I dare you to comment on each paragraph for an update.... Tomorrow? Or later....
Imad sighed, the thing is aching. He has totally forgotten about Usayma coming back to the chamber after she's left for the first time ever. He didn't know where Jannah took her but he appreciated that, he wouldn't want to come back with her lurking around the chamber. But now that she is back, what is he going to say to her about the situation and the fact that his first wife is back in the chamber? The woman he's spent so many years hating? How would she look at it?
Of all the things he's expected, he didn't expect her to come in smiling at Amirah and not looking at all surprised. Even Amirah looks suspicious of that look she is featuring but didn't make it obvious, he just knew her too much to know what she is feeling. She is unsure about Usayma's blunt smile and kindest behaviour and is split into acting or being genuine too. She does not want to lower her guard only to get her to crumble.
She's liked Usayma right from the beginning, she even told him they were going to vibe more with her than with Wafa but he is not so sure now. They are married! Any woman would be jealous of her husband's wife whether she wants to be or not so she is keeping the guard high up. Who wouldn't? The co-wife who wouldn't talk to you properly the other time you met and now she is smiling and making her way towards you with that same smile?
And then she hugged you while you are still sitting on the chair in front of the remains of your food. Galvanised! Amirah sat there tensed but slowly brought her hand up to wrap it around Usayma's back, she smells nice. She scolded herself for thinking that because she does not know whether she herself smells pleasant. She just awoke.
Usayma pulled back and beamed at her again, Amirah finds that weird and uncomfortable. What? This is her husband's wife who's seen them back together after years. Who knows what her head is plotting up?
"It is nice to have you back. This guy has been nothing but a pain." Usayma commented, dropping her bag on the table and sat down on the chair closest to her from the other side, Imad is occupying the other.
The maids are staring with their mouths open, not believing what is happening in front of them. What does this woman want? What is she playing at acting all nice and molded to perfection? Who hugs a co-wife like that after she comes back to your home? It's either she has something up her sleeve or she is genuinely happy. Not knowing the answer is what is making them more frustrated, they want to tell people outside what is happening.
"Uh, likewise I think." She smiled back and to everyone it looks force but why does it matter? She won't be comfortable with this suddenly nice Usayma.
She knows things other people don't. Usayma was planning on wrecking any other relationship between her and Imad, even planning on joining Kilishi Enterprises for that. She might just be doing it because Imad told them half the story about his broken heart but still, she is being cautious. Maybe she found out what has happened and is now supporting her? But what happened? No one knows the truth behind the broken marriage.
They will all act like they do, even Imad did but in reality, they do not know anything.
"Potatoes? Imad got them from the main palace?" She asked, trying to build a conversation but she should know from the weird looks Amirah is giving her that she is not ready for that.
"Yeah, he got them." She answered this time without stuttering or making a mess. She cannot wait to ask why she is acting all nice and shit.
"Wow, they are really nice. I don't know who the cook is but I'd like to give him ten stars." Amirah nodded, Uzair deserves more than ten stars but she will go with that. The man could shackle hundred in the world's best Cook's competition without breaking a sweat.
Imad just stared at them without uttering a word then stood up to answer his phone. It was his secretary, he's asked her to hire an interior designer for his baby's nursery and seems like she's done her job. He wants that to happen as soon as possible and if it can happen, it should be that same day but it is already late. Maybe she could come see the room and come tomorrow, they will be done and his daughter will be living the dream.
He's also asked her to get his daughter so many designer clothes and that will arrive a little later. His bank account is crying again but he won't stop, he is unstoppable now. He's missed two years of her life, he would do anything to fill up that space if he could. He doesn't want to keep blaming Amirah for every little thing, he cannot help this one. She refused to reach out for him and his daughter suffered the consequences.
"Yes, Sir. The clothes will be there any minute and I gave her the address to the palace. They might not permit her inside if you don't call them up and alert them. And the interior designer asked for the picture of the whole room so she can plan everything and tomorrow be done with it." The secretary explained in two breaths, whoa.
