Chapter 8 ~ Cold As Ice
The afternoon sun faded behind the clouds as a light snow began to fall outside the window. You watched for a while as you lay on the couch, nestled in Sans, while Undyne and Alphys argued over setting up the karaoke machine.
"No, this wire connects here. I- look! It matches colors!"
"No, that one is green and the other one is lime green. You need to hook exact colors. Take this one and-"
"Why would you make the colors so alike?! You didn't even make one purple! You have a whole freaking spectrum to chose from!"
"Hey! I was focused on getting the software right before the color scheme!"
Soon they were wrestling in a tangle of wires and microphones, yelling and giggling, and you enjoyed the show with Sans as classic Christmas jingles played on the radio.
"Should we help them?" You asked, though you had no plan on moving.
Neither did he, as he chuckled lightly, "nah. They're fine."
"Hmm." You hummed lazily and burrowed a little deeper into his lap, and his bony arms wrapped around you and squeezed lovingly before resting on your stomach. A tiny squeal caught your attention and you gazed over to see Alphys staring at you with a red face and wide, teary eyes.
"Y-you guys... Are so kawaii~" She squeaked, holding some wires close to her as she shook giddily.
"What does that even mean?" Sans grumbled through your hair.
"It means you look like a couple of dorky WEENIES." Undyne jeered with a wide grin. "Just look at you two! Snuggling?! Real lover's FIGHT for their love!"
"L-lovers-s??!" But Undyne had already pounced on Alphys before she could stutter anymore.
"Undyne, no biting!" Toriel scolded as she stepped inside from the cold. Asgore followed her, and Frisk quickly ran to them with open arms. After their embrace, Toriel looked over to you and Sans and smiled with an odd look on her face.
"You two look cozy," she said, "but I hope you'll stay awake long enough to join us at the park later."
"Of course, Tori." Sans promised, throwing her a thumbs-up. "Wouldn't dream of missing it."
"He means it; Sans can't wait to see me fall on my butt." You muttered.
"Tori is a really good teacher." Asgore said as he lifted Frisk and placed her on his shoulders. "I'm sure she'll help you and Alphys today."
"Sh-she could help me.. Right now, please?" Alphys was beet-red and straddled by Undyne's unforgiving thigh muscles while she threateningly flexed them, leaving little room for breathing.
"Enough, you two. Finish what you can and get bundled up; we're leaving in a little while for the parade, and it's quite cold this year." Toriel looked at you and the snoozing skeleton. "That goes for you as well. I don't care if you have no skin, Sans, I still want everyone in winter coats."
"You got it, Tori."
You and Sans shuffled away from the two scaled creatures on the floor and made your way up the stairs. In neat boxes in Sans' room were some of the snow gear you had gotten for Christmas, including the pair of skates. The snow pants and coat you were given were blue, and as you held them out you sighed.
"Is everyone here trying to just cover me in blue??" You whined.
"Is that a bad thing?"
You looked at Sans and he gave a sly wink. You blushed and he chuckled.
"You look more red than anything else, y'know."
"Zip it!"
"Hey, no need to yellow at me."
"Ugh. Now I see why Papyrus hates your puns so much."
You left the snow pants and put on the winter-proof jacket, gasping at the sudden warmth it trapped to your body. You looked at the tag: Westcomb Shift with PolarTec NeoShell fabric. Jackets from Westcomb were best for Alpine skiers and mountain climbers. Not so much for ice skating in the city park. You unzipped it and watched Sans take his hoodie off and put on his (nearly identical) winter coat. In the corner of your eye was the journal, sitting in your corner of the room accusingly.
I don't think you should keep it from him much longer.
In time. You assured yourself, once the chaos had settled from the house, you would talk to him. You would tell him everything.
Whatever you didn't know, you would both read from the journal... If it had what you needed to know. Hell, it could just be full of baking recipes for all you knew. Gaster seemed more confident in its contents than you did.
As you thought about him, you could feel him being pulled into reality. Something like an unwillingness nudged you and you apologized silently. He didn't like to be brought to your timeline without his own consent, especially if it was unintentional.
