A matter of family
"This better be important, dad, or I swear to the Presence that you won't hear the end of it"
This claim earned a chuckle from the man who pulled you out of a breakthrough moment with Rachel just minutes ago. That man being, of course, your father
Constantine: I missed you too, Y/N
He began to walk through this inter-dimensional plane, searching for the right spot, with you following suit
Constantine: I wasn't interrupting anything important, was I?
You sighed in an attempt to calm yourself down. John Constantine was a prick, but he wouldn't just pull you out for no reason other than an actual crisis
Besides, it's not like he knows when is it okay to interrupt...or that he cares
You: Well, I was restoring my memory when all of the sudden this Garfield boy fell to the ritual of the inner beast and Rachel woke me up to solve it
This comment caught your father by surprise. Mainly because just a few days ago you were barely able to remember your own name
Constantine: Would you look at that. A knight in shining armor and everything
A sigh left your lips once again, this time to recall the fact that Rachel's heart was not yours to pursue once again
You: It's not like that anymore, dad
Constantine: Oh, right...
He stopped in front of a door and opened without a second thought, walking in
Constantine: Wait, who did this to the boy?
You entered after him, now being greeted with the neon-colored smoke, chatter, and traffic of a New York street in the daytime
You: I have some clues, but it literally just happened, I haven't been able to investigate
Constantine: Don't worry, we'll ask someone to help you while we deal with this
Following the man, you crossed the street into a less-populated area
You: And talking about which, what are we doing in New York?
Constantine: Zee called an emergency meeting. All hands on deck
Dwelling even deeper into the streets, less and less people could be seen
Constantine: Someone stole powers from another person
You: But ain't that a regular thing?
Constantine: Not when it leaves them completely unable to retrieve them, no
John led you to a place called the "Midnite Club", where the bouncer was waiting for you
He stopped you both and showed a tarot card, which morphed upon seeing it. Once you told him what you saw, the man let you in
You: That was...weird
Constantine: And you haven't seen the customers, sonny
When you entered the scene, it was clear what he meant. People were making out like no tomorrow with what was clearly a succubus, others were gambling with magic and even drinking some weird things
Somehow, it felt more at home than in many places you had visited lately. Still, the stench of depravity was too strong in this place
Walking away from the common area and into a secret door, John led you to the office of the man in charge of the place
And there he was the infamous man himself, Papa Midnite
Something was not right, though. He looked so beaten up, he even held a bag of ice to his head
With him were the familiar faces of Zatanna and Deadman
When the stage magician saw you, she almost ran to you and pulled you in for a hug
Zatanna: I'm sorry for pulling you out of recovery so soon, Y/N, but you know I wouldn't have done so if this weren't important
Constantine: Don't worry about it. The lad was already exorcising people
She broke the embrace to give you a shocked look. And for good reason
Zatanna: ...You what?
A nervous laugh was inevitable at this point. It was true that you hadn't gotten nearly as much rest as needed, but you were fine overall
You: That's a story for another time
You returned your attention to the beaten club owner, fixing your clothes and "getting serious"
You: So, what happened?
Midnite: Brother night wanted to see me, said something about a big deal to make. When I got there, though, the bastard used some sort of scroll on me, and next thing I know I can't do shit
Deadman: So the bastard ambushed you just like that?
Midnite: Somehow, he stole every bit of magic in my body and then threatened to burn this place down if I didn't surrender to him. Motherfucker even had the balls to say it was just business
Zatanna: But how did you escape?
Midnite: I had some help from the only loyal things I have
With his free hand, he motioned towards the husk of a human he had for a bodyguard. Still standing there
Deadman: This is serious, magic doesn't just leave the body like that. Trust me on this one
Zatanna: Which is why I called upon all of you. We need to stop this before the entire magical community is destroyed
Midnite: Don't forget about giving me back what's mine
Constantine: One crisis at the time, mate
You: How do you suggest we do this, aunt Zee?
You spotted Midnite raise a brow at this but chose to ignore it for the time being
Zatanna: We need to split into groups to cover more ground in less time. Jason Blood and I will look into his library, maybe we can find something useful in there
Midnite: My people will look for him. He's gotta pay for this
Deadman: And I will keep an eye on you, just in case
The man sighed at this, glaring at the ghost
Midnite: How considerate
Constantine: Y/N and I will check the underbelly for some poor devils to give us a more concrete clue
Zatanna: Then it's settled, we'll keep in touch and alert the others if something comes up
Everyone nodded in silent agreement and proceeded to leave the room, there was no time to waste after all.
