Chapter 61: The Final Variable
The door swung open. Thomas and Minho were the first ones inside. Newt helped Evelyn, pretty much carrying her at this point. She was losing consciousness again. She tried hard to stay awake, constantly blinking hard.
The room was brightly lit. It was a pretty blank room. Cement floor, and three walls of screens. All flashing different things. A few screens had different angles of the Glade, it was now in smoking ruins, a few fires were still raging. The only home she had ever known, it was now burnt ash.
Covering her mouth, she tried stifling a cry. Newt followed her gaze, his face fell; full of hurt and sadness.
"So they were watching us!"
"Shucken nasty creeps!" Minho wrinkled his nose in disgust. He came up beside them, his eyes flicking between the different screens. He gave Newt a side eye, "better hope they weren't watching everything." He snickered, making Newt roll his eyes.
Minho wondered away to look at a different screen. Newt with Evelyn beside him moved to a different wall of monitors.
"Look...what does that mean?" Evelyn asked, pointing a shaking hand at one screen.
There was a big screen broken up into smaller section, of each Glader. There were head shots in each corner, with their names and personal information. Frowning, Evelyn stumbled forwards. Many of the Gladers had big red X's over them. Three had a yellow flashing "In Use" over their faces. Which was weird because they were all dead. Gally was taken, by the Grievers, there was no coming back from that. Alby was ripped apart by Grievers. And Jeff had been a human chew toy, dead on the stone floors. Tears slid down her face.
Her own head shot picture caught her attention. It was easy to find the only girl in a mix of 60 plus boys. Her's was the very first.
Subject X: The Healer
Evelyn: meaning Life in Hebrew
Lee: meaning Healer in Celtic
Also known as: The Witch
-Ability to heal others from physical injuries
-unable to heal self with powers; increased healing time
-powers of unknown origin
-suppressed with chip
-Not immune
Evelyn's sore head was spinning even more. She had to sit down, she was either going to pass out or throw up. Maybe both. She slid down the wall and ended in a crumbled heap on the ground. Questions bounced around her very bruised skull. Newt crouched down infront of her. He cupped her bruised and bloody cheek, his eyes filled with fear and worry. Before he could say anything the third wall behind him slid open, revealing a wall of glass. Behind the glass was a row of people.
There was a deathly silence that sucked the life out of the air as every last Glader stared at the row of windows, at the row of observers. Evelyn struggled to watch as one of them looked down to write something, another reached up and put on a pair of glasses. They all wore black coats over white shirts, a word stitched on their right breast; no one could quite make out what it said.
None of them wore any kind of discernible facial expression, they were all sallow and gaunt, miserably sad to look at. They continued to stare at the Gladers and write things down.
"Who are they?" Chuck finally asked.
"The shucken Creators," Minho sneared. He had grabbed Teresa's arm and pulled her protectively so she was blocked from view.
"I'm gonna break your faces!" he screamed, so loudly Evelyn flinched and threw her hands over her ears. She whimpered, making Newt turn back towards her. He looked so worried and helpless.
"What do we do?" Thomas asked. "What are they waiting on?"
"They've probably revved the Grievers back up," Newt said. "They're probably coming right now!"
"Right ray of sunshine you are!" Nick muttered, rolling his eyes.
A loud, slow beeping sound cut off any reply, like the warning alarm of a huge truck driving in reverse, but much more powerful. It came from everywhere, booming and echoing throughout the chamber.
Evelyn clamped her hands over her ears again and whimpered, Newt pulled her into his chest, holding her head tight to his chest, also trying to make the noise less for her concussed head.
The loud beep stopped, there was a defending silence, and every head turned to the corner of the room where a set of doors were swing open. The Gladers all tensed, expecting more Grievers, but instead three people walked into the room.
There were no district features from the woman, she was quite forgettable, other than she was the first grown up she had seen. The other two people, standing next to her, were tall and broad both wearing an overly large sweatshirt, hoods pulled up over their heads, concealing faces.
"Welcome back," the woman finally said. "Three years, and so few dead. Amazing!"
"Excuse me?" Newt asked, letting go of Evelyn, and standing up to face the new people.
Despite the concussion and exhaustion of saving Sonny's life, Evelyn felt her anger boiled in her veins. The ladies eyes scanned the crowd again before falling on Newt.
"Everything has gone according to plan, Mr. Newton. Although we expected a few more of you to give up along the way."
She glanced over at her companions, they looked like body guards on either side of her. She then reached out and pulled the hood off the the one boy.
She reached to her other companion and pulled the hood off.
"What?" Evelyn whispered. She tried getting up, but her world teetered drastically, making her stomach turn. Newt had somehow managed to help her up and keep his eyes on both boys they thought were dead.
