The comments from the last chapter❤ I wanted to rest but had to give you this. More comments...
"Amimi, I think we are going to stay here longer than we initially thought. Aminu's health is just there, not going anywhere. Neither moving forward nor backward so the doctors are still testing some more. I'm sorry I am not there and leaving you with Najla." Arwa licked her lower lips, her words soothing Amirah in the best way. Hearing from her always does anyway.
"You don't have to worry, we are handling it quite well and Najla is also very much healthy and okay. Tell him to get well soon so he can come back to work. Not that I'm complaining." She chuckled, lightening the heaviness cloaking their conversation.
She didn't tell her about working for Imad and seems like Aminu does not know whom his new boss is. She does not feel beholden to tell her that, she will get worried unnecessarily when there are more in her plates.
It's still early in the morning, she just finished getting ready for work in her hands down shadow palazzo pants and cloud shirt featuring scoop neckline and bracelet sleeves. She wrapped her veil in Sudanese style, something she learned how to from Husna. She didn't ask for help from no one, not even Afaf who gave her two thumb ups after she was done getting ready. She also felt proud of herself for the first time, another independent and maverick move that needs a pat on the shoulder.
With that pride on her head, she gave her sister a call but she cut it off to call them back again just so she won't finish their airtime. Amirah loves her siblings to death, she'd do anything for them and that is the same thing going through their heads too. She's seen how much they've sacrificed when she was younger, so much that she won't want to wrap it around her. They gave her everything she could ever ask for, even the ones she does not need which is something she vowed to reciprocate one way or the other.
Area's voice lilt her back to present. "Aww, have you all gain weight already? I don't want to come back and see you lots like brooms." Arwa laughed on the other end knowing just how much her words are going to affect the two girls. They look like sticks and not brooms, she should change that statement.
With a voice trying to mimic being mad, Amirah answered. "You want to come back to sacks of rice and grains huh? Well then, do and come back and see for yourself."
More light words were exchanged between the three siblings before they hung up, Amirah is almost late to work now. It's already a week since she's started working two jobs and seeing Imad almost half her day, she is still getting used to it. Imad here and Imad there is really messing with her head big time. Now she is focusing on paying the rest of their debts, the ones in the hospital and the one her mother took from a woman around their neighbourhood. She wants to finish with the woman first, she lacks manners.
She came a month ago, yelling at the top of her lungs, not sparing anyone on her path. A real ditz.
She came one morning to ban them from sleeping. "You these girls! What do you take me for? A stupid woman or what?" The woman, Maman 'yan biyu barged into their room looking at them in the eye. The woman is naturally scary, so imagine her trying to intimidate you the moment you awoke from sleep.
Not a good picture, ferocious ribald is entailed.
"Good morning, Maman 'yan biyu." Amirah boldly greeted, tucking Najla and patting her back so she can go back to sleep. The mannerless woman's voice woke her up and it is not yet time for her to awoke yet. They couldn't forestall it when she isn't willing to listen.
"Which good morning again? I've already told you to stop greeting me, I don't want it! Looking innocent while greeting me won't work." Maman 'yan biyu snarled, her hands akimbo while her eyes narrowed in a threatening manner that did nothing to shake off Amirah's confidence and bold moves.
The woman wants them to genuflect and grovel like some little spinless women they were not raised to be. She said Amirah is inundated with too much pride once upon a time but that was her been bold and standing up for them. Afaf could do alright but she mostly keep up to herself till she is inundated too and the picture won't look good. It literally flows like an avalanche of hot lava, it is ribald whenever it occurs.
Amirah stood, watching Afaf apologize to the woman through her eyes but she didn't as much look sorry for that. She just massaged her forehead to send the message that the woman is making her head ache which wasn't a lie. Whenever she wakes up in such unexpected way, her head will ache a little then go back to normal but since this is totally unforeseen, it is taking longer than usual. She sighed, the day is just starting and she feels like sleeping it off.
She made her way to the door where Maman 'yan biyu is standing then said in a cacophony. "Let's go outside and talk please, the girl is sleeping." She pointed at Najla as if it isn't obvious that the woman saw her sleeping. She is not magnanimous anyway.
