Chapter Seven ~ Holiday
(The following chapter contains obscene amounts of Christmas Cheer. I understand that not everyone celebrates this holiday and I apologize if it offends anyone that I have put it in this chapter. Season's Greetings and good Tidings to You All.)
The early morning sun hit the snow just outside the window, leaving a glistening streak of fire along the bed, glowing near your eyes. They flickered open, and as you tried to turn over something pulled you further into bed, blanketing you in darkness again.
"Ugh... Sans.." You mumbled through the sheets. "Lift your- hey!"
He pulled in tighter, keeping you constricted in his bony grasp.
"Hey, quit it!"
"You quit it." He muttered. "I'm trying to sleep."
You pushed against him with all of your tired strength, and with a sigh he let go, causing you to fall backwards onto the floor.
"Ugh! You are the worst!"
He chuckled and tucked the blankets around him like a plush barrier as you reached for the pillow that fell with you. The blankets flinched with every strike as you beat him into the mattress.
"Haha... S-stop! You're gonna- ow!"
"What's that? I can't hear you over your beating!"
A burst of blue light flung the blanket over to you and pushed you on the ground, and Sans had you pinned under the covers with a devilish grin.
"I said, you're gonna unleash my special attack."
Typical; Skele-jerk won't use his magic unless it's to put you in a compromising position.
You smiled. "Cool. Let me show you mine."
You reached your neck up and planted a kiss on his smile, and while he was distracted you pushed away with your arms and grabbed the layer of sheets over yourself as a cloaking device. You saw his hands wave around them, struggling to push them out of the way, and in that time you were able to get out from under him and circle behind him. You pounced, and a wrestling war began between a veil of blue chevron against the monster. "You're not winning this one." You snarled playfully, grabbing each of his hands in your own and weaving your fingers into his bones.
"He looks defeated," Sans narrated in a bold, theatrical voice, "but wait! It looks like another incredible move is about to be made by the great Sans-ation!"
"Don't you dare-"
He backed away quickly, sending you off-guard, before pouncing with his legs and pushing you back onto the pile of down feathers and cotton. With an 'oof', your body hit the cushions and you glared up at him, but your expression softened as he stared back with a tender gaze. His eyes lingered lazily on you, and you quickly remembered how bare you were in the white camisole top. You felt the heat of a blush on your cheeks and you raised an eyebrow.
"If you take a picture, it'll last longer." You leered.
His grin widened and he winked. "I prefer the physical copy."
"Sans-"but the tongue was already starting to form in his mouth and he buried his face into your neck. You felt the light pressure of his teeth against your throat and gasped as the warm slimy organ wriggled on the skin, coiling and sliding down to the collarbone.
"You're not being f-fair. You know that I'm sensit-ah!" Your breath hitched as his chuckles cooled the trail his tongue left behind, leaving goosebumps.
"Should I migrate, then?" He asked in a low growl.
"L-later." You gasped. "It's Christmas. Everyone's h-here!"
He sighed and ceased fire, letting the flame in his eye and tongue slowly fade away. "Heh. You're right. Not sure what we can get away with while they're just downstairs."
You felt a little sorry for interrupting, but nodded. "Exactly."
"Besides, I wouldn't wanna open my gift early, now, would I?" He purred into your ear as he helped you up, reigniting the hot color in your face. "Oh, you should probably shower before you go downstairs."
"Hm?" You touched a hand to your neck and looked at it. Wet, glowing, and bright cyan. "Oh. Right."
You stepped out and after shutting the door behind you made your way down the right side of the hall to the bathroom. The door opened to reveal a thin veil of hot mist spilling out into the hallway. Once you were inside, you started to undress and turned the shower on, then took the black hair tie out of your messy do. Putting it gently on the sink, you stepped into the steaming hot shower and hastily turn the temperature down.
"I'm never going to get used to their plumbing..."