Both boys looked up, their eyes wet with tears. Every Glader in the room sucked in a breath of surprise. Evelyn was consumed with shock, anger, relief and confusion. It was Gally. And Alby. But she had seen both of the die. Yet they were here...but she saw them die...
But a small voice in her head whispered, "but did you? You never actually saw a dead body..."
"What the actual shuck?" Minho yelled.
"You're safe now," the woman responded as if she hadn't heard him. 'Please, be at ease"
"At ease?" Teresa demanded,
Minho nodded. "Who are you, telling us to be at ease?"
"We wanna talk to someone in charge!"
"We just watched friends die!"
"We want our!"
"Enough!" The woman barked. "You have no idea what your talking about, I would expect more maturity for individuals who have passed the Maze Trials!"
Evelyn narrowed her eyes. This lady was nuts, be at ease. They just lived three years in a prison, and fought their way out, watched half of their family die...and now two boys who were supposed to be dead were standing before them. Either Evelyn's concussion was getting worse or this wasn't making any sense.
"Gally? Alby?" Newt rounded on the guys, "what's going on?"
Both boys eyes flared and flashed for a moment, their heads shaking and twitching slightly. But they didn't respond, the haunted dead look consumed their eyes, though the tears still fell. The woman nodded as if proud of them. Unease and uncertainty combined in Evelyn's chest, along with apprehension and anxiety
"One day you'll all be grateful for what we've done for you. I can only promise this, and trust your minds to accept it. If you don't, then the whole thing was a mistake. Dark times, Mr. Newton. Dark times." She paused, looking around at the tired bloody teenage kids before her. "There is, of course, one final Variable."
She stepped back into the corner. The boys who were supposed to be dead stepped forward. Evelyn looked back and forth between Gally and Alby. Evelyn's exhausted body and mind did it's best to focus on Gally. The boy's whole body trembled, his face pasty white, making his wet, red eyes stand out like bloody splotches on paper. His lips pressed together; the skin around them twitched, as if he were trying to speak but couldn't.
"Gally?" Thomas asked. Everyone in the room was silent. The room was tense, like everyone in the room was holding their breath.
Evelyn stepped away from Newt, her hands out. Her exhausted mind still working overtime; she knew the creators could control them, she had seen these guys die, yet here they were... Her eyes caught sight of the big screen just behind Alby. The big red X's on most of the boys, but the yellow flashing "In Use" made her freeze and her heart stop. Her blood froze.
"Please no..." She whispered horrified.
Words burst from Gally's mouth.
"They ... can control me ... I don't—"
His eyes bulged, a hand went to his throat as if he were choking, like what Alby did in the MedHut.
"... have... to ..."
Each word was a croaking cough. Then he stilled, his face calming, his body relaxing and the haunted vacant expression in his eyes. Alby hadn't moved, he just stood there his body sagged, he was expressionless, his face blank of all emotions. But his eyes flicked to Evelyn.
Gally reached behind himself, pulled something long and shiny from his back pocket. The lights of the room flashed off the silvery surface; a wicked-looking dagger, gripped tightly in his fingers.
"No!" Evelyn screamed.
Alby's body moved, jerky and uncoordinated, but Alby lunged forwards at Evelyn. She stumbled on unsteady legs, Alby shoved her again at the same time with unexpected speed, Gally reared back and threw the knife at Thomas.
Evelyn's head slammed into the computer screen causing it the smash. Glass rained down on her as she slid down the wall. Her body flopped and Alby jumped on top of her, pinning her. But she couldn't fight back if she wanted to, her brain had been smacked around so much that night she lost consciousness for a second.
At the same time Evelyn hit the wall, the knife that Gally threw spun end over end, windmilling towards Thomas. There was a yell and Chuck shoved Thomas out of the way.
Evelyn heard two separate sickening, wet thunk. One was the dagger slammed into Chuck's chest, burying itself to the hilt. The other was Minho's spear that impaired into Gally's chest. Both boys screamed. Gally collapsed and fell forward, not moving, the life leaving his eyes.
Chuck fell to the floor, his body already convulsing. Evelyn screamed. Alby held her down, she thrashed and twisted.
Blood poured from the wound, dark crimson. His legs slapped against the floor, feet kicking aimlessly with onrushing death.
Evelyn knew Chuck was dying. The Creators had known she could save them but was preventing her. She screamed.
"Chuck! Gally!"
Gally didn't move, he was already unresponsive, laying in a pool of his blood. Red spit oozed from between Chuck's lips. He turned his head towards Evelyn, hearing her scream. Evelyn felt as if the world were collapsing around her, crushing her heart. Thomas fell to the ground, pulling Chuck's shaking body into his arms.
"Chuck!" he screamed; his voice felt like acid ripping through his throat.
Evelyn thrashed and withered, sobbing under Alby who held her arms straight out to her sides, so she couldn't touch him or anyone. Her attempts to get free were feeble at best, every movement made her head spin and her stomach heave. She could feel acid bile rise in her throat.
