to wander around
???: I have to give it credit, they even changed the identities from the real thing
A very particular voice caught your attention from across the store. When you looked for the source, you found a man in a well-crafted suit looking at the same comic Rose was eyeing minutes ago
He then looked at you with a mocking smirk
???: Can you believe this? They call Batman James Blake. Who even is that?
This man had a weird feeling about his presence. He felt like a stranger, yet charming enough to believe you already knew him
You: I'm sorry, do I... know you?
He put down the comic book to look directly at you this time, not losing his charm
???: I'm confident you do, Y/N. It's about time I found you
You: What are-
Rose: Y/N, time to go!
You heard your name being called from the distance and chose not to keep your lover waiting, seeing as you had a compromise
And so, you left without making much of it but remained silent for a couple of minutes upon leaving the store
Rose: Everything alright? I don't hear your voice back there
Your lover's voice stopped your train of thought as you focused on giving her a quick answer
You: ...Yes, just admiring the city you know?
It worked, you heard a chuckle from the person before you
Rose: Yeah, it is quite nice
The next stop was the reason why you even left the bed in the first place, it was time for the Amazons' deciding match against the Sirens from Gotham
Rose made you wait outside the changing room for the girls. She said she wanted you to give the girls a motivational speech before they headed out
The reason for this being that you were friends with most of them and they had always listened to your advice. You could even say you were their couch from time to time
After waiting outside for about seven minutes, the door finally opened to reveal Rose peeking out
Rose: You thought of something?
You: You'll see
With a wink, you earned not only her laughter but also access to the room. Surrounding the lockers was the team, all waiting eagerly for you
They were all there, Donna, Artemis, Cassie, and even Stephanie. All wearing their team uniform and waiting for you with a smile on their face
Rose: Alright, take the stage, babe
You walked to the middle of the room, clearing tour throat for the imminent speech
You: Ladies, do you know what does this moment mean? You standing here in the locker room, minutes before a game?
They looked at each other and around the room trying to come up with an answer
You: It means that you have beaten every single challenge up to this point. Regardless of the obstacles in or out of the field you have persevered as sisters and won, as sisters
Because that's what Amazons do, they charge and ravage the battlefield without a second thought, but they do it together
They showed some prideful smiles when you said that, occasionally glancing at each other to confirm this
You: Now, I've seen you ladies rise since day one but some folks haven't, and they don't get how a newly formed team has managed to get so far on their first try
Well, you're not only going to show them how, but you'll give them a match they'll never forget
I'm sure you will use the strategy you see fit to win this match, but I'm just going to ask one thing from you
Eager to hear your request, all of them looked at you. And so, with a serious look to your face, you finally said:
You: Don't. Hold. Back
Finally, you looked around with that same gaze and tone
You: Am I clear?
They all stood and answered in unison, a strong "yes!" Was all you heard from them
Rose then approached you and placed a hand on your shoulder, but looked at her teammates with the same pride
Rose: You heard him, girls. Let's finish this on a high note!
With clear intent and more determined than ever, the girls walked out of the room and finally headed towards the field for their final match. Rose followed but stayed behind to talk to you
Rose: You outdid yourself, babe
You: I did my part, now's your turn
A smirk appeared on her face as she gave you a quick peck on the lips
Rose: Yes sir
With that, she left to catch up with her team. You watched along with the crowd, eager to see the results of this highly anticipated event
As you waited, however, it took only minutes for you to realize that someone was standing next to you. Hands on his pockets and a... strangely formal attire for a sports game
???: Quite the imagination you have. Props to you
Intrigued, you turned to look at this man, who gave you somewhat of a sympathetic smile. Once again, his presence had this air of familiarity that prevented you from being startled
???: As lovely as this was, it's time to go
You: ...but I just got here
???: And the more time you spend here, the easier it'll be to get lost
Out of the blue, he put his hands on your shoulders, much to your surprise
You: What are-
As if summoned by his touch, you experienced an overwhelming series of feelings and sensations
It started with the sour taste of blood in your mouth, the cold and hard concrete surrounding your body, and finally, a glimpse at a white light flashing above your body
But it was over too soon, you found yourself in the same field, with a suited man touching your shoulders. As if nothing had taken place
...what even happened?
???: Hey, Y/N! What's up, man!
