I wished that me and Penelope would have a happy romance. Everyone cheered. Suddenly, I didn't care, if was being childish anymore... Because I was just being me.I looked at Penelope, and I smiled at her confidently. My mom started cutting the cake into slices. She passed one to me. I passed it to Penelope "Do you want it?" She took it and had a bite. " Wow it's WONDERFUL. " She said then she ate the rest.
"Good!" My Mom said then handed out pieces to everyone then two for me. I ate them in about 5 minutes. "PARTY TIME!" William shouted. "Alexa, play Williams favourite songs!" William said. 'Good 4 u' came on. " WELL GOOD 4 U, IT'S LIKE U NEVER EVEN MET ME! " Honey screamed. William turned the volume up to a 100. I loved it. "CRYING ON THE FLOOR OF MY BATHROOM!" I shouted . My mom turned on some disco lights we had and made it as dark as possible. I started dancing. "Team?" I asked Penelope , holding out my hand. "Yes." she said then she took my hand. I spun her around.
In the 'name of love' came on. "If I told u this was only going to hurt." I began. "If I warned u that the fires going to burn." Honey sang. " I only put this song on for you. " william said. "What do u mean?" I asked. "You know exactly what I mean." He said winking at me. Then I turned red for the millionth time today. "Why?" I said out loud. "Anything u want to say or ask, while the music is blasting? " I asked Penelope.
"You would do that for me?" She asked. "Do what?" I asked, confused . "The song." she said. "No. The name of love." she replied. "Would I walk in would I let u lead me even when I'm blind, in the darkness in the middle of the night, in the silence when there's no one by my side , would I call in the name of love, would I rise up come and meet up in the, would I trust u when I'm jumping from the heights, would I call in the name of love? "I said. Gosh that was a mouthful.
"Wow." Penelope said. "Is that what you mean?" I asked , out of breath. "Yes." she replied nodding. "Why would u ask that?" He asked. "Because you broke up with me, then William is saying that and all the things that have been happening recently. " she explained. "Do NOT even remind me."I said. "You broke with me 6 years ago." Penelope said . "I know... I was thinking about that when I blew out my candles." I said IDGAF came on kid friendly version of course. 😔
"Whats wrong?" I asked. "Did u break up with me bc u didn't love me?better of as friends? " She asked. "Nope." I replied. "I've heard all this before from my other ex's: didn't love you, I love someone else, we're better as friends, I cheated on you." She said. " wait, wait, wait back up, u other ex's?!" I exclaimed.
Word count😊:527
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