I dare you to comment on each chapter..
Imad's shoulder and back rocked as he cry, tears hopelessly rushing down his cheeks in furious rage. Why was he so self-centered? He didn't think about what she was going through and only thought he was the one hurting. She was here dealing with ruthless men, her mother's death, people's taunts and also giving birth to their child dying in between. What kind of husband is he? He does not deserve her at all, not at all.
He felt her moving behind him, wrapping her arms behind his back and that got him crying some more. He cannot believe how loving she is after what he's dome to her. God, he does not deserve Amirah! He doesn't!
How can he stop this feelings though? The tears are running down without any chance of stopping, he cannot even rein them down even if he wants to because they have control in when they roll. She placed her head on his back, comforting him but being quiet about it. How could she be so forgiving and loving at the same time? She should also be there plotting revenge against him or something similar to what he did.
He didn't calm down for another five minutes, he even began sobbing a bit loudly. Some might say it is unmanly but who the heck does that help now? These tears are really not what he should be shedding, it should be his blood. Maybe penance with a few drops of blood will erase the guilt but then, he feels like nothing could cool down this feeling. It is hurting, pouring like an avalanche he cannot control. He knew this day would come but he was not ready for the truth behind their marriage. He is not ready to find out what Amirah has been through mainly because he didn't support her!
"I don't deserve you." His voice cracked, chin quivering in choked sobs. He's never cried like this his entire life but he cannot help it at all. He cannot stop it, he couldn't, he doesn't want to do so.
She was about to talk some more when he did. "Y-you are too good for me. Too good." He is mumbling to himself, not expecting her to hear.
"Imad!" She called, he didn't turn around but he stopped rambling on and on about how bad he is which means he is waiting for her to talk. "Stop blaming yourself. I told you this isn't your mistake, it is our fate and destiny which we have to embrace. The past is gone, for good."
He wished he could go back and change everything that has happened the first few hours of their time in Chicago. He wished he'd listened when she asked him to instead of getting into unnecessary conclusion. His thoughts are filled with self loathe, he cannot even love himself how on earth is she coping with being with her destroyer? What sort of heart does Amirah have that he needs a change of?
He fell asleep after few minutes, she called a nurse to inject him. He is losing mental focus and slipping into nadir, he shouldn't go through that when he is still unwell. Amirah left the hospital to go get Najla ready so they can go back to the hospital for the night. The three of them always snuggle up in the bed as Imad had requested. She is busy smiling, knowing everything will be kept behind now from today henceforth.
She's finally got her Imad back in her arms, where he should be!
When Amirah reached the chamber, she found Usayma and Najla playing around in her room. Amirah smiled and made her way inside, the two are also bonding up quiet well. Sometimes she forgets that Usayma is her co-wife because they act like friends and she never requested to be with Imad. She said she is also recovering but Amirah knew otherwise but she kept her silence. She don't want to interrupt whatever it is Usayma is going through.
"You lots having fun?" She grinned when her daughter's smile widened at the sound of her voice. It makes her chest ache.
"Mami!" She came bounding to her in quick strides that she almost fell off but Amirah is there to get her. The girl snuggled into her mother after she got rained with kisses.
"Did you miss mami?" She pushed the hair off her face, to see the girls pretty fair skin and dove like eyes that belongs to her paternal family.
"Yes." Najla nodded profusely, her hands touching her mother's cheek like she is doing hers. Usayma stared with longing, it is twisting her insides honestly.
Amirah kept her talks with Najla aside and yaw her attention to Usayma. "You guys have eaten right?" Usayma nodded, getting off the floor. "How about we all go to the hospital?"
Usayma wanted to say no but then, she has so much to do. Time is not in her hands and if she doesn't do this today, she won't be able to do it any other day so she agreed and took a veil off the bed. Her bag in hand, she followed Amirah out of the house and to the SUV waiting for them outside. He's assigned a few guards for them, Imad. He said he cannot resist his aficionados anymore and can't risk their safety.
Usayma had it bad. She almost trusted Jannah with Imad not knowing she is making the gravest mistake known to mankind. The woman acted so well about not wanting to marry Imad when in reality she was jumping inside of her. Usayma could only shake her head at how the betrayal hurt her so deep, she couldn't believe the girl kidnapped her because of that. She knows about her condition but made her miss her medication and now she is not feeling alright.
She will go there to meet a doctor and also ask Imad for divorce, she cannot do it anymore. She wants to go back to Chicago, rent an apartment close to Wafa and spend her days there praying for good end. How could she not want that now? Being close to her only friend will make her feel good and all the obsidians the world contains will have to go back behind. She's already told Wafa about her plans she is supporting her hundred percent.
