Chapter 7: A Hurting Heart
Another few months and routines were set, or at least as much as they could be, supplies were still sent up randomly; boxes of food, live animals, medical supplies beding, nails and wood..but lately there were all kinds of dangerous weapons being sent. It made Nick and Alby nervous, they tried to keep the really obvious things away, like the hand gun that was sent one time.
"Why the shuck are we being sent weapons?" Alby grumbled after confiscating another big knife that slipped into someone's hand.
"No idea, this place makes no sense! Why do walls move? Why do we have memory loss and why are more kids being sent up?" Nick shrugged.
They started a tradition, once a month, on the last Friday they would hold a big bonfire or part. They were happening more frequently, but Evelyn couldn't keep up with the amount of sick Gladers the next day. She had begged Nick to change it to once a month instead of every week, it was slowly draining her. Gally and a few others had made some moonshine, and it was strong. Once glass jar and the kid was gone.
Gally had built Evelyn her own sleeping hut, right next to the MedHut. Now the MedHut had three beds pushed against the wall, with a small table between them, the back wall had a big shelf with all the medical supplies and her big work table in the corner by the door. If the Glader's didn't see her around the Glad she was mostly likely in her garden or working at the table.
There was another knock on the door and she looked up with a sigh, it was hot out today, a lot of the guys were coming complaining of headaches. But her sigh or frustration turned into one of surprise and her face broke into a smile.
"You're back early today."
"Yeah, Minho said to call it, it's too hot out. We need to ask the Creators for backpacks so we can carry more water. And lunch." Newt sighed. His face was sweaty.
"Anything interesting out there today?"
His face filled with anger so fast Evelyn took a step back. His eyes flashed dangerously.
"Why would you ask me that Lee? You never ask a Runner about the Maze." He snapped.
"I'm sorry Newt. I won't ask you about your day."
He ran a hand through his hair, with a frustrated growl. "That's not what I said."
"Then how was your day?" She asked.
"Same as always." His reply was short and snappy, and he refused to make eye contact, instead he was glaring at Hephaestus, who just scurried onto the window ledge.
Over the months Evelyn noticed he was more lizard-like than the machine now. He had smooth scaly skin, it was still a metallic grey, with a red strip down his back, where the letters w i c k e d used to be, and his eyes didn't glow anymore like head lights, they were regular lizard eyes, but they were red instead of a typical green. She had brought it up with Nick one time, and the best they could come up with was when she used her power, and he was on her shoulder, it slowly changed him from machine to more animal.
"Do you want something to drink? I've been busy with headaches and such from the Glades all day." She changed the subject, hoping his mood would change. He had been really swinging his moods the last little while.
"No. I'm fine." He shoved his hands into his pockets.
"Then...why did you come? You don't want to talk, and you don't need a healer...Just need a quiet place?" She asked him gently.
She tried to lay a hand on his arm, but whether or not he moved on purpose, but he moved out of reach. She saw the turmoil in his eyes. He would never talk, and Evelyn wasn't one to push, but she knew there was something deeply wrong, she just didn't know how to help the boy.
"I don't know why I'm buggen' here either. Maybe I'll just go." He shrugged, he turned to leave but Evelyn spoke freezing him in place for a moment.
"What?" He snapped, his back to her, standing in the doorway.
"I'm here if you ever want to talk. Or not talk, whichever. But I'm always here."
He grunted.
"The moon is also a good listener. He listens without judgement." She said even quieter.
"Well that's just bloody weird, why would I do that?"
She tried not to show her hurt or let him hear it in her words, "It's just a suggestion. Sometimes we just need to let it off our chest and let others help."
"I'm fine Ev. I'll see ya later."
He left her, she watched him trudge back through the Glade to the showers and slam one of the doors closed. She sighed and sat down at the work table again.
"What do I do Heph? Huh, he wont talk or open up. And I can't do anything to help."
The lizard just cocked his head and flicked its grey tail. With another sigh she picked up her pencil again and got back to work. The afternoon slowly slid into evening, she could start to hear the unmistakable sounds of the fire party starting. She was cleaning up her work when there was another knock and her door was slammed closed, she looked up startled, Minho was leaning on the door, a wild look of panic in his eyes. His chest was rising rapidly.
"Min? What's wrong?" She asked, getting quickly to her feet and rushing over.