"I'll call them at the gate and send you the pictures soon." He hung up the phone, made his way to the room he wants to be turned into a nursery, snapped pictures and call the securities at the gate to permit them in.
Amirah is about to reply to something Usayma had say when the wail of Najla from the room moved her and on instinct, she stood up and made her way to the room. The girl will cry seeing the unfamiliar room and everything it entails. She didn't think that and that is why she left the room for long, the girl has been sleeping for two hours and normally her afternoon naps are less than that. She found her in the middle of the bed crying but stopped when she walked.
Imad rushed in just that minute too, she took her in her arms and the trio left the room at the same time. She is still hanging on not believing what is going on with them. They are acting like perfect family in the most natural way but it makes her insides so flushed and hot. Usayma stared at them too with the maids, mouths open enough for a flying cockroach to crawl inside without trouble, no exaggeration there. It is that wide!
"She is your...?" Usayma trailed off, watching the two parents dot on their daughter. Imad had bought so many baby food without asking what a two year old could eat. She eats normal food too.
"Yeah. Our daughter." Amirah confirmed but there is not tinge of mockery, just stating the fact with pride. That did something to Imad's insides again, it keeps happening the whole day.
The maids if possible, are now paralysed by the kitchen door, they are eavesdropping the whole conversation which is obvious. So Imad and Amirah have a baby? And no one knows that fact but today when Amirah is also yanked from her hole to the palace? Just what is this royal family drama turning into? It's been long since something dramatic happened so this will make a great hit once it reaches the media. They've been quiet but this, this is news!
"Oh, my." Usayma moved forward to where Najla is sitting on the dining table. Amirah is starting the feed her the remains of her potatoes.
"She is so cute." Usayma touched Najla's cheek and the baby released a wide grin, smearing her fathers face with potato sauce in process but he didn't mind, too awestruck in watching his daughter smile like his mother.
"She is." Amirah stared too, finally comfortable that Usayma is not doing that because she wants to get good cards but she genuinely don't have any problem with her. She could read that from her.
The three -adding the five maids, eight- of them stared at the little girl as she get fed by her mother. The cereal Imad bought wasn't even touched, he didn't complain, as long as she will be well fed. His eyes are probably spelling love for his child, same goes to Amirah and Usayma. She can't believe the view in front of her but won't trade it for anything, she feels complete. Something she hasn't felt in so many years and it feels so foreign.
"Can I take a photo of her? With her actually." Usayma beamed removing her iPhone XR from her bag to take the said photo but got stopped by Imad, he shook his head.
"She looks dirty with those clothes. I think we should wait for the company I asked to bring her a few clothes, they will be here any moment." Imad stepped closer to take Najla, he wants to have her close to him at all times.
"You ordered clothes for her so quick?" Amirah had a smile on her face but she looks at him questioningly, amusement and adoration dancing in her orbs. How could she not smile like that? The man is ready to dot over them from the looks of it, she cannot wait.
He scratched the back of his head, both his wives are staring at him with questioning but amused gazes. "Yeah I did and it should be here any minute." The second his mouth got closed, there was a knock on their door.
One of the maids hurried over to the door not wanting the scene taking place to continue without any cessation. But she cannot help getting their attention when so many women and men in working clothes peered in, hands filled with paper bags from the same expensive company. Maybe these are the clothes he ordered but he said 'a few' and these they are seeing could fill in a whole wardrobe if not more. Their eyes widened at the same time, Imad should really rephrase his words or they'd think the address is wrong.
"There aren't few?" Amirah made it sound like a question because even she is confused with the amount of paper bags the company people are bringing inside the chamber.
Imad shrugged, asking them to place them correctly so one won't get creased in anyway. "I thought they were few when I asked for each piece of two to three year old clothing they could find in their store."
