Chapter 56: Gally's Warning
Gally stood in the doorway. He had somehow got out of the Slammer. There was a tense silence. Evelyn scrambled to her feet, shoving Chuck behind her. She looked closer at the boy, taking in the details of his appearance. Evelyn's stomach dropped and her heart leapt into her throat.
Gally's eyes raged with lunacy; his clothes were torn and filthy. He dropped to his knees and stayed there, his chest heaving with deep, sucking breaths. He looked around the room like a rabid dog searching for someone to bite. No one said a word. No one moved. Gally's wild eyes locked onto Evelyn's.
"They'll kill you all!" Gally screamed, spittle flying everywhere, He took a wild ragged breath. "The Grievers will kill you all! One every night till it's over!"
Evelyn watched, speechless, as Gally staggered to his feet and staggered forwards. Thomas and Newt grabbed Evelyn and pulled her away; Gally followed, stumbling forward. Thomas backed up as Gally staggered forwards. He bumped into the broken section of roof. Gally's wild rage filled eyes had locked into Evelyn again. He turned away from Thomas for a moment.
"They'll kill you all...Except you!" his hand flung out to point at Evelyn. "They want you back!"
Evelyn felt her face drain of colour and her body went cold. Her body started shaking. Gally's wild eyes slid over to Thomas.
"You," he said with a sneered, "It's all your fault! You and the other girl!"
Without warning he swung his left hand, forming it into a fist as it came around and crashed into Thomas's ear. He went crashing down to the ground in a yelp. Thomas had scrambled back to his feet as soon as he hit the floor, and pushed Gally away. Gally stumbled backward and crashed into the wall. Before Evelyn could think she jumped forward ready for Gally to retaliate, but he straightened instead, taking everyone in with his mad gaze. Everyone was too stunned to do anything. Evelyn knew he was either stung or the Creators had their hands on him. She was nervous to try and touch him, considering the last few times she touched a Glader who had been controlled...
"It can't be solved," he said, his voice now quiet and distant, spooky.
"The shuck Maze'll kill all you shanks.... The Grievers'll kill you ... one every night till it's over.... I ... It's better this way...."
His eyes fell to the floor.
"They'll only kill you one a night ... their stupid Variables ...and their witch..."
His words kept Evelyn frozen to the spot. Their witch? Who's they, the creators? Evelyn didn't understand what Gally was saying, her eyebrows pulled together in confusion. Her body was still switching between hot and cold, her stomach twisting, making her feel like throwing up.
Newt took a step forward. "Gally, shut your bloody hole! There's Grievers out there, there's one right out the buggen' door."
Evelyn could hear the clicking, and hum of the Griever still stalking the area. The screams of Grievers and Gladers drifted through the door.
"Just sit on your butt and be quiet, maybe it'll go away."
Gally looked up, his eyes narrowing.
"You don't get it, Newt. You're too stupid, you've always been too stupid. There's no way out, there's no way to win! They're gonna kill you, all of you, one by one!"
Screaming the last word, Gally threw his body toward the window by the Council room door and started tearing at the wooden boards like a wild animal trying to escape a cage. Before anyone realized what was happening, he'd already ripped one board free; he threw it to the ground. Gally was going to kill us. Evelyn could hear the Griever coming closer.
"No! Gally! Stop!" She yelled, running forward.
Newt followed, yelling for Gally to stop. Gally ripped off the second board just as Evelyn reached him. Gally swung it backward with both hands. Evelyn ducked in time, but the board slammed into Newt's head and he collapsed, blood spraying from his head. He didn't get back up.
"Newt!" She screamed and dropped down beside him.
The guys behind Evelyn surged forward trying to get to Gally before the Griever got to them. Except Gally turned and with a wild savage scream, ripped the door open.