You let your thoughts wander in the shower, and you recalled a night where you spoke with Gaster- well, he 'spoke' and you'd talk back- outside of the house. It was strange to see his figure be undisturbed by the blinking red and green that decorated the houses in the quiet suburbia, while he watched with a calm content as they shone against the shimmering hills of snow.
"Gaster," you asked, "is Sans your son?"
He looked at you with a wary smile. -He is very much a son to me.- He replied.
"Does he remember you?"
Gaster frowned a bit. -He remembers what I once was. Not who I have become in this timeless void.-
"Can I assume you weren't very well-liked?"
-I was respected for my work, but it cost me dearly. I was in charge of finding a way out of the underground. I experimented on the essence of human SOULs, and that of monsters, to see what made yours stronger from ours. Many of the results ended in failures, and some ended in casualties, but Sans was the first neutral result... No. He was my first success.-
His eyes closed for a moment, and it looked like he was taking a deep breath. You felt a soft sorrow in your heart for the strange being, caught in a veil of space and an empty void. Something suddenly came to your mind.
"Gaster, does Asgore or Toriel remember you?"
He looked at you for a moment with a puzzled expression.
-No, I don't believe they do.-
-I was ripped from space and time. Toriel and Asgore exist in their own lifetime, and so I can be removed, but Sans is by definition a part of me. He could not exist without my own existence, and so his memories stay intact.-
"Then... How am I able to remember you?"
-There are some theories I've considered, but the one that seems most plausible would be that your existence also depended on me. I believe you remember me because I saved you.-
That stayed with you, and as you pondered his meaning while lathering in soaps you felt that, at the same time you couldn't understand, you knew exactly what he meant.
Also, that whatever he really meant, was probably in the journal.
You decided it was settled; regardless of your fears, knowing the truth was more important than protecting yourself from it. You were going to read the journal once everyone left after the holiday.
Drying off and putting on your holiday sweater, you looked at it through the mirror. It was large and bright red, and stitched into the knit was a gathering of elves with gifts, dancing around a snowman and words that read "Snow Time like the Presents!" All of the sweaters had been picked out by Frisk and Sans this year, much to everyone's dismay- especially Papyrus. With a sigh, you towel-dried your hair and kept the hair tie on your wrist until your hair had dried.
Downstairs, there were piles of presents stacked around the tree next to the couch in the living room. On the couch sat Undyne and Alphys, who watched a special about a reindeer monster saving Christmas by being decorated. Frisk ran from the kitchen to the bottom of the stairs, looking upat you with glee.
"Did you see it?! Santa was here!" She cheered, bouncing up and down.
"I definitely see that." You said back with a smile. "Where's Tori?"
"She's making breakfast with Papyrus! Wanna help?"
I almost think I've had enough breakfast-spaghetti. You thought, but said "of course! Meet me in there."
She disappeared back into the kitchen and you quickly crossed in front of the tv. Alphys smiled when you waved to her apologetically.
"Oh, h-hey Kalia." She said. "I almost didn't recognize you with your hair down."
"Oh yeah?" You remarked, combing through it a little. You didn't realize how long it had been since you didn't have it in a ponytail. "I'm just waiting for it to dry. How was the concert?"
"It was awesome!" Undyne grunted, shaking her fists in excitement. "The music was so intense! The lights flashed everywhere! Half the audience was blind or deaf!"
"U-Undyne!" Alphys stammered. "It wasn't that intense!"
"Well I like to think it was!"
You laughed. "Wow, sounds like you guys had a blast."
"The whole night was pretty great." Undyne's voice was a little calmer when she said it, and Alphys' face turned bright red and she covered it with her hands. You took the hint and giggled with Undyne at the blushing monster who shrunk into the couch cushions before continuing to the kitchen. Inside, Toriel was pouring a cup of tea for Asgore, Frisk watched the sizzling bacon intently, and Papyrus stirred a pot of tomato sauce with both hands still trapped in the little paper tube from yesterday. Frisk turned and waved to you.
"Hey, Kali! Wanna help make pancakes?"