Chuck shook uncontrollably, blood everywhere. He coughed spitting up bright red blood.
Someone finally moved. Newt had finally unfrozen from the shock, her was trying to pull Alby off. Alby seemed to have the strength of 10 grown men, everything Newt did was useless, nothing made Alby move.
"Chuck!" Evelyn sobbed, her eyes glued to the child, her child! "Alby please...let me go! Please Alby... please!" She pleaded.
She could see Chuck's eyes had rolled up in their sockets, dull white orbs. Blood trickled out of his nose and mouth.
"Chuck ...?" Thomas said, this time a whisper.
There was a deep yell and a body slammed into Alby. His hand ripped off Evelyn. Sonny and Minho had jumped and taken Alby off. Evelyn rolled to her stomach, that small movement made her stomach finally heave enough to throw up. Wiping her mouth she scrambled as best she could, the world was spinning and tilting. She collapsed once, because her head.
Alby was fighting Minho, Sonny and Newt now. Evelyn finally made it on her hands and knees to Thomas and Chuck.
There had to be something they could do. They could save him. Evelyn grabbed his bloody face just as the boy stopped convulsing, his body stilled.
"Chuck! Please no!" She sobbed, her stomach heaved again, her world was spinning in a tailspin dive.
Chuck's eyes slid back into normal position, focusing on Evelyn, clinging to life.
"Evy-lyn." It was one word, barely there.
"Hang on, Chuck," Thomas said.
"Don't die! Please don't! Fight it!" Evelyn sobbed.
"Someone get help!"
Nobody moved.
"Evelyn!" Thomas pleaded.
She tried, she tried so hard, closing her eyes and trying to harness her powers, but there was hardly anything left. She was too disoriented, Chuck was too far gone, his heart was just about at its end, there was too much internal bleeding. It kept bubbling up and out around the knife in his chest. With a sob she pushed what she had into Chuck, her hands only sparked. She had let go and twist away to throw up, even using that little bit of power made her just about loose consciousness. Her vision had gone totally black for a split second.
Deep inside, Evelyn knew nothing could help now. It was over. Black spots swam before Evelyn's eyes; the room tilted and swayed. No. Not Chuck. Not Chuck. Anyone but Chuck.
"Mom..." Chuck whispered.
"I'm here! I'm right here, Sweet Child!" Evelyn grabbed his one bloody hand and held it to her chest, her other hand cupped his cheek.
" Please" He limply pushed something into her hand. She clutched it tight.
"Chuck! My sweet child! Please! Don't go!" Evelyn sobbed so hard her chest hurt, she couldn't breath properly.
Thomas was crying. He had placed his forehead on Chuck's bloodied chest,
" For being my...friend."
His eyes slid back to Evelyn, she could hardly see because the tears kept blurring her vision.
" You were the-" A racking cough burst from his lungs, throwing a spray of blood. He took a ragged breath.
"-you were Mommy. Thank-"
He didn't finish. One last breath wheezed from his mouth His body went limp and his once sparkling eyes went vacant. He was gone. Her sweet innocent, mischievous Chucky...he was gone. Something inside Evelyn snapped. It started deep down in her chest, a seed of rage. Of revenge. Of hate. Something dark and terrible. And then it exploded, bursting through her lungs, through her neck, through her arms and legs. Through her mind. A scream she didn't know what possible came from deep within, her heart just shattered, there was no gluing it back together. She let go of Chuck, stood up, swaying slightly, her whole body trembling. For a second her vision cleared, and all she could see was red. Pure raw hatred exploded from her.
With her hands still covered in blood she threw herself at the lady standing in the corner. Evelyn wrapped her hands around her throat. The lady screamed. Evelyn held on, the darkness overtook everything, her sorrow and hatred over powering everything else at the moment.
She felt her powers revers, instead of the warm tingling she got when she harnessed it and used it to help others, she felt sharp stabs of cold travelling up her arms. Evelyn let out a feral scream. The freezing cold traveled fasted, through her body. The lady dropped to her knees, Evelyn's hands still wrapped around her neck. She saw the panic and fear in the lady's eyes, but she didn't care.
"You killed him!" Evelyn screamed, "You did this!"
The lady's body was shaking, her skin was paling, becoming thin, waxy, and paper thin. Her eyes were bulging out of her face, they rolled into the back of her head. Evelyn felt the lady's heart beat slow down, her lungs restrict. The sharp cold was almost too much. Something inside Evelyn snapped and it would never go back. She let out more more sob and the lady's heart stopped completely, her lungs seized up and stopped. Evelyn let go, breathing hard, her chest heaving. Her hands had turned a dark icy blue.
Evelyn had used her power to suck the life out of the lady.
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