A week after that confession between Imad and Amirah, she got more motivation from Lateefa to keep pushing but not in an obvious way. Imad made sure to block every part she would bring the past again but that aperture is close to getting opened. She don't want to cause trouble but it doesn't mean she's given up. The fault actually isn't hers so that got her more hot and determined to execute all her plan and get back with Imad.
She needs to ask whether there still is a chance of them together, she knew there is but needs to make sure about that fact or dive deep into abysmal dept. She's annihilated all problems out of the way, keep tabs on everything happening in the palace too. Usayma is getting too evading and spends so much time with Jannah which she don't want to trust. Something is brewing between them and she'd be damned not to know.
So with that personal inspiration, she got closer to one of the women the best way a chamberer could. She does everything to perfection the moment she takes over and even once massaged Usayma's neck cause it was aching and it took all Amirah's self restraint not to wring her neck. She will force smiles and talk like a mature woman just to be closer and the woman can share a bit pieces of her life.
She never did though, she's always been cautious but with time, Amirah got convinced that she is not saying much because of the other maids. Everyone knows what maids do when they are alone and why they hang around like leaves, to hear more and feed it to their other friends and Usayma seems personal. Amirah won't stop trying though and that is how that day, she found herself inside a room with Usayma, not the one she shares with Imad but separate one with almost same furniture.
Usayma was the first to bring the topic and fortunately, where she wants to touch. "Have you worked for Amirah before? Imad's first wife I mean."
Amirah stopped arranging the throw pillows on the loveseat for a moment so she could act like she's heard the question and is thinking things through then opened her mouth. "No, I haven't worked for her but I've met her twice before. They didn't stay here for more than twelve hours after their marriage, they flew to Chicago straight after."
Usayma nodded, Amirah took that chance to smile and take that mature side of hers to use. "Why are you asking, your Highness? Are you jealous?" They could make light conversations like that so she decided to chirp in the jest to not make it anticlimactic.
The other woman chortled lowly, as if she finds what she is asking absurd which she did. She's been jealous the whole time but not because she loves Imad, it is because Amirah will always be special in Imad's life no matter how many times she is going to break his heart into smithereens after gathering the sheaf. But she never got that special place in his life, nothing other than casual sex and friend who became a priority after one drunken night that got auditioned without their consent.
She's liked Amirah a lot even after knowing she broke Imad, the story is a blur to her but it doesn't mean she won't get jealous and will allow Amirah back again. Even if she were in love with Amirah, she won't give her the green card to come back into Imad's life. He's suffered enough from her and if anything, she should distance herself from him but that is not happening. The exact opposite is what is happening to them.
They now work together and if only they knew, Ameena is actually Amirah in their chamber!
"I am not jealous of her. I actually liked her before when we met for the first time in Chicago." Amirah closed her eyes at that. So Usayma really liked her? But is she saying the truth or is she saying this to Ameena because she wants to look good in the maids' eyes? You never know and she does not trust people now.
"Wow. I never thought you two have met." She shook her head as if that is crazy then went back to vacuuming the whole room while Usayma sat in the middle of the royal bed in her robe.
From her peripheral vision, she saw Usayma shrugging her slender shoulders. "They came the day they landed so he could introduce us. I was looking forward to spending time with the duo, they were so in love that it tastes like aspartame in my tongue. Anyone's actually! But then we went there to their apartment to find Imad out of place and then he was sick for many days. It was tragic and that is why I am not fond of her anymore. I knew she did that to him even without knowing the story behind it." Usayma made a look of distaste and didn't hear the whimper from Amirah.
The sudden guilt that took over her stomach had her launching a little on the wall. She turned away from Usayma so she won't see the glossiness in her eyes and her slumped lashes. There is this galore of thickness behind her throat that is choking her and robbing her off her own voice. Her stomach got upset too and chest tightened like it's been doing for awhile now but she pushed it back yet again. She knew the result of what happens if she dares to allow that nausea to overcome her.
She looks harangued and pale, if only Usayma would see that behind the thick redundant makeup, she couldn't. She became unnaturally quiet but knowing that will risen questions from Usayma, she forced that thickness off her throat and took a deep breath enshrouding it from her. The woman shouldn't suspect a thing or she'd be doomed all over.
"Oh, my!" She exclaimed through a shaky voice, she cleared her throat discretely. "He's really suffered enough from her. I don't know what she's done to have ruined their perfect relationship. They were so in love and young, but it is now putrefied." She shook her head in fake disgust.
"My exact question but seems like Imad vowed to never talk about her or their past. He closed it off like it never happened and continued with his life though I know it is hurting him all the time and now that he works with her, it will only worsen. How I wish I can do something about it." There was concern in Usayma's voice and not any sign of her being his aficionado.
