"And I thought you were not sensible enough to bring her to me. Or maybe you are not even the one that thought of coming over here before you leave. With you, I always expect the stupidest of all." Falak rants as she walked to the kitchen to serve refreshments for Imad and Amirah, they paid her a visit after leaving the Royal palace. They spent some quality time with her Royal Majesty, she was easygoing and just like a mother to her. Amirah is happy about that fact, they clicked just right and she didn't miss the smile tugging at Imad's lips at the sight of them getting together.
"C'mon, you guys are ganging up on me. First it was mom and now even my sister. I feel like you love her more than you've ever loved me, how sad." Imad rolled his eyes, slumping his massive figure into the one sitter buttermilk royal chair he is occupying. His wife refuse to sit close to him knowing how shameless he could be, she is not about to go through all the hotness.
He hugged her, more like side hugged her in front of his mother. She shook her head and let it slide but Amirah was so shy and embarrassed that she wanted the floor to open up so she can happily sink inside. Her head hung low for the rest of their stay there and when they stood up to leave, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder then accompanied her to the car. She could feel his mother's amusement when they were sitting so to avoid that, she sits on the one sitter next to him. At least, the armrests will help her avoid him at all cost.
"Well, everyone knows who you are and how your brain functions." And she is right, Amirah wanted to meet the triplets and also say goodbye to her new sisters in-law.
She served some samosas, spring rolls, sausage and chilled soda with glass cups. She sat down on the three sitter chair, holding the mug she's abandoned of hot chocolate to get the refreshments for them. Everyone around Falak knows how much she loves hot chocolate and you can bribe her with it even if it is murder. Not really but she loves that thing like she loves her children if not more, they never get tired of bringing it to her too. So just guess how surprising it was when she didn't want it due to pregnancy. Not even a sight of it.
"Where are those three musketeers? The house is so quite which is kind of eery." Imad asked, looking around the whole Chamber trying to spot them or hear their shrill voices as they play with toys. The Chamber is never quite ever since they started talking in babbles. Sabeer, Safeer and Sabeeha, her one year olds.
"Asleep but they are probably up hearing your loud voice." Falak stood up and made her way to their nursery to see her one year old triplets standing on their feet in their cradles. They would've walked to the living room if they know how to take down the handles, they would've done so and walk down.
"Mama!" They squealed at the same time bringing a huge smile to her face. She beamed, walking closer to their cradle and put them out of it. They stood up with the help of their cradles and started walking on their own out of the room through the opened door, she followed behind them with a smile. Seeing them leisurely ambling to the living room like they have map in their hands only make her heart jump.
Her children are really growing fast.
"Here they are!" She heard Imad say in his usual uncle voice brimming with pride at seeing them on their feet walking to him just pushed something within. He really loves children so much, being a last born was no fun. He couldn't see children often till his first cousin, Huzaif gave birth to his daughter, Mufeeda. He's loved the girl so much seeing she was the first grandchild to grace the Royal palace.
"They are becoming more mischievous. I think your genes are already showing in them, you should stop coming." Falak hid a smile when Imad's smile drop instantly before he rolled his eyes making him look a little like Shaddad, her husband in that way.
"Thank God I'm leaving, you are going to miss me a lot." He smiled at his nephews and niece, keeping them in front of Amirah. And they started the inspection, looking at her like they are trying to place a name for her. They always look at new things or people trying to see whether they know them or not. If they don't, they will move back from you or even cry sometimes if you try to pick them.
"This is your Aunt, Amirah." He said to them and they could only stare incredulously at both husband and wife. They wailed and turn back to their mother who was quick to place them on the sofa she was occupying.
"They will warm up to you, they are already hungry now. They get more fussy when hungry so let me feed them but your flight..." She trailed off, looking between the couple to see if they have more time to spend with them and even have the triplets warm up to them, it takes time.
