Chapter 9: The Syringe
**little aesthetic of Evelyn**
Newt stood at the end of the bed, his mouth open and eyes wide in silent shock and disbelief, it looked almost like a silent scream. His brown eyes flicked back and forth between Nick and her.
She clawed her way back to stand, leaning heavily on the bed frame.
"Moon secrets, Newt. I told you everyone has them." She panted.
Using the back of her hand and wrist to wipe the sweat away from her forehead. Newt didn't move, he was still as a statue.
"You..." He stammered.
She sighed and made her way as quickly as her wobbly legs would take her, to the back shelf and grabbed what she needed. She set it all down on the side table and got to work. Newt was still standing frozen. She could see the wheels turning in his head, but he also seemed to be malfunctioning.
"Newt? You just gonna stand there?"
"You have secret powers.... And like the dark and your weird potions..." He hissed.
She stopped stitching Nick and looked up. Fear and anger were written all over his face. She knew what was coming but it didn't stop the pain.
"You are a witch!" He whispered in disgust.
"You need to leave now Newt." She said quietly.
The hurt was clear in her voice and the pain was sharp in her heart. She blinked a few times keeping the tears at bay, but she could feel them forming, her throat was tight and it was hard to swallow.
"How many people know?" He demanded, "I bet you, you prescious Minho knows!"
"No actually he doesn't. Just Nick and Jack." She kept her voice as even as possible. "Newt, please leave. I need to finish stitching Nick before it gets infected."
"You don't have some kind of witchcraft for that?" He spat.
"She asked you to leave."
Jack had shown up, standing in the door way, with George beside him. Newt gave her a last look of disgust he left shoving past the guys.
"I'm sorry Ev." Jack sighed, he stepped into the room, his hand intertwined with George's.
"It's fine." She answered, her voice was high and tight.
"It's not fine. He's acting like a... slinthead." George growled, letting go of Jack's hand to fold his arms.
"He found out?" Jack sighed, gently taking the needle from Evelyn's shaking hands and continued to stitch Nick.
She just nodded, brushing the tears from her face. She sat down in her chair by the table and pulled her knees up. Hephaestus crawled onto her should and nuzzled her cheek.
"Thanx Hephy." She whispered.
"Found out about what?" George asked.
She sighed, pushing her blond locks out of her face. Holding up her hands she waved him over.
"Give me your hand. The one you cut on your knife in the maze."
"Why?" He stammered.
"Just do it." Jack sighed.
George stretched out his hand with a confused look. Evelyn held it gently and consintrated. She felt the power life warm blood in her veins. She harnessed it and sent it to George. Is mouth dropped as he watched her hands glow and the cut heal itself in a matter of seconds. Her face grew pale and sweaty. She let go panting.
"Wholly shuck!" He whispered, his eyes wide. He turned back to Jack his mouth wide open.
He raised an eyebrow.
"Wholly shuck!" He whispered again.
Jack just nodded with a small smirk.
"That's just way to shucken cool!"
Evelyn let the corners of her mouth twitch into a small ghost of a smile.
"I'm glad you think so. Not everyone thinks so. Clearly." Her voice was horse and quiet.
George's eyes grew wide.
"When I was you do this?" He asked, holding his now healed hand up.
Evelyn nodded.
"Well shuck me! That's pretty awesome!"
"Thanx George."
Jack finished stitching Nick and made her some tea, she looked dead on her feet. She felt dead on her feet. Usually she had time in between major life threating injuries, but the last few days she didn't have much time to replenish her energy.
"Thanx Jack. I'll stay here tonight. I'll crash on the bed beside, you didn't sleep last night."
"Are you sure? Ev, you look dead."
"I'm going to be sleeping. And besides I know how clingy George gets when your not around at night." She teased, a small smile on lips and a twinkle in her eye. Jack blushed and George rolled his eyes.
"Go you two. I'm fine." She shooed them out the door. "I'll see you two in the morning."
She closed the door and crashed on the bed, not even bothering to take her sneakers off.
She felt someone poking her cheek, and swatted it away. There was a small chuckle and the poking continued.
"Minho I swear!" She grumbled.
"How'd you know it was me?"
"Wild guess." She groaned and rubbed her eyes with her fists.
"Ahh. Such a smart little Pixy." He chuckled again, "here I brought you a peace offering, it's coffee."
She slowly sat up, Minho was sitting in one of the wood chairs, holding a curamic mug filled with coffee.
"Little bit of milk and two big spoon fills of sugar. Nice and sweet. Just the way Pixy likes it." He gave her a huge grin.