"You ready, babe?" Sans' voice brought you back and you smiled quickly.
"Yeah, let's go."
You went downstairs and saw the others finishing with their own assemblies. Toriel led the group out the door and Papyrus fell back to lock the door behind them. With everyone in the proper gear and outside, you all made your way to the bus stop down the right end of the block. You and Undyne had each of Frisk's hands in yours, lifting her off the ground every few steps to let her swing freely, giggling and kicking her feet in the air. Your group reached the little sign where a few other neighborhood families were waiting. Toriel greeted them kindly, and as a couple of them conversed with her you overheard the mumbling of another group of mothers, shooting glances your way.
"... The skeleton, right?"
"Oh how bizarre."
Your ears perked and as you stared blankly down the empty street you listened closer.
"It could be one of those 'asexual' relationships. I mean, how do they kiss?"
"Sure, Marian, that's what you're wondering."
"Oh, well, sex is already out of the questi-"
She was shushed harshly. "Mary, there are children..."
"Well, I'm just saying. He's a monster. A skeleton."
You suddenly felt angry at what they were saying. People questioning your past relationships never bothered you- your business as your business- but something at that time boiled in your chest and your face felt warm.
"It's a fling, at best. Something like that... A kink, maybe."
The frustration ached your head and you took some deep breaths. Sans looked over and saw your twisted expression, nudging you with a questioning look in his eyes.
".... Couldn't even have a child."
His hand suddenly tightened, and you took your thumb and stroked the top of his hand as you held it. This was something you weren't ready for; exposing your relationship to those that would oppose it. Human and monsters couldn't bear children together, so what was the point of being exclusive with one?
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The bus arrived and you slid into the rear-most seat, taking Sans with you in an iron grip. Undyne and Alphys picked the next seats up, and your whole group managed to find seats together, away from the other human and monster families. For a part of the ride you were quiet, save a few generic responses to whatever the rest were saying.
Sans looked at you again, concerned. "Hey. You okay?"
Another deep breath. "Yeah. I'll be alright." You said, turning to him with a reassuring smile.
"Well. Good." He smiled back, his toothy grin fighting away your insecurities for the day.
With traffic, reaching the ice rink by bus would be impossible to do on time. While you walked, Sans stopped and grabbed two pairs of hot dogs- one human and one monster- and smothered them both in ketchup. You chased your own tomato-y disaster with a hot black coffee, and he with two more packets of the condiment. The two boss monsters led the pack to the front of the giant rink, and as the sun began to set you were surprised with a sudden spray of twinkling lights in all of the surrounding trees and along the walls of the skating rink. Sipping the last of the coffee, you breathed deeply in awe of the beautiful sight reflected on the traces of ice that hadn't been scratched. The rink was surrounded by what looked like stars dancing with the laughing young and old humans and monsters that slid around the frozen pool.
"You starstruck, babe?" Sans asked playfully, earning a groan from his brother.
"I didn't know it would be so pretty." You responded with a wink. "This certainly shed a light on things, huh?"
"YOU ARE PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER AND IT'S AWFUL." Papyrus grabbed his skates from the large duffel Asgore was carrying and marched to the west entrance. You and Sans laughed before reaching for your own after Asgore had set the bag down.
"We'll all meet back at the South Entrance at seven." Toriel said to the group. "Then we can go to our reservation at Mettaton's new restaurant!"
"Sounds good to me." Undyne said, shoving on her second skate. "Race ya there, Alphy!"
"W-wait! Don't put them on yet!" Alphys skuttled toward her, waving her own pair over her head anxiously.
You got to the entrance and sat on the nearest bench that was available, taking your shoes off and putting on the skates. After adjusting the laces, they fit perfectly, and you shifted over to help Sans with his pair. After doing most of the work, you handed the shoes to Asgore and inhaled cold air through your nose before slowly standing up. After a few wobbly steps while clutching the rail for dear life, you made it to the gate.
"Are ya ready?" Sans asked behind you, taking your hips in his hands gently.
"I-I might just hang onto the rail for a while.." You stuttered, staring at the ice just an inch from the blades under your boots. "Wait, I thought Toriel was going to teach me?"
