Chapter Forty-five
The Mysterious Letter In Shyra's Room and Her Final Decision.
After the blow that Uncle Aayan had told her, Shyra knew that they couldn't get away from killing her parents. She couldn't believe that siblings could kill their siblings for money. Her Uncle wasn't the type of person he is now when she grew up. She remembered how kind he was to her but suddenly that changed and he started changing. Thats when Shyra's father had to cut ties with him. He was always going to still be her uncle but only from afar.
Greed can make a friend or even a family member turn into your worst enemy.
"Shyra, could we talk?" Samir asked her while Aayan was talking to Imran.
"Five minutes, please, Shyra," he begged her.
Taking a deep breath, Shyra nodded and asked him to follow her to her parents' study so that they could talk without interruptions.
As they walked inside the office, Samir left the door open as it was not appropriate for them to be in the same room.
"What is it that you wanted to talk about?" Shyra asked as she took a seat while Samir did the same.
"Why didnt you tell me that you lived at your parents' old home?" He asked her.
"I didnt have to because your mother and fiancee showed up here a few days back. They demanded for me to stay away from you and your mother even slapped me because in her words, ' I will ruin your life', Shyra explained to him. This revelation shocked Samir as he knew that he didn't have a fiancee and he knew that his mother would do anything to stop him from having a future with Shyra. "Don't worry, I am not telling you all of that to complain to you. But I have made a decision and I am letting you and our friendship go. Because your parents are more important to you and if mine were alive I would hesitate to do anything to just be with them one last time. But unfortunately, that will never happen," she added smiling sadly at Samir who was shocked to hear her say that.
"But I don't want to let off you or even our friendship. Is it because of my mother or because of Imran?" He asked shocking Shyra. "I am sorry..."
"Stop right there, Samir. He helped me get the justice that I needed and you helped me get my parents the justice they deserve. And I am sorry if you think that my decision is based on Imran. It isn't. It was based on the fact that your parents would never accept me as your friend or even someone you love. Yes, I know that you are in love with me, Samir. But try and find someone who will give you the future that you truly deserve. And for that woman who came here to tell me to stay away from you, she is what your mother wants in your life. I am not," Shyra says looking at the expression on Samir's face.
"I will fight for you. And I will fight for us..."
"You can't fight for me because I don't want you to. I dont want you to fight for me. I made the choice and I hope that you will stick to it because Samir, they are your parents and they need you in their lives. If my parents were alive, I wouldn't hesitate to drop everything for them," Shyra explained to him.
In his heart and mind, Samir knew that Shyra was right but he loved her and that will never change.
"He loves you, you know that?" Samir asks Shyra.
"Imran, he loves you. I can see it in his eyes and the way he protects you from everyone..."
"He is just a friend, Samir..."
As Samir was about to reply, they were interrupted by Imran who was looking for them because Aayan was about to leave and he didnt want to leave Samir there.
"I am sorry for interrupting but Uncle Aayan is looking for you and he said that he needs to leave," Imran tells them.
Shyra got up and walked out of the study leaving the two men there. As soon as she left, Samir and Imran looked at each other but deep inside they both knew that they loved the same girl and a decision must be made.
"I know that you have questions as to why I am here..."
"Not really but all I ask is for you to take care of her and never let her feel alone. She is a unique woman who deserves the great things that will come in her life. I am not saying that I am giving up on pursuing her but she doesn't need chaos in her life especially right now. I love her and I know that you love her too. But I am not giving her up just yet. I will fight for her," Samir says to Imran who wasn't even surprised at the statements.
"I know that you love her but what if thats not enough then? Did you know that your mother was here a few days ago? She never even let Shyra explain herself. Shyra took the slap and didnt say anything to your mother except give her the copy of everything that happened to her. And then there's your fiancee. The woman I meet at the event a few months back. She came to tell Shyra the same thing. And that is to stay away from you," Imran explains to Samir who was shocked at what he discovered.