Tori looked up from her task and smiled warmly at you. "You look very rested, Kalia. Did you want some tea or coffee?"
"I'll take some coffee, please."
"With sugar, thank you."
"Please, have a seat; we will wait until the bacon is done before starting the pancakes." She said as she placed the teapot on the table and walked to the coffee pot.
You took the seat nearest to the right wall next to Asgore, who sipped his tea quietly while reading the newspaper. A subtle sleepiness crept over you as you watched this strange group function so perfectly. The smiles they shared as they worked over the stove, the occasional banter that lead to light laughter, and the overall warmth of the busy kitchen pulled something into you. A sense of longing, or perhaps a looming despair. You wondered if you ever had this with your own family. You wondered if there was a time your own father would have reached to your mother with a loving peck, and a smile would've spread from his face to hers so naturally.
You wondered why you felt so guilty all of a sudden.
"Hm? Is something wrong, Kalia?" The deep voice broke your train of thought abruptly and you shot up from your slouched arms on the table.
"Y-yeah." You breathed a light laugh and fidgeted nervously with your sleeves. "I was just... Deep in thought. I'm sorry."
He waved your apology away with a smile in his eyes. "No need to be sorry."
You smiled back.
"Here you are, child." Toriel handed you a small blue mug. "I hope it's to your liking."
You thanked her and took a sip. The bitter drink had a light sweetness to it and went down so smoothly, you wondered for a moment if it was made with magic. "It's perfect! Thank you, Toriel." You said cheerfully.
She looked relieved. "You're very welcome."
The bacon was done, each piece folded to look like Christmas trees, and Toriel prepared the batter as you washed your hands and threw on a green and red apron. Frisk took out some metal cookie cutters from the night before and sprayed them with cooking oil before setting them on the griddle, and you helped her pour the batters into the shapes. Little fluffy snowmen and trees, snowflakes and stars started to stack on a sparkling holiday platter until the mixing bowls were empty. The different flavors of pumpkin, gingerbread, and sugar cookie were separated from the plain to avoid confusion. You brought the plate to the table, and Toriel reached into the fridge and pulled a platter of different fruits and followed suit. Once everything was set, Toriel called the others to the table, and you returned to your seat with a plate of bacon, pumpkin pancakes, and cut strawberries and watermelon. Frisk sat between Toriel and Asgore, and after Papyrus set his pasta and meat sauce beside the fruit bowl, he sat next to Toriel. Undyne and Alphys came in next, and lastly Sans appeared, taking the last seat next to you.
"Man, this all looks GREAT!" Undyne took a rather large fork (that she wouldn't admit was just one of her spears) and stabbed a stack of five pancakes and flung them into a pool of maple syrup and butter. "Thanks, guys!"
Alphys took a couple of sugar cookie pancakes and one piece of bacon, then filled a little bowl with water- and honey dew melon pieces. Sans went for some gingerbread pancakes and a modest amount of bacon, with some grapes scattered on his plate. Toriel and Asgore each took equal shares of bacon, pancakes, and fruit, while Frisk shoveled strawberries onto her plain pancakes and had Toriel help her pour some maple syrup. Papyrus happily poured sauce on his plate of spaghetti, followed by the last of the pumpkin pancakes on top. Sans also grabbed an extra plate of spaghetti and put it between his and your plate with two forks. You looked at him and he winked, and you nodded helplessly. It was Christmas, after all.
"I hear the lights at the rink are really great this year." Asgore stated. "It may be a bit more crowded, too."
"I hope they're still gonna give out the sparklers!" Frisk said, her mouth half-full of pancake.
"Do you mean the ice rink in the park?" You asked.
"Oh, yes." Toriel said excitedly. "We like to go every year, as a family. It is so much fun, and the lights are so beautiful there."
"Wow, it sounds like a great tradition." You breathed before taking a sip from the mug you hugged in your hands.
"I-it's more fun when you know how to skate." Alphys mumbled.
"Or if someone's helping you stay up the whole time." Undyne chimed in.
