Day off
The relaxing sounds of the water nearby
The wind, gentle in its journey and the birds chirping
The gentle greeting of the sunlight sneaking through the curtains
Combined, these elements resulted in an unmatched harmony. Intuition would say that no harm would take place today
You sure you were thinking about the right place?
It's the Titans Tower you were talking about, of course, it wasn't so qu--
"Y/N, are you in there?"
The knocking on your door made the sheets move as you faced the direction of the noise, grumbling without even saying a word
"Y/N, it's important"
Reluctantly, you got out of bed and allowed an enchanted robe to wrap around you. That would do the trick for now
Stumbling your way to the door, it slid open to reveal Rachel in an oversized shirt as her pajamas. It was honestly adorable
Rachel: Tim called in a meeting
Instead of answering, you just groaned, much to the goth's amusement
Rachel: Same, but he did say that the uniform wasn't necessary, so come on
She motioned you to follow her and so you did, along with the rest of the team who was still pretty much in their night outfits, you reached the briefing room
Wonder what did the madman you had for a leader wanted this early
Once you entered the room, you all saw him in a sweatshirt that had his colors. Showoff
It didn't help either that he chuckled when he saw all of you struggling to keep yourselves awake. He was one of the bats, no wonder he was keeping up with this
Tim: I'm sorry to call you all so early
You: You better, I was having a good rest
Tim: Well, that's why I brought you all here
This caused the rest of the squad to fix their eyes on him, intrigued as to what he had to say
Tim: As you may recall, we were under attack yesterday. Garfield was put under a strange influence while the rest of us were thrown into another dimension
There was silence after that. Everyone knew what he was talking about, but didn't want to talk about it
Tim: If it weren't for Y/N and Rachel we'd still be wandering that strange place. The point is...
He paused to take a sip from the mug he had beside him
Tim: I'm giving you guys the day off. I wanted to tell you now so you can go back to rest without having to worry
Kori: Are you sure about this, Tim?
Wally: Yeah man, we appreciate it but won't we be needed somewhere today?
Conner: Yes, the Titans are needed on an almost daily basis
Tim: That's why I got the others to cover up for us today. They were glad to return the favor after the mission with the kids
Again, no response. It was as if the Titans were trying to grasp the meaning of "day off"
Garfield: So...does that mean that we're free? Like actually free?
This made Tim laugh, even he was familiar with the concept and he was a member of the forsaken Batfamily
Tim: Yes, Gar, you all are. Enjoy your day
Wally:... Alrighty then, see you guys tomorrow then!
With that, he ran away from the room, soon followed by the rest of the team. Tim, however, asked you to stay behind
He didn't say it, but his eyes were enough to tell
Tim: Don't worry, you can take the day too, I just wanted to talk a little first
You: Alright, shoot
Tim: You said you found something while you were in your...what did you call it, again?
You: Family business trip
Tim: Right, that. So what did you find?
You took a step closer to him and snapped your fingers. Suddenly, your hand was engulfed in a blue flame
When it died down, you were now holding the small wooden statue that Jason Blood had retrieved for you
You: This is Eirene, the Greek goddess of peace, or at least a wooden replica of her
You handed the object over to Tim, who noticed the small note attached to it
You: The ancient Amazons used the ritual of the Inner Beast to enhance themselves before a hunt, but they couldn't stay like that for long
Tim: Because they'd turn into mindless killers?
You: Exactly, that's why they made this
You pointed at the small piece of paper, now in Tim's hands
You: This contains instructions for a countermeasure to this, an antidote if you will
He analyzed it before returning his attention to you
Tim: So they made them drink it and the effects disappeared?
You: Long enough for them to regain control on their own, yes
But something didn't click, he looked at you for confirmation
Tim: But I thought there was no cure
You: Rachel didn't research properly. Eirene's antidote must be delivered in the first thirty minutes upon transformation
Tim: Gar was acting out for three hours
You: Hence why I had to "kill" him. Another hour like that and he would've been an actual beast
The man eyed the specifications given by the recipe and nodded slowly
Tim: This is just what we needed. I just need to find the ingredients
You: ...Did you say I? As in not "we"?