She accepted with a small smile and nod of Thanx. With her other hand she combed her fingers through her tangled hair.
"So? What can I do for you? It's early." She yawned.
"I actually wanted to talk to you about umm... about Newt." He glanced away quickly and rubbed the back of his neck.
"What about him?"
"Look he's my best friend, the stupid shank. And I know something is wrong, there is no denying that. It's getting worse, clearly...but something happened last night that got him shook."
Evelyn deflated and looked down at the coffee in her lap. She fiddled with the handle. She could feel the heat and tears coming.
"You know what it is, don't you." He stated.
She nodded slowly. Minho sat quiet, waiting.
"Minho. Do you believe in super human powers?"
She saw him shrug, "sure. After the jacked up klunk I've seen here, why not?"
"What about witch's and witchcraft?"
He thought about it, "nah that's more like scary camp fire baby klunk. Why?"
"Give me your hand."
He held it out. She frowned, "the other one. The one with long cut on nicely, 'cause George is a klutz with his knife."
He switched hands, giving her a curious look.
"Now don't freak out." She said quietly.
"Why would I -"
Her hands stared glowing and she forced the power into his arm. His mouth dropped and eyes went wide, his breathing picked up.
"I told you not to freak out."
"I'm not freaking out!" His voice was definitely higher pitched, "who's freaking out? Definitely not me!" He ran a hand through his hair, his eyes still wide, "she has magic hands that glow! Glowing magic hands that have healing powers! This is definitely not me freaking out!"
"Minho! Slim it!"
He closed his mouth.
He took a ragged breath. And slowly exhaled. His eyes meet hers, but they were stead, the panic gone.
"I guess this was a factor in Newt's freak out?"
Evelyn nodded, and sipping her coffee quietly explained their first few days and when he called her a witch and then freaked out last night.
Minho cursed.
"I see why we came up with shuck and kept slinthead. Man, MinMin that mouth!" She chuckled sadly.
"Dude doesn't know what he's missing." He muttered running a hand through his hair.
She hummed and raised an eyebrow in questioning.
"For a long time all I heard about was you. He talked a lot about you, then it kinda slowly stopped. And last night he came storming up to our room slamming things around and muttering about liers and secrets and other stuff I didn't understand."
She nodded, feeling the blood rush to her face.
"Dude was and probably still is shucken smitten with you, Pixy. But whatever is eating away at's making him crazy! He's not his usual self."
She was fiddling with her coffee mug again. It was weird hearing Minho talk about someone liking her. It was weird hearing it in general. These boys were like brothers. She took a shaky breath.
"I don't know how to help him Newt. He was closing himself off and now after he saw me save Nick... he's done with me." Her voice was so quiet and broken, it actually made Minho flinch.
"It can't be like this forever." He sighed.
She nodded sadly, swatting at the tears.
"Sorry I can't stay longer I gotta meet Newt at the doors."
She smiled and nodded in understanding.
"Thanks for the coffee."
He patted her knee and stood up, leaving the MedHut, Evelyn followed to the door and watched, her arms wrapped around herself. Minho jogged over to the door, and meet up with Newt. Even from here she could see his deflated slouched form. He glanced over his shoulder and looked in her direction. She didn't look away. But blinked a few tears back. She could see his scowl from here. Her heart felt like he kicked it. She missed the gentle quiet boy who helped her in the garden. And the boy who saught out her company after his runs.
The doors rumbled open and they took off. She looked at the other doors. George was saying goodbye to Jack and he took off through the East doors with a blond hair kid named Ben. Four other runners took off. She sighed and turned back to go inside. Nick's stitches were good, but he was still out cold. There wasn't anything she could do for him.
It was a quiet morning, the Glad had a weird tense feeling. Gladers were quiet and talking in short hushed sentences. Lunch was almost silent. It felt like a ticking time bomb, just waiting for something to set it off.
The afternoon was just as tense. Only one slicer came by for some stitches. Nick was still out cold. They got a shipment of supplies today. They were coming every two weeks now. Every two weeks supplies would come once a month a new Kid. Nick decided to call a Greenie, or Greenbank because they were fresh from the box, until they could remember their names. Inside the med box this time was a weird preloaded syringe, it had bright green liquid inside. The letters w i c k e d stamped on the side.
"Hey, Jack? What's this?" Evelyn asked, turning around holding it out. He picked it up gingerly and looked at it. He shrugged and gave it back.
"There's only one." She frowned, digging in the box again.