Evelyn flinched at his words. He threw himself out the door. She watched, horrified, the Griever that was stalking back towards them was the the same one that had grabbed Alby. Evelyn could see Alby hanging from the claw. Gally ran towards the monster, screaming. The claw opened and dropped Alby with a sickening thud. Gally threw himself at the Griever. It grabbed him and the thing turned and ran back down the hall. Minho leapt over Evelyn, Teresa and Thomas on his heels.
Evelyn was still trying to stop the bleeding from Newt's head. It wouldn't stop. She was now cover in it. Panic rose in her so fast she felt bile rise. She harnessed her power, she was struggling with it right now. But she had enough, she hoped.
Closing her eyes she had his head in her lap and hand over the gash in her head, and forced her power into him. She felt the bleeding slow down, and then stop, then slowly everything started stitching together.
"Hey! Enough!" Nick cried, pulling her hands away.
She swayed, her head dizzy and clouded from exhaustion. Her body hurt. Her muscles shook, she was covered in sweat, she looked up at Nick sluggishly.
Evelyn slowly looked around and saw Thomas slam something into his leg.
"GET THE SERUM!" Chuck yelled.
Thomas dropped to the ground screaming and withering in pain. Jeff took off. Evelyn wasn't sure what to do, her mind wasn't working, it was so and sluggish, like she was trying to swim through syrup. Thomas stung himself. Minho and Teresa ran after the Griever into the maze. Gally was stung and controlled, throwing himself at the Griever. Alby still hadn't moved, and Newt hadn't woken up. Who knows how many other injured Gladers needed her. Her eyes blinked slowly. Her body slowly deflated, and she bent forwards and just collapsed her head on Newts chest. Her eyes finally fluttering closed.
It took a long time before her body cooperated and her eyes slowly peeled themself open. Her eyebrows meet in the middle. There was no sun, the dull grey was still there, but there was an odd flickering. With a groan she looked around, there was green all around her, trees surrounded her, and Hephaestus lay curled up on her chest. Twisting her head some more, she saw where the flickering was coming from, there was a small fire going. She realized she was in the forest. She tried to sit up, but groaned, her body was so sore.
Evelyn looked the other way, raising a shaking hand to her sore head, with a small whimper.
"Oh thank heavens!" Newt dropped down beside her. She was laying in a hammock in the forest, Newt's little camp site.
"Newt?" She reached a hand towards him, brushing her fingers gingerly on the scab on his temple. He gently garbed her hand, bringing it to his lips, kissing the palm of her hand.
"I owe you again."
"What happened?" She whispered, her voice was dry and scratchy.
"Well you've been out for 2 full days."
"What?" She gasped, trying to sit up.
"Whoa, slow the bloody hell down, Love!" He placed a hand on her shoulder, forcing her back down.
"You exhausted yourself, your body just about shucken shut down. After all the buggen' klunk that's been goin' on. You pushed it too far, Evelyn." Newt chided her.
When her eyes went wide and filled with tears, his face softened, and his eyes became gentle once more.
"You just buggen' scared me, Love."
"What happened? Thomas? Alby..? Minho and Teresa ran into the maze! Where are they?" She cried, trying to sit up again.
"Evelyn! Please stop! Just listen, lay down and listen!" Newt cried.
He stood up, and sat down on the edge of the hammock, both his hands holding the side of her face. She sniffed and blinked the tears away and nodded. Newt exhaled.
"Okay. Minho and Tessa ran after the bloody Grievers to see if your guys's theory was right. Which it buggen' is. It took Gally. Alby is all right; sore an' sullen, but he's all right. Thomas, the shucken' idiot stabbed himself with the Griever stinger! He's only waking up now."
"What about what Gally said? About the things only taking one kid?" Evelyn whispered, her voice faltering.
"The first night, the first attack...they took a few kids. Not as many as I buggen' horrible as tha' sounds..." He paused and ran an hand through his hair. "The next night it took Adam, and then last night it took Kyle."
Evelyn closed her eyes, trying to keep the tears from slid out. Newt brushed the tears that did fall.