The former Robin laughed once again. Even you were a bit weirded out with this, no, not the spell part
Tim: Yeah, I'll go hunt them with someone else
You: You sure you're alright without my help on that?
Tim: Come on, I love a challenge. Besides, this is kind of how my girlfriend and I hang out
That was still weird but made more sense
You: You're one strange man, Drake. Anyway, do tell me if you want any help
Tim: I will, enjoy your day off. You need it just as much
With that, you left the room and now roamed the halls pondering what to do on this day
Near you, were the rest of the guys: Wally, Vic, Gar, and Conner
Garfield: I still can't believe he just gave us the day off
You: Well, it's been unnecessarily eventful lately
They all nodded in agreement
Wally: I don't know about you guys, but I want to go taunt the guys over at my school. They'd wish they had the day off!
Laughter followed that statement. Although cruel, he was right
You: What about you two?
Victor: We're going to a special motel outside the city. It's a quiet place that we use to just chill and have a good time
Gar: Yeah, Kori and Rae are coming too! You wanna join?
Conner: I'm going to take this chance and visit the Kents, it's been a while since I've done it
Vic: What about you, Y/N?
You: With my luck, you'd probably end up fighting a pool monster or something
You shared a laugh with them. It was unfortunate but quite true, magic was just so unpredictable
Maybe not Rachel's but yours certainly was
You: Seriously though, thank you for the offer, but I want to see my options. You know?
Gar: Totally, there is so much we can do!
He wasn't wrong, but where to begin?
Maybe you could go treasure-hunting with Deadman, or helping Zatanna set up a show, maybe even... Wait
...What's that glow?
At the distance, you saw Rose talking to someone on the phone, but something was not right about her
She was glowing, but not in the usual "aura" kind of way. It was golden, changing colors every now and then
You had seen this before with your family. It happened to Zatanna when it was her birthday
The guys kept walking and talking, making their plans while Rose, well she spotted you just standing there
Rose: Oh, hey, Y/N
You put your thoughts aside to talk to her, focusing on confirming or debunking this new theory
You: This may sound random but is today yo-
Out of pure instinct, she covered your mouth with her hand, her eye wide with terror at what she was hearing
She looked at her sides before whispering two words at you
Rose: Not here
Rose took you to a storage room nearby, closing the door behind her once you were both in. Fortunately, nobody saw that
It would be beyond awkward trying to explain that
She sighed before she finally faced you with a face ad serious as the glare that Batman gives, well, everybody
Rose: Back in the hallway, were you about to say "birthday"?
You: Yes, and your reaction is the most bizarre I've seen so far
She took note of the weirded out look you were giving her and she put her hand on her forehead in remorse
Rose: I'm sorry, I just... *Sigh*... it's just something I don't want anyone to know
You: Why not?
She stopped her actions to look directly at you
Rose: Because when the Titans make a decision, there's no room to say otherwise. That applies to birthdays
Her feet began to move on their own as she walked over the area you were both in
Rose: Don't get me wrong, I like them but I want to spend the day doing something that I want, not some strange alien celebration or a random tournament
You: Fair enough
She stopped dead in her tracks when she heard that. As if she was hoping to get a more aggressive response from you
Rose: Wait, you get it?
You shrugged before elaborating
You: I mean, it's not often that you get space to breathe on your own in here, and you've been here for longer
Rose: That's true...wait, how did you know about this day?
You smirked and slightly raised your palm, a small flame soon floated above it
Rose: Did magic seriously told you it was my birthday?
You: People have a special glow to them when it is. Don't know how that works, but it just happens
Taking a couple of steps back, you reached for the door
You: I was going to ask if you wanted to hang out but I'll leave you to it
Before you left the room, you felt a hand holding your wrist. It was hers
Rose: Wait, you mean that?