"All ready?" Amirah asked again, earning herself a smile alongside nod before they zoomed out of the palace to the hospital not so far ahead.
Arriving at the hospital didn't take much long but when Usayma told her she needs to go see a doctor, she couldn't hide her curiosity. She called a nurse she knew in the hospital and one she can trust to get Najla to Imad while she followed Usayma around the hospital. She is curious but when she remembered the fact that her cowife might be pregnant with her husband baby, she felt jealous. She didn't stop moving though, she cannot.
That is before she saw her walking to the Oncology ward!
Not obstetrician/gynecologist, but an oncologist? Now this is interesting but also heartbreaking. She can't bring it in her to find out whether someone had cancer again or not, she won't be able to eat food properly. She hopes Usayma is there to question the doctor or something related to that. More news of someone with cancer can ruin her whole week if not month, not Usayma at least. That illness should be wiped from the face of earth.
She's seen how her mother suffered throughout the process only to die in the end. There are less than five percent out of hundred of people that survive by miracle. The miracle hardly happens, it does not take place in everyone life except the lucky ones that have more days ahead. Her mother didn't and she died, she does not hope so for Usayma -that is if she has it.
A nurse lead Usayma to Harith Sunusi Lamido's office, the head of the ward and the number one oncologist in whole Nigeria. It is not like he's saved the lives that are not ahead but he's broken the record of each doctor in Nigeria for curing cancer. He's cured more than fifty people -mostly the ones with benign cancer and not malignant- but nevertheless, he did it unlike others. All those rich folks reach out to him before going anywhere else, not even abroad.
Amirah watched as Usayma entered the office leisurely before she moved forward towards the nurse. "Can I eavesdrop on this conversation without them finding out? It is really urgent and I need to find out."
The nurse's eyes widened hearing that but she knows she is also royalty and whatever it is that has happened between them will be for their own benefit. She also knows that they are co-wives making it more unsafe but what can she do? She cannot deny the urgent look on Amirah's face that screams emergency. The nurse don't want to risk her job.
"Follow me." And they walked for a few seconds before they stood across a window that have it's blind dropped but she could hear their voices inside.
"I'll take it from here, thank you." Amirah was quick to dismiss the nurse and perched herself closer to the window to listen to more conversation of the two.
"...ovarian cancer?" She heard Harith's voice asking Usayma, it was hard enshrouding her gasp behind her palms. Ovarian cancer?!
"Yeah, my doctor confirmed it back in Chicago." She shrugged like it was no big deal but Amirah wanted to smack her head upsidedown for hiding something as huge as this from Imad. Imad clearly doesn't know about it or would've forced her to treat it.
Harith nodded his head, his eyes narrowed on the pen in his hand. "Why didn't you come here earlier? You've been in Nigeria for more than a month. Were you planning on ever getting it treated?" His voice is scolding and Amirah is glad, she would've walked inside and hit the woman.
Seriously! Was she planning on getting it treated?
Usayma licked her lips, shaking her legs underneath her. "Yeah, I wanted to but then gave up. I lost my medications so I'm here for more and not to get it treated. I'm leaving Nigeria in a few days, no worries." Her smile is filled with sackful of pain, anyone could see it.
Harith glared at her, she visibly recoiled because it looks like an older brother about to scold the younger one for being mutinous and recalcitrant. "You are not going anywhere until I have it treated." He sounds and looks so sure that he'd get her treated making hope bloom in her. She wants to get better too. "Wait for me in the hospital. I have a surgery to take care of but don't go anywhere. I don't like playing games, understand?"
Usayma blinked before unconsciously nodding her head in understanding. Harith stood up, get dressed for the so called surgery and left the office so Amirah took that chance to round the office and go inside. Usayma is sitting there with her head bowed, this pensive look taking over her facial features. Amirah didn't stop, she walked to where she is and sat down on the other chair facing her, that was when Usayma rose her head.
Her eyes widened because there is no way Amirah will be inside that room without suspecting anything. Was she looking for her and got directed there or she'd followed her earlier? She doesn't know but the answer is there on Amirah's face filled with hefty spoonfuls of disappointment and sympathy. Usayma sighed, there is no going out on this. She is found in oncology ward sitting inside an oncologists office.
"I know. Let me tell you everything." Usayma pinched the bridge of her nose knowing she will have to go through all those things all over again. She already told Jannah about her and her secrets, it is a wonder she didn't tell Imad already. Maybe she doesn't want her to get better and if she does tell Imad, he will turn hell and heaven to get her better? You never know with that psycho!
