Chapter Fifty-one
Two Months Later.
It has been two months since Shyra's decision and Imran didnt stop her from being friends with Samir as they were childhood friends.
Imran and Ayra were busy planning a surprise for Shyra along with their family and friends including Samir.
"Are you sure that Shyra will love this?" Imran nervously asks Aunt Hayat who couldn't help but smile at him.
"Yes, I am sure that she will love it no matter what," she tells him. She could how nervous he was especially when this was supposed to be the best day of Shyra, Ayra, and his life. "She loves you. You don't have be nervous about it," Hayat added smiling at Imran.
This day should be a happy day for Shyra and also Imran. They need this after months and months of trying to get justice for herself and what happened to her parents. The only thing that I want now is for Samir to find his happiness.
Meanwhile, Shyra has her surprise for Imran and she is nervous about telling him what she had planned for her father's company.
"Shy, don't worry. Dad would gladly do it and..." Ayra quickly kept quiet trying to keep the surprise that her dad was planning for Shyra.
"And what?" Shyra asks the little girl who is looking everywhere except to her face. "Ayra, what's wrong?" She asks worriedly.
"Its nothing bad, Shyra. Its just that when we are done here could get home?" Ayra asks her trying to hide her smile.
"Okay, let's head home now." Shyra says driving to their destination.
I just hope that I won't disappoint Dr. Yahya or even Aunt Dania. And also Imran with the decision that I made concerning my dad's company. Ya Allah, I hope I am making the right decision in this as my future will also be affected.
Shyra couldn't help but think of Samir as he has been especially when she knows that it won't be easy for him to see her with Imran.
But Allah knows what the heart wants and Shyra knew that she had fallen for Imran even when she never thought that she would even have a happy ending or even a future.
Shyra took a deep breath as they were approaching the house. She felt nervous about talking to Imran about her decision about the company.
She said a small Dua and parked the car. Both she and Ayra got out of the car.
Ayra was excited and tried to hide it. But Shyra was getting confused as to why Ayra was acting the way she was.
She just pushed it aside and opened the door to people yelling 'surprise' to her.
Shyra looked around the room to find the people who loved and cared for her in that room.
"Thank you but surprise for what?" She asks while hugging Aunt Hayat and the girls plus her nieces and nephews.
"I think he will explain to you in detail," Iman says turning Shyra around to find Imran smiling at her with a box in his hand.
"Shyra, I have Aunt Hayat and Uncle Aayan's blessings for doing this. And I have my parents and my daughter's blessing but thats upto you. So Shyra Adams, will you marry me?" Imran asks while opening the box revealing a princess-cut diamond ring. It was styled with Shyra in mind.
Imran wanted a ring thats unique and classic just like Shyra. When he saw the ring at the jewelry store, Imran immediately fell in love with it.
"Say Yes, Habibty," Hayat says to Shyra who was looking at Imran with the most unique ring that she has ever seen.
"Say, Yes, Mom," Ayra says surprising everyone in the room including Shyra who had tears in her eyes. "You have always been a mother to me. Please say yes," she added smiling.
"I...Yes, I will marry you," Shyra says to Imran who breaks into a huge grin on his face.
Imran then removed the ring from the box and put it on Shyra's hand.
"Thank you..."
Ayra quickly hugged Shyra and then her father with a smile on her face.
This has always been what she wanted ever since her father told her about his feelings for Shyra.
Ayra then turned to her father while the others were congratulating Shyra with hugs and kisses.
"Now, Dad, you know the rules right?" Ayra asks her father. "The rules that I came up with yesterday when we went to get the ring," she added making Shyra look at them with a confused look on her face.
"No, Dad. You signed them remember..."
"Ayra, okay. I agree to every rule you made up..."
"What rules are you talking about Ayra?" Shyra asks her while approaching them. "Don't say it is nothing because I heard that you signed them," she added hiding a smile on her face.
"I will tell you, he promised me that you and I will spend a day just the two of us which means he isnt allowed to come with us wherever we go," Ayra explained to Shyra.
This made Shyra laugh knowing that there might be a contest between father and daughter about spending time with her.
She knew that Ayra would need her just as Imran would but differently.
"Okay, and I promise that some days we will have a day as a family. Just the three of us, okay?" Shyra asks making Ayra nod and hug her.
Hayat and Aayan watched as the three of them started talking about the rules that Ayra had for her father, especially after the wedding.
Alhamdulilah everything is going well and hopefully, it will go well for Samir too. In shaa Allah.
Happiness can come at any time even though you think that you dont deserve it. Allah knows what is in our hearts, souls, and minds. He will give us what we want and what we deserve in this life. Just like Hayat would always say, Allah knows best and He does.
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