"Heh. C'mon, just go ahead. You'll be fine." You felt him very softly push your body forward. "I promise."
Your breath hitched as the texture under you changed suddenly, the skates meeting the ice with a soft grating sound. Sans held you as you both slowly started to accelerate, weaving around couples and groups until you were at the east gate.
"See?" You managed to turn around to see Sans with bright eyes and a wide smile. "You did great."
"That was actually kinda fun." You admitted, giving a smirk of your own.
"Ready to go again?"
He held out his hands, and this time he skated beside you, taking one hand in his and wrapping his arm around your waist. You made your way further in, moving your feet in sync with his, and breathed slowly to stay calm as his grip let go a little at a time. Finally, he was holding only one hand, and you were both making rounds along the outer rink, and the new feeling of gliding along the water filled you with a childlike mirth. Suddenly, Sans took your left hand and pulled you toward the inside. You both turned and curved around the bustle of the crowd until you were right in the center, where he stopped you.
"What are you doing?" You asked with a giggle.
"You wanna dance?" He asked, raising a brow bone.
"Dance? Sans, I can barely skate on my own."
A smirk curled up his cheekbone and a light flared in his eye. You got the hint and smiled back, letting him guide you lightly with his magic. You could feel the energy lightly push your feet in different directions, letting the two of you gracefully twirl and slide in the open space. He grabbed you suddenly, and with a push made the illusion of hoisting you up in the air, letting your body spin before coming down into his arms again. A joyful laugh escaped your lips as it went on, the skeleton chuckling with you as you pretended to skate like champions. When he was out of breath and magic, he led you back to the east entrance.
"You're a little heavier than Frisk." He panted, though he was still beaming. "But at least you're a lot easier to control."
You snorted. "I'm not sure how to respond to either of those statements."
You both laughed, then a small flash of light above you caught your attention. You raised your head up and saw a small bundle of green leaves and white berries, decorated in glittery ribbons and silver bells. When he followed your sight, you both started to flush with color.
"I guess I don't have to say anything." You said quietly.
"You- Uh, we don't..." He scratched the back of his skull nervously, then sighed. "I know it's... I know it's different, with people around. I can't really do it, anyways."
"We've kissed before, Sans. The train?"
"Not- ... Not how we're supposed to. You're human, now, and with humans-"
"I don't put myself into a group just because I'm human, Sans. I never have." You felt something bubble up in your throat. "Why are you?"
"I just... Saw the way you reacted to those old bags earlier. You're thinking about it too, right? We've been, heh, pretty progressive through what we've got goin' on right now, but I don't want you to feel restricted-"
"Jeez, Sans! What's going on?" You put your hands on his shoulders and gave him a light shake. "You think I'm worried about babies? At my age? We've got a long time before anything like that becomes an issue. We don't even know if this- us- will last until then! The future, the past, who cares?!" You leaned in close to him. "We're here, right now, and time is on our side. Live with me, Sans."
You tucked your left arm under him and dippedhis body, causing him to flail his arms in surprise before freezing at thetouch of your lips on his teeth. From the climate, they were cold as ice, but your own body felt on fire as light gasps and whispers fell on deaf ears. When you pulled him back up and drew away, you felt the cold of his bone tug at the skin on your lips slightly.
"Wow." He breathed quietly, smiling dumbly through half-lidded eyes. "Your kisses are always better than mine."
"Guess you'll have to practice...."
A man was staring from a couple of yards into the crowd. His gaze was cold, bitter, and you struggled to keep eye contact without shivering. His eyes looked tired and abused, but the color bright, and his hair stayed nestled under a dark grey hood. When you managed to break from his glare you noticed something familiar.
"Is that" a scar, long and faded.
"You alright?" Sans tapped your shoulder lightly, and you turned your head without breaking your line of vision.
"I thought I saw..." You turned and smiled with a hand raised. "Wait right here. I need to check something."
Before he could protest, you had managed to push into the whirlpool of people in the search of the strange, familiar face. Something pulled you to him- more than who he could be. Whether it was that he was here, or that he was watching you, you weren't sure. Soon, though, the search seemed hopeless as you stood stranded in the bustling crowd.
