Trust me?
Evelyn QuinnFox
I didn't even pay attention to class. The only thought I head in my mind was.....Blank. I didn't even know what to think. What happened yesterday is a lot to absorb.
"And what do you say?" Izzy smiled excitedly. I blinked twice. I didn't even know when she started talking. BANG! the doors flew open. A boy with Auburn hair and dark green eyes walked in.
"Sorry I'm late" The voices started to fade. There was a creature behind the professor. No, it's not. Am I hallucinating?... OH! MY! GOD! What is happening? Then I felt like something was pulling me from inside. I needed to get out. I used the back exit to get out and rushed straight to the washroom.
The birds and all the voices were so loud. My vision was blurry. I felt dizzy. Did I eat something wrong at my party? Every single thing was awfully loud. My heart started its race and so did the pulsing. I felt it in every single vein.
My silver-grey eyes were electric blue. It started glowing. I stared at my reflection, scared of what is happening. I couldn't breathe. I felt like drowning. I started to panic harder as I heard cracks.
The water splashed breaking all the pipes. Alarms started ringing, I felt like my heart popped out of my body. The water was encircling me like a whirlpool, crashing everything around me. But I was completely dry. I froze when I heard footsteps. Thank god it was Izzy.
"OHMYGOD! Eve!..."She went silent when she saw my eyes. They were still glowing. She's gonna think I'm some kind of monster. She's gonna freak out.
But she didn't. Instead, she pulled me outside the school. And took me into the woods. Is she planning on murdering me? Why is she taking me into the weitherwoods?
"Izzy wait! I don't k--"
"Shhhh" She sushed me? What is she doing?
"It's time." She said.
"Time for what Izzy. You are scaring the hell out of me. Do you know what's happening?" I spluttered.
" You'll get all your answers soon enough" She created some kinda purple glitter with bare hands and pulled me through it.
What's happening? we walked into a very antique kinda room. There were flames in the corners of the room which looked mesmerizing. There was a crystal ball floating in the center through which Just a ray of sunlight passed. For a moment I was caught up by the unusual beauty of stranger things. But how did she do it? How did she bring me from weitherwoods to this place? It is all so fast.
"Izzy..." My breaths were quick and I could feel my heartbeat echoing in my head. The flames were coming close to me. They started spinning around me. They spread all over the room but nothing caught fire. Izzy...Izzy was there. But I couldn't help it. The flames started circling me so fiercely.
"Evelyn" I heard.
"Evelyn. Calm down. Everything's fine." I heard again but this time closer than before.
The flame's speed started decreasing. And soon went back to its own place. Nothing hurt. Nothing damaged.
"GOD!!" I jumped back when I saw someone with orange-red hair and crimson red eyes. She looked like Izzy but had red embossed tattoos on her body with weirdly beautiful symbols.
"Evelyn.." slowly she whispered my name.
"Izz...Isabelle?" I went near hesitantly.
"It's me Eve" She held her hands out. No, I...I don't know. I have to be surprised but for some reason, I'm not. Is it really Izzy?
"Eve" she came closer to me.
"Your mom's spell is breaking. Your powers must be way more powerful for it to contain. It's time I tell you the truth.--"
"SPELL?! POWERS? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!!!" I am not taking it anymore. I thought I was out of my mind. But this shit is driving me insane. Her eyes were still red but it didn't glow like mine. Can I trust her? No... I must be sleeping. I am having a nightmare and this will all be gone when I wake up.
"It's just you and me Eve. You trust me, don't you?" she asked. I didn't reply.
"We are dreaming Izzy. No, I am dreaming. Whatever is happening is just a dream" I am going crazy for real. It felt super weird to say that to her.
"No Evelyn. You are not dreaming." She stated.
"I am not?" I felt my stomach twist and knot. My mind was exploding with so many questions that my brain felt too jammed to think or process the given information.
If at all, this was real... Incase IF this was real, I think this is some kinda creature, A shapeshifter probably? My best friend wouldn't keep such a big secret from me. She was my best friend since the day I remember. Will she do that to me? I felt hurt. We sat in awkward silence for a while.
Every time she tried to start a conversation, I kept cutting her off. After a while, she gave up.
"Eve remember when we were kids, we went to the lake lure for a picnic. I lost one of my shoes and you --"
"I tied our leg to each other and we walked home with three legs." I smiled at the memory. Her Aunt looked at us like we were mad. How did she know? We fell into silence again.
"And the day you threw me a terrible birthday party with a prank cake filled with ketchup?" she asked me.
"Yeah! How can I forget? Everyone's reaction though. But you had to make me eat first. It tasted terrible" I felt comfortable with her the same way I felt with Izzy. I was in denial. It was too much and too big.
"But still you smiled after eating that horrible cake like nothing was wrong with it. Just to make others eat it. Real devil" She stuck her tongue out.
"I didn't want my efforts to go to dust" I protested.
"It was my best party ever." she sighed as she sat near me on the floor. When the tension drifted away...
"Trust me?" She asked looking into my eyes.
"Yes, but just 90% though," I nodded. she hugged me.
"Enough for me"
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I promised Xylia. I wanted to tell you badly but keeping you safe and alive was my priority. Now I feel less burdened that I can really be me. The true me and the true you. No more secrets." She pulled away slowly.
"Safe and alive ?" I asked her. I am confused.
"You have a long history to catch up," she said leading me to the crystal in the middle.
"God. Why does it have to be 'History'?"I sighed. She just laughed.
"You are an Elrock Eve. Like your parents." She wanted me to listen carefully. But how do you feel when someone just tells you that whatever you believed all your life was fake?
"An elf what?"
"An Elrock." she corrected me. " Well, there is so much to this world than you know. Elrocks and Ramozx are beings who are connected with Nature. They have the ability to influence it."
"Like what telekinesis?" did she say Connected to nature??
"Exactly. But there is more to it. They share a connection. A bond. It is very special. Both Ramozx and Elrocks are capable to influence matter. Only matter. But purebloods can only manipulate the sub-elements like electricity and light." She gave me a confused look.
"So what you're saying is only purebloods can control the sub-elements. " I don't get it though. I think I kinda...
"Yes. Your mom is was the last of purebloods. The queen of ramozx, Kalus killed the others. It is believed in the legend that demon blooded beings also exist. But I haven't seen one for about a thousand years."
"I am a Pureblood?" I gave her a disgusted reaction before something else caught my attention.
" Hang on a second. A thousand years Izzy? How old are you? " I asked completely shocked.
" I didn't keep a count." She replied trying hard to remember. And then flashed me a sheepish smile.
"Is all Elrocks and ramozx immortal? "
"No, but purebloods, demon bloods and spirits are. I am the spirit of flames. You are a pureblood. We are immortal." She said. I swear my jaws were on the floor.
Hello guys. How is the story? Hope you enjoyed it.
What else is waiting in store for Evelyn?
Stay tuned for the next update.
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