"Are u guys naked right now?" William asked. "Um maybe."Penelope said. "I'll ask again, are u naked right now?" He asked . "Erm." I said. "Yes." Penelope replied. "For the love of...." William started. I heard a lock click. William came in his eyes closed. William opened the cupboard , picked some more clothes for us and then he passed them to us. "Thank me later."he said then he left. " Wow."I said putting some clothes on. I passed Penelope some clothes. "We should go back down." I said. Penelope nodded.
I was fully dressed. "You done?" I asked Penelope . "Almost." she said putting a top on. "Your beautiful by the way , I've been dying to say that." he said. "Thanks your handsome." Penelope replied. "Thanks😏. Also did someone pay you to do what you just did because it was heaven😏" I said smirking. "Thanks😏 . I'm done now." She said.
We went downstairs. "WHAT'S WITH ALL THE CLOTHE CHANGES?!" My dad exclaimed. "Um We spilt stuff on our clothes." I said. "Yeah."Penelope agreed. "Ok." My dad said, he sounded a little suspicious . "That's what happened." William said. He winked at us then front flipped away. 'Him and his front flips.' I thought. "Ok we should say thanks to him later." I said . Penelope nodded in agreement. "Did we do something illegal or not?" I asked. " um I don't know. " She shrugged. "Oh well." I said.
"Jake do u mind if I do party games?" My Mom asked me. "No ,not at all." I replied . "Should we participate?" I asked Penelope.
"I don't know." She replied . "Eh why not? I'm going to." I said. " ALRIGHT EVERYONE LISTEN UP! WE'RE PLAYING MUSICAL STATUES! " My Mom shouted. She turned on the music, it was Human. William didn't do any flips this time, probably because he didn't want to be out. Instead he did the floss. Honey twirled around, I just moved around and Penelope watched. I grinned at her. Before the music stopped, I quickly sat on the sofa next to Penelope. Then the music stopped.
William was on the floor trying to stay still. Honey had one leg up and the other on the floor, trying not to wobble. The rest of my family were also in awkward position, I tried to laugh. we did some other party games. Of course I won all of them but I didn't want the prizes so I gave them to the second best players.
It was 4pm. "LET'S TAKE THIS PARTY OUTSIDE!" William shouted. Everyone pulled out their phones and speakers. They connected the speakers to the phones then they started playing multiple different song all at once. Then like a pack of elephants they all ran outside. I couldn't help but stare at Penelope she was so beautiful. We weren't officially together yet, but I didn't know if I should ask just yet. "You coming?" I asked Penelope . "I got loads of crazy things outside , a treehouse, swings, a massive trampoline, a see saw, a spinny thing." I added.
"Ok." she said. I held out my hand and she took it. I walked her outside. The sun was shining, there were no clouds in the sky. It was hot, but not too hot to the point where you would get sweaty. It was just the right temperature for me . I sighed. "Do you want to go on the trampoline?" I asked.
Honey was already on it, along with her favourite cousin , who just happened to be the sister of my favourite cousin William. His sisters name was Olivia. She has blond hair and dark blue eyes. She gave the darkest death stare so pro tip don't upset her.
I unzipped the trampoline and I front flipped on. "I'm not as good as William because I definitely can't do flips unless I'm on a trampoline also pro tip, don't annoy him or his sister. Olivia who's next to Honey .William because he's watched all the star wars movie's and he's trained with a lightsaber so he could hit from a mile away useful for your enemies. Impress him and he'll fight to the death for u. Olivia because she won't stop until every bit of ur hair is ripped from ur scalp." I explained.
"Nice to know😌" Penelope replied . "So just get yourself in their good books like I have." I said. " Ok." Penelope agreed. "Olivia is only one year younger then William but she's basically his twin." I added. As if it was magic William back flipped inside the trampoline with his toy lightsaber, but trust me ,never underestimate a toy lightsaber. "You coming in?" I asked Penelope . She nodded.
I held out my hand again. She took it and stepped onto the trampoline. "Thanks."she said. "No problem.Will, pass the saber." I said. He threw it to me.I caught with one hand. I started to doing tricks with it, spinning it backwards and forwards really fast behind my back.Penelope watched in awe.
I threw it with one hand and caught it with the other. I back flipped with it in my hand. I threw it to will and he threw it back to me. I threw it in the air and back flipped, then when I landed I caught it. I bowed.
"If only I could take this to school" I muttered. " So amazing😍" Penelope said. "Thanks, as u can see, I practise I forgot mine at Will's though. I'll have to get it next time." I said. "What a way to impress your girlfriend. " william said. "Innit." honey and Olivia agreed. I blushed. "I'm not her boyfriend." I muttered. "Well it seemed like you were." William replied . "Hey guys we've got a surprise for you!" William's mum shouted.
Word count😊:971
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