You: I mean, you're cool and I don't have any plans for the day so... yeah
She let go of you to consider this. Her smile told you her answer beforehand
Rose: I...I like the idea, it's actually fun to be with you too
A smile soon appeared on you as well
You: It's settled, then
Rose: But first, let's put something more comfortable
She motioned at her clothes. Right, you were all still in pajamas
After getting into your civilian clothes, Rose and you went to the cafeteria and ate something along with the other Titans who were still there
Shortly after, you walked out the front gates. It felt very weird since you used a portal most of the time
Hell, the last time you saw the gates was when you first got in the team
You: So, now what?
Rose: I thought you had a plan
The girl walked towards the fountain that decorated the entrance
You: But it's your day, you get to pick
She put her hand on her chin, pondering her options
Rose: Well, we could start the day at my favorite place
You: Which is?
With a smirk, she looked back at you
"The shooting range"
The sounds of Rose's pistol echoed through the room. She had taken you to a special shooting range, one that only a select few could access, you had to state that you were with her to get in
This place was no joke, you could see a few mercenaries in there as well, some even looked at you weird. Rose's shots were near perfect, it made you thankful that she was on your side
And you, well, you watched from the back while tasting some of the food they sold in there. It was actually good
Rose: Yup, still got it
You: You have a strange concept of fun
Rose: You're one to talk. You do exorcisms for fun
... point taken
The white-haired girl stopped shooting to look back at you with a big smile. This was her favorite place alright
Rose: You sure you don't wanna try this out?
You: Yeah, the Amazon training was limited to bow and arrows
Rose: You should've started with that!
She put the gun in a holster and quickly headed to fetch something from one of the compartments in the other room
It didn't take long for her to return with a bow in her hands, as well as a quiver. There was no turning back now
Rose: Alright, show me what the Amazons did teach you
There was a hint of glow in her eye, Rose was aching to see you do something a bit less mystical and more down to earth
With a sigh, you took the objects
You: Well, it's your day
She chuckled at this before walking you to the spot she was using
Now, just remember what you were taught...
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes
Now, you were in a field with one of your mentors, Hipponike. She had prepared targets for you to hit with a wooden bow lent by another warrior
Hipponike: A bow is your partner in any hunt, Y/N. The sword is mighty, but the bow can reach far longer
She took an arrow herself and stood next to you
Hipponike: The arrow shall do your will, but you have to give it direction. Be sure that it is the one you want
With that, she aimed and swiftly shot an arrow to the dummy that was a few feet away from you. It landed right in the chest
It was honestly terrifying how easy she made it look
Hipponike: We'll start with your posture. Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart
The woman stood in front of you to watch your stance
You: Like this?
You corrected the way you stood, already feeling more confident
Hiipponike: Almost, feet at 90 degrees to the target
Then, she handed you the weapon. You held on to it while she kept talking
Hipponike: It is important to keep a relaxed grip on the bow handle, do not grip it with too much force
You tried your best, hesitating at first but soon let go of the unnecessary force. The Amazon smiled and handed you an arrow
Instinctively, you turned your bow horizontally. She guided your hand so that the arrow was in perfect placement before returning the bow to its vertical position
Hipponike: You know what comes next, young one
This comment sparked a wave of nervousness in you, you had just learned to hold the damn thing!
You: A-Are you sure?
To calm you, she showed a confident smile and nodded slowly
Hipponike: Do not touch the arrow, but the string surrounding it
You placed a finger above the arrow and two below it and slowly pulled back so that your index finger was under your chin
Hipponike: Very well, young Y/N! Now all that's left is to align the arrow with the target. Aim for the chest
You nodded slowly and using your dominant hand, the arrow was soon in the position
Hipponike: Fire when ready. Remember to keep your breathing steady to not disturb your aim
Taking deep breaths, the shaking became manageable, the arrow had now a clear path
And so, you relaxed your grip on the string and allowed your fingers to slip backward
The arrow was shot immediately, tearing through the air to do your will as Hipponike said and nailing itself to the target you marked for it
Holy shit...