Maman 'yan biyu reluctantly step outside the room not that she's stepped in anyway, just out the small hallway that leads to Husna's side. Now they are going to wake up the other people too with their words but Amirah have nowhere to go, she can't exactly step outside to talk about money with this woman. Everyone in that area knows how Maman 'yan biyu is when it comes to her money. She could remove her wrapper and beat you to pulp in the middle of the street. Amirah won't be able to do anything if that were to happen so she will stay in the confines of their home where people can come to her rescue.
"I don't want to talk, I want money. Your mother took fifty thousand naira cash from me and you only returned ten. What does that mean? How many years since then?" Maman 'yan biyu was not willing to lower her voice so Amirah didn't request that she does.
It is also a lie because her mother didn't collect fifty thousand from her and instead took ten at first to pay for her hospital bills discretely before they found out then another fifteen for more checkups and then the next twenty was when they found out about the disease. That sums up forty five thousand but she said they must add five for her because they took time to pay up, they agreed to keep her quite and now that is about to turn their lives upsidedown. Where do they get forty thousand?
That is why Amirah has been trying to cover up this woman first but the hospital is not agreeing. When she signed the contract in the palace, they agreed to be paying her bills straight to the hospital which she was immensely grateful to but then regretted after. Why didn't she first pay this stubborn mannerless woman to keep their peace and deal with the hospital later?
Yeah right, because the hospital was private and they are now on her neck. She's been working since before she became an adult and still is doing so without moving forward. They've spent so much money on their mother even after she's told them not to, that her time is over but they wouldn't give up. At least, they'd beat their chests and say they paid myriad and surfeit amount of money to save her life once upon a time. Their mother harangued them from doing so, they wished they listened when it was too late.
"Forty five thousand, Maman 'yan biyu. We agreed to pay fifty right? We are going to do so but we don't have a penny now. No matter what you are going to do at this moment, you won't extract a dime from us so please, allow us to get that money and bring it to you quietly. Disturbing us up and down won't do you good." Amirah crossed her arms underneath her bosom, her words coming out lower than the other woman's.
Maman 'yan biyu's eyes widened in astonishment since she never expected that from Amirah. The girl has always been quiet whenever she'd come and yell then leave but today, seems like she's grown her wings quite well. She is impressed, galvanised even but also feels disrespected! This is her money they are talking about not the other way around, how dare they do that to her? Does she want her ass dragged to the station?
"With this attitude of yours, I'm now sure you are the cause of your failed marriage." Maman 'yan biyu knew she's touched a sore spot seeing Amirah's confidence flailing but she didn't give up, she never cared. "I won't stay married to you myself if you're like this talk less of a Prince. Middle class girls like you tend to bring that shame to all others in your category. Thank God he freed himself off this burden." An eye roll endorsed her words.
"That is enough now, Maman 'yan biyu. Please pack up and leave. She said they'd give you your money, be going." Mukhtar, Husna's older brother came to her rescue that day or Amirah wouldn't know what she'd do.
That is not all, because fortunately, he didn't hear a single thing Maman 'yan biyu said about her being married to a Prince. Back then, they didn't know she was the Amirah everyone was talking about and she was not in the mood to explain things out for him.
Amirah released a shuddered breathe when the woman left with another warning sent her way. Some might think she got used to those taunt after three years but that is a stellar lie, you never get used to it. She is sure even in million years to come, she still will be shaken with words like Maman 'yan biyu's. Why does she have to pay for everyone's fault? And again, this is no one's fault but her own, she should fight it.
"Ami, you are late." Amirah blinked twice, staring at a uniform dressed Husna standing by their door waiting for her.
Since that day a week ago when Amirah got offered lift, Husna is now walking to school just to get a glimpse of the youngest Prince but no luck. Amirah knew she won't be that lucky though, he is avoiding anything that has to do with her like a plague. He also only stopped to give her a lift that day because of Jabir and nothing else. Why would he take danger in his galore sumptuous car so she can explode it?
"Compliment my fashion sense." Amirah teased, walking side by side with Husna down the clear road dirtied with red soil.