"Shhh. Love, it's okay-"
"It's not! It's not okay! How many more boys have to die? Why do they keep doing this? What's the purpose?! I don't understand! Their deaths are so violet and vial! They had no chance of growing up! None! And for what?"
Evelyn was so angry she was screaming. She had smacked Newt's hand away and climbed out of the hammock. Hephaestus wasn't happy, but scurried up onto Newt's shoulder.
"Newt none of this is okay! So many died because, why? WHY? None of this is okay!"
Newt had gotten up and came over to her, she was storming up and down, raging. He grabbed hold of her shoulders, making her stop.
"Hey, Evy...Lee... I know it's not okay, that's not what I ment. Those boys are my friends too."
She crumpled, folding into him. Placing her head on his chest. He cupped the back of her head and rubbed her back.
"I'm sorry Newt." She whispered.
"It's okay, Love. I understand."
He kissed the top of her head and brought her back to the hammock. And pulled her to sit beside him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to lay down on his chest.
"Relax Love. At least for a little bit."
Evelyn went to lay down but hissed in pain, she only now realized Newt had wrapped her burnt arm in cloth.
"Sorry, Love. I did my buggen' best, I ain't no healer, but Jeff found some of your burn past in the destroyed HealerHut."
"Thank you Sweetie. Just can't lay on that side."
She shifted to his other side, and lay down, her head on his chest, bandage arm draped over his chest. He brushed his lips on her forehead when she tilted her head up to look at him.
"Just lay quiet, sleep if ya can...It's mid morning, Thomas will be awake in a bit, see what the shank has to say, and then.. were hoping to leave the shucken bloody maze this afternoon."
Evelyn lifted her head, eyes wide.
"Are you serious?"
He hummed and nodded, "after three years in this shucken prison...were gonna use that brain key thing and leave through the Griever hole."
She slowly lay her head back down on his chest. He ran his fingers through her hair and rubbed her back.
"'s crazy how You and the other runners spent day after day running and mapping and we found that key thing", she muttered.
His hands froze and he looked down at her wide eyed, "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell ya!" Newt yelped.
Evelyn proper herself up, frowning at him, "tell me what?"
"Well, Tessa and Minho, Nick and Sonny have been working secretly in the Map room...Tessa figured out that the maps were actually spelling buggen' words! The walls movin' the shucken maze was spellin' bloody words!"
Evelyn opened her mouth, but had nothing to say so she closed it, opened it to say something, but again was at a loss for words, so she closed it.
"Yeah that's what we thought too! Minho's nicname for her is quite fitting, Smartie!" A sly smirk slid onto his face, "pretty sure there is something going on between them, Tessa and Minho."
Evelyn couldn't help but smile.
"She can keep up with his sass and running and she's smart as a whip!"
Evelyn chuckled, and lay her head back down. He was quiet for a bit, playing with her hair.
"Alby... He's not ...he isn't doing so good." He said quietly, she could hear the sadness in his voice.
"Sweetie, what's wrong?"
Newt was quiet again.
"He...burnt the map room when he found out we were working on the maps, finding the words."
Evelyn sat up so fast the hammock swayed.
"The shuck?!" She gasped.
Newt just nodded sadly.
"Thankfully we had the clues already buggen' finished!" He gulped and looked away. "Minho was pissed...all the runners were."
"Well...I understand Minho..." She said quietly, her eyes wide. He waved her back down and when she did her wrapped his arms around her. "hard with the other Runners when they all bailed." She muttered bitterly.
He just hummed. He was running his hands through her hair and rubbing her back. Her still exhausted body was giving into the gentle rocking of the hammock and Newt's gentle caressing.
"Sleep Love. I'll wake you when it's time to get ready."
"Don't leave please...stay with me?"
"Always. I won' let you outta my sight again."
With her arms wrapped around him, and her face pressed into his chest, their legs intertwined, he gently rocking her to sleep.
**This song is Evy & Newt**
*Also makes me cry every single time*
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