You opened your eyes to find yourself back at the shooting range, holding the modern bow, but now lacking an arrow
Confused, you looked in front of you to see that the projectile had indeed, nailed itself to the chest of the target. More specifically, the heart
Slowly, you lowered the weapon and turned to Rose, who was in awe of this act
Rose: ...Why the fuck don't you use a bow!?
A chuckle left your lips as you heard that
You: That's actually a good question. Maybe I-
???: Hey kid, that was amazing
Both of you looked at this new person, a grown man with a black shirt
You: Thanks...I think
???: But I'm gonna need the bow if you don't mind
Realizing that you were still holding it, it suddenly became clearer why the man chose to talk to you out of nowhere
You:...Oh, sure
You handed over the bow as well as the quiver. The man thanked you for it and got to work on his skills
Rose: Why did you do that? You were using it!
You shrugged
You: I just wanted to see if I still had it. It's been years, you know?
There was silence after that. Fortunately, your memory came to the rescue
You: Hey, you know what? On our way here, I saw an empty training room
Rose immediately looked up at you when she heard that
Rose: Are you suggesting what I think you're suggesting?
A mischievous smirk crawled its way to you as your mind entertained the idea
You: I mean, we never actually got to fight each other
Rose soon found a smirk of her own, followed by a nod
Rose: You're on
She took you by the hand and guided you both to another section of this area. Apparently, this was much more than just a shooting range
It made sense why so few people were allowed. Fortunately, the training room was still empty when you entered
Nobody would interrupt you this time
Using a portal, you snapped two Titan uniforms used for physical training and got to change. Once ready, you stood in front of each other, surrounded by the padded floor
She tossed you a staff, which you caught in the air with little to no problem
Rose: Ready?
You spun it around a little to familiarize yourself with it, then nodded at her
You: Alright, I'll let you--
Before you could finish, the staff was swung at you. You barely managed to dodge it before swinging yourself
Your moves were swift but so were hers, resulting in the staffs clashing again and again whenever one of you made a move. It was until you managed to create some space for yourself that you were allowed to breathe
Rose: Thanks for the courtesy
You couldn't help but laugh at her taunt, she couldn't either
You: It's going to be like that, then
Once again, you rushed at her and prepared a swing, which she prematurely blocked but left her legs exposed. You slid down between her legs and emerged on the other side
Before she could react, you used the staff to hit her in the back, making her stumble
She yelped at first, soon turning into snickering
Rose: Shit that was a good one
Spinning her staff, she turned to face you, regaining her stance
Rose: Alright, one last time. Give me your best shot, magic boy
You: Oh now you've done it
However, she was the first one to act, running, and then actually jumping to hit you with the end of the staff, only for you to parry it. Rose took the chance and use her momentum to spin it around and sweep your legs
Just as you were about to fall, you dropped the staff and got back up again with your hands, picking your weapon back up in a matter of seconds
Talk about instinct
You used your staff as support and launched a kick towards Rose, which she blocked with her arms but managed to make her stumble just a bit, but then uppercut you with the other end of her staff and proceeded to spin it to get more hits
You jumped backward and thrust your staff toward the circle she was forming and managed to stop her completely, then disarming her with one swift move. Rose took the chance and used your weapon to bring you towards her
This forced you to close distance with her, but to avoid her punch you ended up throwing yourself at her by accident and led you both to lie on the ground, panting
Soon after both of you gathered your breath, laughter ensued
Rose: Alright... you're useful without magic
You: And...and so are you know... guns...
Rose: Heh...