Soon, another voice called your name. It was Victor, the quarterback of the local football team, and a close friend of yours
Victor: Mind if I sit with you?
He walked up to you and past the suited man as if he weren't even there. But soon enough, your smile returned to your face, the last experience soon fleeing into the corner of your mind
You:...Sure, go ahead
Your friend smiled and sat next to you, much to the man's dismay
???: You don't make things easy for me, boy
With that, he stood up and quietly left the scene. Mere seconds after that, the announcers indicated the beginning of the long-awaited match
It took only seconds for you to get invested in the game once again seeing as both teams were evenly matched and so began one of the greatest games the field had ever seen
Amazons played with the strength and sisterhood you told them about. The Sirens were not without their tricks, seeing as they were faster than the girls
Under Rose's leadership, however, the Amazons were able to do the precise strikes needed to achieve victory in the last minutes
The moment it was declared that the Amazons had been the winners, people in the crowd stood up to cheer, but you just ran to the field to meet up with Rose, who immediately welcomed you with open arms into a great embrace to celebrate
You: I knew you'd make it
She stopped hugging you to look at your eyes and with a smile, she answered:
Rose: No, Y/N, we made it
With that, she pulled you in for a passionate kiss that lasted a few seconds before the other girls came to you for a group hug
Stephanie had the idea to go celebrate in a restaurant. While they each had a different opinion on where to go, they all agreed that you should come with them
You did help them get into the proper mindset after all
Steph: I thought we wouldn't be able to score, but then Artemis just came through at the last minute!
You could hear the blonde's excited review of the game from across the table. The girls decided to go to a restaurant they all enjoyed, even you
It was called Alfred's, and it had an atmosphere unlike any other place in the area and even better, they had space for everyone in the team to eat in the same table
Eventually, you had to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom. The breakfast with the family was exquisite, going with Rose to the store was always fun and the game was something that you would never forget
Everything in this day had gone just perfect
As you were washing your hands and looking down at them, something dropped amongst the water. It was red
It was one drop, then another, and so on. Intrigued by this, you checked your nose and discovered that it was bleeding somehow
You looked at the mirror to see what was the problem, but the reflection began distorting, switching in and out with the scene of multiple bodies laying around in a warehouse
There was something painfully familiar to this disturbing scene, but before anything else could be done, a splitting headache took place, forcing you down on your knees as you held your head
With a few deep breaths and enough attempts, it lowered its intensity to the point of being bearable again, and then you managed to stand back up
This time, the reflection of the bathroom was there, but with the words "COME HOME" written in the walls
When you looked back to confirm this, there was no such thing, but that's when the phone began to ring
It was mom
You tapped to answer, but only static played, following by loud, indistinguishable noises and a sudden stop
This inexplicable series of events made it clear, there was something so horribly wrong with what you were living
The door to the bathroom burst open, Rose made her presence in the scene known to you
Rose: Babe, are you alright? I heard you screaming
Not being able to speak as your breathing remained heavy after this experience, you just stared at the mirror
Rose:...Y/N? What happened?
Only when she stepped in to approach you dis you remembered her existence and immediately stopped her on her tracks with your voice
You: I-I need to go home, mum says she needs help with something
The white-haired was taken back by this, but still made an effort to appear normal
Rose: Did something happen? Do you need a ride?
Splashing some water over your face, you finally came back to your senses
You: Don't worry about it, I'll be back before you notice
Rose: Are you sure about that?
Finally, you looked back at her with a smile
You: Positively
Calmly, you walked over to her and held her by her waist
You: Now go back and enjoy that victory. You earned it
A peck on the cheek followed that before you decided to leave the bathroom and eventually, the restaurant. Fortunately, the girls were too immersed in their talk to notice
The door was closed and a breeze of air welcomed you back to the streets, but something was different this time. It all felt...weird
Choosing not to waste a moment, you began to walk back home, fortunately, it wasn't that long of a walk, but every step felt eternal
Not only that, but along the way, you began to have these flashes, images, sensations, and the occasional headache. Yet, you continued to walk home
"Hey, wanna help me, kid?"
A man talked to you across the street while fixing something. You chose to ignore him and continued your way
"Hey, buddy, can you point me to the nearest airport?"
