Spex And My Wolf
Evelyn QuinnFox
One more clash of my frozen ice sword against her fire one and I fell down.
"Get up Eve!" She pulled me up as I melted the water that I turned into ice sword. It's been a week, She has taught me how to conjure Fire, manipulate water and air, do telekinesis and mostly control my emotions and not letting it lose my control on my powers.
This time I used water. As if she knew what I was going to do, she evaporated it in a sec but she was too late my sword already was near her throat.
"You are getting better Eve. You learn really fast" She said.
"Today I think I can start teaching the actual art of fight...Syrux. First, you will have to be chosen, Find your Spex, that is, your weapon. Spex is very sacred to both Elrocks and Ramoxz. Once you become chosen, your energy will bind with it making it a part of you. It is not that easy to become a chosen Eve, But I think you're ready. You can do it. You will get a weapon you deserve" She took a deep breath.
"I will?" Does she think I'm ready? Am I? Only one way to find out I guess...My dad...I never knew anything about him...I don't even know why I'm thinking about him...
"You will" She was so confident.
"You are done with the basics. You are ready to face it " That's all she said. With her eyes calculating something.
"But I am warning you. Becoming a chosen is an honor and not everyone can do it. It is very very hard to become one and if you don't become one you will not get a Spex. Even after becoming the chosen there are grades of weapon and you will get a Spex of grade you deserve....by your heart and by your mind. Even if you train for 100 years and come the results will be the same Eva. Its about you and not the skills..." she said. So...okay...I guess.
"What is yours?" She took a step back and flames lit up her pendant. It glowed along its groves and it split into two and reached her hands forming two spectacular swords. They were amazing. They didn't look like the normal ones....they were just amazing.
"These are called Drior swords meaning death writers. Your mom had Vezzus blades. They are blades.... more like ninja blades. Remember her hair clips?" I wish she was here...She always had three small whirlpool shaped clips in her hair. I was always fascinated by them. I nodded my head.
"Stay close to me, we're gonna leave the citadel" I held her hand and nodded.
"where are we going?"
"To Liva" She did that purple glitter and soon we were in an amazing place. The place was made of pure crystal and was fully closed more or less circle.
" Here, Choose your weapon, and very carefully," she said
"How will I know what to choose?"
"Trust yourself, you will know. "
"Yes" I said rubbing my palms.
A door appeared And I looked at Izzy in confusion. She smirked.
"Once you walk through the door you will be facing challenges, a test to see if you deserve a Spex, your weapon"
"What will happen if I deserve it?" I was a bit nervous... This tests my heart ....the way my mom raised me....me by my heart...I can't help but feel more nervous.
"You will come back with a Spex" She answered. She looked at me as if she can feel how uncomfortable I felt.
"All the best" She threw Her hands around me for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her thankfully.
"Thanks" She nodded.
I let a breath which I didn't know was holding. As soon as I walked in the door disappeared. I was in some kind of forest. I looked around in alert. There was nothing suspicious or at least that's what I thought.
Just then I heard a growl. It was nothing nearly human. My eyes scanned the area once again. I headed in the direction of the noise since I had no idea what I should do or where I should be heading. I climbed on the nearby tree to get a clear glimpse of where I am.
There was no sun, no moon, and no clouds the sky was perfectly blank like a phone's display but devoid of any color. I seem to be trapped in an endless dense forest with absolutely zero ideas of what to do next. I tried to recall what Izzy told me for some clues.....but all she told me was I was supposed to face some kind of test to see if I deserve a Spex. I should have asked her what kind of test...I doubt she would have said it to me though cause she would have said everything necessary for me....to face this. So If she didn't tell me something it was probably not that necessary.
What else did she say? Elrocks and Ramozx value their Spex so much...Wait! they are connected to Nature.
Just then I heard the growl again. I jumped down from the tree taking a defensive stand. I heard something move behind the trees. The cracking of branches ringed in my ear. I heard everything distinctively since I have an enhanced hearing. One more low grumble and my eyes light up in alert. I waited but in a few seconds, a huge wolf jumped toward me. I moved with my superhuman or you can say Elrock speed. And the abnormally sized wolf landed on the ground. My eyes still glowed. I didn't mind it one bit. It looked at me and I let a strong threatening growl. My only intention was to defend myself and not hurting the animal. It growled back.
It pounced back on me, it's claw pinning me on the ground. It's golden orbs of eyes boring into mine, It's sharp canines ready to rip my flesh. I was not letting it hurt a hair of mine. Who knew? Two weeks ago, a normal teenager and now fighting a freaking wolf. I pushed it off me and gave a blow on its jaw as it came to bite me. It fell down but charged at me again giving a huge growl. I kicked it pretty hard and with my speed it with a hell of force as it flew in the air. And when I stopped it fell down and didn't move. My eyes turned back normal as I walked towards the still body of the wolf.
It's jaws were bleeding and I have no doubt that there were a lot of bones broken. My eyes started to sting as tears streamed down my cheek. It was freaking trying to kill me.I tried to reason with myself. But I couldn't. I've killed it. I freaking killed a wolf.
I had gradually placed the wolf on my lap. I was still crying. My hands traced down the wolf's wounds which were caused by me. I heard a grumble and something unexpected happened!
what do you think has happened?
Oh my god! do you think the wolf attacked her?
Do you think Evelyn deserves a Spex?
Guess we'll have to wait to find out...
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