She tried her best to sit up, using her forearms for support. Both of you were sweating like crazy
Rose: We should do that again
Slowly, you looked at the white-haired and adopted a grin
You: Absolutely
There was a bit of silence among you while you stared at the ceiling. Your breathing still being quite audible
Rose: Hey, Y/N?
You: Hmm?
Rose: Wanna go grab a drink?
You: Alright, sure... you're paying, right?
Rose: What? I beat you!
You: Hah, you wish!
Of course, this was all a joke, you both agreed that it was a close match and if you were to decide who was best, it'd be another day, otherwise, you wouldn't leave the training rooms in all day
There was nothing wrong with that, but you wanted to do more things today. And so, after grabbing something to eat real quick, she guided you towards a bar that she knew all too well
It was nice and had a cozy feel to it, most folks were just minding their own business and Rose even knew the bartender. It wasn't often that you got to see her, well, interact with someone outside the team in a friendly manner.
Hell, you even had to convince her that you two weren't actually dating and were just hanging out
Currently, Rose was playing pool with you, this time it was a bit difficult to catch up with her, it was almost as if she knew where did every move of hers would take her before she even did it
You: Okay, tell me how the hell are you so good at this
She laughed at the annoyance in your voice before she got closer to make her move
You see, the trick is to--
???: Aw hell no! I'm not about to lose my fucking life here!
A man practically yelled from across the bar. He looked pretty scuffed and accompanied by someone else
He was staring, no, glaring at Rose
???: Hey, one-eyed freak! This is a place for us normal people, get out before someone ends up dying because of you
She stepped away from the pool table and gave her full attention to this loud customer
Rose: The fuck is that supposed to mean?
???: Whenever one of you "badass kids" show up, there's always something exploding or shit like that that fucks everyone over!
You: For a man looking for peace, you sure are conflictive, mate
Your sudden interference only made the man even angrier. He looked behind her to give you your share of that glare
???: What's up to you, brit boy?
Okay, that's it
You were about to move when Rose's hand stopped you. Gently, she shook your head to ask you to stand down, which you did reluctantly
Seeing as all eyes were on them now, and even the bartender had returned to see what was going on, Rose decided to come up with something
She was going to teach this guy a lesson, but not in the way you'd expect
Rose: Okay dickhead, what about this. We'll solve this over a game of pool
She returned to the table as she spoke
Rose: If you win, we'll get out, but if I win, you'll pay the drinks for everyone here
???: You're. On
Rose smirked before looking back at the bartender
Rose: Is that okay with you, Kenny?
Kenny(?): Hey, money's money
And so began an intense duel of pool. Rose asked you to stand back for this one, she wanted to prove herself
But also, she asked you to place a protective spell around the bar to make sure nothing would actually blow up while playing
Things were escalating pretty quickly, with almost no time to breathe between moves. But then, Rose missed her turn
After such a streak against you, that could not be a coincidence
The man saw this and laughed out loud
???: That eye patch of yours ain't just an accessory!
He made his move...and missed too. His arrogance made him lose focus on his move
And then you saw it, Rose was smiling. The kind of smile that told you that it was already over
You see, Rose hadn't missed, she just set up the move that would lead her to victory in the most in-your-face way possible
She hit the ball with force, which in turn provoked a ruckus that made the others move as well, falling into a hall at the same time
Every single one of them
Upon witnessing this, the man dropped his billiard cue in complete disbelief. His jaw was still hung open
The white-haired caught the stick before it fell and gave him one last taunting look
Rose: So, how big is your wallet?
Rose: And then he just says "fuck that" and jumps out the window!
You: No way! He just bailed like that!
Rose: Yup! Easiest mission ever
You shared a laugh after hearing that story. The man who lost agreed to paid and then left with what dignity he had left
Rose and you got a seat and started drinking a bit yourselves. You were a bit tipsy, but could still function normally
You wouldn't be a Constantine if you couldn't take a few drinks, right?
Rose: And what about you? What's the weirdest case you've been in?
