Chapter 8: Banishment
Evelyn ran the rest of the way to the MedHut, but by the time she had made it to the MedHut, she had tears sliding down her cheeks. Quickly wiping them away she pushed the door open. Jack and Nick were trying to get the bleeding under control. She rushed over, not bothering to hide her tears.
"There you are! Where were you?" Jack yelled, more out of panic and frustration than anger.
"Newt was drunk and wouldn't let go of me, George and him got into a fist fight, I tried." She explained quickly, grabbing more cloth to stop the bleeding.
"Dammit!" Nick cursed.
Tim was already starting to convulse, he was coughing up blood. Henry didn't look much better. Both had huge wide gashes in their abdomen. Evelyn knew if she didn't do something he would die. Her big green eyes looked up to Nick, and with out a word spoken he shook his head.
"No! Last time you nearly died!"
"They're both going to if I don't!"
"Do what?" Jack asked.
"I have ti Nick!" she cried, already rolling her sleeves up. She knelt down in between the beds placing a hand on each of them, and closed her eyes.
"No! Evy! Don't!" He cried again. But it was too late, she was already forcing her healing powers into them. She could feel how close they were to bleeding out. She had to stop it. But she had two bodies to heal now, it was hard enough with one, when George was stabbed almost nine months ago. She left her body trembling with the effort, sweat slid down her face and her breathing was laboured. Her hearing cut off as her hands got warmer. She tried to open her eyes but she couldn't tell if they were closed or open. Her vision was dark. Her head was spinning, her arms shaking, but she continued to force her healing into the boys. Her breathing was now in gasps.
Her eyes fluttered open. There was sun shining on her face. She blinked a few times. Slowly on shaking arms she propped herself up onto her elbows. Slowly looking around. Sitting beside her on a wood chair was Nick. His glasses had slipped to the end of his nose. How did I get here? What happened? Why am I in bed? She looked around. Standing by the open window with his head hanging down was Jack.
"Jack?" She asked quietly.
She sat up, scootching to the end of the bed. Even that little movement was exhausting. The boy turned around, tears glistened in his eyes.
"Hey, Ev, how are you feeling?" He asked, his voice was rough, he came over and sat on a chair. She could see the bags under his eyes.
"Exhausted. What happened?"
" have magic hands that glow, for one."
She nodded, hanging her head, nervously playing with her hands. There was some commotion by the window and Hephaestus scurried down the wall and over to her onto her lap.
"Nick was the only one who knew."
He just nodded, looking at the lizard. He frowned.
"Hey, that used to be a beetle blade."
She just nodded. She was surprised more guys never noticed the change in the lizard.
"Anyways, enough about me and Heph, what happened to Tim and Henry? Where are they?"
She was staring at the empty blood stained bed with dread. They weren't here. And there was no way they were healthy enough to get up and go back to their hammocks.
"I'm sorry Evelyn. You tried! You did your best, you almost died trying! But...they didn't make it. They had lost too much blood already. Levi's knife hit too many vital organs."
She felt a sob rising in her chest. Jack laid a hand on her knee. Nick had jerked awake. He sighed when he saw her hunched over sobbing. He got off the chair and sat beside her.
"Evy. I'm sorry. You tried. You did your best, I know you did. You would have given your life for them, and you almost did." He said gently.
He pulled her into his chest, giving her a hug. She just cried. Her body was so sore and tired, and what good was having healing powders if you couldn't save anyone? Jack and Evelyn didn't leave the MedHut for the rest of the day. They slowly stripped the bed sheets, and scrubbed the blood off the floor. Jack made her some tea, but she still felt sick and tired. He suggested she sleep some one, but she shook her head. They kind of just sat there in stunned silence, they had never had anyone die before.
Evelyn had a gut feeling this was only the beginning.
Just before Supper there was knock, Alby poked his head in. He looked exhausted as well, and very stressed.
"Hey guys, there's a gathering for Keepers in the Homestead before we eat." His voice had no inflection, it sounded as dead as his eye looked.
They nodded and followed him to the the Homestead. On there way there she caught sight of a few of the Gladers, they all looked either angry scared or red puffy eyes. There was definitely tension in the air. She caught sight of a sandy shaggy haired boy, he half turned and caught her eye. He blinked and then quickly looked away and hurried off. Newt's eye was black and blue, and she saw shame guilt and anger mixed in that quick look. She looked away and followed Alby into the Homestead gathering room.
Sitting in a semi circle were all the Keepers of the Glad; Gall Keeper of the Builders, Sonny Keeper of the Baggers (they were kind of the creepy quiet ones, but they didn't have many Baggers, and Sonny was a good guy, just very quiet.) Zart, Keeper of the Track Hoes, Winston, Keeper of the Slicers, Frypan Keeper of the Cooks, Dug, Keeper of the Sloppers (the guys who were a bit too lazy but still needed a job or the ones who just didn't really fit in anywere- they did the odd jobs no one else wanted) Minho Keeper of the Runners, Evelyn and Jack the coKeeprs of the MedJacka/Healers, Alby and Nick.