However, before you exited the club, you were stopped by Zatanna gently holding your wrist
Zatanna: Y/N, please wait
You: Yes?
Ironically, words failed to come to the magician, but her worried gaze told you everything
Zatanna: Just be careful alright? You did just go through a pretty heavy experience
While her concern was genuine, you brushed it off with a confident look
You: Aunt Zee, if there's one thing this job has taught me is that there's no time to rest
She didn't answer to this, if anything her worry just increased. Alright, bad timing, but it was true
You:...But seriously, I'll be fine
Zatanna: You better be
You two came closer for a quick hug before you left the club with Constantine to do your part of the job
While he took the lead, you communicated with the other magic users that you knew like Black Alice, Rachel, and Jennifer. While it was true that the latter wasn't part of it anymore, it was better to make sure she was safe
It didn't take long for John to lead you into a bar hidden from plain sight. While certainly lacking the style that the Midnite Club had, the same unholy stench could be perceived inside
You: Alright, so what's the plan?
Before he opened the door, he turned to look back at you
Constantine: You trust me, right?
Constantine: Too bad, we're doing this
Then, you felt something poking you on the back and painfully take something away from you. It was a white feather
It wasn't the worst feeling in the world, but sure wasn't pleasant either
You: Bloody hell, you could have at least told me!
Constantine: You...you got a point there
Without further due, he opened the door to the bar and gave both of you passage into a medium-sized place. With drinking spirits and demons, complete with a pool table and darts
Constantine: Alright everyone, good to see you
???: I thought we were clear last time, and now you brought another one of your kind with you!
A demon stood up and pointed straight at you
Constantine: Hey, he's legal to drink...I think
Constantine: Anyhow, I got a little something for the first one who can tell me what Brother Night is up to now
???: Why in all of hell's circles would we tell you?
Constantine: Because I have this
From one of his pockets, he pulled out a shiny, white feather. The same that he had just taken away from you
Almost every being in the bar stood up and stared at the object in awe. It was true, a single feather had such high value
He pulls out the angel feather and the demons stare at it with awe. So far, this was going decently enough
???: I'd rather take it from your dead body!
...or not
That same demon lashed out at Constantine, only to be blasted away by you in pure instinct. While your father gave you a smirk, you rolled your eyes in annoyance
Soon enough, Constantine himself would blast away another incoming threat, getting back to back with you
And so, a fight inevitably ensued in the bar. The demons took this act of aggression as a war declaration, even though they were the ones that started
It wasn't much of a challenge, but they had you outnumbered by a lot
You: This isn't working!
You docked under a bottle being thrown your way, barely missing
Constantine: You got any better ideas?
You: Actually, I do
You threw a bolt of energy to the floor and a cloud of smoke swallowed it entirely, revealing seconds later a pitch-black void with a few stars in it
The demons stopped fighting you to look at their new environment, confused about what was even going on
Then, the stars in the floor died out and everything returned to nothingness for a couple of seconds
And from that nothingness, a thunderous roar echoed throughout the room, almost too loud to bear
When the demons looked down, they screamed in horror when they discovered a creature lurking where the floor used to be. John couldn't help but stare at the scene with a proud smile, though
Confident in what you were doing, you stood up and started talking to compliment the act
You: You wankers think you have it all figured out because you know hell, but even that has an end. This thing below us is beyond the concept of time itself
It was a bubbling mass of eyes, glowing orbs, and tendrils, with the latter threatening to emerge from the floor and swallow everything in the bar
You: Beyond heaven and hell, time and even existence lies Yog-Sothoth. You guys can't really die, but down there? You'd wish you could
As eyes appeared and disappeared from the creature, a colossal sound from it echoed into the room that would put the biggest whale to shame, taking by storm the building's very foundation and throwing over a breeze of sheer cold over all of you
You: Even Satan would beg to return to the punishment he knows just so he isn't thrown here, into the space between realms. Into nothingness
Finally, one of the demons who was cowering in the corner chose to speak up, practically screaming
The demon pointed at his friend, but when you turned to look at him, you found only the backdoor open. Just gave himself away
Afraid for his own life, Zerym started the engine on a bike he had nearby and made a run for it. He turned around the corner and rushed into the streets
About ten seconds in, he spotted John Constantine standing there in front of him. A monstrous grin appeared on the demon's face as he accelerated to hit his target
But then, when he was supposed to run into the magician, he crashed into what looked like a giant glass wall that stopped the momentum he had
He survived the crash, although many of his motor functions wouldn't be the same for quite a while. Fortunately, in this case, demons were hard to kill
But then, something got a hold of Zerym's legs and dragged him to the alleyway next to the crash and slammed him straight to the wall
In front of him, were you
You: If you try that again, your bike might not be the only thing that breaks
Then, Constantine approached him with his usual smirk
Constantine: Careful. I don't know how long can I hold my friend here
Zerym: Okay, okay... I'll talk...Just put me down
You: I swear if you try to run again
Zerym: Look at my bloody legs, mate, I wouldn't be able to anyway
He had a point. You gently put the demon down so that he could lean against the wall, but didn't have much room to try anything either
The demon sighed before looking up at you
Zerym: It happened a week ago. Night had a word of a temple forgotten by time containing something big, something that would give him the power that he craved
Constantine: Where was it?