"We leave in two hours and we want to go to all the Chambers. So maybe when we come back, they will be two by then, In Shaa Allah." And he stood up, moving to the kitchen leaving his wife and sister to stare at his retreating figure. What does he want to do in the kitchen when he is about to leave?
He came out holding a takeaway pack along with paper bag making Falak narrow her eyes. The guy knows so much about her kitchen and places she keeps her takeaway packs and paper bags. Why does everyone know a lot about her own kitchen than she does sometimes? He didn't spend even a minute inside but he came out holding everything in his hand. It's like he mastered everything around her Chamber, she needs to change a lot of things in her new high technology locks.
"I don't like you going to my kitchen." Falak scolded but didn't oppose when he packed everything she served inside. She's made the samosa and spring rolls herself so he is going to have to take it with him. Nobody says no to the new recipe she brought up herself some days back. She gave everyone two pieces in the Royal palace, since then, her home is now a restaurant.
"It's my last day here. You won't see me till after a year so let me do something for myself. At least you won't miss me so much after I'm gone." He beamed, tasting the coca cola she kept on the table for them before they make their way to the door.
"Bye." Amirah whimpered in a small voice but Falak heard her so she beamed and waved at them. She groaned hearing her triplets wail again in anger, it brought a smile to Amirah's lips.
They left for Chicago in an international plane. They arrived eleven hours later and it was morning there. They've already slept the whole ride so none of them is sleepy. After checking around and making sure they've got the right address to the apartment he's rented for their year stay, they made their way inside the two bedroom apartment. It is beautiful and just enough for a couple to stay for a little bit before they expect kids.
There is a kitchen by the far end where you can already see from the door, a dining side just few feet away from it. The living room is arranged with pitch black couches and all sort of pinks stuffed throw pillows. A frost white rug sat in the middle of the couches where a black glass center table lay atop along with blush pink round button stuffed Ottoman. A Sputnik chandelier burnished right atop the center table.
Walking deeper into the house with hands filled with suitcases, she glanced at the kitchen from the half wall window. It is stuffed with so much gray and black making it look like a bachelor's kitchen but it's also beautiful. The sleek grease black island top with kitchen bench along with gray cabinets. There are two high kitchen black chairs at each end of the island, she could already see her husband and her chilling when they can't sleep at night with a cup of chamomile tea. He introduced her to that tea and she can't get that out of her mind, she loved it since then.
The rooms are just painted the same linen and have same king sized bed in each. It is colored in linen walls, rust furniture's from bed, to wardrobe, the desk chairs and the rugs on the floor. Seeing those pillows littered on the bed makes her more tired so with a yawn, she made her way to the bed and lie down. She could see Imad opening the blinds showing the almost bright sky. She yawned again, taking his attention away from the window and to her. He grinned then joined her after stripping down to a sweatpants.
She awoke with a smile adorning her face, it is already time for Zuhr so she performed ablution and woke Imad up to pray their missed prayers.
After they did that, they made their way to the kitchen which he requested that they stack with food so they won't think about going to grocery shopping as soon as they land. They are also not staying in a hotel to order room service. They settle on making pancakes since they still feel jet lagged and lazy to cook something extraordinary. Her muscles are kind of weak too, she's never been in a plane so maybe it explains why she is still sleepy.
Finishing so many stacks of pancakes, she added so much date syrup, their favorite and they ate happily talking about what they should do before the day ends. He promised to help her settle and even get new friends before they move on to their honeymoon phase. There are few of his course mates that he knew won't mind being friends with her though she is younger than them with just few years.
When they finished eating, he asked her to change while he use the bathroom to freshen up. She changed into simple blue jeans, white shirt which she tucked and drape a navy blue abaya. She tied the head tie and slipped her slippers, took the new phone given to her by her husband and left the room to wait for him in their living room all the while anxious of making new friends. Who are they? Will they like her company?
She could go the year without friends but it will be too boring seeing Imad won't be home always, he will be in school his whole afternoon. She needs one or two friends to help her take that boredom away, she hopes they don't have same schedule as her husband though. She is afraid of making new friends, she's had bad experience so the thought of friends kind of scare her a little all the time but nothing she can't take in. All she has to do is not get top attached to the point of getting hurt after a betrayal.
