Linda, my new contract
I was lucky to be in the same class with Julius and Adaobi. Getting along with people wasn't difficult. It seemed they just liked me and I liked them too. But there was a girl that never came to me or introduced herself. Her table was also separated from everyone else's. I asked Julius who she was.
"Oh! That's the Linda I told you about. You see, she's no go area. I hope you're not going to her", he asked, giving me a stern look. "I don't know. She seems dejected", I said, looking at her. "Well, you'd become popular if you make her fall for you", he said, nudging me. I waited patiently for break time when everyone will leave for brunch. "Sam, let's go for brunch," Julius said. I whispered something into his ear which made him smile and say, "Goodluck bro. Don't be long when you find out it's not working."
Immediately almost everyone was out. I went to shoot my shot. "Hey, what's your name?", I asked her.
She even didn't look at me. Just hissed and said. "Aren't I the one supposed to to be asking you that?", she said.
"Well, you delayed. You're the only one that didn't acknowledge my presence", I said sadly.
For the first time, she looked at my face and burst into laughter. "Nke a o si na o gini? (What does this one know he's saying.) Who the hell do you think you are?", she asked rudely.
"Someone that deserves respect", I answered feeling slightly annoyed. "Ok! that, you would get. Kindly get out of my sight, let me breathe in fresh air", she spat.
I wasn't happy but I guess I liked her. "It wouldn't take long before I take that wild cat", I said as I went down for brunch. I was running late already. At the refectory, which was where we were having brunch. I told Julius about the update and he mocked me. "See you that was forming Pablo- bad boy. I'm sure you've seen that our girls aren't an easy catch", he said feeling high. "I'm not yet done with her", I said as I gulped down the remaining Fanta.
"I see you're done. Let's hurry back to class. Break is almost over", he said as he made his way out.
I followed behind still planning on new moves in my head. Chemistry class was next, so maybe shifting my seat position to the back where Linda was, wouldn't be much of a problem.
And that's exactly what I did.
I heard gossips and laughter from my mates. Julius gave me a disappointed, yet knowing look. Something was really disturbing me- This girl. "How dare she speak to me in that manner?", I thought.
"Hey, I thought you might be lonely. So I came along", I said, confused at her silence. Her head was bent all this while and she didn't reply. I shook her violently. "Hey, I'm talking to you". Immediately, she slapped my hands off her back and warned. "This is the first and last time you will ever disturb my life. Is it because I was being calm with you when you came earlier? Get out! I say leave!", she ordered.
Truth be told, I haven't been insulted and humiliated like that my whole life, by anyone let alone a girl.
I shamefully moved back my seat to my original position lowering my head in shame. A girl at the back touched me lightly and spoke. "Hey, I'm Gabriella. But you can call me 'Gabi' for short. Don't mind her attitude. This is how she's always been. Scary.", she said, making scary faces at me. Without anyone telling me, I knew I had already reduced my steeze. Julius didn't talk to me till the end of the school period. "Guy, you're the first boy to ever receive that shout. How proud do you feel now?", he asked sarcastically.
I didn't just reply want to reply him. I know it was all my fault. I could have minded my business. My mind drifted back to California. I imagined a happy Bliss, Charles and Julie strolling together and hanging out. I really missed them. I wasn't with my phone to have a video chat with them- one of the school's rules.
During sports time, I just sat at the podium watching those playing Basketball. Linda approached me and sat beside me which was the last thing I thought would ever happen. "Was she here to embarrass me like she did in class or create a huge scene?", I thought. "I know you're mad at me for shouting at you. I'm sincerely sorry", she said, looking calmer than usual.
I just smiled at her and replied her apology. "That's not a problem. If I tell all I've been through. That shout wouldn't rank top 100", I said, smiling at her.
"You're really a nice person, your girlfriend back there must have been sad the day you left", she praised. Immediately, I froze. I remembered how ugly things turned out to be on my last days. "I didn't really get to end well with her. So sad", I thought.
Linda seemed to notice my absent mindedness. "What are you thinking about? Wasn't she sad?", she enquired. "I don't really know. Hadn't spoken since I left", I told her.
Linda shook her head in pity. "The poor girl must've been heartbroken", Linda said. The more she felt for Bliss, the more my heart was ripping apart. That was when it dawned on me the cost of what I had lost. I had lost Bliss, that one special person in my life. I should have known her better. She wouldn't just leave me like that. I immediately remembered the time Julie threatened her and she didn't answer my question on whether she loved me. She did it for a reason because she was forced to make a promise. Who knows what's the problem this time? But on a second thought, if she did really love me. Nothing will stop her from being with me. Not a threat nor distance.
Linda told me about her life. How she was found by the roadside as a child and raised in an orphanage. How she won a scholarship to this school through a mathematics competition. "I should be grateful. See me stumbling around in relationship affairs. Someone doesn't have someone to call dad. I know how toxic that feeling was. I had once experienced it. No wonder she was seen as that", I said feeling for her.
"So after school closes on midterm or vacation, you will go straight to the orphanage," I said with eyes of pity.
"Of course, where else can I call home if not the orphanage", she answered looking less bothered.
"Linda from now onwards, we are friends. You can share your problems with me. And please, try to brighten up and become lively in class. Being a loner won't help", I advised.
"Thank you Sammy", she said. "That's my pet name. How did you get that?", I asked. "It isn't hard to form. Just from your name", she replied. "See you around some other time ", she said and left.
All these while, I didn't take notice of other students. Both the ones that were eavesdropping on our conversation and the ones that assumed their own things. Adaobi was part of them. "Wow! I guess someone has found a crush.", Adaobi shouted. I pretended as if I didn't hear her and moved down to the football pitch near the hostel. "It's sports time for a reason", I said to myself. "Hey, can I play with you guys?", I asked the boys playing. From the way they acted, I could tell they were junior boys. "Why were junior students always afraid of senior ones?", I thought. I entered into the pitch and played with the boys. I was on the losing team. "Hey, pass hear", I called out to my team mate. "Excuse me senior, what's your name?", the boy that passed to me asked. "I'm Sam", I quickly replied.
They were so happy that I was playing with them. Each tried their best to show me how good they were. They was nothing fun in forming senior around after all. "Enjoying life" was my watchword and it doesn't discriminate.
Linda came down there and signalled me to come. I had to apologize to the boys promising to play with them some other time and came forward to her. "Would you like to have a stroll with me?", she asked.
"Sure", I said as she led me on.
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