"All right we need to do this quick." Alby barked, folding his large arms.
Nick stood up, "Okay. Levi stabbed two kids last night. Evy and Jack did their best to save them. Unfortunately..." He trailed off, running a hand through his messy black hair. He sighed, "They both didn't make it through the night."
"So, what do we do with their bodies?" Zart asked.
"Bury them." Sonny grunted.
Nick was nodding, "I agree with Sonny, they were both good people."
"Where?" Winston asked.
"What about in the forest? Find a clearing." Evelyn suggested quietly.
There were a few nods. Nick brought out a paper, sat down and wrote down a few things, then looked up at the Keepers, "Okay all in favour of the forest for a graveyard?" Nick asked, it was unanimous. "Okay, now. What do we do with Levi? He has now gkadered three shanks."
It was quiet in the room.
"Nick, you're not making sense."
He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes with a loud groan. "It was a long night. Sorry."
"Levi, already shanked three Gladers." He repeated.
Minho snorted, "I like Shanks better. He stabbed three shanks."
"Whatever." Nick waved his hand dismissively. "What do you guys suggest we do with him? Keeping him locked in the slammer isn't working."
"Well, he obviously can't stay here." Winston said crossing his arms.
"Where do you suggest we send him? Not like we have options!" Alby snapped.
It was quiet, everyone was at a loss.
Minho looked up, a look of uncertainty and dread on his face.
"Well..." He started and trailed off.
"If you have an idea, let's hear it." Nick sighed.
"What about the Maze?"
"How would that work?" Frypan asked.
Minho sighed, his body slumped.
"Well, no one knows, except the Runners...the walls in there change, at night the walls change." He leaned forwards, putting his elbows on his knees, "And about three months ago we started noticing weird noises. Not all the time, but enough to haunt ya. We can't figure out what it is, or where it's coming from, but something is out there."
"Okay, what's your point?" Gally asked, folding his arms.
"It aint pretty. It's pretty shucked up, but that Shank can't stay here. Banish him to the Maze... when the doors close."
There was an uncomfortable silence in the room.
"It's the best option." Gally shrugged.
"It's the only option." Sonny agreed.
Alby was nodding along. Nick wrote something down, and took his glasses off again, rubbing his face. With a big sigh he replaced them and stood up.
"Okay, we vote. Majority rules. No one can abstain." He stated, his arms folded tight across his chest.
He pointed at each Keeper, going down the rows of chairs. Evelyn's stomach was twisting in knots. Could she send a kid to the maze? They had a few kids go out there into the Maze, and they for whatever reason, never made it back, and were never seen again. Two kids came out of the box, and before anyone could stop them, ran screaming onto the Maze. Being in the maze was definitely dangerous.
"Evy? Your vote?" Nick interrupted her thoughts.
She ran a hand through her hair, pushing it out of the way. Chewing her bottom lip she quickly glanced at the other keepers. They all looked guilty and despondent. Minho gave her a small nod. She exhaled slowly.
"Yeah." She said quietly, "I vote yes." She closed her eyes, already feeling guilty.
"Alright that's settled. We'll banish Levi when the doors close, everyone will meet at the East doors, Keepers, you'll have to be up front with me, Alby, go get those spears from the crawl space. Before supper we'll bury Tim and Henry. Gally, think you could whip up two crosses?"
The Builder nodded.
"Great. Gathering dismissed." Nick said and then slumped into his chair, then leaned forwards his head in his hands. Everyone in the gathering room got up and left.
Evelyn got up and made her way over, crouching down in front of him, she placed her hands on his knees.
"Sometimes I hate being the shuck leader."
"That's why you make a good one. You didn't fight for it. We all gave you the leadership role, and no one fought it. We all believe in you. Also why we have Keepers, so you don't have to make decisions alone."
He just hummed. She very hesitantly sent a little shock wave of her healing into him. She could feel how exhausted and miserable he was. She felt the exhaustion hit her, but saw his muscles loosen, and he breathed easier.
"Words of Wisdom." He smiled gratefully at her.
She returned it. But she was tired. He helped her to her feet and looped her arm, and together they left the Homestead to get ready for a burial. The Keepers had spread the word about the burial. And they were slowly making their way over to the forest. Half way there she caught sight of Newt. He stopped and watched her for a second, a look of guilt and shame on his beat up face but when he glanced down at her arm looped in Nick's he scowled and turned away.
She looked away shaking her head slightly. She sniffed, trying to keep tears from falling again. She just wished he would open up and talk, not when he was drunk off his ass, with bitter words and snarky comments. Nick glanced down at her, he patted her hand.
