freeezingrain said: I may have a request for you, but it's quite special, so you're free to do it or not xD I was thinking of a story where Juvia would live a denial of pregnancy. It's up to you to determine when she will realize that she is pregnant (Around the 6th month, or directly at the delivery ...). And congratulations on your move! (My mother tongue is not English, sorry if there are some mistakes ...)
Anonymous said: Gajeel notices Juvia is currently trying to shrink herself to as small as possible. He decides to hear her crazy story and see if he can help out in any way.
AN: You know the drill: I always go rogue. HAHAH
Gajeel narrowed his eyes at Juvia. Something was off with her and he couldn't quite figure out what. She had just returned from a four-month-job and she, instead of sit with their friends, she was sitting next to one of the Guild's high windows, looking outside, at the snow.
The Dragon Slayer kissed the top of his children's head – the four-year-olds were exhausted after playing around all day long and finally stopped to nap on their father's arms. He put them on the couch and told his wife he would speak with Juvia and Levy nodded, telling him she would keep an eye on them.
"Hey. What are you doing here on your own?" Gray sat next to her and her smell made him frown. She smelled like herself, but there was something... more he couldn't pin point what.
"Juvia is tired, that's all." The blunette's smile was brief and she looked back outside the window. "It was a long job."
"You are always talkative when you return from a mission." Gajeel frowned in confusion. "Especially if that idiot husband of yours is out." Juvia tensed with the mention of Gray, which confused him even more – they seemed fine before Juvia left and Gray hadn't shown any indication of being pissy, as he always did whenever he had a fight with his wife. "Alright," the Dragon Slayer sighed "just tell me what's going on. It will save your time and mine."
Juvia answered way too fast. "Nothing is happening."
"I've known you for more than a decade." Gajeel told her. "I know when you are lying. Besides, you smell... weird. I know this smell, but..."
Her eyes widened. "Oh, no. It can't be. No."
"What is it?" He asked. Juvia pulled the unusual thick dark blue coat around her tighter and it got Gajeel thinking. "It's warm in here and you are pretty much fine in any weather."
The blunette got up and started to walk towards the door and the Dragon Slayer followed her, but only managed to stop her outside when he grabbed her wrist and since it was snowing, the streets were mostly empty.
"Juvia. What the h-" With the movement, Juvia let go from one side of the coat and Gajeel's eyes widened when he saw a bump there and he was a father, he knew what that was. And the smell! Of course, she was smelling like Levy did when she was pregnant with the twins. Stupid! He could've figured it out much sooner. "You... Are you...?"
"No. Juvia can't be." She pulled her hand and he let her go. "This is... no."
"Really? 'Cause it looks like you are pregnant." Gajeel raised his pierced eyebrows. "Six months or so?"
"What? No." Juvia started to pace a little. "Juvia can't be. She's lost her last four periods but it's not that unusual, right?" She started to talk really fast. "Juvia's period was a mess while Gray-sama disappeared. And... and..."
"Four?" Gajeel wondered and then realization dawned to him. "Oh, right. Small wife, big babies, twins. That's the difference of size. Yeap, that was it."
"...Juvia baked a lot when she was out. Juvia bakes when she's stressed and being away from Gray-sama and her friends were very stressful so... this" she put a hand on her stomach "could be just a lot of bread. And cupcakes. And cookies. Cakes."
"Sure it is." Gajeel was amused and crossed his arms over his chest. "I mean, I know there are people who finds out when they are delivering the baby but you can't honestly believe this crap."
The Water Mage finally stopped and looked at him. "I have to."
Gajeel raised an eyebrow. "And why is that?"
"Because if Juvia is-"
"You are."
"-it means she was in danger while creating a life she and Gray-sama made. This job was a escorting job of a Lord. This Lord received threats and Juvia engaged in battle. Oh, Juvia will be such a terrible mother if this is true." The Water Mage looked panicked. "Juvia started to be suspicious two months ago... but... It couldn't be. We were careful. And all the baking, this could be anything, really. Maybe Juvia's sick and-"
"You are spiraling." Gajeel sighed. "You were in denial. Still are." Gajeel nodded. "I was too when I found out we were having twins. It takes a while for you to get used to it."
"And Gray-sama..." Juvia took off her usual hat and passed a hand through the curls of her hair. "We are just married for a little over a year, we were supposed to think about children in another year or so. If this is happening-"
"It is." Gajeel couldn't believe he was the sane one in a conversation.
"-then it's too soon. I don't know how he's going to react." Juvia started to hyperventilate. "Oh, this isn't good. I can't be." She put a hand over her stomach. "Oh gods."
"Alright." Gajeel put a hand on his friend's shoulder, it wouldn't be good for the baby if Juvia had a panic attack. "Deep breaths." She did as told and calmed down a little bit. "Look, face it: you are pregnant and you need a doctor. It's too late now and Fullbuster will have to suck it up, he's not the first husband to be surprised with an unexpected pregnancy." The Dragon Slayer said. "If he does something stupid, I'll whoop his ass. When does he come back?"
"Tomorrow." Juvia was breathing easier and calming down. "He sent me a letter last week saying he'd be here tomorrow."
The Dragon Slayer nodded. "Okay, so you will go home, eat something and sleep because you look like you haven't slept in two months." He told his friend. "Tomorrow, you'll talk to the Ice Idiot when he arrives. Deal?"
Juvia took a few deep breaths. "Deal."
"Good." Gajeel told her. "Hey, remember when I was the one freaking out about having a kid and you helped me out and now I'm the one who's helping you out?" He snorted.
"The world sure is a weird place." Juvia finally chuckled. "Oh, Juvia's gonna be such a bad mom."
"No, you won't." He rolled his eyes. "You take care of everyone you can, already. You were of great help when the twins were little and Levy and I needed a break. You'll be fine. If I can do it, trust me, so can you."
Clearly feeling better, Juvia took a few breaths and nodded. "Thank you, Gajeel-kun. Juvia was freaking out."
"You don't say." He snorted.
"I will sort out my thoughts tonight." She looked up and it was still snowing and even though it was early, she needed to rest, she was physically and emotionally tired. "Juvia will go home now."
"I'll take you there." Gajeel told her and Juvia looked at him with raised eyebrows. "The ground is slippery, I'm just making sure you get there in one piece."
"Awww. You are taking care of Juvia. That's so sweet." She twined her arms into her friend's and rested her head on his shoulder. "Thank you."
"You'll see when Gray finds out. He'll freak over you all the time." Gajeel chuckled. "And you're welcome."
The next day, Gajeel was playing 'it' with his children and the Exceeds when Gray arrived and as usual, Juvia threw herself in his arms, giving him a peck on the lips. He watched as the Water Mage pulled her husband to a corner, said something (Gray seemed rather confused, then) and then put his hands on her stomach.
Most of the Guild were doing other things and didn't notice the Ice Mage's eyes widen, he looked down, then up, then down again. He said something and Juvia nodded. It took him a moment, but Gray smiled and kissed his wife – which was highly unusual: Juvia was usually the one to initiate physical contact.
"What is it, Gajeel?" Pantherlily asked.
"We are getting some good news soon." Gajeel shrugged and then turned to the rest of the players of the game. "Run, little demons, run! I'm coming for you." His laugh was evil and he started to run after the squealing children.
AN: MY BOY GAJEEL IS SO GROWN UP T-T He'll make such a good dad! I'm so proud of him.
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