Chapter 54: Voices and Leaders
The four Runners stumbled into the Glade and collapsed in a heap on the grass. All of them sucking air, legs shaking and not moving. A group of Gladers came running over.
"What's going on out there?!" Gally demanded.
"What's going on? Why are you back?"
"Well nice to see you too Admiral Alby!" Minho saluted him from the ground.
"How about some water? Please?" Evelyn asked, her throat was so dry from running in the dusty air.
"Explain!" Alby demanded, and kicked Minho's leg rather harder than necessarily.
Minho picked his head up and glared at Alby.
"How about some shucken water? We saw a Griever, just about got trapped in section 4 and booked it back here. Water would be great!" Minho snapped back.
"Water first. Then talk." Evelyn added.
Alby huffed and walked away muttering.
Newt had crouched down beside Evelyn, but looked at Thomas and then Teresa and held a finger out to them.
"Don't get any bloody ideas you two! Minho and Evy are the only shanks who can buggen' boss him 'round like that."
"Don't plan on it!" Thomas huffed between his gasping breaths.
Theresa just shook her head, too exhausted to talk.
"What happened?" Gally demanded.
"Wait for Admiral Alby, Gal! Jeez ya shank!" Minho groaned.
Newt looked down at Evelyn, "I'm guessing it's got somethin' to do with the amount of buggen' noise out there?"
"Sounds like you guys actually broke the Maze!" Nick said, crouching down beside Teresa and holding a hand out for her and helping her sit up.
"Just wait guys, Sheesh!" Evelyn groaned.
Alby was back a few minutes later and tossed them all a water bottle. They each chugged it back. It gave Evelyn some life and she pushed up onto her elbows. Minho was sitting up now.
"All right, spill. What did Greenie do now?" Gally demanded.
"Gally! Relax! It had nothing to do with Tessa!"
Evelyn sat up, and pulled the Griever brain out and tossed it to Gally.
"It was this thing."
"What do ya mean Love?" Newt asked.
"It started beeping, leading us...followed it to the Cliff-"
"-Minho saw a Griever-"
"-it disappeared-"
"-the cliff is a hologram!"
"-threw rocks. Some fell down like the box...but some just-"
"Like every Griever I've seen in that section!"
"We had to get back-"
"Then the walls started to move-"
"-but like trying squish us!"
The group tried to follow the four of them explain what happened. Their heads bouncing back and forth between them. Newt was rubbing his bottom lip, Nick readjusted his glasses, Alby didn't have any expression; Sonny looked shocked, Chuck looked terrified. Everyone else had wide eyes and wide open mouths.
" what are ya bloody saying?" Newt asked finally.
"We think we found a way out!"
Chuck's curls were bouncing as he shook his head, his voice was thick with fear "Through the Griever...?"
"Hole. Griever home, yeah." Thomas nodded.
"Their way in might be our way out." Evelyn said gently, reaching for the boys hand.
"Or there could be a dozen Grievers on the other side!" Gally yelled, "Truth is our two Greenies don't know what their doing!"
"We're trying to do something Gally!" Teresa challenged, getting to her feet.
Evelyn scrambled to her feet, Thomas and Minho also got to their feet.
"What have you done Gally? Aside hide behind the walls?"
"Thomas! Enough!" Evelyn warned.
Gally's eyes flashed. His muscles went tight and his fists balled.
"Let me tell you something, Greenie!" He sneered, "you and your girlfriend have been here for a few days, storing up all kinds of trouble! We've been here three years!"
"And you're still here, Gally!" Thomas yelled back, "Maybe you should be doing things differently!"
"Gally, we said different wasn't always bad!" Evelyn tried to reason, "everything in this shucked place is different! I'm different! Magic healing hands, remember?"
"Maybe you should be in charge!" He screamed.
Gally wasn't listening. His eyes were filled with a blank rage. His body was shaking with it. Evelyn reached out to touch his arm, get his attention or calm him or something. He was grouchy and standoffish, but never aggressive like this. Something was going on.