A boy about your age tried to stop you with a map, yet you kept walking. The environment, in general, seemed to be losing some of its colors... literally
"Please young man, you have to help me find my way home"
An old lady stopped you to beg for help by walking in front of you. Taking advantage of this, a woman stopped too and tried to get your help, then a reporter, then a policeman and eventually you had a crowd with many voices all asking for your help
You managed to push through them and this time, you began to run your way home, not even daring to look back and see if you are followed
It was all so overwhelming, at this point every sense you had in you screamed to get to safety, which you did once the familiar building had finally been spotted
You closed the door as soon as you stepped inside, leaning against the wooden entrance in an attempt to regain your breath
As a sharp sigh of relief left your mouth, you finally allowed yourself to take a look at the place, but when you did, it was not the same warm and cozy place
Furniture was thrown and broken, blood stained the walls and behind the counter
You could swear that even the amount of light was smaller than before
You: What the...?
Slowly, you rose and stepped away from the door and into the horrific scene you had just walked into
You: Mum? Dad...?
As you kept walking, you felt something crushing by your feet, it was mom's cellphone
???: I'm sorry for the mess, but they didn't leave me another choice
Then, from seemingly nowhere, a man in a suit emerged, looking straight at you
???: And frankly, neither did you
From behind the counter, a hand was barely seen laying on the floor, above a pool of blood
The sudden realization hit you. That was the same ring dad used to wear
Unable to process what was even happening, you dropped on your knees in the middle of the room, your gaze fixed in one specific part of the room while the eyes threatened to let tears escape
???: But this isn't your family
The suited man took a sip from the drink he had in his hand before placing it on the counter and began to walk towards you
???: Your mother is not a human
He continued to walk past you, allowing his words to hit you one by one. You looked down at your hands and found that they now had many subtle scars
Scars left by many conflicts, the bruises from the past...and memories not of your own
When touched, these flashed memories. A drunk magician, a ghost in a red suit and a woman with a top hat
???: The bastard you call a father is barely one
But this... It didn't make sense, you remembered going to school with your friends and, at the same time being educated by a group of female warriors
It was like having lived two completely different lives
...unless one of them wasn't real
???: You don't live a quiet life in the suburbs with regular friends or a lover
He chuckled as he continued to talk, more and more things becoming apparent as he did
It was clear now, the illusion, the games, the lies...
But still, despite everything that was implied in this gigantic rouse, a tear found its way down your face
???: But you were raised by the best magic-users out there and a tribe of warrior women and work with bloody superheroes!
Then, he got one knee to reach your current height, looking at your broken eyes with an actual smile
???: Not to mention, you're my favorite mortal
Having a hard time distinguishing between real and illusion, you muttered the strength to talk to this man
You: W-What...what is...all of this t-then?
???: Enchantress trapped you in this beautiful lie after you and someone else went to look for this Jennifer girl you're so fond of. Zatanna came to me when nobody else could find you, but I have to set you free before telling anyone
With that, the man approached you to offer some comfort in these strange times, with a hug
???: I'm truly sorry, Y/N, but it's time to go
Once the memories were back in place, or at least most of them, there was only one life that was truly yours
For the better or worse, this one wasn't it
This man was right, those weren't your parents, that wasn't your house and this wasn't even your reality. Probably the only thing that was real...was him
Upon realizing this, you found yourself hugging him, still sobbing, but not for the imaginary death of a parent this time
Once the embrace was over, you looked at the being responsible for your salvation, the name becoming increasingly clear: Lucifer Morningstar
...Or as you called him, uncle Luci
You: I'm sorry it took so long, I was so... enamored by this fake life
The man gave you a sympathetic smile upon realizing that you were in such a state of disarray, even after snapping out of it
Lucifer: Y/N, it's no sin wishing for a better life, not in the slightest
Then, he stood up and dusted himself off
Lucifer: I can't help you with your father, but if you ever become interested in the "other" side of your family, just give me a call
He offered you a hand and helped you up too
You: I must be important if the devil himself comes to my aid
He chuckled after hearing this, at least the sense of humor was still there
Lucifer: You are, but I wouldn't count on it too often
You: Fair enough
You looked at your hand and began to take deep breaths, not only to calm yourself but also to try and reconnect with your magic
It took about ten seconds to conjure a flickering light that eventually stabilized itself. Having at least some certainty of your abilities, you looked back at your only ally
You: Now what?