Amirah shook her head but Usayma is not looking at her to see that rejection. "Don't say anything if you don't want to. Just get treated and be better."
Usayma chuckles, the girl is too nice honestly. She even told her about their past on their way to the hospital, Imad would've made the gravest mistake of his life had he divorced this precious lady.
"I had this cancer way before we got intimate with Imad. It was actually a drunken mistake we both made while sad and depressed. I didn't get pregnant, I lied to him about it with a doctor." Amirah gasped, not in outrage but disbelieve. "I needed someone to tie with me even if it is with lies. It is said that Allah forgives anyone's mistake if they get married and they will start afresh, I needed that starting afresh and I could only think about marriage. I have no one in Chicago except Wafa, she is married with her kid and I can't disrupt her happy life.
"Imad came along and I bribed the doctor whom I've slept with once to tell Imad those bullshits. I know how apathetic Imad is so I took advantage of that and got us married just because I want to start afresh. I need more financial stability too, and he was rich. Who would marry me after knowing about my innuendoes? So when Imad suggested what I thought he would after the doctor lied about me not giving birth, I promiscuously agreed.
"But it's true, I cannot risk getting pregnant in my condition so I never tried. I initially thought I could get treated by Imad's older brother, Harith. I've browsed about him and knew he could help me but then the guilt of marrying Imad with many ulterior motives weighed me down. Maybe I won't even recover because of the bad things I've done?" Amirah shook her head, that is a lie. She will be forgiven. Allah is the most Forgiving and the most Merciful. "You never know. So I gave up everything, turn to medication while waiting for my time to come."
Usayma gulped at that last word of hers. Waiting for her time to come? Ha, death is not easy. "I don't want to ruin anymore thing here so I thought about leaving to go find my family in Afghanistan then thought against it, they never liked my family and without my parents, they won't accept me. I've already arranged everything but something pushed me to come see Harith, here I am."
Amirah enveloped the woman in her arms, she is not even crying like Amirah is. This woman is so strong, Amirah thought. Everyone have their story, you just never know which one is more crazy than the other. She never thought this young lady was going through and fighting her own battle all on her own. Life can be so unfair but if you have strong faith that Allah never burdens a soul with what he or she cannot endure, you are perfect.
"Allah saw your problems before you even know they existed, so do what you can and trust Allah with what you cannot. Remember, He is near you. And don't even think about not getting cured. Allah can do the impossible in the most impossible way. Allah isn't limited by your reality!"
"Thank you." Usayma sniffed, willing the tears not to roll. "I'm going to give it a shot and don't tell Imad please, I'll tell him myself."
"You have fucked up big time, Imad." Falak shook her head in disappointment and he lowered his head to the bronze tiled floor. He just finished telling her about what happened when he woke up with Amirah absent in the room.
"I know." His stomach quivered, he couldn't eat anything. He's been sweating and the need to get some alcohol in his system is strong but he promised to never do that again to both his mother and Amirah.
"But you should give her space. She should think things through and decide if she still wants to be with you. This might be toxic for her and end up ruining the three of you." She suggested, following the footsteps of her husband because he is right.
Imad's brows scrunched, he does not like that. Why is she talking about her not wanting to be with him when Amirah never brought that up? She has comforted him when he was down and kissed him before she left, he felt it so why would she talk about leaving? Amirah would never leave him, would she? They love one another so much to want to live without one another. He will agree on the space but not her leaving him, never again!
He's learnt his mistake the hard way so letting Amirah go now is really not an option.
"What should I do? I don't want her to leave me, I love her. She doesn't want to leave me either. I'll just give her the space but no leaving me." He almost whined, his sister only raise a brow at him as if telling him not to do that to her and she is not his mother.
Her smile became evil. "How about you take her to this Caribbean places? Like Barbados or Cuba? She should really relax after everything she's been through." Falak advised, she wants him to spend his money unnecessarily, it is there in her smile.
"Alone?" He doesn't care about spending it but sending Amirah to a foreign country alone is never going to happen. So she can see other men and agree to leave him? Not happening in this freaking lifetime, maybe when another Amirah is born.
"You can send her with her friends or sister, she will be very happy." Falak fluttered her eyelids, he should take that. If his tears won't be running down, she will just rundown his money.
"Can you help me arrange that and talk to them about it? If I tell her, she won't agree to leave me in this state. Just a week is alright, right?" He cannot think of Amirah leaving him for more than that, not after he's finally gotten her. She needs to be tucked in his arms all the damn time!
"Done! Hand me your card."
Falak is wicked😹
Is Amirah going to meet someone?
Will she leave Imad?
Should she leave him?
Au revoir...
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