Her hand grabbed his arm, she was already harnessing her powers to help calm his temper. The moment she touched him she heard it. She heard the voices. White hot pain shot into her head, and the voices grew louder. Screaming and whispering, laughing wildly and cackling. Evelyn could also faintly hear Gally's voice calling for help.
Gally's body spazzed at the same time as she touched him, like he knew she was going to try stop the voices knew what she did with Alby, helping rid the voices in his head; Gally spazzed and the back of his hand connected with her face. A scream of rage escaped Gally's mouth and Evelyn screamed, but it wasn't the hand to the face. It was the pain in her mind, the voices in her mind now. She dropped to the ground, holding her head and withered in pain. A few people, including Minho, Teresa, Nick and Sonny jumped on Gally, holding him down. Newt dropped beside Evelyn.
"Stop! Make it stop!" She screamed, holding her head. "No! No! Stop!"
Gally had calmed down, his body slowly stopped fighting, now Evelyn was thrashing wildly on the ground.
"Put me in the Slammer!" Gally cried, his muscles were still tense and coiled ready for a fight. "It's...THEM!" he screamed, and his back arched trying to buck off Minho, who was holding him down.
"Do what he says!" Sonny barked.
The guys picked up his withering twisting form and hulled him to the slammer. Teresa turned on her knees towards Evelyn who was holding her head still, crying in pure agony. Newt had her face in his hands, panic written all over his face.
"Kiss her!" Minho came sprinting back towards them from locking up Gally.
"What?" Newt looked up confused and panicked.
"Kiss her! Like that time she wouldn't wake up after Nick! Come on!" Minho cried, dropping down beside Teresa.
"That's stupid!"
"It worked last shucken time! Or we can sit and watch her wither in pain!"
"Worth a try Newt! I saw how you gave her an extra boost in her power last night with Alby!" Teresa said gently.
Without waiting for more explanation, Newt leaned down, and muffled her screams when he kissed her firmly. Evelyn's screaming stopped abruptly, her chest heaved once and froze. Her eyes flew open, wild and scared. But then fluttered closed. The hands grabbing her head slowly released, and came up to bury into Newt's hair. Her tense muscles relaxed. Slowly Newt pulled away, placing his forehead on hers. She was breathing hard, but not screaming anymore. A few tears leaked down her temples. Newt brushed them away, his forehead on hers still, holding her face between his hands.
"You're okay, you're okay. I'm here." He whispered.
She took a shuddering inhale. He slowly straightened up, looking at Minho and Teresa who both shared a smug look.
"Never underestimate the power of a true loves kiss." Teresa said.
"I told you, Newt, you're a shucken Disney princess!" Minho smirked.
"But what just bloody happened?" New questioned.
" my ...head." Evelyn whimpered.
"Like Alby!" Newt gasped, looking back down at her.
She nodded, whimpering.
"They transfer to you when use use your power?" He asked, dumbfounded.
"I ..guess." she whispered, "but it hurts! So much!"
She rolled over and scrambled to her hands and knees and threw up the water she just chugged. Newt moved her hair, and rubbed her back. She used her hand to wipe her mouth. Newt pulled her back, and she collapsed into him. Smoothing her sweaty hair out of her face, he just held her tight, while she continued to pant.
"Well, shuck." Minho grumbled.
Nick, Alby, Thomas and Sonny came back over.
"We need a gathering." Nick said frowning at Evelyn, "With Gally in the Slammer, and all the other klunk going on we need a Keeper gathering."
"Agreed." Newt nodded.
"Great. 10 minutes and we'll meet in the Council room." Nick said.
"Thomas and Teresa, you will also be there." Alby said, narrowing his eyes at the two of them.
Evelyn was too tired to stand up for them, and to tell Alby to slim it. She just groaned, and Newt hugged her tighter to his chest. The group got up and dispersed. Newt slowly helped Evelyn up.
"Wait...wait, my head is dizzy." She whimpered.