Amirah's eyes widened further because those clothes are all branded and designers! Starting from Dior, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Chanel, Gucci and Prada and so on. Even she never had those clothes in her boxes when she got married but look at him, few hours after finding out he is a father, his daughter is already Stormi Scott. Seriously?
"I beg to differ, this is more than a whole wardrobe! You should've thought about the nursery first before so much clothes, Imad." Usayma kvetch, sitting down on the royal couch to check out some of the clothes and admiring most of them.
Imad blushed at that, she didn't know he was ten steps ahead of them. "You talked about the nursery, didn't you?" Usayma looks shocked for a second then chortled, the man is excited and very much back in love.
"What else could I think about? I was just staring at the mother and daughter duo sleeping when I thought about her own room." He shrugged again, cleared his throat when he got teasing look from Usayma for saying he was staring at them. He changed the subject. "The woman will be here tomorrow to set out everything."
Amirah is quiet, unable to say anything and that is when she noticed some toys at the other end of the room calmly placed to rest. When did he get those? The people that just walked in clearly didn't bring those with them and it means he got them himself. Maybe they should admit to being in love with one another now. Or is he only in love with his new found daughter? You never know with this man, you can't be too sure.
"No, rephrase that. You are clearly saying Imad has a child and she is already two years old?" Falak widened her eyes at her sister in-law Jabrayah who is the one you break the news of her baby brother having a kid older than her twins.
Seriously though, it sounds like a cruel joke.
"Oh, yes! She is so fine, so I heard from the maids sha." Jabrayah retracted when Falak gave her the have you seen her look, she hasn't. Imad is being so secretive about it that no one knows.
"My baby brother have a kid?" Falak is trying to sink that inside her head that she didn't notice her mother paralysed on her bed.
Jabrayah called for a female meeting in the woman's bedchamber and luckily, all of them are at home and no one went to work. For some odd reasons, they didn't feel like going there but their husbands are all absent. More time for them to get used to the new member of the family before those huge overprotective brothers come into view. She's been excited that she didn't wait for the others to come, she spurt it all out to Falak, Marawiyah, Halima, her Majesty, Inayah and Madeeha.
"What did we miss? Falak looks like she's swallowed battery." Fikriyah walked in, slowing down to watch everyone's reaction which starts from awe to galvanisation.
"Imad has a kid of two." Madeeha, her co-wife answered her first since she is out of shock. They can't just picture young Imad with a kid, it is one huge image they thought would come in few years but it's actually happened few years ago.
He got beaten black and blue just few hours ago like the younger brother he is but he already has a kid? Okay, maybe they should really check things through and kibosh the whole meaning of having a child. Imad have a daughter? And she is two years old? That was when he got married!
"Like, his baby is two years old?" Madeeha nodded, not wanting to talk anymore. "And where the heck are they?"
"We shouldn't stay here to discuss this, let's go see our new member." Halima stood, excited and so ready to go see for herself the hidden baby. Amirah did a great job doing so.
"I hope the baby is Amirah's." Is what Falak said, standing up to adjust her Ankara gown and veil. Her keys jiggled inside the pocket of the gown when she moved.
"Don't think so bad and lowly of your brother, he is not that bad. The baby has to be Amirah's. She is two, that was when they got married anyway." Her mother scolded, taking off alkyabba from the bed. She is going to see her grandchild from her only son.
"I heard she looks like you, mother in-law." Inayah teased, she heard that part but the way she says mother in-law is to tease her and she earned herself a hit from her Majesty.
"I heard so too but didn't know they were talking about you. Please let's hurry."
"How could she look like my mom and not me? We look alike! They call us carbon copy so drop the jealousy and just say we look alike." Falak rolled her eyes, left the room first because this will mean she'll have to forgive him. She hasn't forgiven him, he created a rift between her husband and her.
Hmm, Falak is about to see the baby o. They are not exaggerating it, I want them to beat Imad again.
And Usayma being all nice and sweet and shit like Amirah had said😂
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