"It's not ment for another Keeper?"
"Nope. Definitely inside the Med Box. It was mixed in with the rest of the medicines. It says 'serum' on the side of the packaging."
Jack shrugged again. "No idea. I'd just put it on the shelf for now."
With a frown she did just that. Putting the rest of the stuff away. They just finished when the Runners started to trickle in.
"Mind if I go wait?"
"I'll come, it's a slow afternoon. If that's okay?" She asked
He grinned, held his arm out for her. With her arm looped in Jack's they made their way to the East door. They stood side by side watching the hall to the Maze. She shoved again, the foggy mist oozed out of the dark hall.
"Kinda spooky in there, huh?" Jack whispered.
She nodded. The Maze always gave her a creepy feeling of forbidding. She saw a weird misshapen form coming through the fogg. It kinda looked like two people. It was only when Jack yelped a loud NO, did she fully see what it was. Ben was dragging George. Evelyn and Jack stood frozen watching in horror. Ben crossed into the Glad and dropped in onto the ground.
George was a mess. He squirmed on the ground his muscles all clenched as if they were perminantly locked like that, cramped and tight. His veins were thick and swollen, almost bkack under his skin, which had a sickly green tinge to it. His eyes bulged; his lips pressed together into a tight line. The skin in his face looked as if he had been ripped off, boiled and then stapled back on. He withered in the ground as if he was in the most excruciating pain. And the sharp moans through his clamped jaw sent shivers down Evelyn's spine.
She finally got feeling back into her body and she dropped down beside George, beside her friend. She tried grabbing hold of his arm but he suddenly twisted and tried to bite her with an animal like snarl, his teeth snapped and spit flew from his mouth.
Jack pulled her away just in time. She could feel his panic when he touched her, but she was too focused on helping George to worry about Jack right now.
His head looked like it was swelling, he was now beat red and puffy, and sweat was forming on his face. Veins were building and looked ready to pop along his forhead. And his eyes were dark almost black and buldging out if his grotesque head.
"Ben! Did you see what happened? What attacked him?" Evelyn asked, frantically trying to figure something out.
"No! I saw nothing!" He cried, he looked close to tears now. "George was in front of me, he's faster ... I heard all these weird mechanical sounds, and that weird haunting whirring noise and then George was screaming. I barely got him back!"
"Did George say anything?"
"Something. He kept whispering over and over, It stung me it stung me it stung me! It was weird, like he was possessed or something!" Ben cried, he was visibly shaking.
Evelyn was shaken, but she couldn't deal with herself right now, they had to get Geroge back to the MedHut.
"Come on! Boys help me drag him, he's not walking in his own."
The three of them got him partly. Their group wasn't exactly quiet and it drew a lot of attention. Alby came sprinting over along with Newt and a few others.
"What's going on? What's wrong with him?" Alby demanded.
Ben gave a quick overview, "he kept saying he was stung. Anyone know what that means?"
"Minho said he's seen a creature like that, I've heard the same noises you have." Newt said crossing his arms.
"Where is Minho?" Evelyn asked, from her kneeling position on the ground beside George. Jack had dropped to the other side, panic and histaria in his eyes and written on his face.
"Still bloody out there, said he wanted to check something." Newt shrugged.
"It had to be one of those creatures then." Jack whispered.
"Doesn't really buggen' matter what it was, at this point what are we gonna do?" Newt asked, watching George curl into a ball and rock back and forth. Loud screams escaping his clamped jaw.
"JACK!" Evelyn screamed, "that syringe!"
She scrambled to her feet and jumped over the boy, and sprinted as fast as she could to the MedHut threw the door open and over to the shelf. Grabbing it and sprinted back, she skidded to a halt.
She was only gone maybe two minutes, but George had gone from bad to worse. He had gone still, only his chest moved, and it was shallow and rapid. His muscles had loosened and his jaw had gone slack. He didn't look like he was going to last much longer. Evelyn slammed the syringe into his arm he didn't even flinch. Evelyn pressed the released until all the green liquid was gone.
Everyone held their breath and slowly backed away. Evelyn scrambled over to Jack who looked like he was sitting in a silent scream.
Everyone waited, it was dead silent in the Glade. They waited, with batted breath. Jack was squeezing her hand so hard. Evelyn forgot how to breath and her heart slammed into her chest. She knew this was beyond her healing capabilities.
Georg took a wild gasping breath. He scrambled to his feet threw his head back and screamed a wild feral inhuman scream that ripped his vocal cords.
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