I dare you to comment on each paragraph, following anyone that does...
She tried swallowing her tears but couldn't and in the next three second, she started crying into her baby hijab. She is sure she's ruined her new pitch sailor pants, she loved those pants. It only makes her cry all the more at the thought of it tearing or worst, ripping into two. She started panicking, her face still hidden in her hijab because there are many people she doesn't want to see.
Imad is the one she will despise seeing at that moment and strange enough, she can't feel his eyes on her. Yes, she knows when Imad's eyes are on her and when they are not. Even when he was looking at her earlier in the office, she felt those tingles of birds chirping around her brain while her knees got jellied. But at that moment, she can't feel his eyes which unnerved her.
Him not staring at her means he doesn't give a damn about what is going on with her because he clearly knows that she is the one sitting helplessly on the floor. Almost every other member present in the room gasped when she tripped and all of them are now staring at her like she just declared being an avatar, it is so unnerving. She wants to yell at them to stop but her lips are glued except for the soft whimpers of humiliation.
Is it wrong for her to want him to help her up?
It's not like she can do it herself but apart from that, she wants him to come and do that like he always does, coming to her rescue. She knows how to look for trouble from her bullies back in school knowing they can't do anything as she has him by her side. Everyone is afraid to touch even a single strand of hair from her head, they won't sleep well. In fact, no one could dare point at her, she was Imad's baby girl.
She enjoyed her highschool when he was there, and after he left, nothing was the same anymore. The bullies still never try bullying her but her circle of friends betrayed her because of jealousy and envious minds. They couldn't separate her from him but she did it herself, small world. Most of them are laughing at her now, that is all they've ever wished for from the beginning.
"Are you okay?" She heard someone ask from above her, hauling her away from her memory lane.
And that person is someone she never expected to see, not there at least. She didn't want to recognise whose voice it is but she is forced to hearing the gentleness and love the voice has always had for her. The person she won't ever think about hating even though she's tried her whole time to push them away no matter how much they push themselves into her life. She made sure they have no way to contact her and it sure hurts seeing everyone pulling away from her all because of her demons.
The owner of the voice is none other than Kamilah, her old long lost friend. Both Kamilah and Lateefah were persistent on getting to know what happened between her and Imad so she pushed them away from her to not let them open the buried wounds. Amirah would've told them since that isn't her problem but she don't want people trying to see the darkness she has in her. She also cant afford letting the façade get ruined. The girls loved her, that is not a secret and that is why she didn't want to bring them close.
"Yeah, thank you." She mumbled then took the outstretched hand Kamilah is offering because even if she doesn't want to take it, she knew she can't stand up on her own.
"Come have a seat." And she guided her to the empty space she has been looking at, it feels like ages ago since she walked into the office. What on earth was she looking at that she tripped on a wire? And she thought everything has been set right but no, she just had to visit the ground on worst times.
"Thanks." She smiled again at her when she is seated, feeling awkward that her boss didn't even acknowledge her while everyone settle to start the meeting. She mentally thanked Salim for starting the meeting straightaway after she sat down, she can't take no attention more.
But her mind didn't stop there seeing Kamilah after three long years. She's changed and look so much like a businesswoman, she can't remember the girl telling her something about wanting to become a businesswoman. Kamilah's passion is architecture so seeing her in the company only raise her question because all her head concludes that she is into business and not rulers anymore. It's really surprising seeing the change in her, she was such passionate woman about being an architect.
She can't finish studying architecture in three years so that raise the question of her being an architect. She is definitely a business woman and studied some two years business course like her. Her father urged her to business but she refused him then or so she told them. Maybe she changed what she wants to become after they separated, it happens like that. Not what you always want to be turns out to be who you will be, it changes with time.
Amirah never wanted to study business her whole life, she never actually thought about becoming one but it was the easiest course she can study online and another bonus, it's only two years. That was the only thing she could afford in the varieties of courses in the online classes that was listed. With the work she does, she doesn't have much time to think about what she wanted to be which she doesn't even know. She is never picky about stuff and she was never picky on what she wants to study unlike her sister.
Her eldest sister Arwa didn't bother going to school instead started her business right after she graduated from highschool since she's been trying even before she finished her highschool. She makes food for small parties at the tender age of seventeen, people place orders because her food is out of the world. Some might think because she is young, she won't be able to cook so much food but she pulled it off effortlessly like it was no big deal which to Amirah it is.
Amirah was young then so her only work there is to chop the green beans, carrot and some capsicums. She is also the one that tastes the food whether the ingredients are enough or are too much. After those small parties, she started cooking for many rich events for rich people. Her dream was to open her own place where she can hire people and also where anyone can meet her to place there appointment but that didn't happen even then. The only people that know about her cookings are the ones close to her, they make the connection for her like her sisters in-law.
Then comes Afaf who has been passionate on becoming a lawyer even after her mother saying she can't afford it, she didn't stop being hopeful. She wish she could be an optimist like her sister but that is something she lacks since she was a young girl, it hasn't changed and looks like it isn't changing. She only thinks about worst situations, never the brightest side of the moment. Her focus is what will go wrong if this happens or that happens, it gets bad sometimes.
