Chapter 10
"Y-You love me?" " I love you?" He seems so confused he looks and me and growls. I'm sorry I just cant", he says before walking out. "What the fuck was I thinking!" I hear him tell in the hall and cursing.
My heart drops and tears start to fall one by one down my cheek. I knew he didn't mean it. I stare at the door in shock and gulp. I decide not to stress about it and sleep in bed all day.
Actually I stayed up the whole time crying about it. I hear the sound of the door opening slowly. I hear him sigh as he walks to the bathroom. Minutes later I hear the shower running.
I sigh in relief as I wipe my eyes from my tears. I hear him open the bathroom door and climb onto the bed.
"Hazel?" I make no sound. "Hazel?" I still don't make a sound he growls and lifts me up slightly. "Since you don't want to act right I'll just tell you the hard way. I'm giving you back to your masters."
My eyes widen as I shake my head. "No! No! No!" I completely fall out of the bed backing up against the wall. "Nothing but that."
"I'm just fucking with you!" He starts to laugh holding his stomach. I just sit there shock still letting the tears stream down my cheeks.
"How could you joke about something like that?!" I stand up heading towards the door when I'm stopped by him. "Come on hazel I was just playing around to brighten the mood. "Brighten the mood. Who freaking does that stuff!" I leave the room slamming the door heading to the kitchen.
I look through the fridge and find a food called chocolate chip cookie dough.
I open it and take a scoop with my fork. I remember when I first met Xavier and he told me what spaghetti was and what a fork was.
I taste the cookie dough and frown. "I thought it was supposed to be warm and chewy?" I hear laughing and I look over to see him. "Your not supposed to eat it like that. Well you can, but its better if you bake it."
I look at the cookie dough and my mouth forms a o shape. He takes it out of my hand and places it on the counter. He turns the oven on. "You put them on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven for how many minutes the tube says.
I nod my head as he hands me the sheet. We form the cookies into balls and place them on the cookie sheet and place them into the oven.
"Now we wait." I groan, wanting to taste the delicious cookies. The room was kind of awkward since of this morning. "So do you have any sisters or brothers?" My head hangs low at the question. "I had a older sister and a brother on the way. My sisters name is Hannah. She was golden to my parents.
My brother I remember them picking the name Hunter. They said that him and my sister was to be the best thing that ever happened to them. Me on the other hand they weren't proud of. I remember they talking about how i wasn't planned to be born.
I realized that I had tears coming down my cheeks and Xavier starring at me. He stands up and walks closer to me hugging me tightly.
"L-lets check on the cookies." He nods his head as we make it over to the oven. I open and try to take the sheet out with my hands but instantly drop it down on the rack. "Hot!" I whimper as I hold my hand to my chest. "Your supposed to use the oven mitts." Xavier takes them out.
"While we go bandage up your burn lets just let them cool off. I nod and follow him to the first aid kit.
"So do you have any brothers and sisters?" "Actually yes. I have a sister, she's eighteen and her name is Natalia. My brother he's one day younger then me and he's also the same age like me.
"So your twins?" He nods his head and smiles. We go back to the kitchen and eat the yummy cookies.
"There so good!" I moan as I bite into my third cookie. He growls and his eyes turn black. "Stop making that noise its imitating."
"Sorry", I mumble. "Don't be sorry it's just me." I nod my head as I finish my yummy cookie.
Soooo I finally got my phone fixed and updated! Hope you enjoy this chapter. Hope it's not to boring
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