Chapter 49: The Girl
Another scream, not as loud or urgent, it sounded angry. Evelyn hastily put the tea and letter down and tried to scrambled out of bed, she was tangled in the blanket and the dress she was wearing. She finally unraveled and slipping her sneakers on and went to grab her bag, before remembering she had lost it in the maze. However hanging on the hook was another one, she recognized it as the one Newt usually used, but there was another fresh daisy and a note.
I know you lost yours.
Opening it up it was already packed with emergency medical supplies, some of her extra jars of her pasts and creams. One of her journals and pencils, and a water bottle. Her eyes stung with tears, it did seem like her thoughtful kind and gentle Newt was back. Her suspicions of what the Creators could do to them rose. She was believing Newt more and more.
With that happy thought swirling in her head she grabbed the bag and dashed out the door. Still slightly disoriented she stopped and spun around trying to understand what was going on. Frowning, her spinning slowed down, she had no idea what was going on. She spotted Thomas and Minho jogging from the Map Room.
"Thomas! Minho!" She called.
They slowed to a stop.
"What's going on? The screaming?"
"Clint came crashing into the Map Room, looking for you, and Thomas, said the girl was awake...and uhh she's not very happy."
"Ahh." Evelyn nodded.
Excitement and nervousness swirled around in her. She internally groaned. So many shucken emotions in the last few days. She ran a hand through her hair, she didn't have a chance to brush it. She showered and promptly fell asleep in Newt's arms. She fell into step beside the guys, heading towards what appeared a large crowd of Gladers at the base of the Tree Lookout.
She snapped her head up. "Huh? What? Yeah.. yep! Totally listening."
Minho raised an eyebrow at her. She rolled her eyes and shrugged. Shoving her hands into the pockets of the hoodie she was wearing.
"I asked what happened to you, said you were going for a shower and then you disappeared for like two hours!" Thomas said, "we were gonna go over what's gonna happen tomorrow!"
"Also...interesting outfit. Never seen this... combination." Minho nodded at her, hooking his thumbs into his runners vest and raised an eyebrow.
"Oh. Ummm yeah, well I went to shower...had some kind of mental breakdown-PTSD-panic attack thing, Newt broke the door down, helped bring me out of it. He grabbed me clothes 'cause apparently I didn't bring any and I feel asleep, who knew that kinda of physical and mental breakdown took so much out of you. Then woke up to screaming and here we are."
Both guys had stopped walking and were looking at her.
"I have a lot of questions." Minho said.
"Same." Thomas agreed.
"Shank, you always have questions!" Evelyn rolled her eyes. Thomas pouted with a small huff and a roll of his eyes.
"First...Newt?" Minho asked.
She sighed and nodded. "He was walking past and heard me screaming, and broke the shucken door."
"...but...Newt?" Minho repeated.
She closed her eyes, trying to sort out her swirling thoughts. Running a hand through her hair again, then nodded. Quickly explaining what he had said about the blank spots in his memory.
Minho looked like a bucket of ice water was dumped on him. "Well! Shucken hell!"
"Yeah...but after all the klunk we've seen, doesn't seem far fetched. Like at all."
Minho was looking at something, his eyes distant for a second, and then slowly nodded. "The crazy thing is, yeah, I believe you! Like I know he used to have mood swings...but after his attempt-"
-accident." Evelyn cut in.
"Yeah, he wasn't like that at all. So it was weird...ditching you or a random Greenie. No offense man" Minho added to Thomas.
"Uhhh thank you...? Like I'm actually not sure how to take that .." Thomas slowly said, his forehead wrinkled in confusion.
"Don't worry about it." Minho clapped him on the shoulder, then looked at Evelyn again. "But yeah, it was very out of character for him."
"Well it would explain his behaviour the last few days." Thomas agreed, thinking about it.
"And his eyes. Did you notice how dead and haunted they looked?"
Both guys frowned trying to think back.
"Ya, now that you mention it."
" his story and my theory make sense? Can the shucken creators mess and manipulate with our brains like that? Just flip a shucken switch and make us do stuff out of our control?"
"Well that's just shucken fantastic." Minho growled.
"Yeah." Evelyn said quietly. She glanced at the guys, both looked like they were reeling with this new discovery. "Hey Thomas? We'll catch up, I need to talk to Min."
He nodded and set off again. Minho looked at her with a raised eyebrow.
He held up a hand and shook his head.
"I know what you're gonna say, Pixy. And I told ya already. What I told you doesn't change anything. I know you love him. It wasn't meant to make things complicated or make you more stressed, sorry if that's what happened. And I told you before, I wasn't gonna get in the way of you and him. Also, now that it's like 98% chance it's those shucken creators; it's not his fault either. If they can do some kinda freaky mind control klunk...none of us have any kinda control over that. You and I both have seen the klunk they are capable of. So go, go get him. I know you both love each other."
"So we're -"
"Good? Yeah. Always were. And always will be. You need me to help hide a body? I'm in. need to snitch food from Fry? I'm in. Make Gally pee his pants again with Chuck? Shucken totally in. Sit and gush about your love life? I'm in. Pixy your my best shucken friend...I don't want that to change."
"Ride or die, Soilder!"
"Shucken rights, Fiesty little Pixy."
She hugged him tight, "Thank you Min. Your awesome!"
