Chapter 059 - Cielo
When the four of us returns, Dakila is already speaking on the dais. Something about gratitude and the duties of Hiraya's inhabitants.
" ensure that those prisoners who sinned will be reformed and be able to rejoin the Fuhuan people at the Mainland."
Wait... What is he talking about? Reforming? Prisoners? I am confused. Isn't this just about giving human tributes? I look at Migo and Renz, they both look equally confused.
I look at Jade. She seems calm. I look for Aian, maybe he can shed light on what's happening right now. However, he's still not showing up despite Isagani's warning to ensure we attend this celebration.
"We are mandated to let go of the inhabitants to toil on the mainland, hoping that on their next Cycle, they would be better citizens."
Cycle? What the hell are they talking about? I shift my attention to Jade. I feel as if, there's more to her asking, than just making sure we are prepared to escape the island.
"For this year, the one who will make the dues will be," Dakila looks at Migo. Migo looks behind him but everyone's eyes are on him.
"Migo, will you take a step forward?"
He points at himself with a questioning look. When Dakila nods, he takes a step forward but Jade holds his arm. I flinch and I grab Renz's arm. I just hope that everyone's eyes won't be on me. I wish I can hide from everyone.
"What is this?" Migo asks Jade.
Jade shakes her head and says, "Migo, it's alright, I can handle this."
"You can handle this? Care to explain what this is?"
"They wanted you, us. They needed a slave to be sent to Fuhua," Jade answers.
Suddenly, Jade turns to me and mouths, "Please."
I move towards Migo and wrap my arms around him. He flinches at the touch. He still doesn't like me. Despite that, he can sense that something unpleasant is about to happen.
I watch Jade step forward, away from us. She kneels in front of Rajah Sinagtala, who is evidently disconcerted, and says, "Instead of my friend, Migo, allow me to do the honor of serving the Fuhuan people."
Jade meets the Rajah's eyes and my arms tighten a bit more on Migo. The Rajah's fury is palpable as if I'll get burned if I do so much as blink. Tears fall on my eyes. I am afraid, deathly afraid, but I promised Jade.
Like Migo, Renz is confused as well. I need his help but I am afraid that he'll go to Jade's side instead. I loosen my hold on Migo, to reach Renz, but suddenly, Migo frees himself from my grasp. In that split-second movement, I feel panicked, "Renz, help!"
Renz moves and grabs Migo's shoulder. He pins him to the ground and Migo becomes unable to move. He watches the way Jade shakes his head at the Rajah. She's trying to calm him down even when it's too late already for the Rajah. He's trembling in mad hostility, and its Jade's eyes that are trying to curb his rage.
And Migo looks jealous over that. Who would not? Jade only met the Rajah for a few months, compared to her years of friendship with Migo.
"Let me go," Migo grumbles to Renz while gritting his teeth.
I hear someone announce that Jade will be the Hirayan to be sent to Fuhua. Migo screams for her name but it's drowned out by the fake cheers of the Hirayans and the gleeful welcome of the Fuhuan guests.
"Jade!" he screams again, this time louder.
Finally, Jade's eyes, who sees nothing but the Rajah, shifts towards Migo. But it's only for a second as if she can't handle meeting Migo's eyes. She knew she's being selfish, the guilt in her eyes proves it. I guess this is what Jade is telling me. She needs me to handle all of these? But that's hard, I can't do that!
Then I watch Jade mouth the words to me. "Thank you. Sorry."
"Please, Jade, don't do this to me," Migo begs.
I feel bad for the two. Jade is sacrificing herself to be a slave to an unknown land. I'm sure Migo does not like it. He will hate her for this. Still, Jade looks determined as if it's the only way out. I'm sure she's thinking about Migo's mentality when she made her decision. Just like I thought, she takes care of Migo, so much that her lovers get jealous over her care for him.
"I can't let you," Rajah Sinagtala declares, his voice is laced with hatred. "You are not chosen to be this year's tribute."
"It's not for you to decide," Jade answers back, her eyes back at him.
Then she did the most unspeakable thing. She removes her shirt, with only a skimpy tube covering her nudity. Everyone gasps and from their mouths, I hear, 'She's a full-blooded Nayan!'
"Nayan?" I whisper. Then I listen in to the murmurs around me.
"Look at her navel! It's so pronounced!"
"You think we can finally have a real live birth this decade?"
"Or century! It will be exciting!"
"Then, we really need to get her!"
Wait... Navel and being a Nayan. Does that mean I am also a Nayan?!
I swallow and images of abuse float to my head. If a pregnant Nayan is important to them, she will be treated nicely. And I'm sure that Jade and the Rajah are already in a sexual relationship. I know it when I changed the Rajah's bedsheet and Jade is taking a bath in his room! Don't tell me she is planning this for a while and she uses the Rajah's affection to get better treatment in Fuhua?
Then, what if it is a Nayan man? What kind of treatment will they have? I shudder at the thought. That is why Jade looks afraid! That is why she is trying to save him! Migo won't be able to handle becoming a slave there. Then, if not the men, will I be next? Shit! We really need to escape before that happens, huh? The next tribute will be in three years! And I don't think I can handle being the Rajah's lover no matter how attractive he is!
Damn! I get more and more nervous as I watch both Migo and Jade. Jade is sacrificing her pride and happiness so that Migo can live. If that is not love, I don't know what is.
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