The hatred she was trying to build in her heart for Usayma immediately got decomposed and cultivate a colossal respect for her there. She's known Usayma with this chauvinistic personality and cavalier ways so it doesn't make sense that she even disliked her for a second. Just few minutes with her in Chicago, she knew the woman would never betray anyone. It makes her question what is the story behind their marriage with Imad since it is clearly not love. Oh god, she is dying with curiosity.
She only cares for Imad as a friend and is looking out for him so he won't get sick again... Wait, sick? Right, she mentioned Imad been sick those years when she'd left him. God, she has so many questions no one will ever answer them if not Imad himself and he is not willing to do so at all. If anything, he wants to make sure she is cemented away from him and his past. As if she wasn't involved too.
Her head hurts from the curiosity eating her viscera and cranium, seriously. Imad will have serious questions to answer the minute she manage to cajole him into talking about their past.
"You are right, it will hurt him more now especially if she's moved on." Amirah chirped again, setting down the mopper she was holding.
Usayma huffed a breath. "Amirah hasn't moved on. Didn't you hear what her friend said when they came? Single and ready to mingle. I don't trust her with Imad again and she needs to be deleted from his life. I will do anything in my power to do so, even if it is the last thing I do."
Amirah wanted to fiercely tell her she cannot come in between ex husband and wife no matter what they've gone through but wisely kept quiet, thanks to her inner Jedi. Usayma would have no doubt convince herself that she is supporting Amirah and then she will even see the similarities. She can't afford that, her covers won't be blown so soon. Only after she reunites with Imad.
Letting that slip as eclectic now, she asked something that could help her get ready for this caring friend Imad's got. "How are you going to do that though? You don't work with them in the office."
Usayma stopped tracing the unknown patterns on the sequined pillow and narrowed her eyes in concentration. But when she answered, it was equivocal. "I'm going to take her position there but if it's impossible, I can start working with him, just to be close. That way, she will stay away if she is getting too close."
Amirah forced her expression yet again to consternated one when she seriously wants to glare at the woman so she could turn into ashes. This caring side of Usayma is getting under her skin. She will work tooth and nail before she gives up on Imad, maybe when he says he will never take her back. Even then, she is not sure whether she will willingly be abstinent. They don't know the way his love keeps heightening, they would've understood exactly why she is desperate.
Desperate for Imad's love and safe arms around her.
"Wow, you are genius, your Highness. I never would've thought you would go through that but it is an intelligent idea." She beamed, like any maid would have.
"Let's just hope I am not late. Imad is a sucker when it comes to Amirah, just not sure how much sucker he is now if he is. I hope not. She's denunciated him enough."
"Yeah, she does not deserve such nice man like his Highness. I hope she just moves on. It might hurt his Highness but that will be for the best." Amirah inserted, thickness growing at the back of her throat.
She is almost swearing in her head to make Usayma pay a little price for getting her this worked up. Now she won't only have Imad to fight with, she had to merge herself into this mini war. And with the stellar determination auditioned on her face, it won't be an easy game. She is ready to fight too just like she was weeks ago. It is not semantic, opposite of it.
The war is about to get more intense with Imad's succor aiding him in the shadow. But at least, she knows what she is planning to do and all she needs to do is work ahead of her.
"C'mon, Sis, just give it up already. Safeer is already crying buckets for you to accept me and he is your lovely son." Imad persuaded, cradling the aforementioned three year old baby in his arms.
"Imad, I won't repeat this. Leave my children and this chamber or I won't hesitate to castrate you." Falak threatened again cuddling up closer to her husband and the other triplet Sabeeha who wouldn't permit them to romance. The girl is getting underneath her nose.
He came earlier that Sunday evening to have dinner with them and make sure not to leave the house without her forgiveness eliciting a smile on his face. He couldn't hold back knowing his sister is that mad at him, he feels almost agitated. He's called her countless times but she didn't pick any, even her office. When he booked an appointment her at the hospital, she wouldn't have it, turned him down. She is strong headed and believes what she wants, no one could bend her.
Even her husband is currently staring at them with amused gaze. He won't interrupt the duo, he never does so Imad knew he's got no help but to do what his sister wants. And that is to tell her what has happened that first day of his wedding. Oh God, it feels like ages ago already and he does not wish to talk about it at all with her. He'd rather announce it to the world than tell her personally, she might just castrate him like that. For the fun of it, she would.
"Then come so I can tell you everything. And how about the dinner? You won't feed me too?" Imad made a moue with his lips, trying to act all cute but only got an eye roll from his sister. Why are sisters so damn annoying whether beautiful or hideous?
She is a cognoscente when it comes to dishes as though she is not a doctor, oops, doctors are all chefs usually. But hers has always been out of the world and it never seize to amaze him how she got that perfect. When she came to the city, she swore to never know how to do anything other than boiling bathing water. But now, she could stand close to any chef and puff her chest out without any fear. He is proud of all his siblings, they make his head swell.