Zerym: A Sumerian temple almost swallowed whole by the sand. Took some days to do the digging and a few more to bring it to this country
You: And what's the artifact?
Zerym: The scroll of Adapa, I think. When we found it he pretty much gave us a week off just to leave him alone
Constantine: You do realize there's a chance that he won't hire you again, right?
Zerym: Was tired of the bastard anyway. You got what you wanted?
Constantine and you looked at each other for a second and nodded at the demon. You snapped your fingers and suddenly, Zerym's legs mended themselves
You: Consider this as a gesture of good faith. Tell Brother Night about this and we'll break them again, deal?
The creature nodded eagerly before practically fleeing the scene. You had done your part now
Constantine: We gotta tell the others about this
You: On it
He chuckled before reaching out for a cigarette. You took this as a chance to proceed on your own
And so, you focused and with both hands opened a small portal that allowed you to see Jason Blood's library
You: Hello? Jason Blood? It's Y/N
The man stopped to look at you through the two-way portal
Jason: Y/N, what do you got for us?
You: What you're looking for is the scroll of Adapa. Sumerian but apparently forgotten in time
The man put a hand on his chin, pondering the mythology behind those names until something clicked
Jason: Of course, the being who turned down immortality. Thank you Y/N, we'll tell you when we have something
He was about to leave when an idea came to your mind, something that was a bit more personal
You: Wait, before you go. Can you look into something for me?
I must say, you impressed me back there, kid. Who even is Yog-Sothoth?"
"It's something from a freaky novel my friend Kori gave me. I wanted an excuse to try it"
John chuckled when he heard that. While you waited for a signal from the others, you chose to go to a restaurant, for the sake of a different scenery
You didn't order anything other than coffee (except that John had a flask with him) since you were just using the place as a cover until one of Midnite's spies gave you a hint as to where Brother Night was
You tell him what you've been up to and John says that he's proud of you but he is cut short by Jason
Constantine: Well, it worked. I've never seen the bastards so scared of something before
You chuckled before taking a sip out of your cup, taking some time to relax...or at least until his next dialogue
Constantine: Listen, there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about
He got a "hmm" as an answer from you since you were still busy with your drink
Constantine: Zee told me about that dream you had when Enchantress got you
The furrowed eyebrows you pointed at him was enough of a sign that you didn't know what he was talking about, so he chose to continue
Constantine: You know, where everything was normal and you ate breakfast with me and "mum", and got this Rose chick as your-
If you didn't have enough willpower, you would have spilled your coffee out. Now you knew what he was on about
You: Alright alright, I remember now. What about it?