If one doesn't understand and experience the difficulty it takes to earn the comfort provided by their loved ones, than they will never value it.The most important thing is to experience the difficulty and learn to value hard work behind all the given comfort.
"Welcome to the board everyone. As you can all see, we have new employees and also new heads of departments, we shall welcome them later. Our main focus today is getting the contract signed by the Zamani Corporation for the new gadgets we want to launch. Though most of our investors want to invest, we can't let them do that because they want too much shares which will cause us loss. But if the Zamani Corporation are willing to sign it off like we have planned, then everything is going to be..." Amirah sighed in boredom hearing Salim talk on and on about whatever.
But where is Lateefah? Just then, she felt someone's eyes on her from her left side, she raise her head to see who it was. She saw Lateefah looking at her warily but also with unsureness, like she can't believe she is seeing Amirah there. Or she is surprised how she got back with Imad not knowing she only works for him and none of them tried bringing back the past, it's hilarious in some way. It makes her nauseous thinking about what people might think of her now.
Some might think they are back together or she is now some gold digger. Heh, she would not want to think of what people are thinking now, she could only hope that they don't recognise her, yup, wishful thinking. It's not like she's been with him for long and she's heard that her appearance has changed from three years ago and their marriage wasn't that popular for them to recognise her.
She now looks a little shade darker, skinner than she was before which is saying a whole lot. She's changed, physically, emotionally and mentally.
Now that she is looking at Lateefah, the girl looks way fresher than she was. Her skin shines this golden colour, her face flawless from all those wicked pimples she had some years ago, she called them wicked because they were persistent on ruining her face. She has this subtle makeup of just plucked brows, mascara to highlight her already curled lashes down to soft pink lip gloss she applied. The girl can't keep lip gloss, she sucks it all the time so imagine Amirah's surprise seeing it intact on her lips.
She could also see that she is wearing a white button up shirt, round silver earrings and her head is tied in good turban with a grease coloured veil. If she is seeing clearly, she is also wearing an ebony flare pants which will surely compliment her behind. The girl has got the behind well but the chest is not much though from three years ago, there is change. And to think she always loves breasts more than her ass, Amirah never understands the girl.
While Kamilah is also looking good with her walnut coloured skin that is looking more flawless and shiner. She never had pimples before but small acnes around her whole face, maybe she's finally got the cure after such long days in skincare hospitals. Amirah can't count the times she's escorted her to those hospitals, maybe even more than she's eaten for the past three years. The girl was hellbent on not going to their prom with a frightful face.
She is wearing a granite veil wrapped in muffler, a white button up shirt living the first button wide open enough to show her throat and neck. And when she stood up earlier to help her, she was wearing a slate straight skirt. Her kitty black heels looked good on her making Amirah wonder how much her friends had changed for the past three years. She hates heels as far as Amirah could recall but suddenly, she is wearing it.
They all hate anything that has to do with business but here they are deep into it. Life is always unpredictable, all you have to do is go with the flow and let it lead you.
An hour into that boring meeting, it was finally over and only the important heads of departments could stay and she couldn't be more grateful. She can't stand there and watch Imad ignore while her other friends stare at her in astonishment and uncertainty. They are going to talk to her, she knows that but she is not ready to talk to them. She wants to gather her thoughts and keep away her embarrassed self for a while before she comes out of the hole.
She left the conference room racking her brain to look for the way she followed from the elevator. She gave out a sigh of relief when she sighted the silver doors and thankfully it looks empty so she can't jump punch on the number, she can't even remember. What on earth had she been thinking about when she came in? Oh right, she has no direction except for what Imad is thinking at moments.
How stupid.
"Ammraa." Her heartbeat sped up hearing the nickname Kamilah and Lateefah have for her, she can't help wanting to run away from them.
She feels disgusted with herself, like she is not supposed to have the audacity to even look at them in the eye after what she's done to them. She's pushed them away when they were only trying to help her out even with her ego on the way. She wanted to give up and let them do that but then she thought about the consequences, she will have to open her mouth and tell them what has happened, she can't do that. That is a secret she is willing to take to her grave.
One thing she also learnt from her mother about life is to never beg or depend on anyone. If you dare to depend on someone, they are going to want to take something back from you. People are never too good to do something nice to some they don't know, even your own family members find it hard to help you talk less about an outsider. She refuse to take alms from her friends, she thrived to be independent.
"Uh, yes." She pivoted around in the elevator just to avoid them but they were already close to her and it looks like they are also going to ride the elevator with her.
Why does she feel like she should not stay close to them because she is disgusted with herself? They look to breath in rich air unlike her who can't even think about the riches anymore, she can't.
This is going to be a long day.
How are you doing? Our Imad never help our damsel o, Ayyah, Amirah but this is just the start💃 I can't wait to see how this two will turn out to be.
RQ; Would you rather have acne or pimples? None!!!!!
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