Chapter Four
The Beginning Of A Nightmare For Shyra. {Part Three}.
Trigger warning. Rape mentioned. Readers' discretion is advised.
Sometimes a nightmare can be caused by someone or it could be a person we fear in our lives. But for how long will we let them win?
Shyra was debating on going home or staying with Hanan who was willing to let her stay for the entire weekend as it was almost six months left of school until their graduation.
But she couldn't stay at her friend's house for long as her aunt might even inform the lawyer that Shyra wasn't complying with the rules that were given to her.
"No, Hanan, I can't stay at your house and you know the reason. She will do anything to get me to sign those documents that she thinks that I don't know what they are about," Shyra explains to her friend who was adamant about staying with her.
Since she walked into her aunt's place, Shyra has never lied to her friends about what happened to her. Everything excluding what Amir was doing when she was in her room.
Because she didn't want Samir and the others to cause trouble especially when Shyra was planning on leaving as soon as she got her high school diploma.
Thankfully she has been accepted to her dream university with everything already taken care of before her parents' death.
They somehow secured everything for her just in case something happened to them. And they made someone they trusted to be Shyra's trustee until she was ready to run her father's company.
"Okay, then I will take you there and make sure you send a message to the group saying that you are alright," Hannah advised her friend who smiled.
Shyra agreed knowing that the girls would do anything for her as she would do anything for them. They all got in the car and Hannah told the driver to take them straight to Shyra's aunt's place.
That's where the nightmare was waiting for Shyra but no one knew that it would change her and her friends' lives.
Meanwhile, Amir was telling his parents to take care as they drove off to see his grandmother for the weekend.
Time to get her. I can't wait to be alone with her and do what I always wanted ever since she stepped into this house. Fresh and young.
He waited for Shyra to get back from school with a beer in his hand.
Yes, he drinks and no his parents don't know about that as they only know about him smoking.
Amir tried to hide this addiction from his parents but they would suspect him of doing drugs and other things especially when he comes home high or even drunk. They just let him do whatever he wanted but as long as he didn't get into trouble.
But that's about to change now. And it is the change that would be positive for Shyra.
Upon reaching her aunt's place, Hanan could feel that something was wrong but she pushed it aside knowing that if she said anything, it would raise many questions and it would even get Shyra in trouble with the lawyer.
"I will see you guys tomorrow in shaa Allah. And I promise to send you a group message letting you know that I am fine," Shyra tells her girls trying to assure herself more that it will be fine.
She then walked out of the car and into the house where Amir was waiting for her.
He was beyond intoxicated and when he heard the front door open, Amir immediately knew that it was her.
As no one else would be arriving at the house, because he just bade his parents farewell as they were heading to see his grandmother.
Amir quickly got up and walked to the door before Shyra could even open it, blocking her between the door and him.
"What...t are you doing?" Shyra asks him timidly hoping that he will eventually move away.
"You smell so good, good enough for what I am about to do..."
Shyra knew that she had to act now before anything happened. So she kneed him in his manhood, making him fall on the floor.
Shyra started running up the stairs when she heard Amir groan which meant he was getting up.
She ran up and got into her room. She then locked the door hoping that he would eventually leave her alone.
But that didn't happen when he started banging on her bedroom door; Shyra grew so scared that she started looking for her phone to call her friends for help.
Unfortunately, as she was about to type the message, the door was kicked open by Amir who appeared to be more intoxicated than before.
He then slapped her phone out of her hands making it fall under her bed.
"Why are you doing this? You are family..."
Shyra started telling him but Amir didn't want to listen to anything that she was saying to him.
All he did was move closer to her like he was hunting her.
Amir then grabbed and threw her on the bed. She tried to get away but he held her down while tearing her clothes off her body.
Amir started having his way with her while Shyra started fighting for herself. He brutally raped her without showing any remorse toward her. She kept on fighting till the very end.
After Amir was done, he quickly dressed and ran out of the bedroom in haste. Shyra slowly got up and looked for her phone as she needed her girls now more than ever.
Shyra quickly sent the message to the group hoping that Amir wouldn't come back and do it again.
What seemed like seconds when Shyra heard footsteps coming up to her room. She was so scared that it could be him coming back.
She crawled into a corner and hugged herself with a bedsheet. Shyra didn't dare look up when she heard the door open.
As soon as they walked in, Hannan gasped at the person in front of them.
Their best friend Shyra.
And then they looked at the bed which was messed up and had blood on it.
Iman slowly kneeled beside her so that she could try and touch Shyra when she screamed and started throwing her arms around.
"Hey, it's us. Shy, we are here for you...Let's get you dressed so that we can get you to the hospital. We can't let him get away with this," Iman says while the other girls agree on her decision. "Don't worry, Mum will be there to take care of everything that Shyra might need. And you can say no," she added, nodding at her cousin Hanah who knew exactly what to do.
Hanah walked to the cupboard and grabbed some clothes for their friend. She got dressed and held her hand as they walked to the car that was waiting for them outside the house.
"Maybe... it is my fault...maybe I shouldn't have worn...maybe I shouldn't have come..."
Shyra started blubbering making no sense to what she was saying.
Saira quickly sent her mother a message explaining the situation and telling her to be outside the hospital as soon as they arrived.
"Shyra, always remember that it isn't your fault but theirs. Remember that always," Hanan tells her, making her repeat every word she is saying.
As soon as they arrived at the hospital they found Sameera waiting for them with two female nurses. When she saw the look on Shyra's face, Samira knew that whatever hurt her would always be in her mind and heart.
This isn't what family does to family.
But he isn't family.
Sameera quickly rushed to Shyra's side but she moved behind Saira making her a shield.
"I am not going to hurt, my dear. You know me, I am here to take care of you. Don't worry, your friends can come with you inside," Sameera assured her.
Shyra looked at Aunt Sameera knowing that she could trust her. She then held on to Saira's hand who walked inside the hospital with the other following behind her.
Shyra was then led to a room but she didn't walk in alone. She didn't let go of Saira's hand even when it came to the checkup and administering the pills that she needed.
Sameera couldn't help but feel angry at the person who would hurt someone like Shyra.
"Aunt, will she be alright?" Iman asks her aunt with a worried look on her face.
Sameera wanted to lie but she couldn't because these girls treated each other as sisters.
", she will not be. But she will need your love, support and most of all your support. Because what she went through is something that no one should go through. Don't worry, girls, we have enough evidence to put him in jail for the rest of life..."
"No, don't call anyone. This is my fight, Aunt Sameera..."
Aunt Sameera was interrupted by Shyra standing by the door of her office.
"You will keep that evidence until I am ready for justice. I will make him pay myself. Not you or anyone else", Shyra tells them with determination in her voice.
The sweet and innocent Shyra they knew was gone and now she has no heart but it was replaced with a stone.
The girl standing in front of them is someone who lost herself and everything she thought was good in her family that evening when she trusted someone whom she thought was family.
But family doesn't hurt you the way Amir did to Shyra.
Meanwhile, Aunt Sameera called the two people that she could trust and they are Hayat and Aayan. She needed them to guard the evidence because Shyra didn't dare take it back to her to the house she was living in.
They knew exactly what to do but what everyone didn't know was that Shyra had a plan of her own.
My plan will move forward but no one will know about it. Not even Sammy.
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