John couldn't help but chuckle at your reaction. It was something of a personal experience after all
However, his smile didn't last long as he touched on the next topic
Constantine: I...I know you've had a pretty rushed life, Y/N. Hell, we didn't even ask you what did you want to be when you grow up
The man had his hands on his head when he said that, with a sigh leaving his lips shortly after that. He collected his thoughts before looking directly at you
Constantine: It all happened so fast, you know? One day you beat three demons at poker and the next one Doctor Fate tells you to take care of this new person in your life who came out of nowhere
He stopped when you placed a hand on his shoulder to help him snap out of it. He gave you a saddened smile as a result
It wasn't every day that you saw the universally deceiving John Constantine being, well, honest, so you gave him the chance
Constantine: The point is, we never stopped to think what did you want, and if you want something better, I won't blame you for that
That sounded...oddly familiar
"Look, Jen, the path we magic users walk ain't an easy one, not by a landslide. I understand there's more to your life than this, and I won't hold it against you if you call it quits"
"Hey, it's no sin to wish for a better life"
After a brief moment to think about what he said, you eventually looked up at him and smiled, catching him off-guard
You: I... I think that if I wanted that, I would have escaped a long time ago. I mean, the Amazons, Fate, and pretty much everyone I grew up with told me that I was going to do something great eventually so it's not like it was up for debate
Constantine: Fair
You: But I don't dislike either, you know? I mean just look at my routine. Saving the world every three days with a bunch of quirky teenagers and every other weekend with you guys, my actual family
A smile could be seen in that grizzled face, as in a genuine smile
You: And sure, a quiet life would've been nice, but just for a while. I think I like this chaos, you know?
The man in front of you laughed openly at this. Perhaps he had grown accustomed to it in the same way you were
Once he was done, he sighed and gave you a smirk
Constantine: It's too late to be the responsible father, is it?
This time you chuckled, at least he had his sense of humor intact
You: It is...but thanks for asking anyway, I...I appreciate it, dad
He nodded at you before playing with your hair. There was this silent understanding after that
You: Look at it this way. You aren't an all-powerful demon trying to steal my soul, so as far as parents, you're not so bad
Constantine: You got a point there, kid
You shared a laugh after that. It was true, while he wasn't the best father, at least he wasn't actively trying to murder you like some other parents you knew
And it was weird that he suddenly stopped to ask if you were okay with all the chaos and shenanigans that would become your life
But after experiencing literally another life, perhaps it was the best time. At least you knew where you stood for the time being
It wasn't long before that same life called upon you, as a woman walked by and headed towards the bathrooms but discretely left a note over your table as she walked by
"Expect him"
Before you could ask what was going on, you were suddenly transported back to Midnite's office
Seeing as you were a bit transparent, it was safe to assume that it wasn't actual teleportation
When you looked around, you found only Zatanna, Midnite, and Constantine himself
Midnite: My spies had to work hard for this one, but we found the son of a bitch who took my powers
You: Where is he?
Midnite: In San Francisco. Rumor has it that the bastard built an underground place for himself right under a church
Then, Zatanna stepped in
Zatanna: We found the source of his powers thanks to the information you two gave us, but we're still working on a counter-measure to Night's nullifier
Constantine: What do you need?
Zatanna: You, actually. I need your help to enchant something that will help Y/N long enough to kick his ass
You: So I do the fun part?
She couldn't help but giggle at your enthusiasm. True, it was fun playing the detective, but confronting the source was just as fun sometimes
Zatanna: Not alone no, once you teleport to San Francisco, Jason Blood and Deadman will be waiting for you. Don't even think I'd let you wander off on your own just yet
Midnite: Some of my spies will guide you through the city, just make sure they stay out of the fight
Constantine: Then it's settled then
Zatanna turned to you and placed an astral hand on your shoulder, smiling with hat motherly gaze of hers
Zatanna: Good luck, Y/N
If you could, you'd do the same, but a smile did the trick
You: You too
And so, you were transported back to the restaurant where you were talking with John, who woke up at the same time as you and once he recognized you, he smirked
Constantine: Good hunting, Y/N
You: Same to you
You paid for the drinks and left the place, walking into an alley to open a portal that led you to San Francisco. It was a bit tricky, but nothing you couldn't handle with enough concentration and willpower... literally
You appeared in a street, fortunately not in the middle of traffic. A few minutes of figuring out where exactly where you and you heard a voice calling your name
From across the street was a young man waving at you. Must be Midnite's
You walked towards him and gave him a nod, to which he replied
???: You picked a good spot to appear considering that we didn't give you the exact location
You: Where are the others?
???: A few blocks ahead. Follow me
You complied and followed the spy towards a library. It was surprising just how many things they used as a hideout these days, but heir efficiency can't be questioned
When you headed into the "Historical" section, you spotted a man in a suit and a ghost looking at some books. When they spotted you, they smiled
Deadman: Over here, buddy!
