Chapter Twenty-five
Saira Comes For A Visit Or To Stay?
One Month Later.
It had been a month since Imran told Shyra about the possibility of Samir's being married. She hasn't even asked him but whenever he would call, she would always cut the call short and hang up on him. One Saturday morning, Shyra received a call from Saira asking her if she could come and stay with her.
"It's okay if you don't want me to be there..."
"Saira, please calm down. And yes, you can come and live with me. I will be waiting for you, my friend," Shyra tells her friend feeling happy.
"Saira, stop thanking me. We are sisters and helping each other is something that we will always do no matter where we are," Shyra says. "Tomorrow is the day that you will be here, right?" She asked her.
"Yeah, I will be there in the afternoon after I am done with seeing some people. Why?..."
"Because I have an apartment ready for you and no you can't refuse. If you do then forget that you have me as your friend," Shyra says trying to be firm with Saira.
Saira knew that she would do this especially when one of her characters is to help people who are in need.
"Okay, I will accept just. I need to go now. I will let you know what time I will be leaving. Take care Shyra and see you soon," Saira says and then hangs up the phone.
Shyra needs to call the landlord to rent the apartment that has been empty for a while now. Thankfully, that didn't take long because he was happy to have it rented out to someone that Shyra knew.
"Okay thank you so much for this Sir," Shyra tells her landlord after agreeing to rent the apartment to Saira.
"You are most welcome. And here are the keys to the apartment. Don't worry, I checked, it is cleaned and ready for your friend," he says smiling. "And it is fully furnished at you request," he added.
Shyra thanked him again and went back to her apartment. She needed to make a care package for Saira when she arrived.
Shyra hoped that her friend was okay and would be coming to visit with Azaan as they had been married for almost a year and a half.
She couldn't wait to introduce Ayra to Saira tell her about what they would do and show her the kitten who has grown up.
Shyra couldn't wait for them to have the sleepovers that they would always do when they were young. The fun they used to have plus the horror stories they told each other. Even though it wouldn't be fun without the other girls Shyra didn't want to let anything let affect them. But this time Saira might be arriving with Azaan.
"I have some news, one of my best friends is coming..."
Shyra couldn't even finish what she was saying to Ayra when Ayra started jumping up and down with joy that she was about to meet someone who knew Shyra in her hometown.
"Calm down, Ayra, and let her finish what she wants to tell us," Imran says making his daughter sit down.
"Her name is Saira and we have been best friends since kindergarten. She has been married to our other childhood friend for almost a year and a half. And she coming to visit me tomorrow in shaa Allah, but I don't know how long she will be staying here. So I got her the apartment that is next to me because it has been vacant for a while now, "Shyra explained to them. "Yes, you will meet them when they arrive in shaa Allah," she added as she saw the expression on Ayra's face turn into a grin.
"What do you need from us?" Ayra asks making her father turn to look at her. "Yes, Dad you are helping us and there's no for an answer," she added giving him a smile.
"As you wish my lady," Imran says pretending to tip his hat to her. This made both of them laugh.
Shyra explained what she needed to be done and how she wanted the things to be done.
The day came and they were excited to see her especially Shyra who hadn't seen Saira for almost three years. A lot of changes happened in those times and they needed to catch up on what happened in their lives.
"We can go and pick her up now because as you explained her plane will land at exactly 12pm, right?" Imran says confirming with Shyra who nods.
"Yes, you are right. And because of the traffic that's unpredictable anything could happen," Shyra agrees.
"Okay, people let's go before we get stuck in the traffic for hours that seem to have no end..."
They were interrupted by Ayra who was coming out of her room all dressed up ready to go and pick up Saira and Azaan.
"Ayra, what are you doing?"
"Well, father, I am dressed to go and pick up one of the most important people in Shyra's life. And I don't want to miss that moment," Ayra answered sassily.
Shyra and Imran couldn't help but shake their heads and just laugh at how Ayra was.
"Let's go before we get late," Imran tells the girls.
They all walked out of the apartment, while Shyra and Ayra walked in front leaving Imran to lock the door.
He couldn't help but wonder if Shyra ever talked to Samir about what he told her. Deep inside he doesn't want to hurt her but if it is true then she needs to know it before anything else happens.
Meanwhile, Saira didn't know what to tell her friend about what just happened in her life. She didnt know what to do at that moment except leave because it was better than to have a confrontation that would amount to nothing but yelling.
She was on the plane trying to understand what happened to her husband to make him the way he was. Azaan had changed overnight without letting her explain, he threw her out of the house not caring about their unborn baby.
She couldn't go to the town that Shyra was in by driving as it wasn't advisable for her by Iman who was also a doctor. The only way is to fly there.
"Are you okay, my child?" An old woman who was sitting next to her asked as she was seeing Saira wiping the tears from her eyes.
"I dont know the answer to that but I will be in shaa Allah. I will be fine because of my baby that is all I will ever need," Saira explained to her.
"And you will just have faith and remember that broken things can also be fixed and not to be thrown away, " she advised Saira who remembered the advice that Mamma Hayat had given her.
"Thank you, Ma'am," Saira says thanking the old woman with a small smile.
This is a new beginning for her and her unborn baby. In about a half hour the plane landed and then the passengers got off.
Saira went and got her bag and then walked to the exit of the airport, that is when she heard someone calling her name.
She turned around to find Shyra standing there smiling with two people she didn't know.
Saira quickly walked toward Shyra and gave her a huge hug with tears threatening to come out.
"Alhamdulilah, you are now safe, but where is Azaan? Isn't he with you?" Shyra asks her friend while trying to find him.
"I will explain later. Could you introduce me to..."
"Oh, right. This is Ayra and her father Imran," Shyra introduces them to her friend.
Saira immediately remembered who they were as Shyra mentioned them a few times on how they helped her when she needed it the most.
"Asalam Aleikum..."
"Waleikum Salaam, you are very pretty ma shaa Allah, " Ayra answered commenting on how Saira was.
"Well, habibty. You are beautiful ma shaa Allah," Saira says giving Ayra a hug.
"Okay, now can we head home?" Shyra says while the others nod.
Shyra knew that there was a reason why Saira came alone and the tear-stricken cheeks were proof that something happened between Saira and her husband. She didnt need to pressure her into explaining it right away. Shyra wanted her friend to take her time and when she is ready to tell her, thats when she will listen.
In every relationship, there are some key factors that need to be known. One of them is patience, communication, and most importantly trust. Without them, you don't have a relationship with anyone.
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