Lucifer: There are still two more people trapped in here, but I went for you first for obvious reasons.
He opened the front door before looking back at you
Lucifer: Now that we can move on, I'll go get the other girl while you fetch your friend Jennifer
You: And how do I make her realize this is a lie?
Lucifer: Well, I had to break your life to make you realize it so, by all means...
"Raise hell"
Star City, 7:39 p.m
"Thank you all so much for coming! I hope you're ready for the night of your lives!"
A female voice announced with the help of a microphone, much to the amusement of thousands of people in front of her
The media was kind enough to tell the world that Jennifer Hill, one of its best musicians was performing in the Star City Stadium
The crowds cheered at her appearance on stage and she was clearly enjoying herself
Suddenly, breezes from different directions converged in the middle of the crowd, the wind becoming so strong it made the lights struggle to remain active
That's when fire appeared from this small whirlwind and out of it, you emerged
Needless to say, every pair of eyes in the place was fixed in your sudden appearance. Taking advantage of this silence, you pointed at the girl in the stage
You: Jennifer, we have to talk
... fortunately, she wasn't that far away
Jennifer: Who even are you?
You took a couple of steps in her direction but were stopped by a man standing in your way
???: She asked you a question
You: Not your bloody business is who I am
He seemed to be irritated by this answer and tried to put his hand on your shoulder, only for it to catch on fire the moment he approached
Soon enough, a flame began to burn this "man" away
The crowd stepped back by this sudden display, while you remained as indifferent as ever. He was not real, after all
You: Anyone else cares to test their luck?
It took a couple of seconds before someone in the crowd made themselves heard
"Don't let him reach her!"
You sighed, realizing that they were stupid enough to ignore what they had just seen
As more people ran towards you and met a scorching demise, a few demonic hands emerged from the ground to help clear a path for you as you walked to her
You: My name is Y/N L/N and I am here to save you from damnation, Jenny
Jennifer: Save me from what?
You: This whole concert is fake, nothing here is real but you and me
Jennifer: You're insane!
You couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of that statement
You: Do I have to remind you how we met?
That's when an idea came to mind.
"Wait, that's it!"
Perhaps if you brought out some of her real memories she'd have to realize the giant rouse that you were all living in
Midway through the crowd, you stopped walking to raise your hands and chanted something
Soon enough a tornado of fire surrounded you for a couple of minutes and when it died down, a demon appeared in your place
When she saw it, Jennifer's eyes went wide in horror of what she was looking at
Perhaps this was the best memory to pull from
???: Remember me?
Disguised as a demon, you continued to tear your way to the stage. The musician
tried to run but was stopped by a glyph appearing in the ground, glowing as it prevented her from escaping
???: In your madness, you tried to sell your soul, but I only made a fool out of you! I was so close to devouring another mortal!
Walking even faster than before, you tried to speed things up by taking up this role and scare her enough to provoke a response
???: If that boy hadn't saved you, your soul wouldn't even exist! None of this fake world does anyway
Jennifer: Stop that!
???: This place is supposed to bring up your perfect life and this is what you do? This is exactly the same thing as before!
You managed to reach the stage shortly after that, giving the terrified singer a good look at you, even if she was covering her face in disbelief
???: Tell me, would you be so dumb as to sell your soul again?
Jennifer: I SAID STOP!!
Out of nowhere, a yellow surge of energy blasted you from a minimum distance. It was strong enough not only to break your illusion and shield, but it also sent you back into an angry crowd
They stopped your fall, but they started to grab you and block every attempt you made to get yourself free. It didn't help that you had just been hit with a blast of magic to the face
Jennifer herself was beyond shocked to see what she had done. Her hand was still reaching out, and with tears now flowing from her eyes, she looked at you in a desperate attempt to get an answer
Jennifer: What is this? What did you do!?
You: I-It's all you, luv!
You elbowed a man, gaining just a couple seconds of rest for you
You: Listen, this ain't real. Remember what happened after the demon!
You: We took you in after that. Gave you another chance!
She fell to her knees, at this point it wasn't sure if she was even listening, but you still tried while your voice was still audible
You: You're my friend and I...and I shouldn't have disappeared on you...