"I am not engaged and I am not married. That woman is one of my parents' friends' daughter. My mother wants her as my wife but I kept telling her that won't happen," Samir explained to Imran.
"You dont need to explain anything to me. Shyra doesn't need the stress in her life right now. She needs calmness. I am not forbidding you to visit her but don't let her go into the darkness that was her home. She was in the darkness which became her home and I dont want that to happen again. So choose wisely about what you think is best for you and her," Imran says walking away leaving Samir with his thoughts.
"She was in the darkness which became her home and I don't want that to happen again. So choose wisely about what you think is best for you and her."
These words linger in Samir's mind even after walking out of the study. He didn't know to what extent Shyra had to suffer to get to where she is now.
All he knew was that he wanted to be there for her but now it would be difficult because of the decision she made for the both of them. She is letting him go.
As soon as Samir reached the living room, Aayan got up and walked out of the house after telling Shyra to come visit them.
As soon as they left, Shyra went to her room to take a nap because she needed it and Imran understood that she needed to be alone after what happened a few minutes ago.
I wish that there was something that I could do but what can I do? Prayers are important but sometimes in my heart, I want to do more for Shyra.
Meanwhile, Shyra was in her room staring at the picture frame of herself with her parents. It was one of the happiest memories they had before they died.
It was a weekend when her parents decided to surprise her with a trip to her favorite beach resort.
"I miss you so much. Mamma and Dad. I don't think I can go on without you by my side..."
She couldn't even finish what she was saying when she accidentally dropped the picture frame on the floor.
Unfortunately, the frame didnt survive the impact, and the glass shattered.
"Oh no," she says kneeling to collect the picture and clean the pieces of broken glass. As she was about to pick up the picture, an envelope fell out.
It had her name written on it in her father's handwriting.
"What is this?"
Shyra quickly disposed of the broken glass and sat on the bed to read what was inside the envelope.
It was a letter addressed to her by her parents which said;
Habibty Shyra,
By the time you read this, your mamma and I won't be in this world. There are some people after us because of the company I built from the ground up. They dont care about the relations that bind us. Money blinds people, Shyra. Money can change a person to be someone they aren't.
Dont trust your aunt and uncle, the only people you can trust are Hayat and Aayan. They have been our friends ever since we moved into the neighborhood when your mamma was pregnant with you.
Aayan will have everything ready for you when you reach the age of 21 years old. That's when you will be ready to take over the company that you admired so much. Trust him, Shyra as he will be the one to guide you and even teach you what you need to know about the company. Aayan Muhsin helped me when I needed help the most. I consider him to be one of the people I trust in my life.
As for your Uncle and Aunt, you need to be careful with them. They are cunning, and manipulative and will do anything to get their hands on the company that I built for your future.
In this envelope, there's more evidence to keep them in prison for a very long time but you need to be careful who you trust with them. I know that you will always have your girls with you but always be careful when you interact with your aunt.
And there's one more thing that I need to give you.
A key.
It is from a box in the study, you will find the box in your favorite picture. Inside you will find the will that I wrote and every evidence of the crimes that your Uncle committed against me and your mamma.
Shyra, my dear daughter. Trust in Allah, as He will never let you down no matter what. Your mamma and I will always love you, our Habibty.
We love you, our precious daughter. This is our last letter to you because your uncle and aunt are planning on killing us to get to you and the company. Their intention was for you to marry your aunt's son. Yes, he isn't your cousin by blood but it is because your uncle married your aunt while she was already pregnant by someone else.
Protect yourself, my love. We love you so much, Shyra. Always remember that.
Love your father and Mamma.
As soon as she finished reading, Shyra looked at what was inside the envelope only to find a flash drive and a key that was mentioned in the letter.
"This is it!"
Patience goes a long way when someone knows how to be patient. Some people dont have the capacity to be patient with anything in their lives. Patience is a virtue that a few people can manage.
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