First I saw Sally behind bars, she was wearing ripped clothes then I saw, myself having sex with Jake then I saw honey and Bob kissing. I heard Jake and William say "wake up Penelope." I woke up panting and sweating.
"Um, Penelope?" Jake said looking concerned. "I saw some things in my dream." I said. "Like what?" William asked. " Sally in prison, bob and honey KISSING. " I replied. "WHAT?!" Jake exclaimed. " Nora's room messy and us having sex" I added. William was grinning. "Its probably nothing." Jake said.
"Or it could be a vision. Visions are common in most stuff, Harry potter, Percy Jackson,star wars,ninjago. " so it could be a vision or just a random dream. " William said.
"Well done of it seems weird some of it doesnt. Honey and Bob probably don't even know each other, me and u well understandable,why would Sally be in jail?and what the hell with Nora's room. " Jake said.
"U know why she'd be in jail jake." I said. " Oh right but Honey and Bob and Nora's room. " he replied. "what do u think?" Jake asked William . " idk who honey is but with Bob and Sally it's confusing. " William said. "Yeah let's just forget about it." Jake said.
I was walking home, I really didn't want to but I had no choice. Me and william were okay with each other now. It was school tomorrow. I wondered what would happen. Reluctantly and grumpily I opened the front door. Immediately, a ball was thrown at my face.
I didn't even react, I was used to it by now so I just walked upstairs. "HEY!" Nora shouted, then she tripped me over. " leave me alone. " I said then I walked away. I walked into my room, it was a tip. My desk was over turned, paper,pens and pencils scattered everywhere.
My clothes on the floor or hanging over the curtain bar. I took a picture and sent it to Jake. "WHAT THE HELL! who did that?!" He replied over text.In the scattered paper a note stood out. "Nice room time for me to trash it ur welcome ur ex Lucas." I read. " it was Lucas😭" I texted him.
"Who? How?" Jake's asked. "My ex and idk." I replied . "So that's one of ur ex's , the Lucas that went our primary and now our secondary.he's a jerk." Jake texted. " yea. " I replied. " how the fuck did he get into ur house tho. " Jake said.
"Idk but I'm moving asap. Moving houses but it will probably be a couple of years." I texted. " Yeah. I could ask my mom if u could move in with us. " Jake texted. "REALLY?" I texted excited. " Yeah I don't what she'll say tho. " Jake replied.
"Wow ur rooms a tip." Nora said behind me. " Mhm" I replied. "Sucks to suck.'she said then she left." my mom said she'll think about it and she said ull have to ask it parents and she'll need to talk to them. " Jake texted a minute later.
"They don't even feed me most of the time, I have to cook my own dinner." I texted. " Wow that's harsh . Go ask them then. " he replied . "I will." I said then I ran downstairs. " mum can I move out? " I asked. " YESSSS, PLEASE MOVE OUT U PIECE OF TRASH! " she replied.
"My parents said yes." I texted Jake. " Sweet! I'll tell my mum! " he replied. " she said put them on face time so she can talk to them. "Ok." I texted.
" mum can u answer this call, it's to get rid of me.. " I said to my mum. " yesss! " she said snatching the phone off me. "TAKE MY DAUGHTER SHE'S A PIECE OF TRASH !" she shouted into the phone then she threw it back to me. " ok u can move in next week. " Jake's mom said. " thank u! " I replied, then she hung up.
Word count 😊:663
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