Chapter 012 - Cielo
The blankets are heavy. Everything in this Cleaner work involves strength and endurance since our main task is to clean all of Hiraya's public places--from the innermost castle to the sandig's outermost barracks. We even clean the plaza and the kuta.
I've heard from Renz that Aian already had his first task, that is, to be bait to a monster named Argentavis. Since he used Jade's help, it's already counted as two tasks as per Laya's decision. Renz, on the other hand, does not have any tasks yet, and that Laya is still deciding about it. He says they may involve him with Jade and Migo's first task, but they still have no clear understanding of how though.
As for the Cleaners, there is no news of what will be my first task. Rosa said that she will give it on the spot if needed, or other workgroups will give it to me. She said I should focus on the cleaning because aside from Dakila coming back, there are visitors that will come to the island. She still did not say who and where the other visitors will come from.
As for the investigation, the progress is slow. Renz is uninterested and focuses on the sandig's training while I am too preoccupied with all the cleaning. Thankfully, there is no concept of currency here. They provide the food to us in our workgroups, and the house they let us stay in is being paid through work hours. On this island, they provide all necessities.
It will be different for Aian, Jade, and Migo, though. Since they are not a couple, they would probably be given lodging in their respective barracks. Also, compared to Renz, who's getting comfortable on the island, those three are working hard on how to return. I have no worries about it, though. I don't have anyone from my time that I miss. As long as I am not here on this island and I am with Renz, I am content.
Suddenly, Migo's face appears in front of me. I almost scream in surprise, if not for the smile on his face. No, it is not a smile, but a smirk. He's judging me for being a Cleaner. No one can blame him. My family's well off during my time, and doing these tasks is mostly new to me.
"You need something?" I ask.
"I'm here to help, to earn my keep, so to say," he says and takes the blanket from me.
He's forceful, and I helplessly look at the blankets that he's carrying now.
"This is not your designation. You should return to yours," I say as I lose my patience.
Instead, his smile widens, and he points at a makeshift hammock between the trees. "That's my sideline project."
"You should not do that on public property. You guys are still guests in this residence," I scold.
"Well, Bagwis still did not show up early this morning, so I have free time before he comes back."
"Suit yourself then," I say.
I don't trust this person. I feel like he harbors more ill feelings towards me than Aian, never mind Jade. And his eyes, it's obvious, he's judging me, like how my relatives judge me in terms of my choices.
"So, what's with the rush?" he asks.
Information. So that's what he's after. Even if he abhors talking to me, their goal is still their central thing. I think that's why I could steal Renz from them.
"There would be a feast in three days. A simple one. A diplomat will return and they plan to welcome him."
"Meaning, it's confirmed that there are other people outside this island," he mutters.
I study him. Migo is good-looking but a troublemaker. Heck, he even looks better than Renz, and I am in love with Renz. I've seen him in countless frat wars before while I was stalking Jade and Renz. Migo's tall in my standard, around six-four, well-built body and a small, refreshing face. If only Jade fell in love with him instead, then there would be no problems. We can work together with no tension.
"And who exactly will this be?"
"From what I've asked around, there's only one person here that fits that category. Dakila, they call him, one of Rajah's aides. They say he handles the relations with the Mainland," I whisper.
"Okay," he says as he places the blankets on the bed.
He's about to leave when he turns around and says, "For the next few weeks, can you minimize your gestures of affection in front of Jade? So that you and I will have no issues at all."
When he shuts the door, I sigh and look around the room for areas I need to clean and fix. Of course, I have been doing exactly that. That's why I ask for a different lodging than those three. I don't want to unnecessarily incur their wrath. Like him, I also have been watching Jade. She looks better, and she did not attempt to reach out to Renz for the past few days. I'm sure that if something happened to her, those two will find me and put all the blame on me—not that I don't deserve any of it.
Other than that, I'm certain those three are blaming themselves for the explosion and bringing us here. Hopefully, it will stay that way.
Suddenly, there's a knock, and Rosa enters the room. She's the leader of the Cleaners and will handle all of my succeeding tasks.
