Chapter 011 - Jade
'Making amends, cooperating,' I think as I walk the distance towards the sandig's barracks. At least, that's what Aian was requesting.
There are four barracks for the sandigs and those are situated close to the kuta that are surrounding the island, which means that these barracks are on the outer part of Hiraya.
From the time I left the babaylan's residence, I observe the community. Sometimes, I greet the people. Some of them respond, the others just look at me as if I am crazy.
The inner island has stone houses, but the outer only has houses that are made of wood and nipa. Sometimes, when I look at the nipa-huts, I imagine I am still at my current time and am just visiting a village in the mountains, wherein electricity and other technology haven't reached yet. Maybe in the mountains? Or some islands that are too far from the nearest town?
Still, the nipa huts look comfortable in the summer. The stilts on it will make sure that some animals or reptiles can't get inside the house. The roof can help alleviate the high temperature. Most have one room, but some have two or more rooms. They are all designed differently, but the materials used for construction are the same.
When I reach one of the barracks, Laya's outside, probably escaping his duties. It's one of the things that Aian had told me—Laya escapes his duties. He also mentioned that Renz is in these barracks. If Aian's task is to be the bait for Argentavis, I wonder what's Renz's?
I sigh heavily. I should stop caring about him, but I can't help it. I hit myself to stop the thoughts. I approach Laya, and greet him, "Is Renz there?" I ask, hoping that Aian has not told him about me and Renz.
"Oh wow, that loverboy. Two women looking for him in just a single day."
I frown at him.
"What? You bring his lunch too?"
"I didn't. I need to talk to him," I answer.
"I'm sensing a bit of drama," Laya says and smiles. I cringe. Aian told him.
"I'm not here for drama. I'm here to talk. Besides, his training is supposed to be finished by now."
"Now, I'm sensing a criminal. Such stalker-like tendencies, Jade."
I raise my brow at him. He seems to be in a good mood, or rather, he's always in a good mood, always finding the humor in everything.
"Aian told me. Now, are you going to let me in or not?" I ask as my annoyance bubbles from within.
"Those that belong to other workgroups are not allowed in the barracks. Come back another time."
Not allowed inside, but advising me to return at a later time? I'm the second woman to look for him? In an instant, everything becomes clear. Laya is the first Hiraya inhabitant who became close to Aian, so maybe, in some aspect, he's like him. If that is so, then Cielo is inside and he's preventing me from seeing something that might hurt me. And so I left. Laya's still watching me until I turn the corner. He breathes a sigh of relief, but I am never the type to give up easily, even to those that might hurt me.
I wait for a few minutes. If I remember correctly, both Renz and Cielo found lodging on the outer part of the island. Since a sandig's task starts early, they gave both Renz and Aian the right to choose if they would like to stay at the barracks or not. Renz probably said no, but Aian will have no choice but to stay there since soon enough, they will kick us out of the babaylan's residence. I wonder where we will stay as hunters? At the middle or inner part of the island? Or probably they'd give us residence at the outer part of the island.
When no one is looking, I raise myself to the wall and land gracefully on the other side. I am amazed by myself. I never knew I could do it gracefully. Maybe killing the bakasi and the workout routine that I am doing with Migo lately is effective.
I can understand Aian's logic. If I could be at peace with Renz, then the number of information I could get would be innumerable. In no time at all, we can properly plan on how to escape the island and return home.
Once I'm inside the training grounds, no one pays attention to me. It seems like visitors are allowed inside after all, contrary to what Laya said. I go directly to the barracks and check each room but some of them were locked.
After exploring the area, I find myself behind the training area where I hear hushed voices. My first instinct is to hide behind a tree. When I realize the irrationality of my action, I peek over the owner of the voices.
It's a wrong move. The scene in front of me stuns me. It's Renz and Cielo. Cielo is humming something like a lullaby and Renz has his head positioned on her lap. His eyes are closed but the peacefulness on his face is enough to rattle me. I did that a lot for him before.
I take a step back and walk away from the scene. I even use the front gate to leave. Laya sees me returning from the barracks and calls after me. I ignore him. Instead, I walk steadily but mindlessly towards the hunter's barracks. It's a long walk since the barracks for the hunters is in the middle part of Hiraya and is close to the Babaylan's residence.
I open the door to the room that was assigned temporarily to me and Migo, I slump on the chair, then I hear Migo greets, "So what happened with your escapade? Able to come up with something?"
I look at him. Yes, I told him it was an escapade, I don't want to unnecessarily worry him. It's been two days since I last talked to Aian and I'm still not able to keep my end of the bargain. Maybe, I should just leave him be with the sandigs and Laya. Once, our first task starts, there is no way Aian can transfer to our work designation.
"Not much," I say. I look around the room. It's late afternoon and we are meant to meet the leader of the hunter's branch but so far only Migo and I are in the room. "You found out anything new?" I continue.
"Everyone's really pretty, or at least confident in how they look like."
"Something that is not too... trivial?" I ask.
"If you want to know if we can recreate the machine using the materials around. It will be next to impossible. They have no concept of technology here. How are we going to create everything from scratch within a year? I think going to the Mainland is much more feasible."
"How many years do you think it will take?" I ask, my head is starting to ache as the scene of both Renz and Cielo replays on my head.
"Don't even think about it. I'm not even sure if a decade will be enough."
It should be me, but then whisked the thought away.
"Mainland, huh."
"Are you okay?" Migo asks.
"I have a migraine. What time will the Leader arrive?"
"I'm not sure. It's dark now, maybe, he would postpone the meeting today."
"Good, I need to go back to the Babaylan's," I say and get up without waiting for a reply.
After leaving the room, I run into the hallway, the tears are falling now. Suddenly, I hit someone. I did not look at the person but I bowed to him and muttered a few words of apologies and then ran once again, hoping that it's not Bagwis or any of the Rajah's aides.
It is such a relief when I finally reach my room. I go to bed and cry. My sobs are muffled by the blankets. It's a good one hour of crying until I fall asleep.
I wake up late at night feeling haggard and dehydrated. If only I can stop myself from crying, I would. Seeing him with someone is painful, and looking content at that. How could he? Is it my fault? If it is, then he should have told me so I can change for him. Feeling frustrated, I get up from the bed, take a towel, and go out to wash my face.
It's cold and dark outside. Aside from the moon giving light to the surrounding area, there are also the two sandigs, with firelights, that are patrolling the Babaylan's residence. That is the only security they have. If I am an intruder, it is easy to slip through to most of the designated workrooms. But that is mainly because I have memorized the patrol times of the sandigs to the important areas on the island.
I shake my head out of foolishness. I have done it because I was hoping I'd see Renz when he starts to be involved with the patrolling. Even betrayed, I still want to know where I can find him. Damn my brain. If only it can order my heart to stop thinking of him, then that would be great.
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