You: Well, I was hired to watch over this wedding. Two paranormal investigators were getting married, you can tell a demon is trying to get revenge on them
She nodded, eager to hear the story
You: The thing is, the place they chose was sacred, so every single thing was either protected or blessed...except the cake
Rose: No...
You: Yup, the wedding was attacked by a demon cake
Laughter ensued once again. Just the thought of a demon possessing such a ridiculous object was enough to make you both laugh like madmen
You: We had to smash the bloody thing and were all like "You gotta buy another cake, this thing's gone sour"
Rose: Demons get desperate sometimes don't they?
She took another sip from her mug
You: Tell me about it
You took a moment to look around after the laughter toned down. It was honestly charming to see so many people having a good time
You: Umm, Rose?
She gave you a "hmm" as she drank from the mug of beer in her hand
You: How the fuck did you accomplish this?
You pointed at the bar to the best of your ability. Rose finished her drink before cackling
You weren't one to be amazed often, so it was quite valuable when you were
Rose: Alright, Y/N, Imma let you in on a little secret of mine
You nodded slowly, not looking away from her
Rose: I'm not just a pretty face with badass fighting skills
Then, she asked you to come closer and whispered in your ear
Rose: I also can peek into the future, just a bit
You got away to give her a confused look
You: Wait, really?
Rose: Yeah, it's more like a glimpse and not always as accurate, but can work if I act quick enough
It took a bit to process that. People usually brag about their powers, and honestly, you thought Rose was just an enhanced mercenary when it came to hers
But in retrospective, it did explain a lot of her moves
You:...Wait, you're telling me that you cheated twice today? When we spared too?
She stopped for a moment to consider this statement but ended up shrugging with a smile
Rose: The visions sometimes just come to me, but it's not often that I act on them
You: Just when you want to show off
This time, both of you were laughing, even snorting a bit
Rose: How do you think we managed to find you at the stadium when you fought that copycat android?
You: Right, I never actually thanked you for that
Rose: Don't, it's what we do
A more serious expression overtook her shortly after
Rose: Imma be honest with you, I barely use this power. I like to try my luck, y' know?
Her eye then fixed on you
Rose: Besides, my teammates are pretty good, so it's not like I need it anyway
Before you could answer, however. A woman came in with two mugs in her hand and thanked her for "inviting" the drinks
Rose said it was nothing, but you could clearly see that this was the best thing that had happened to the people in this bar in quite a while
It wasn't the route you would take either, but Rose was just full of surprises. She had just revealed something important to you, after all
This was so often overlooked, maybe it was time to give her a bit more credit
And you had just the right idea
You: Hey Rose, you know what time it is?
While taken back by this question, she used her phone to give you an answer
Rose: Sure, it's about 1:15, why?
You didn't answer, instead, you smiled and stood up
You: Give me a minute. I'll be right back
You conjured and stepped through a portal before she could even react. Needless to say, Rose was extremely confused by this
Did... did you just bail on her?
No, you wouldn't do that
In the same fashion that you left, you emerged from the same portal to the bar. It wasn't so loud nor big, so nobody noticed it
Nobody but Rose, of course
Rose: The hell was that?
You: Come with me, there's something I wanna show you
Gently, you extended your hand for her to take. While reluctant at first, the mercenary saw the tenderness with which you were looking at her and couldn't help herself
Rose: Alright, let's go
And so, she took your hand and walked through the portal
It wasn't often that she got to use a portal, a magical one anyway, so she was a bit scared of it. Fortunately, it all went away the moment she felt herself on the other side
The cold breeze tenderly stroking her hair, as well as the sound of waves crashing nearby was enough to tell her that you were nowhere near civilization now
Rose: Y/N? where are we?