Jason: It is good to see you, Y/N
You: You too, guys
Jason then turned to the spies
Jason: Please wait for us in front of the library, we need to get ready
They nodded and left without hesitation. The suited man then placed a hand on your shoulder to get your attention
Jason: I brought what you asked for, but do you mind telling me why do you need this specific Amazon ritual?
He handed you a recipe tied to a small wooden statue of a greek goddess
You: Well, I was kind of working on a case before I came to help with this
From behind him, floated your other companion, Deadman
Deadman: Wait, but weren't you restoring your memories?
You: You know what they say, Boston. Ain't no rest for the wicked
He chuckled at this while you conjured a small blue flame that safely stored the object in another place so it wouldn't get destroyed in the incoming battle
It would help you with another case, after all
You: Thank you very much for your assistance, Jason
The man nodded with the hint of a smile before he straightened his jacket
Jason: Constantine and Zatanna should perfect the protection spell any minute now, we can start approaching the area in the meantime
You: Let's get going then
And so you left the library, this time in the company of Jason and the spies...and Deadman, but only you two could see the guy
After five minutes of walking, you turned to a corner and found the spies opening up a sewer manhole. They did say that it was underground
You cast a spell and summoned a bunch of floating disks of energy below everyone. Jason smiled at this gesture
Jason: Thank you Y/N
You: Don't mention it. I just washed this thing
You motioned at your pants before finally heading down to the sewers and thanks to those disks, without actually having to get in
You went past a couple of blocks before you noticed the sewers changing in structure
Spy: Heads up, we're nearly there
Then, time slowed down as everything else turned grayish. Suddenly, Zatanna and John made an appearance
Zatanna: Sorry for the delay, my Sumerian is a bit rusty
Constantine: Nothing a good dictionary can't handle
He grabbed three amulets and handed them to you
Zatanna: These will shield the three of you from any attempt to steal your powers. Even Boston needs. To wear one
Deadman: For me? Aw, you shouldn't have!
He picked the object and placed it around his neck. Suddenly, a green aura surrounded him for a bit before disappearing
Constantine: It will only last thirty minutes, so make them count
Jason and you grabbed your respective amulets and shielded yourselves
You: Thank you, just in time
Constantine: Good hunting
And with that, everything returned to normal, as if they were never even there in the first place. However, you were now properly equipped
You kept walking until you reached a point in which everything seemed to be made out of stone, ancient stone
The sounds of the city were long gone, and in their place were the muffled sounds of music. Someone was there alright
When you came out of a corner, you saw a giant wooden door and two winged creatures guarding it
Keeping themselves from being seen, the spies motioned you to halt and came closer to whisper:
Spy: This is as far as we'll take you. We'll keep anyone else from entering but you'll have to do the worst part
You: Fair enough. Jason?
He stepped forward, walking towards the giant door as he started to chant
Jason: Gone, gone the form of man...
Flames began to engulf his body as he made his presence known to the creatures
They immediately got alarmed by this intrusion and launched an attack, only to be stopped by the monstrous figure that stood where Jason previously was
Etrigan: And rise the demon Etrigan!
The giant demon held the guard by their necks while he stood there proudly, grinning at their terrified expressions before knocking them out with one brutal swing
The rest of you came out of hiding, you now had conjured your Amazon sword and held it on your back
You: Well done, good guy. Ready to make an entrance?
The yellow beast nodded at you with that same defiant attitude
Etrigan: We were called to battle, we'll slaughter them like cattle!
With that, he kicked open the doors to the giant room that awaited you. Boston and you walked behind him and the doors were closed by the spies, who began their guard
The place looked like a castle on the inside, with numerous demons partying very much as humans would, sick and crazed humans
While lacking any windows, the place did have a good illumination, even the lights changed colors now and then because, well, it was a party
At least until you behemoth of an ally kicked the door open
The music stopped the moment you made your presence known to the crowds around you
However, the snapping of a finger made them all step aside so that you could now see the center of the room
All the way across, was a suited man with rotting, gray skin, yet he still had hair somehow, he also had a large cane with him. While he sat on a modest throne, he had two bodyguards with him
One was your average massive demon, and the other was a red lady with horns and a tail, with black parts on her skin serving as some sort of armor or costume
You've seen this lady before. Zatanna mentioned her at some point
Without changing his posture, he kept his dead gaze fixed on you three and smiled
Night: Etrigan, the Deadman, and Y/N L/N himself! Even though you were not invited, you are welcome here
Then, he took a sip out of his beverage and returned to look at your unusual group
Night: What can I do for you?