Newt stopped, standing in front of her, holding her elbows. It took her a few seconds for the dizzy spell to pass. Newt slowly walked with her to the council room. He helped her sit and then crouched down in front of her, his big melted chocolate brown eyes looking up at her. She gave him a tired smile.
"Are you all right now?" He asked her quietly.
"Exhausted. The voices are gone now."
"What do they say?" Newt was looking at her with such a worried expression.
Evelyn closed her eyes, trying to stop the swirling thoughts and emotions. Her muscles still burnt from running, her lungs still struggled, and her head was still throbbing. She rubbed her eyes with the heels of her hands. She took a ragged inhale and slowly let it out. Newt waited patiently. His hands on her thighs.
"Whisper horrible things. They tell me wicked is good. They tell me I'm a witch, I can hear every boy I couldn't save, they yell and scream at me. I heard Alby and Gally both calling for help. They tell me to do horrible things to others and to my self. It's very self destructive."
"I'm so sorry! And you heard them last night too, along with your night mares." Newt's eyes were so full of genuine concern, Evelyn's heart squeezed.
"I didn't even ask what your nightmares were about, did you want to talk about them?"
Evelyn's heart broke, the pain of what she saw came flooding back. She stifled a sob, her hand over her mouth, tears shinning in her bright green eyes. Newt reached a hand up and gently brushed them away with his thumb.
"I'm here, Lee."
"I saw me- it was like a memory, like I was watching a movie...I was about four..."
Evelyn explained her dreams from last night and the sinister voice whispering to her. Newt's face became sadder and sadder, she could see the heart break on his face. He gently cupped her face.
"And both Gally and Alby had the same one memory of me, meeting me for the first time in some hall, a gun going off and I save Minho's life. It seemed like you guys all knew each other from before..."
"I don't...I don't even know what to say, Love. I'm so sorry!" He apologized, his voice thick with emotion.
"Newt, Sweetie, it has nothing to do with you. It's these creators."
"I should have asked you last night, instead of...well, getting distracted." He whispered, looking away, angry with himself.
Evelyn moved his face back to look at her, her hands tangled in his hair, she smiled sadly at him.
"I needed the distraction. I wanted it. And it helped; you helped. You gave me something good to focus on. Please help distract me anytime!"
"Well...that I can do." Newt gave her a small cheek smile.
"Please do. In this shucked up place, I'll take all the good distractions!"
"Hmm. Like maybe now?" He teased, sliding his hands up her thighs as he leaned forwards. Just as he kissed her the door banged open and he jerked backwards when there was a loud groan.
"Get a room!"
"We HAD a room, thank you! Ya bloody shanks." Newt rolled his eyes.
There was a few sniggers. The room filled up as the Keepers, plus Thomas and Teresa filed in. Everyone took a chair. Everyone sat quietly, waiting. Alby sat in a chair, staring at the ground. His face still wore the long, weary look of depression, his eyes sunken and hollow.
"All right settle down ya Shanks!" Newt yelled.
He turned to Alby
"You want to say anything?" Newt asked.
Without looking up he answered.
"Uh huh. Yep. Yeah ...good that."
Nick frowned and readjusted his glasses, "Alby?" He asked louder.
Alby looked up at Newt and then at Newt. He stood up staring at the floor. His eyes were so dead and hopeless, it was hard to look at him. He was the strongest, most stable guy in the Glade, he was the backbone of the Glade. Evelyn was like life blood, and Alby was the backbone. Everyone in the room looked to him.
"Ya...I officially resign as leader. That messed with my head...Newt is now Leader and Nick and Evelyn can take over as second."
There was a dead silence in the Council room.
"Oh Bloody- '' Newt started but Alby cut him off, angry all of a sudden, as he stood up.
"NO NEWT!" He bellowed, "I can't! Not anymore." He paused, and sat back down. He ran a hand over his face. "It messed me up! I can't...I'm done! I'm jacked." He sat down heavily, placing his head in his hands and for the first time, Evelyn saw tears run down his face.