She asked you while you slowly walked in front of her. Upon hearing her voice, you glanced back at her
You: In Norway, Luv
Chuckling, you asked her to come closer to you
You: Alright, Rose, Imma let you in on a little secret of mine
She giggled at this, immediately understanding the reference, and took a couple of steps in your direction
You: This is my special place. Where I come to think or just hang out by myself
Rose looked around. You had brought them to a cliff, where the waves crashed near but not too much to disturb the peace of this grassy terrain, it also contained one of the best views on the entire planet
Rose: This...this is beautiful
You could tell she was breathless by the sight you were sharing with her, but her eye laid on you eventually
Rose: But why did you bring me here?
You: So you can see this. We're just in time
You took her hand and brought her closer to the edge to see that the Sun was setting. It was 7:18 pm and comparing the difference in time between New York and Norway, it made sense that the day was nearing its end here
You: Beautiful, isn't it?
Rose: is
Both of you were staring at the sunset that only this particular cliff could provide. A big smile carved into both of your faces
Rose: You know, this isn't the kind of day I'd thought I'd have
Then, you felt her squeeze your hand. Right, you never actually let go of it
Rose: It's so much better. Thank you for spending it with me
You: I owed it to you
Rose: You don't owe me anything, Y/N
You: Right, I just wanted to hang out
This earned a giggle from hee, before looking directly at you
Rose: Can I ask why?
You scratched the back of your neck trying to find the right words. Fortunately, it didn't take long
You: You see, Rose, the Titans are a bunch of troubled teens. All of them come from some tragedy but can be the biggest goofballs too
Rose: I can confirm
There was a brief chuckle at this before continuing
You: The point is, they can still make their own light, but you and I? Aside from Raven, we're the ones closest to the darkness. Hell, we even laugh at it sometimes
This caused Rose to look to the side, reflecting on her troubled past. She didn't need to tell you about it to know it was rough
And honestly, one would only need to look at you to know that you're in the same boat
You: We share a more intimate relationship with it, hence why we must guard against being consumed by it
This time, you squeezed her hand gently, making her return her gaze to you
You: Together
Rose didn't know how to respond, but she did know that she was smiling at it. It was true that you had a different dynamic from the rest of the group, but it was also more sincere
You could both take what the other dished out and laugh it off
Rose: ...When did you get so wise?
Exactly like this moment. Her comment made you smirk so easily
You: Ever heard of the Amazon winter solstice?
Rose shook her head with a smile, sighing shortly after to keep herself from going off-topic
Rose: Regardless, you're right. You and I are pretty different from the others but...I feel like I can be myself around you, being a mercenary and everything
Out of instinct, your fingers intertwined with hers as she kept talking
Rose: It's not that often that you get to be yourself without that fear, you know? And I...Oh
Her sudden change of tone caught your attention immediately. You stepped closer to get a better look at her
You: Something wrong?
Rose: Remember what I said about the glimpses of the future?
You: Yeah
Rose: I...I kinda just had one, about what's going to happen
You: What did you see?
Rose: You try to give me my other eye back
For someone who constantly experienced these glimpses, even Rose was surprised by this. And of course, so were you
You: ...I do?
Seeing you just as confused gave Rose an air of relief, seeing as you didn't even plan for it to be the case
Rose: You do, but please, don't. It's... it's kind of a memento mori, you know? I kept it like this for a reason
She got her hand back, only for it to rest on your shoulder, bringing you inches apart from each other
Rose: Still, I'm thankful for this, and your trust, and...well, for everything, Y/N. You earned it
Before you knew it, the distance between you was gone and Rose brought you in for a kiss with surprisingly soft lips
Needless to say, this caught you by surprise didn't feel bad nor wrong
She was warm, tender, and gave you security. Not that you needed it, but for once, you didn't need to be on high-alert all the time
You soon kissed her back and held Rose by her waist. She moved her hands around your neck to deepen the kiss for a little until the need for air forced you to break the kiss
And now, you were staring at each other, panting
You: Did...did you foresee that too?
Rose laughed at your attitude and got a good look at you, cupping your face with her hand
"Yeah, I did"
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