"Where...?" You spun in all different directions, but saw nothing. In fact, there wasn't a soul there you could recognize. Where was Undyne? Papyrus? You would've heard them screaming through the buzz of other conversations. Struggling, you managed to unzip your pocket and pull out the new phone Alphys had given you, but the screen refused your mitten hand. With a grunt, you yanked it off with your teeth and pressed the button again. 7:17 PM.
"Crap!" You hissed, quickly skating with the flow of traffic until you reached a gate. You couldn't tell if it were the south gate, but seeing no one else around you kept a hand along the wall of the rink until you reached the next one. The result was the same; no monsters you knew. Getting anxious, you skated faster to the next gate, and the last one, until you reached the first one again. They wouldn't have left you behind... Right?
Where are they? Where's Sans?
You looked above the rink, and saw four different bundles of mistletoe hanging under each gate. If Sans had stayed, you would've seen him, or he would've notice you frantically searching the perimeter. The crowd sounded a little louder now, and the din of all the different voices clouded your mind. Stepping out of the gate you were at, you bent down and used magic to unscrew the blades on your skates. Leaving them behind, you wandered away from the ice and shifted between passers-by.
"Sans! Pap! Toriel!" You called their names over and over, moving around the crowded area with panic threatening your vocal chords. Did they leave? Were you left behind?
You'd never see them
You'll never see her again
Your breath grew shallow and you tried to calm yourself. Don't do this. Don't freak out. They wouldn't leave you. You have a key. You can just wait at the house.
You whipped around and saw Frisk smiling through a horde of people. The chaos in your mind went silent and a large huff of air fled your lungs with relief. As you walked over to her, something crossed your mind that left you uneasy.
What would make me panic like that?
Nothing like that had ever happened before; being alone for most of your life, especially in the city, was something you were usually comfortable with. Something about that time, however, felt off. It was the feeling of needing someone near- someone close. Not out of comfort or caring, however. The strange sense of panic was alien, but not completely unknown.
You were being watched. You were being followed.
"There you are." Sans moved to you and Frisk with a look of similar relief. "Toriel's grabbing a couple taxi's- Whoa! Babe, what did you do to your skates?"
You remembered the magic, but luckily the minimal effort left your hands only slightly singed under their mittens. "Oh. I couldn't find the right exit... So.."
"Yeesh. Y'know, you could've just waited where you left me. That's the first place I looked." He handed you your shoes and helped you change. "Did you find what you were looking for?"
"Yeah, um. Turns out it was something else. Heh. All that work for nothing."
"I'll say. Good thing we're getting some grub."
You forced a smile and small laugh as he led you and Frisk back to the group waiting by two taxi cabs. Once the door was shut behind you, you looked out the window to see behind you.
There was no one to be seen.
The address Toriel gave to the drivers brought you to a tall tower in the business district of the north end. The building was made of almost entirely darkened glass, and pink lights shone vertically from the front doors to the rooftop. The doors opened on their own as you stepped near, and revealed a long hallway filled with waiting parties of people. There were noises of complaint when Toriel brought the group past the line and right to the front desk. A monster with blonde hair, a long snout and sharp teeth looked at you with an unimpressed gaze, picking at her claws behind a shiny black desk.
"Like, can I help you?" She asked, her 'valley girl' voice was sharp and loud.
"Hello," Toriel, her gentle alto contrasting the other's, spoke surely, "we have a reservation for all eight of us. It should be under 'Toriel'."
The girl lazily flipped through a book, then her eyes widened and she looked up again. "Oh! Wow, you're like, in the luxury suite! Okay, just take the elevator to the top floor, and they'll, like, totally help you from there. Have a wicked good time!"
She waved you off as you headed to the elevator, the glass was tinted and the framework was a bright pink. The elevator moved upward, and you could see the different floors of tables and food change to a few floors of night clubs, then finally your vision was blocked by a wall of black. The doors opened, and it was a dim-lit room with similar color schemes to the tower itself. Each table was made with fine ebony, the the edges were covered with a tapered silk cloth of bright fuchsia. There was a large clear space where the elevator entered from, and waiting on a black leather couch was a robot in the same colors. He looked up and he whirred excitedly when you all stepped into the luxurious dining area.