Oh, so he was one of those types of bad guys
You: How about you stop throwing the magical community into oblivion for five bloody minutes?
Night: What are you talking about?
Deadman: We heard what you did to Midnite. I mean, the guy's a scumbag but c'mon
While the conversation carried on, you looked around and spotted some odd fellows, more than the usual crowd. More particularly, some of them had the same stench that Midnite's club did
Considering that the stench wasn't putrefaction or anything like that, but rather magic, it could only mean one thing
Night: I'm sorry but all I'm hearing are baseless accusations
You: You want proof? I'll give you proof
You grabbed your sword and slashed away at someone standing behind you. With one swift move, you removed his head
Of course, there was shock. Before anyone asked just what were you even doing, you observed that there was no blood coming from the corpse
Then, you pointed at the scene while looking at Brother Night himself, who was taken off-guard by this gesture as well
You: You used his magic to give yourself a few more mindless followers. And the thing he's drinking? You know only demons can withstand your drinks
The man started to clap with a wicked grin
Night: Truly, a detective in your own right
Then, he stood up with his cane in hand
Night: I can give you gentlemen anything you want. Infinite wealth, beautiful women, even a new life
Shortly after, however, his taunting smile faded
Night: But I'm afraid that what you're asking for is not up for negotiation
Slightly, he turned to the side, looking at the red woman beside him
Night: Ember, would you be so kind as to escort them outside?
Ember: Charmed
The woman answered with her raspy voice as she walked down the steps and made her way to you, with the crowds still staring
Ember: Let's go
She was about to grab your arm when you stepped back and looked behind her, directly at her boss
You: Do you know what's the problem with voodoo magic, Night? That it likes to collect so much more than any other of its type
You glanced at some of the green-eyed members of the crowd, some were even twitching
You: And the first chance it gets, it'll come to get you
The man got back on his seat, giving you a condescending smile
Night: I assure you, young Constantine, that I have everything under control
This time, you returned the smile
You: Bullshit. You can't even control your own guards
Before he could ask what you meant, the other demon guarding him started to convulse violently, roaring before he lashed out at the crowd
This was thanks to Deadman, who never even entered the room with you, but you used an illusion to fake his presence
And so, in the body of the bodyguard, Deadman started to unleash hell amongst the partygoers
Ember was alarmed by this, but she was sent flying to the other side of the room by the heavy fist of Etrigan, who of course, would never waste the opportunity
Brother Night quickly lost his pesky smile, now he was straight-up pissed. He snapped his fingers and made an ancient scroll appear in his hand
Night: That's it
He chanted his spell, making a green surge of energy spark from the scroll and throw itself towards you like a blaze of fire that covered both Etrigan and you
He sighed, thinking that with that, you troublemakers would stop destroying the place, but his dead yellow eyes went wide again when he saw the scene in front of him
It was both of you, still standing and glowing with the same aura that your amulets provided you
Meaning, Brother NIght's biggest weapon had absolutely no effect on you
As if you were mocking the businessman, you looked at your ally with a calm smile
You: So, Etrigan, pick your target
A chuckle left the monster's lips while he cracked his knuckles
Etrigan: Out of all the contenders, I choose to fight Ember
Like if you were opening a door for a lady, you sidestepped with a gesture
You: Go for it, big guy
He nodded before he clapped and fire summoned his gigantic sword. With that, he jumped to action without a second thought
Being seduced by this chaos, the voodoo spirits that Night had carelessly summoned started to join the fight and began to attack pretty much anyone they could find
To be fair, you did warn him about this
Having been left without his two bodyguards and secret weapon, Brother Night was pretty much losing his mind and in an act of desperation used his cane to control the crowds and made them stand between you and him
You used your sword to cut down anyone who tried to get in your way. Fortunately, none of these creatures were innocent...or had free will, to begin with
You: I don't like saying "I told you" but...
Then, Ember threw a fireball at you, only for you to step back and dodge it. However, it was enough for NIght to blast you away with his cane
You almost fell down the steps he had, but NIght quickly gained his high ground and of course, his arrogance
Night: That was a very clever play, young Y/N. Killing you would be a waste of potential, how about I make you my right-hand man?