The realization hit you, you were probably too busy dealing with your own crisis that you completely abandoned Jen, and she was more than likely in need of your help
You were lucky enough to have her friend Jamie come looking for your aid, but if that wasn't the case, there was no telling what could've happened
However, saying sorry now was useless. you could feel more people grabbing you, holding you down as of they were trying to tear you out...and they probable were
You: I'm sorry, just to know...that
The crowd closed in on you to the point where you couldn't see anything, you weren't even certain of what would happen anymore, it was just them trying to rip you into pieces, and even then the struggle didn't stop
But that's exactly when a yellow blast of energy was sent your way, forcing the people to back off and even burning some of them
???: I hope you meant that
Sight returned to you, allowing you to see Jennifer herself with her hands glowing again, but this time there was no hint of fear in her
That was all you needed to see to know, this was your Jennifer. A smile inevitable appeared on your face as a result
You: Absolutely
With your hands free to operate once again, you tapped the ground and glyphs began to glow, forcing the crowds to face a burning demise if they dared approach you again
Taking the chance, you got back on your feet and now, it was the two of you against the hordes
One after the other, the crazed people went down with much more ease now that you had your partner by your side
In a way, it felt good to have her back
However, in the middle of the conflict, the ground began to shake as if something had hit the planet's very core
Then, thunder broke the sky as it turned pitch black, even some of the enemies let out a pained screech before eventually turned into pieces
Everything in this world was crumbling down, forcing the conflict to end
Jennifer: What's going on?
You: That must be the illusion collapsing
???: And is our cue to leave Y/N
You turned around to see Lucifer flying your way with his wings, with a girl in his arms. Seeing her friend in a stranger's arms, and that said stranger has wings got a panicked reaction from Jennifer herself
Jennifer: Jamie? What did you do to her!?
You placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring look, telling her that it was alright
Lucifer: She is fine, but we need to leave, now
There wasn't much room for discussion as the world around you began to give up. Soon A portal tore open back at the stage Jennifer was using, everyone rushed to reach it before it was too late
Lucifer entered followed by Jennifer, but just when you were about to do so, you were suddenly stopped by someone grabbing your wrist
When turning around, your heart skipped a beat when you saw who did it
It was Rose herself, with a horrified look to her eyes
Rose: W-Where are you going!?
Your instincts told you that it wasn't her, and the more time went on the more you were convinced of that
However, if someone had made this entire reality something so sweet and wholesome, it was her
So hating her was impossible
Choosing to fall for it, you stopped to approach her and placed a hand on her shoulder
You: I have to leave Rose, it's time
Rose: L-Leave where? Everything you need is here! With me!
She grabbed your hand and intertwined her fingers with yours, pleading for you to stay
You: But this, the world, my, none of that is real. I need to go back to reality
Rose: What do you mean? Y-You're scaring me, Y/N
You moved your hand from her shoulder to her cheek and cupped her face gently
You: Listen, this world was too good to be true, and it is
Then, she earned a sympathetic smile from you as you walked with her to the portal, only stopping right in front of her
You: But the best part of it, was you. I know you aren't even real, but I want to thank you
Rose: F-For what?
You: For making this beautiful lie something to help appreciate the real world...And the real Rose
You wiped the tears from her face before giving her a peck on her forehead
You: Goodbye
With that, you left her hand and walked into the portal, being welcomed by a blinding light as your reality began to shift violently once again until eventually
...there was nothing
Suddenly, you could feel your senses returning, the first one was touch
Then smell
Then taste
Then hearing
Sight was next
And finally, an injection of fresh air to wake up
In a violent motion, you sat up, taking in as much air as you could while doing so. Next to you, both Jamie and Jennifer woke up the same way
Once conscious, you saw the place that you had only been shown in your hallucination. You were in the middle of an empty warehouse, with a white light resting on the ceiling above you, a glyph carved aggressively in the ground below you, and a bunch of candles to keep you bound
Jamie: Where...where are we?
Before an answer could be provided, a heart-wrenching scream echoed throughout the place. It was a woman's voice
A black cloud emerged from the corners of the area and rushed its way towards you, crashing into the floor to allow entrance to a woman who looked as if she were decaying, yet green erratic energy flowed through her and it even showed in her eyes
That, along with the symbol on her forehead told you enough, you were in the presence of the infamous Enchantress
Enchantress: How did you insolent little souls managed to get how. How!?