She pulled the boy over to the bed and sat him down. His eyes were darting all over the place and his chest kept rising and falling, but his breathing was quick.
"I can't. I can't do it. It's too big! I can't." He said between pants.
"You mean be the Keeper?"
His head nodded quickly. "It's too big! I can't find a way out! We're going to be stuck here!"
She saw the tears forming and then a few slid down his cheek.
"Oh Minho." She whispered. She pulled her friend into a hug, he wrapped his large arms around her and he let out a sob. She rubbed his back while he cried. It wasn't a long cry, but it was full of despair and hopelessness. When the tears stopped he sat up, swatting them away like he was angry for crying.
"Sorry Pixy. That was embarrassing." He sniffed.
"What was?" She asked, cocking her head.
"Cryin' ain't done that since the first few days here." He admitted.
"Why would it be embarrassing? It's just a way to release pent up emotions. Don't you feel better now?" She frowned at the Runner.
He shrugged, "'Cause guys aren't supposed to cry."
"Says who?" She asked, raising an eyebrow in challenge.
He opened his mouth but then closed it, looking confused.
"That's what I thought. Cry is normal, it's the body's response to human emotions, Minho. "
He just nodded and looked at his lap sheepishly. He took a deep shuddering breath and sniffed again.
"Now. Tell me why you think you can't be a Keeper and the maze is unsolvable?" SHeasked, taking his hand in her tiny ones.
He just shrugged.
"Have you been through all of it yet?"
He shook his head.
"And there is a lot more to explore?"
He nodded.
"Then there must be a way out. Every maze or labyrinth has an entrance and an exit. We just haven't found it yet. And you, Mr Minho will find it."
"How can you be so sure?" He asked, his voice full of hopelessness. But he looked up at her, hoping for an answer and reassurance.
"Because out of all the people in this Glade, you have the toughest job. The guys look up to you. You give them hope, because you get up every day and go out trying to find a way home. Because your shucken stubborn! You Don't give up easily. Sure there are set backs and obstacle But that's just another challenge, and I know you thrive under that kind of situation. That determination and drive, that stubbornness will find a way home, and you will do it with sass and great hair."
She finished her little speech and gave his hand a squeeze, with a smile. She saw the spark coming back into his dark eyes. And she was relieved to see it.
"Man Pixy." he sniffed, using the back of his hand to rub the few renaming tears. "If I didn't know any better I'd say you believed in me or something."
"Or something." She smiled at him again.
"You're a good healer. Healer of body and soul." he chuckled sadly.
"Just telling you the truth."
He nodded and squeezed her hand back. "Thank you. I needed that, and you're right, cryin' does make ya feel shucken better. Also just talkin' it out. What was that anyways?"
"An anxiety at take. It happens sometimes. And I will always be there for you Min. Thank you for trusting me."
"Definitely trust my little Pixy!"
She sighed, and looked down at their hands.
"What's up Pixy? Is it my turn to hold you and cry? Lay it on me!"
She laughed quietly. And shook her head.
"I just wish Newt would let it out." She quietly. "He's worrying me."
Minho hummed with a nod. His eyes turned sad.
"Yeah, I've noticed. I'll keep an eye on him."
She nodded.
"You coming to the party? Gally said he has a better version of his drink this month."
He got up and pulled her over to the door. The part was in full swing. A large fire in the middle, a few guys had homemade instruments, Frypan was at the BBQ that was randomly sent up, the day after a few were talking at breakfast it would be awesome to have one. Jars with light brown liquid were clutched in hands. There was loud yelling. Evelyn didn't really like these parties. It was too loud and wild for her. But Minho was dragging her over to their group of friends. Nick turned to her with a big smile.
"You were working late. Everything okay?" He asked as he readjusted his glasses.
"Everything is now." She said smiling warmly at Minho, who smirked and nodded back.
"Good that."
"Bloody awfully long appointment behind closed doors." Newt sneered. He had a jar in his hands, and it was almost gone.
"Sometimes patients need privacy, Newt." She replied calmly. She knew that drink did nothing but cause issues and he was already in a mood.
"Yeah? And then you two come bounding out all buggen' happy and smiles holding hands?"
"Dude. Slim it man." Minho frowned at his friend. "How much have you had to drink already? Remember we gotta run tomorrow."