"Darlings!" The voice immediately revealed Mettaton and he stood up to greet you. "I'm so glad you could come! Oh, it's been such a busy night for me. I'm so sorry I missed skating with all of you."
"It's no trouble, Mettaton." Toriel smiled warmly as ever. "We're very happy you had time to see us."
Mettaton sighed and put a metal hand to his face with a tired smile. "Oh, that's so sweet. I wanted to stop over for a while, but the cameras! Ever since this tower opened, they've been nonstop. Not that I don't love it, but it's exhausting pretending to avoid them all the time!"
"Your n-next movie is out next month, isn't it?" Alphys inquired.
"Oh, yes! My first action-adventure, with an all A-list cast of course." He gestured to follow him, and you reached a long table overlooking the park and the rest of the north end. "We can talk all about it while we enjoy a good meal! I imagine you're all famished." He looked over to you. "Is monster food alright, darling? I can make some arrangements..."
"Oh, no. Monster food is perfect." You assured him with a smile, feeling the blisters on your fingers throb under the shield of fabric. The energy from the monster food would take some pain away, at least.
"Excellent! Let's all sit, then."
The chairs were cushioned and alternated between black and pink leather. The plates matched the shining silverware and the tall glasses were thin and perfectly cylindrical. Mettaton sat at the head of one side, and Asgore sat at the other while the rest chose seats along the length of the table.
"I hate repeating myself, but I'm just so glad you could all attend dinner." Mettaton took his white napkin and set it in his lap. "The success of my career really wouldn't have been possible without you. Especially Frisk and Alphy- oh! And you're wearing the necklace I got you~"
Alphas blushed and smiled, touching the golden locket with her shaky claws. "Y-yeah. I really like it, Mettaton. Thanks again."
"This is all so glamorous." Tories breathed, gazing at the silverware. "Business must be doing very well in this part of the city."
"It's been steady, yes. Plenty of hungry humans and monsters who hope to see their favorite star up close." A man came over and brought a thin board to Mettaton's view, and he pointed to several parts of it before waving it and the man away. "My morning show is featuring some fantastic guests in the next week, so business is only going to get better. Well, hopefully anyways. I wouldn't want to jinx such a fantastic year so close to the end."
"Ha ha! Oh, Papy, I just love your enthusiasm."
After a few more minutes a team of waitstaff appeared with a small bowl of salad for each monster and yourself. It was a garden mix of different greens, as well as cherry tomatoes and shredded carrots. Different dressings were set in the center, as well as one small dish of what was likely ketchup.
"So, Kalia, dear." Mettaton smiled at you in a way that you didn't enjoy. "I heard Sans finally gave you the key to his heart~?"
"His house, actually." You responded, earning a muffled snort from the small skeleton beside you.
"Cheeky." He leered with a grin. "No wonder he likes you so much. Then again, beauty like ours is quite the prize on its own, isn't it?"
His flattery brushed red on your cheeks. "That's really nice of you to say, Mettaton."
"Oh, I mean it sweetheart. You've got that 'rough around the edges' scene going, but I see potential. One hour in my makeup studio would turn your world around!"
You had never thought of putting any makeup on before meeting Mettaton. Looking at his new form, you remembered the cookie he had made before and realized how accurate (though still inappropriate) it actually was. You took in all of the glamour of the finely dressed staff and the hand crafted dinnerware and became almost overwhelmed. You never would have pictured yourself in a place like this before you met Sans.
The salad was crisp and fresh, and as you chewed a leaf of iceberg lettuce you could already feel it dissolving away before you swallowed- likely from the magic the food was created with. Watching Sans eat his salad like a ketchup soup turned you off of any dressing, but the tomatoes sufficed as an extra splash of flavor when they popped between your teeth. With such an appetizer, you wondered what the rest of dinner would be like.
"Hey, Mettaton." Frisk set her fork down and he looked over to her. "I actually wanted to ask if you were gonna sing karaoke with us tomorrow."