Something about her was wrong. This powerful hag was known to present herself as an attractive, confident woman but this thing in front of you was much different
She didn't even use her sarcasm
The being turned her attention to Jennifer in such a violent motion you thought for a moment that her neck broke
Enchantresses: And you, THIS is how you thank me for saving your life!? I should've let your friend kill you!
You noticed Jamie react to this, lowering her gaze out of shame. There was something she didn't tell you before asking you to help her
Anyhow, you stepped forward, interrupting the hag's hurtful words
Enchantress didn't say anything to you, instead she began to growl and her hands corroded with energy. It was going to hurt
She screamed the moment she threw her attack at you
...but it never came
No, for it was intercepted, dispersed even, by the same suited man that had saved you before
Enchantress wasn't known for fearing anything, but when she saw Lucifer himself, she was terrified
Lucifer: I think it's time for you to leave
Choosing life over trying to fight the prince of darkness himself, she raised her hands and disappeared into a black cloud, thus escaping before your very eyes
With this threat gone, you could finally lower your guard and embrace the fact that you were back in the real world, for better or worse
You: Thank you, uncle Luci, for everything
He gave you a small smile after that
Lucifer: Just remember what we talked about. Also, call Zatanna, she's worried sick
You nodded at him, looking away for merely a second before the fallen angel left the scene as well
Jennifer:...Did you just called him "uncle Luci"?
Before an answer could be given, Jamie pulled Jen for a hug, almost crying by the looks of it
Jamie: I-I'm so sorry, Jen. I shouldn't have-
She froze in place when she felt her friend hug her back, every single word had escaped her mind
Jennifer: Shhh, it's alright. I get why it happened
Shocked by this, Jamie pulled away from the embrace just to look at her
Jamie: do?
She gave her friend confirmation without saying a word, earning a relieved expression from her. Then she realized that you were also in the scene, probably waiting for your turn to talk
Jamie: Right. I'll leave you to it, then
Before she left, she was held back by her friend
Jennifer: Just give me a few minutes, I'll be back with you. Alright?
This lifted the teenager's mood, nodding eagerly with a smiling face. With Jamie gone for a short while, you were finally able to talk to your friend
You: ...Guess it's my time to apologize, I just want you to know that I really am sorry. I shouldn't have disappeared on you
Jennifer: Yeah, you made me worry, a lot
You: I know... it's just that... dealing with people is not my forte, you know?
Then, you heard a small laugh coming from the girl before she decided to face you with a tender smile of her own
Jennifer: No kidding. But seriously, I'm just glad you came to save me...again
A sigh left her lips as she adopted a pained expression
But I hate that this next part will come out as ungrateful
Jennifer: This whole perfect dream thing, being rescued by the Devil himself and forced to confront my demons again in the same day...left me thinking
You: About what?
Jennifer: About the fact that I won't be able to keep up with you when it comes to magic and... And I think it's time I stopped running from my past
Her head was low, and her shoulders slumped. Saying this required every bit of strength she had
Jennifer: I'm so sorry...
However, instead of feeling angry or betrayed... there was nothing but empathy
You: Look, Jen, the path we magic users walk ain't an easy one, not by a landslide. I understand there's more to your life than this, and I won't hold it against you if you call it quits
Jennifer: Really?
You placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to reassure her. This gesture made her look at you immediately, mostly out of surprise
You: Hey, it's no sin to wish for a better life
Moved by this she extender her arms for a hug, a faithful gesture that you returned in no time
You: Just know that you can count on me for whatever reason, alright?
Jennifer: The same goes for you.
With a smile, she closed her eyes, giving in to the hug for a couple of seconds before pulling away
You: ...But please remember it, I'd hate to hunt you down for a week again
You failed to contain a chuckle at this
You: It won't happen again, I promise
Then, you looked at her friend, who was waiting patiently for something that she didn't even know, she was just glad she had her friend back
And Jennifer herself couldn't wait to get her life back. Guess it was about time
You: Well, off you go
She nodded, smiling as she took a couple of steps back
Jennifer: I'll see you around, Y/N
With that, she walked away from the warehouse and back to Jamie, choosing to start her new reality then and there
In a way, you were proud of her
But you, on the other hand, had had enough of realities for now, hell, some of your memories were still scrambled
Still, you opened a portal, imagining any place you called home and walked inside it without any hesitation this time
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