Imad walked out wearing Bermuda shorts and white shirt. His black flip-flops look more charming on him, like it is meant for him only. They made their way outside hand in hand while making small talks to the lobby. He didn't hail a cab so they made their way to some blocks just before them where another apartment complex stood, smaller than theirs but not so bad looking too.
"What are their names?" She asked in a small voice as they made their way to the elevator seeing his lean finger pressing on the third floor.
"Wafa and Usaymah. One of them is Afghanistan and the other is Egyptian all here to study." He explained when she made a face at their names, it sounded so foreign to her ears but kind of nice. She's always loved Arabian names and wish to name her children that not those people that are hellbent on naming them all those common names, she is not into that.
"Wow, such nice names. I like the Usaymah more though." She grinned cheekily, involuntarily taking his breath away. He couldn't resist leaning down to give her a small peck, making her cheeky grin to vanish while she blushed.
"You are beautiful, you know that?" He inclined his head, not minding that the elevator is about to open and if they don't leave, they'd stay their for a long time.
"You say that everyday." She smiled shyly and left the elevator, leaving him to catch up with her.
He introduced her to Wafa and Usaymah, they are beautiful and really friendly. Usaymah told her that she don't have same schedule as Imad but Wafa does making her shrink a little. She wanted to spend time with those two, they look cool to her eyes. Usaymah promised to help her with the boredom though, so she will hold onto that promise. The girls makes her feel comfortable, that they don't have a single bad bone in them.
"School is so boring, I just want to get it over with." Wafa whined when Imad asked whether they have any pending project or some assignment but she replied with negative answer.
She is wearing loose pants and a arctic blue shirt. She has her jet black hair tied in a high lazy ponytail enhancing her bucket shaped face. Her sharp jaw, high cheekbones and small eyes making her cute button nose more finer. With the shape of her face, she looks a little older than her nineteen years old. But nevertheless, she is beautiful, like those runway models.
"I just want to get married and be like Amirah. At least, she has a year off before she starts attending those boring lectures." Usayma grinned, throwing her arms around Amirah shoulders who smiled a little. The girls are so cozy with her, they won't be bad.
She has on a maxi skirt and tank top. Her brunette hair is tied in low idle ponytail showing off her oval baby face resembling Amirah's. They almost have same features making them look a little alike. Her doe like eyes, sharp nose and plump small lips that is almost thin. All in all, Amirah could say she looks a little like Usayma due to their baby faces.
They went back to their apartment after spending an hour in Wafa and Usaymah's. They prayed Asr before going back to the kitchen, all of them hungry. Her phone rang in the room so she excused herself to go pick it up. They didn't settle in what to cook so he went to the room to ask what they should cook but heard her conversation making him halt.
"...I don't..." He didn't want to he no more so he left the room and paced the living room. Maybe he heard her wrong? But she was confident on the words she was blabbing about, it makes his heart clench.
He could hear the sound of his heart shattering, his fists clenching making his nails to dig crescents on his palms. He can take everything and anything, but not betrayal. She fucking knows that too but she betrayed him, she back stabbed him, she committed treachery and fraud and all in a name of some emotion called love. He wants to wake up but reality just slapped him harder in the face.
He was betrayed by his wife of one day!
He can't take it, it just doesn't feel like the right thing to do. No, he won't take it.
How have you been? How is ending SARS protest going around you? Well, I can say everything is literally ruined seeing Neco has stopped or has it not? I don't even know but everything is just turned upsidedown!
Hmm, what do you think Amirah did up there to make Imad go berserk?! Hehehehe, me I can't wait to find out wallah but what is it that she said? I can only see I don't and nothing more, hmm! Don't forget to Vote Comment and Share and Follow.
TR; Do you know you skin complexion? I think mine is Warm Beige. You?
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