Suddenly, the dragon woman was launched across the room, with Etrigan landing right in front of you
Etrigan: Spare the conversation, Y/N is a warrior free of temptation
Brother Night attacked with his cane, launching blast after blast to harm Etrigan, but a blazing fire destroyed the attacks and even provided some coverage
As soon as the fire dissipated, a sword was swung at the cane, striking it away from Night's hands
Deadman: Watch out!
You were pulled back by Etrigan seconds before another blaze hit the area. This one was caused by Ember, who inserted herself back in the fight
She breathed fire upon you once again, only to be matched by Etrigan's own blast. Being the coward that he was, Night took this opportunity to get back up and make a run for it
You couldn't let him go, not when you were so close. So you pointed at Ember and smirked before you made a minor incantation
Soon enough, Ember's attack started to weaken, much to her confusion
Ember: What the- aghfhgk!
Her fire transformed into water as soon as it returned to her, causing the woman to start coughing aggressively, but just enough for Etrigan to knock her out with a massive blow
You: Well done
Your ally nodded before looking around for your target, but it was a bit difficult thanks to your own chaotical diversion
Etrigan: Across the room is Night, he has given up on the fight!
Etrigan was right, the businessman was rushing for the only exit in the room, the main entrance
However, just before he reached it, he was knocked back by Deadman, who was possessing his own bodyguard
Deadman: Not so fast, pal
The impact made Night fall on his feet and even drop the scroll, which Deadman picked up despite numerous attempts to stop him
Deadman: Heads up, Y/N!
The possessed demon threw the scroll at you and luckily you managed to catch it before one of the voodoo monsters did.
To prevent Brother Night from getting it back, Boston escaped from the body he was occupying, making it fall on top of Brother Night, effectively immobilizing him
Well, that was certainly a way to take care of it
Now that you were sure that it was safe, you held the infamous scroll with both hands and extended it while reciting a spell of your own
You: Resarciendum a te factum est
The scroll started to glow a bright white. A blue flame engulfed the object slowly
Night: NO!!
You: Yes, mate
Then, you used your hands to echo your voice
You: Your turn now
As soon as you said that, the voodoo monsters stopped moving, all of them were as still as a statue. Night began to shriek in horror
He knew what this meant
Right behind you, a portal opened, and from it came Constantine, Zatanna, and a fully-restored Papa Midnite
Midnite: About damn time
The man spotted you and actually gave you a respectful look
Midnite: Your kid ain't half bad. Good to know something decent can come out of Constantine
He kept walking after he said that, and Constantine then approached you
Constantine: That's his way of saying "thank you"
While Etrigan, Deadman, and you stood guard, the rest approached the immobilized Brother Night, and needless to say, he was terrified
Midnite: Hey, Night, nice to see you again
Night: L-Listen, I can repay you for the damage
Midnite: Oh, you will, motherfucker
The businessman then looked at Constantine as if begging for another punishment
Night: You really going to leave me with him?
The blond blew smoke on his face, smiling once he saw his reaction
Constantine: You brought this one upon yourself, mate
Midnite was pleased with the results. Pleased as in he didn't try to murder you immediately after he got his powers
Well, mainly because he was busy planning his vengeance. Etrigan returned to being Jason and returned home, Deadman stayed a little bit just to make sure everything would be fine
That left you with Zatanna and Constantine back on the surface. After the fight, you leaned against the wall of the church that was above the secret lair
Zatanna: You did an amazing job, Y/N. Thank you for helping us
You: Just doing my job
Constantine: That's the spirit, buddy
He ruffled your hair playfully
The three of you looked at the street in front of the building
Zatanna: Hey, when was the last time we caught up without one of us being gravely injured?
You: Like...a couple of months, why?
Zatanna: Oh. Well then, what about we do something about it?
The tender look she was giving you was so kind, motherly even
Zatanna: Because there should always be time to rest
You couldn't help but laugh at this, knowing that she remembered your last conversation
You: I'd like a break
Zatanna: Wonderful!
The stage magician then directed her attention to the other person in the scene. Constantine was smoking with his gaze fixed in the distance until he caught her looking at him
She gave him a signal with her eyes, earning a chuckle from the man once he understood what she meant and threw his cigarette, stepping on it
"Heh, why not?"
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