"Undyne," Sans said, "I don't think holding someone over your head and skating is going to help them learn."
The table rang with laughter as Alphys blushed again but joined in with a soft giggle.
"No worries, Alphys." You said, reaching over and patting her hand. "I don't skate, either."
"I'll carry both of ya!" Undyne shouted, hitting the table with a determined fist.
There was more laughter and light conversation as you feasted together. In the other room was the sound of light holiday music playing on the television, and the smell of gingerbread wafted and mixed with fresh coffee grounds. You and Sans took turns eating spaghetti and chasing it quickly with coffee and bacon, and once some plates were empty Toriel began taking them to the sink that was readily filled with soapy water. You and Sans helped her with the last of the dishes as Frisk pushed the rest of the group into the next room. You went into the living room and saw everyone was gathered around the tree, sitting on the couch and some pillows that were set on the floor. Sans took a seat next to Frisk on a large red pillow next to the tree, and as you went to sit on her other side Sans grabbed you and plopped you on his lap. You heard a muffled squeal from Alphys' direction, and your face grew a little hot. Papyrus happily placed everyone's presents in front of them, and you were surprised to see presents from each monster stacked before you.
"I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL GO FIRST!" Papyrus announced, tearing open a present. Inside was a series of Sudoku and Word Jumble books, which he held close with delight. "WOWIE! THANK YOU, UNDYNE AND ALPHYS!"
"No problem, Pap." Undyne said, smiling big from ear to ear, before taking a present and handing it to Alphys.
Everyone took turns opening presents and thanking their donors. Your own gifts were equally as thoughtful; you were given CD's of artists you liked, some action movies, two dark-colored sweatshirts and tees. Soon, the living room was a chaos of wrapping paper, perfect gifts, and gracious 'thank yous', as hats and mittens were tried on for size and different gadgets and teas were looked over with bright eyes and beaming smiles.
Toriel, Asgore, and Frisk had you open their gift before the last gift from Sans, and you opened it to see a pair of ice skates in your size. You held them up and stared at them for a while.
"We wanted you to have a pair of your own, since the rentals at the rink run out so quickly." Toriel said. "Do you like them?"
"I... I do.." You said quietly, feeling something swell in your chest as you traced your scarred fingers over the embroidered snowflakes at the heel. "I... I just didn't think... I was actually invited..." The last few words trailed off and you felt the body underneath you hold you a little closer.
"Well, of course child." Toriel said, flustered. "You are very dear to us. I'm surprised you didn't know that already."
"I... Thank you." The smile on your face made your cheeks a bit sore, but you paid it no mind. "Thank you."
"Last gift, babe." Sans gestured to the last wrapped box in front of you.
You nodded and unwrapped it. You lifted the thin lid of the box to reveal some folded black velvet, and you pulled it out to reveal that they were finely crafted gloves. When they unraveled, something metal hit the bottom of the box with a thud, but you were busy staring in awe at the gloves.
"Sans." You gasped, running your hands on the soft material. "They're beautiful."
"They're for tonight, and for later this week." He said while hugging you.
Before you could ask, you noticed the little item resting in the center of the white box. Shining there was a key, painted blue, attached to a key chain of a little smiling house. You slowly pulled it up from the box, holding it in your hands in silence.
"W-WELL, HUMAN?" Papyrus' voice seemed unnerved. "DO YOU LIKE IT?"
"We figured, since you've had no luck finding a place of your own," Sans said softly, his breath against the back of your neck and damp hair, "we might as well keep ya here."
The swelling in your chest increased, and hot tears welled in your eyes as a giggle escaped your lips. "This is... This is so sweet." You caught the tears with your sleeve before they could fall from your eyes and with a small sniffle you looked over at Papyrus with a bright smile. "This is really thoughtful, you two. Thanks."
"Well?" Sans asked. "Do ya think you can handle the two of us as roommates?"
You giggled and nodded, lightly leaning into his embrace.
"Yeah, I think I'll survive."
Next: Cold As Ice
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