"Oh I know! Trust me! All we do is bloody run! Run the same damn thing over and over and over." He spat. He downed the last of the alcohol and spun on his heel and left.
Evelyn looked at her sneakers, trying to hold back the tears, he didn't really say anything to hurt her personally, but it still hurt her over how angry and upset he was. She felt a hand on her back and looked up to see Nick frowning down at her.
"You okay Evy?"
She shrugged.
"Come on, let's go get some food."
He led her over to Fry, they chatted with him for a bit, laughing and eating. Minho and George joined them. These four guys knew she never liked big crowds and these parties pushed her to her limits, but they hung out with her at the edge of the crowd. She was grateful for their friendship, they accepted her for her, quiet, shy and an introvert. The party was loud tonight, and seemed more wild than normal.
Jack came running over to them, waving his hands and yelling.
"NICK!" He screamed.
"What's going on Jack? Where's the fire?" Nick asked, folding his arms.
"It'''s Levi! He has a knife and now he's swinging it at anyone who comes close. He already got Tim and Henry!"
"SHUCK SAKES!" Nick cursed, "Minho, come on, lets get Alby and Sony, and Gally. Shuck these idiots! Evy? You're going to be busy tonight, I'm sorry."
She placed her stuff down and nodded, "I'll be at the hut getting ready. How bad are they Jack?"
"Dammit." everyone cursed and took off.
Evelyn was trying to push her way through the crowd so she could be ready. But these guys were so big, it made getting through difficult. She elbowed her way almost through when a hand clamped onto her upper arm and she was tugged back. A very intoxicated Newt had grabbed her and wouldn't let go.
"You!" He slurred.
"Newt, I don't have time for this! Tim was just stabbed."
"Oh yeas, off to ssssssave someone else.You gonna clooose the door on him too?"
"Newt. Let go!"
"Why? Don't have time for meeee? It's because I'm worthless isn't it? Minho has the looks and is a Keeper! I got nothing! We can't even find our bloody way home! It's pointless ya know? There's no way to leave this place! We're stuck here! Like mice in a maze! I bet you people are buggen' watching us!"
"Newt! Let go, right now!" She demanded, and tried to rip her arm out.
"Dude, she said to let go!" George had appeared out of the crowd.
"You her bloody boyfriend?" He slurred, but he did let go, making Evelyn stumble backwards.
"No. I'm not"
"You wanna be? You know she talks to a lizard and the moon?"
"Man shank your wasted, come on lets get you to bed."
Newt didn't like that suggestion, or the fact George tried to steer him away. Before anyone saw it coming, Newt's fist made contact with George's face. Blood sprayed from his nose. George stumbled back and reacted by jumping forwards and tackling Newt to the ground. The two of them were rolling around on the ground now, throwing punches and yelling at each other.
Evelyn looked around wildly, the guys around just started cheering. With a wild growl of frustration she grabbed the fist Newt had thrown back and pulled, making him lose his balance and fall onto his back. George scrambled to his feet ready to throw another fist, but Evelyn jumped in between them.
"Enough." She raised her voice, her eyes narrowed at George."He's drunk, leave it alone. We have those other two kids to deal with."
George spat some blood onto the grass, spun on his heel and left. She turned to Newt who had a black eye forming and a split lip. She pursed her lips.
"Do you feel better now Newt? Hmmm?"
"Yeah! Yeah I do! Aggression is how Imma bloody deal with this shucked shit hole..."
"Grow up Newt, your not the only one stuck here and suffering. We all are. Now go to bed. I have other kids to deal with tonight."
"You gonna hold their hands too? Like how you held Minho's hand and let him hug you on a bed?"
She blinked and was taken aback. She could see the anger and despair, the sorrow and hopelessness in his eyes, it all crashed together to create a wild storm inside him, she didn't need the physical contact with him to see the storm. Drinking, tonight was his way to mask his pain, but all it did was highlight it. Sure he was numb to it and would probably not remember any of this in the morning, just an awful hangover, but this wasn't how you fix the pain inside. She knew his soul was in pain, she just didn't know how to help him if he kept shutting her and everyone out.
"Yeah! I came back to bloody apologize, but I saw he was right snuggled up into you!"
"Then you would notice he was crying and in the middle of an anxiety attack. Grow up Newt."
She spun on her heel and left towards the MedHut, tears in her eyes threatening to fall, her heart was hurting.
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