"Ah, you didn't hear what I said back there. I said you are finally catching up to my moves." Husna jeered, moving away from Amirah to avoid getting hit.
"I won't comment on that." Amirah rolled her eyes and kept walking just before she sighted Imad's car gliding beside them and he didn't stop. He was alone, he's seen her too but didn't show any sign that he has.
"Isn't that your boss?" Husna who was stilled since the car rolled down the coal tarred road behind them asked in amazement, mouth hanging open. She couldn't believe her luck that morning.
She's seen the youngest Prince with her naked eyes! Ah, this will be a good headline in school.
Amirah cleared her throat uncomfortably, it is suddenly dry. "Yeah, that is my boss."
"Oh my, he is so handsome, drop dead, pretty and gorgeous. I never thought those pictures were real, I thought they edited them too much. Aww, all the princes are drool worthy wallah." Husna kept walking while gushing and cooing, slightly irritating Amirah with the fan girl.
"Yeah, they are."
"I should drop by your office and get him to sign an autograph one of these days. What do you think?" Husna chuckled when Amirah glared at her, clearly not pleased with the fact that she is bringing Imad up after being warned not to.
How could she not though? The princes are almost worshiped in the state, she is a huge fan too. Getting a signature from one of them will be a dream come true. She can tick it off her bucket list.
"Don't you dare."
"You just dared me." Husna looks pained because whenever she is asked not to do something, she feels more determined to do it and Amirah knows that so she suspire.
"I will act like I don't know where you came from." Amirah shrugged, really thinking she can go through that.
"Ha, we shall see about time in due time, sweet love."
"What's the time?" Amirah questioned at the end of the road where she will have to continue walking while Husna run down to her school.
"Eight dot." With that, Husna hugged Amirah quickly and made it to the school before they closed the gates right behind her. Whew, she didn't make the girl late but... Late?
Darn, she is going to be late too!
"Good morning, Sir." Amirah swallowed thickly knowing she is five minutes late and Imad is already sitting behind his desk doing some work. Just one week and she is already late!
What a good impression.
"You are late." Was his nonchalant reply, his hands skipping and dancing fandango on the keyboard without a care of the world. Oh well.
"I'm sorry, Sir." She wanted to add 'I met my jerk of a boss but he didn't offer me a lift even after knowing I'd be late so not my fault' ha. She's already pictured his reaction already, she'd be decomposed and harangued then.
"Sorry?" He swiped his tongue along his teeth and for a moment, she thought he was thinking about their past but he smashed that hope yet again. "No problem. The work for you today are mostly errands."
"Okay, Sir." She stood still, waiting for her first round of errand only to want to slap his face the moment he closed his mouth.
He rose his face, his mother freaking more handsome face to stare at her dead in the eyes. The Amirah before would've melted into puddle but she stood still, holding his gaze with galore and hefty sacks of strength. "Get breakfast for my guest and take it to the palace. Ask for the guests chamber, take it there. Her name is Jannah."
All she wants to do is smack the darn innocent casual smile off his face but she cannot, so she settled on. "Is that all?" As if that is what she wants to do. She is not an errand girl nor a maid, well at least, not for that moment.
"Get that done first and come back." He dismissed her, flying his credit card onto the table for her to pick and she did just that while grinding her teeth.
Imad watch Amirah leave the office with a slight stomp to her usual catwalk making him grin. Whether it's been three years or not, he still knows what button to push to get her to react and he did just that. She hates getting off topic or work entirely and if she is going to start suffering, he will have to start from there. He'd galvanise her with these little things till she breaks and drop that façade of hers that she keeps intact.
He made sure the first few days of her work is pressure free and without too much stress almost making her feel as though he's forgotten about her and what she did in the past. If only she knows how many sleepless nights he's had just to make sure he gets back at her.
At first, he really wanted to forgive her but things happened and he just had to drop that big man panties. Even though he knows he can't see Amirah suffering, he is darn sure he won't leave her go unscathed after bringing herself to his lair. He will make sure to break her, she must succumb to his own evil plots and live according to his ideas. He will make her reap down their past, she will have to do so herself without him poking. He doesn't care whether this is a prepubescent move, it won't denounce his plan.
He cannot wait for that day.
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