Newt and Nick were standing on either side of him, shocked looks on their faces, they slowly looked up at each other. Evelyn slowly and gingerly got up and made her way over to Alby. With a wince she crouch down, placing a hand on his face, lifting his face. She instantly felt the fear, confusion, anger and doubt. She could faintly feel the voices, but they were silent and dormant right now.
"Alby..?" She whispered.
"I can't Eve, I just can't anymore. Please...out of'll understand." He said weakly.
With a heavy heart she nodded.
"Okay Alby...okay. If you need to step down...I'm always here if you need something, okay? Don't let this consume you."
He just nodded as another tear slid down his dark face. She wiped it away and then stood up. Nodding at Newt and Nick, she turned to the rest of the Keepers.
"Okay, so." She took a deep breath. "With the sun turned off, the crops wont last long. And with the box not going back down, were running on limited time."
"What happened out in the maze?" Frypan asked.
Evelyn turned and looked at Minho, sweeping her arm.
"Floors yours."
He stood up, hooking his thumbs into the vest. He explained the maze, the Griever and cliff and how Teresa's rock disappeared. Their theory about leaving through the Griever hole and how the maze collapsed around them.
"Pixy and Smarty Pants, over there" he gestured with his head at Teresa, "together they would probably have figured this shuck place out a long time ago."
"Oh stop it some more Minho!" Teresa grined at him.
He smirked back at her.
"So. What's the plan now?" Sonny asked.
"Well maybe we can spend another night out there, actually spend time taking a closer look at the maze, the cliff-"
"-you shanks have seen what happens at night...just because Greenie the Wonderboy and our magic healer, the shucken exception made it, doesn't mean the rest of us can!" Alby suddenly snapped.
"Well...if we could live through that night, we can pack for a few days and see what happens inside the maze or just shuck it and try the key and leave!" Minho said, getting up and walking up and down the room.
"What?" Alby yelled.
"Ya, why not? We might find something different!" Teresa shrugged, "we found something new today, a possible way out..."
"No! You don't get to have a say!" Alby snapped, pointing at Teresa.
"Alby!" Evelyn's voice was sharp as she turned back to him. "If you're stepping down as leader, I suggest you stay quiet. And Minho, Thomas and Tessa are right. The whole point was to get out! Not to stay!"
"Fine!" He cried and crossed his arms, "Who would actually volunteer to go into the maze for days? Or a night?" He asked, a little more emotion in his words.
"I would." Evelyn said firmly, "and it sounds like Thomas and Minho and Tessa would too. We want to go home."
"And me, if I bloody have to." Newt said quietly.
Alby's eyes snapped to Newt, "you?" He asked harshly, "with that bummed leg of yours?"
"Alby!" A few of the Keepers yelled.
"Carful what you say next Alby. I may be a kind and gentle, but don't push it!" Evelyn's voice was dangerously low, her usually gentle eyes flashed with anger.
Newt laid a hand on Evelyn's lower back, rubbing circles to ease the tension.
"Yes, me Alby." Evelyn could hear the slight hurt in his voice, but he kept his voice and face neutral, "I would. I don't feel good askin' others to do something I ain't bloody willing to do myself!"
Alby just laughed harshly.
Alby took a deep breath, then looked at each of them in turn.
"Ah shuck!" Alby groaned and leaned forward, his head in his hands. "You guys know I'm all screwed up. Seriously, I'm ... sorry."
"Okay, so it's settled. Sleep good tonight, and tomorrow we stay for the day and a night-"
There was a frantic pounding on the council door. Zart, who was closest opened the door, Chuck came tumbling inside.
"Guys! Guys!" He huffed, hands on his knees, trying to breath and talk.
"Chuck! What's wrong?" Evelyn cried, seeing the wild terror in his eyes. She could now hear the frantic screams and yells of Gladers outside. She threw herself down on her knees in front of him. He looked up, his big innocent eyes filling with terrified tears.
"The doors...they ain't closing!"
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