Juvia woke up but didn't open her eyes, just petted the spot next to her and she frowned when she found it empty. Finally opening her eyes, she looked around the bedroom and couldn't find her boyfriend and her frown deepened when she glanced at the clock next to the bed, it was too early, but she heard noise coming from the kitchen so she assumed he was up for the day.
Weird, she thought, her Gray-sama was usually very lazy during mornings.
She quickly found her underwear, one of his shirts and put them on and went to the bathroom before she left the bedroom.
The scene she saw when she arrived at the kitchen was unusual to say the least.
Gray stood by the stove wearing only his underwear and an old green apron while he stirred something and after a sniff, Juvia realized he was making pancakes and he still hadn't realized she was awake.
With a smile, Juvia walked in his direction and managed to wrap his arms around his middle, surprising him slightly.
"Good morning." She told him and kissed his cheek when he looked over his shoulder to stare at her.
"Good morning. I didn't hear you get up." He said and his attention returned to the stove.
"Juvia was very quiet." The Water Mage said and kissed his shoulder before releasing him. "You are up early."
Gray shrugged. "I woke up and couldn't sleep again so I thought I could make myself useful and make breakfast." He flipped a pancake while she opened the refrigerator to get some juice. "Gotta be honest, I thought you would sleep more, you were exhausted last night."
The blunette felt her cheeks get warmer and she put the juice on the counter. "That usually happens when you have just arrived from a mission and your boyfriend decides he has missed you so much he joins you in the shower and before we sleep."
"Maybe." He said and when Juvia looked his way, Gray seemed incredibly smug. Juvia wanted to roll her eyes at how much of a normal guy he was at that moment with his male pride. "In my defense, you've been away for three weeks." He turned off the stove and turned around to look at her.
Juvia stepped closer to him and put her arms around his middle and Gray put his own arms around her and she basked on how wonderfully warm he was. "It was a long time, wasn't it? It seems you missed Juvia."
He shrugged, trying to be nonchalant about it but Juvia saw right through it and she kissed his lips slowly and Gray was quick to reciprocate and before she could register, he had lifted her and put her on the counter, her legs wrapped around his hips and his hand on her bare thigh while he moved his lips from hers and down her jaw and the side of her neck.
She giggled when she moved her hands from his shoulder to his lower back and Gray stopped to kiss her to ask: "What?"
"It just still amazes Juvia the fact she can touch you like this." Juvia smiled and she trailed one finger up his spine and then down again.
Gray rolled his eyes. "It's been a year."
"I know." She told him. "Even so, Juvia feels like she's dreaming. She wanted to be like this with you for so long that now she is... she wonders if she's dreaming."
His expression softened for a moment before he raised an eyebrow in question. "What kind of dreams were you having?" Juvia frowned in confusion. "Look what we are doing. You said you dreamt about this, so-"
Her face became red and Gray fought a smile, but couldn't hold it when she slapped his shoulder slightly, red as a tomato and clearly embarrassed. "Gray-sama!" She shrieked. "Juvia didn't- It wasn't- Nothing like this-"
"Oh, so there is something. Tell me."
"No!" She shook her head.
"Come on, tell me."
"No, it's embarrassing!" Juvia put her hands over her face and heard Gray laugh so she took a peek between her fingers and her heart leaped in happiness when she saw his expression so carefree, smiling, clearly happy.
Before, there was a tension in him all the time; sure, when they were together he was much at ease, but since Zeref was defeated and Fairy Tail was at peace again, Gray opened up to her like she only ever dreamed of. He was still his grumpy self sometimes, sure, but it was more because he was used to it other than how he felt before.
"I'll figure it out, you know." He told her and put her on the floor. "Your face gets all red when you think of it."
"No it doesn't!" She gasped. "And- and- if Juvia's like that, you are too!"
"What? No, I'm not." Gray grabbed the plate with the pancakes and Juvia grabbed the butter and jam.
Gray argued a little more on how he was much better at hiding his embarrassment and Juvia mostly argued back to humor him, just happy to see him so relaxed.
She promised herself to do her best to make him happy for as long as they lived.
AN: I just like to write Happy!Gray, without the weight of the world on his shoulders. :) Hope you liked it!
05/11/2017 ~ BonneyQ
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