"Karaoke? Really! That sounds right up my alley." He put a hand to his chin in thought. "I suppose I could, after the show. I'd probably make it in the afternoon, but I'll need a nap to refresh. Are you sure you want to wait for little old me?"
"It'd b-be fun!" Alphys chimed in. "You haven't been around much year."
"YEAH!" Undyne's fist came down hard onto the table just after everyone had quickly grabbed their glasses. "Besides, we were gonna make it a CONTEST."
"W-we were?"
"HECK YEAH. May the best performance WIN!"
"Ohhh~" Mettaton's interest was piqued and he raised an eyebrow. "What are we playing for, exactly?"
"Um." Alphys mumbled nervously. "B-bragging rights?"
"How about cash?" Sans suggested.
"Oh come now." Mettaton tutted. "Money? Let's make this interesting."
"Fine. Kalia's in too. Kalia, what should we compete for-"
"Oh! If I win~" a devilish smile appeared on the robot's face "I want to give you and Undyne makeovers."
"Fuhuhuhu!" Undyne snickered. "If I win, I get to ride you around the block while you're in your bot form!"
"If I w-win, we get to watch the entire Mew Mew Kissy Cutie series!"
"If I win," Sans' voice caught you by surprise, "I, um, get to pick what I want later."
"You're going to sing, Sans?" You asked incredulously.
"Sure. Sounds fun." He shrugged.
Everyone started hollering across the table over their prizes for tomorrow's competition, and you watched in amusement before noticing the waiters returning to take the empty plates of salad and setting down a robot-shaped cut of sirloin served over seasoned basmati rice. Each waiter poured a dark red sauce over the steak before leaving, and the roar of laughter and jeers died down as the party began to eat.
"Looks like there's a lot at steak tomorrow, huh?" Sans' chuckle was cut off by a napkin flopping onto his head from Undyne's side of the table.
"Seems like it." You sighed back, smiling.
"What do you want, if you win?"
"What makes you think I stand a chance?"
"C'mon. You've got a voice. What's your prize?"
"I honestly can't think of anything. I guess I'll decide later, if I end up winning."
"Sounds good to me."
You cut into your steak, and juices flooded from the pink center into the rice below it. The red sauce, you found out, was a raspberry wine reduction that added a satisfying tang to the savory meat. The plates along the table emptied quickly as conversations faded in and out, and when the meal was over each glass was filled with what smelled like a very expensive champagne.
"I'd like to propose a toast." Mettaton announced to the entire group, raising his glass high. "Before the new year, let's celebrate to new friends, new family, and great success!"
You followed suit, raising your glass with the others and cheering before taking a sip. Despite the strong scent, it was wonderfully sweet, and the bubbles danced on your tongue before the drink sank smoothly down your throat. By the time the glass was empty, you were already buzzed. Undyne, whose tolerance was as high as yours, had just finished Frisk's glass and was leaning on a giggling Alphys. Toriel looked a little tense as she looked outside, where it was already starting to snow.
"Goodness. It looks like it's getting rough out there." She said quietly, tapping her claws together anxiously.
"We should leave soon then." Asgore looked to Mettaton. "Please let us know when you will be at the house, Mettaton."
"Of course, your highness."
Alphys, Frisk, and the boss monsters gave him warm hugs goodbye, while Papyrus suffered with him under a strangling embrace from Undyne. He hugged you as well, and when he was wrapped around you he whispered in your ear:
"Make sure he keeps making you happy, darling." And pulled away with a wink. You nodded, confused but content.
By the time you reached the streets there were three inches of snow on the ground. Asgore began calling taxis through the hurrying crowds who were also trying to get home. There were urgent whispers of a storm, and your group struggled to stay together as city folk pushed by forcefully.
"Jeez!" Undyne growled. "Everyone's going nuts- ow! HEY WATCH IT BUDDY!"
Your grip was suddenly broken from Sans' jacket and you were pulled a good ten feet before you were able to get off of the sidewalk. Looking over, you could still see a white furry hand high in the air, waving quickly in wide strokes. Against the current, you waded on the side of the foot traffic, making your way back to-
Pain flooded yo u r m i n d
a s t h
o r
w e
n t
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