"He's just hurting from yesterday. Apparently he was not a fun person this morning, Minho said he threw up a few times in the maze. His ego is hurting."
"There's something else going on, Nick. He's getting worse. We used to talk every day. He used to come to the Hut just to hang out and talk. Now when he does come he's angry and sharp. I'm actually worried."
"I'll keep an on him for you Evy."
The burial was short, not much to say. The Baggers dug two deep holes and placed Tim and Henry inside, wrapped in a bed sheet and pushed the earth back over them. Gally stuck the crosses at the head of the freshly dug earth, and Nick said a few words, their buddies said a few words. And that was it.
"At sun down everyone is to meet at the East Door. No exceptions."
Everyone turned and wandered away. It was only only a few minutes until then. Evelyn slowly made her way over to the doors, her arms wrapped around herself, desperately trying to hold herself together. The Keepers and Gladers started to form around her. There was uncomfortable chatter, it was hushed and strand.
Nick and Alby came striding from the homestead, long sharp spears in their arms.
"Keepers!" Alby bellowed.
Keepers stepped forwards. Evelyn kept her fear and guilt deep down for now. For now she had to be strong. They were all handed a spear. Nick and Alby turned to face the crowd of now silent Gladers.
"This is what happens when you decide to harm another Glader. We're all trying to survive this shucked up place, but stabbing a fellow Glader is not the answer. Let this be a warning!" Nick raised his voice and looked at everyone.
"Sonny. Dan. Bring him out." Alby yelled. The Gladers flinched. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Newt's face. Behind the colourful bruise, she saw his face turning white, realization of what they were doing, hit him. He looked over at her, the horror on his face was a punch in her gut. A tear slid down her cheek. She had to look away. She didn't feel any better about this.
Sonny and Dan came dragging a screaming fighting Levi. He knew what they were going to do with him. He was struggling and twisting. He had tears and snot all over him, screaming for help.
"Nick! Please! I'm sorry! Okay? I'm sorry!" He pleaded.
Nick didn't move, Evelyn knew he had shoved everything inside, putting on a stone mask. His eyes were distant and hallow. Levi turned to Alby now.
"Alby! You can't let them do this to me! Please! I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to do it!" He screamed.
The baggers had him now in the middle of the half circle still holding him tightly. The ground had started to shake. There was a wild wind that went through the stone corridor. And an eerie haunting whirr noise came from deep in the maze. The noise sent goosebumps all over Evelyn's skin. The now familiar noise of the stone on stone, metal on metal noise of the walls started. The doors were ready to close.
"Levi of the Slicers. You are here by Banished from the Glade for stabbing, attempted murder of George of the Runners. And the murder of Tim of the Builders and Henry of the Track Hoes. The Keepers have voted, their word is final. You ain't coming back. You're at the mercy of the Maze and the Creators." Nick yelled, looking around, but not seeing anything.
"Keepers! Spears." Alby yelled.
Minho tossed a small bag with some supplies, into the maze corridors, maybe by some miracle he would live the night. Evelyn lowered her spear with all the others, forming a tight semi circle around the screaming boy. Sonny and Dan let go and quickly stepped into the circle.
"Forwards." Nick yelled.
Everyone took slow steady steps forward. She could feel the panic rising in her chest. Levi screamed and tried to fight, the spears were sharp and he had no where to go. The doors were half way now. Levi was getting desperate. She could see his eyes. They were wild with fear and panic.
Without a care of his own safety, he lunged forwards at Evelyn, with a wild snarl. She was the weak link. Nick tried to step in the way. Levi grabbed the small knife on Nick's hip and slashed at him. Blood spurted from his chest. With another wild swing the handle of the knife slammed into the side of his head. Nick dropped. Evelyn swung the spear around desperately, as Levi went to lung at her again but he threw himself into the spear. It was a wild 10 seconds, and she didn't realize what happened, Levi stumbled backwards, his side bleeding. The other Keepers closed the ranks and shoved him faster into the hall of the maze. He had nowhere to go now.
Evelyn had dropped to her knees, beside Nick. His eyes were rolled back into his head, someone else was beside her.
"Come on, we gotta get him to the bloody MedHut." Newt's voice was surprisingly gentle and calm.
With a grunt he lifted Nick up, with the help of another boy, they carried Nick to the hut while the Keepers dealt with the rest of the banishing. They laid him down and the other boy left in a hurry. Evelyn ripped Nick's shirt, there was a long gash in his chest.
"Dammit." she muttered.
She placed her hands on his chest and forced the power flowing through her into his, feeling the bleeding slow down and stop. She had to be careful not to pass out. She needed him able to stitch up without bleeding out. She felt her limbs shaking, her head was dizzy and fuzzy, sweat appeared on her forehead, and she started panting. She was almost done. Before she blacked out completely she lifted her hands off him and slid to the floor in a heap.
"What the bloody hell was that?"
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