"You are to report to the hunter's barracks. Your first task will coincide with the other newcomers."
"Thank you," I answer and bow to her.
"After that, go to the administrative section and cleanup."
Once she's no longer in the room, I hurry towards the hunter's barracks. It is a short, five minutes' brisk walk. I ask one of the hunters, and she ushers me to one of the rooms. Inside are Jade, Migo, and Aian. Renz is also there, so I stand beside him.
Bagwis is facing us. He's huge and tall, taller than Migo. If I'm not mistaken, around six-eight.
"Since everyone's here, I'll say the challenges for the newcomers. As decided with Laya, Jade and Migo will face the argentavis and kill it. Renz will be bait, and Cielo will test if it is safe for consumption for Dakila's welcoming feast."
"Argentavis?" I mumble. Safe for consumption. Does that mean I'll die if it's poisonous? Ain't that unfair?
"Argentavis are birds that are larger than a man that lately has been visiting Hiraya," Bagwis explains.
I look at Renz and he places his arms around me, then whispers, "It will be okay."
How will it be okay?! How can I ensure the safety of food without actually putting it into my stomach? I look at Aian, Jade, and Migo. They seem fine with it. Why? Bagwis just said that it's larger than a man! Wait, no, the enormous bird that Jade helped Aian as bait. That's an argentavis, right? So, they had already prepared for it? And why is Renz not afraid?! He'll be the bait this time!
Hirayans start to leave, followed by Jade and the others. I, on the other hand, slump into the chair. I am honestly afraid. I thought being a Cleaner was safe compared to being a hunter. But I--
"Cielo," Renz interrupts. "It will be okay. Those guys had tried being bait. I won't be in much danger."
That is trust. He trusts them. "And how about the poison testing?" I ask.
"You are an angel. God will not allow you to die just by eating the flesh of a monster. The most you could get is an upset stomach."
I am not an angel! I might act as an angel to you, but if God exists, He will know that I am a fraud and won't care about me! However, instead of screaming that on his face. I hug him. All I can do for now is to comfort myself with his proximity.
I look at the owner of the voice, Laya.
"You need to return to your tasks at the kuta."
Renz looks back at me and kisses my forehead. "Let's talk more tonight," he says and leaves.
Once I had composed myself, I left the hunter's barracks. I also need to take care of my remaining task for the day. The administrative workgroup is at the inner island and there should be fewer Hirayans working around this time.
I drag myself towards the administrative area. Once I'm allowed entry, I start with my work. There are only a few rooms in it. It's easier to clean compared to the sandig's or hunter's barracks. One last room and I'm done for the day.
"Can you give me access to the library?" a voice asks and I stop opening the door.
I look inside. Jade and Isagani? I cover my mouth in shock.
"A public place where you store the books for people to read," Jade asks.
"We don't have a place like that," Isagani answers. "But if you mean the Collections area... That's not for public reading."
"Can you at least make an exception for the newcomers?" When Isagani frowns, she adds, "At least for us, who needs to get more information on argentavis?"
"Why? I recall you can't read the letters."
"I'm done studying them. It's been days ago."
Isagani looks at her. "No one could learn it in just a few days." He's skeptical.
"I did though," she answers. It might come as a surprise for those who do not know her, but I know that Jade is not lying. "I'm sure the others are done as well."
Isagani pauses for a while and regards her. "Still, that's not a place I can give permissions to. It's a private collection of the Rajah and I don't think he would allow anyone there."
"Can you at least ask? For me?"
"And why would I do that for you? You have nothing you can offer so that the Rajah will allow you access."
She looks dismayed. Libraries are supposed to be free, at least in my world.
"Then how can I have something that I can offer to the Rajah?"
"That's for you to decide. I will have no hands on that."
"But you handle the newcomers, you should give us a bit of help."
"That's the help I can give you. You need something to offer to him so he can allow you. But I doubt you will have something like that."
Jade smiles and Isagani frowns. "What else are you waiting for? Leave. I think the Cleaner is here, already."
And somehow, I wish Jade's smile means that she already thinks up a plan to help us with the challenges.
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