"Let's go." His eyes widened when he saw that she is already standing up from her husband's arms which means there is no going back. If he could read the connection between them clearly, the husband already misses his wife but hid it very well. He gulped, today is going to be one heck of a day or is it night? This woman is so ready to make it his testament.
"Alright, the dining." He led the way while muttering how so many scenarios could stop him from telling her but nothing happened other than the lights and the orb beaded chandelier that blinded him when she turned them on.
She sat down before he did, crossed her arms over her chest then gave a quelling glare when he didn't start talking and instead stared at the sumptuous casseroles on the table. "Better start or I throw you out of the chamber."
"Hold your horses..." He licked his lower lips, looking awfully like her with the action then suspire in despair. He brought this upon himself, he can do it. Right? But this is Falak, his dramatic older sister and not mother or friends. Her reaction to everything is what he fears, deeply so too for Amirah. He'd succor her from everyone on earth but Falak? He is not so sure.
But he told her everything anyway, the exact way he told his mother and friends. Her face would react here and there to everything then you'd hear onomatopoeia from time to time sheaf in bind. Some of her expressions were even repudiating but he kept going, never stopped to give her chance to chirp in and she looks not interested to do so too anyway. The caricature of hers is comical but deep into his story, feeling the raw nadir ladened on his shoulders like an avalanche of death itself.
At the end of the story, her face is already murderous and acerbic. She's auditioning this flaring nose that totally looks hideous, eyes narrowed to the point of looking snake-like. The dining room almost felt like an oasis but that is definitely calm before the storm. Myriad of emotions passed through her face like a ramp for models, he could catch none but anger.
Then she stood up and marched to the living room to find her children all sprawled on the blankets around them sleeping except for the two triplets, Sabeer and Sabeeha. They almost look too cute that denounced her frigid anger then it came back after remembering what her mission was.
Sabeer is watching the television with great interest at the dinosaurs while Sabeeha rather cuddle her father than permit her droopy eyes to fall off but the man seems to not care. It is past their bedtime, he won't force them into doing anything. She always does the discipline, he is too soft on them.
She took all of them to their beds, Sabeer stood up himself, kissed both his parents cheeks and left in his pajamas clad body looking all cute. She forced a smile at him before facing Sabeeha with furrowed brows, she is not leaving her father's arms. Her patience is emaciating and it might be something in her eyes but Sabeeha mutinously unwrap her arms away from her father and kissed them goodnight too. Falak gave her a smile to reassure that she is not mad at her.
After she tucked them all to bed, she made it back to the living room to see Imad standing far end of the room while her husband is on the couch, folding the blankets in a bovine way, the children were lying on minutes ago. He won't even allow the maids to do that, too possessive over his children. That man. She stood in front of him, hands akimbo and he knew he was bombed.
With that stance, she inaugurated. "So you knew about everything and never told me about it? Were you ever going to tell me anything, statue? Three good long years?!"
Shaddad stood up quietly looking awfully guilty, gazed up at his younger brother who looks equally as guilty as he was. He sighed, he knew how to take care of his wife but the betrayal she is showing in her eyes influx too much in him. It harries him and twisted something in his guts. They've fought, oh they did in the past four years of their married life but it was never like this. Never betrayal!
"I'm sorry. When I found out about his illness and the way he specifically beseeched that I don't tell you about it, I couldn't bring myself to do so. I thought he'd tell you all when he was ready. He trusted me with his secret, I couldn't betray him." He sighed when she didn't budge and is still staring at him with contempt. Gently, he took her elbows in both his strong hands. "Understand where I'm coming from, Erum." He made sure their eyes are clashed so she could read him like she always does. She is the only one that understands him without him having to say much.
Imad who was staring from afar had to pick up his jaw from performing another chore off the floor. He's never seen his brother so expressive and... where is this word? He can't even search it up but seriously, his brother is a changed person while with his wife. It worsened in those years he was absent, the man is totally smitten and is now a family man. Wow, love really does exist where it is meant to be.
They made him believe in love at first anyway, and their own is still burning each day. Why was he unfortunate? Because he was born with silver spoon and had to undergo trial while she's been through hers during her younger age? He looked down, he still believes in love but will never fall again. He'd rather watch from afar at his brothers' love, it is enough.
They talked for a few minutes before he heard her calm sigh, he looked up to find his brother hugging her closer to him while she was still recalcitrant, standing all awkward. She don't want to give up but after a while, she hugged him closer while rolling her eyes. Imad smiled, they look too cute together so he did this mini video for them.
"I'm hungry." He heard his brother whispering in her ear and looking up, he wished he never did. They look like they are about to rip each other's clothes. Freaking aphrodisiacs!
Shaddad and Falak o! E choke!
What do you think about Usayma's protectiveness? Is that all or there is something more?
We are moving guys. I'm almost done with this book.
Less than three chapters more.
The chapters are 75, not much huh?💀
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