He chuckled and patted her back. "Well, that's a given. Come on. Aren't you curious about this new girl? It's been more than two years since you've seen another girl."
She felt the apprehension grow.
The two of them joined the crowd under the tree look out. Evelyn smiled. She liked this girl's spunk. The crowd of Gladers stood hiding under scraps of boards or metal.
"We just wanna talk!"
Something flew off the top and landed with a splatter.
"If you throw one more thing-" Gally yelled, but was cut off when an apple slammed into the top of his head, making him stumble backwards. Evelyn gasped but was also trying very hard not to laugh.
"I don't think she bloody likes us much!"
Evelyn looked around. Newt was huddled under a board with Frypan and Winston. Newt had an amused smile on his face. Evelyn and Minho glanced at each other and roared with laughter.
"I think I like her already!" Minho roared with laughter.
"Girls are awesome!" Chuck was leaning over, his hands on his knees laughing so hard he had tears running down his face.
"That we are Chucky." Evelyn grinned at the kid.
A few more things flew off the top of the tower.
"Hey! It's Thomas!" Thomas yelled up, "It's Thomas!"
The things stopped raining down from the top. It was silent and then a head peeked over the edge. Dark hair hung over and then it pulled back disappearing. It was silent and nothing else was chucked over.
"I'm going to go up." Thomas informed the group. "Just me." He added pointedly to Gally. Who huffed and rolled his eyes. Thomas went up the ladder. Minho went to go talk to Nick. Newt glanced at her and then hesitantly came over to Evelyn.
"Hey. Did ya have a good nap?"
She nodded with a shy smile.
"Yes. Sorry... didn't mean to just pass out on you." She said quietly, looking at her shoes.
"It took a lot out of ya. It's fine Love." He nodded seriously. They were quiet for a moment, just looking at each other and glancing away.
"So...this outfit? Really? Dress and hoodie?" Evelyn finally asked, nervously playing with the sleeve of the hoodie.
Newt looked her up and down, and frowned.
"I don't see the problem? Also...I just grabbed the first things I saw."
She chuckled. "It's fine. Just...weird combination. Comfortable."
"You were shivering, so grabbed the hoodie. An' figured less buggen' bendin' and wigglin' into clothes with those teeth wounds in your side still tryna heal...especially that one that looked like it buggen' ripped open again; dress wouldn't rub too much, I hope. An' the colour makes your green eyes brighter."
"That's really sweet and thoughtful. Thank you."
He smiled at her and it reached his eyes, making them bright and soft and warm. Her heart may have fluttered and a butterfly or two may have escaped.
"You're feelin' all right though, Love? You should have slept some more."
He cautiously tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She felt her face heat up, and same with the rest of her body. So much so, she had to take the hoodie off, and took the bag off. Once the hoodie was off she looked back up at Newt, he was already looking, a small smile on his face and his eyes were soft, they looked tired. She sat down on the hoodie, her legs out in front of her, leaning back on her hands. Newt sat down beside her, he was close enough to feel his body heat, but still far enough to give her space. Even the little things like that was enough to solidify that the creators had messed with him.
"Thank you for the tea. And the bag!"
He shrugged, he ran a hand through his hair and then down to the back of his neck, his face slightly pink.
"Well, after those buggen' night episodes with Min, you always made him that mix. Figured you would need the same. And the guys mentioned you lost your bag in the bloody maze. You needed another one."
"Newt that's really sweet! Sure you wont miss it? I know it's the one you always use." Her heart melted, and a butterfly or two escaped.
"Nah, Love, I got another one. You need it more'n me." He ran a hand through his hair.
She reached a hand out and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. "Newt, thank you. It was very thoughtful."
"Hey! Is the girl coming down?" Gally yelled, making Evelyn jump.
"Shuck! Never a dull moment." She muttered, holding a hand over her heart.
Thomas peeked over the edge, "Uhh, in a minute! Hey Evelyn?" He yelled from the top of the tree.
"See what I mean?" She rolled her eyes at Newt who just chuckled. She turned to look up at Thomas.
"Can you uhh, come up here?"
"Be right there." She yelled back up.
Newt got up and then held a hand out for her, he helped her to her feet and her stomach exploded with butterflies, they were only standing a few inches apart, she could feel his breath on her face. His gentle brown eyes looked at her with worry.
"Be carful, okay?" He said quietly.
"Always. I can fight a Griever now...I'm sure I can take her" She gave him a cheeky smile, making him chuckle.
"Such a bloody badass." He indicated with his head towards the ladder, "Go get 'em, Love. Go make the girl feel safe."
She smiled up at him, her heart fluttered. She turned towards the ladder. At the base, there was rustling and Hephaestus showed up. She crouched down and he scuttled up onto her shoulder.
"Come on Buddy, we got a girl to meet."
She climbed the latter and up onto the platform. The girl was huddled near the base of the tree, her knees pulled tight to her chest, Thomas was sitting a good distance away, cross legged. Evelyn sat down beside Thomas. The girl looked up. She had tears leaking out of bright electric blue eyes. Her skin was pale and clean, dark raven black hair framed her face and tumbled down her shoulders. Evelyn smiled at her.
"Eve, this is Teresa." Thomas gestured with his hand, "Teresa, this is Evelyn."
"Hey! Call me Eve or Evy."
Teresa nodded. She gazed at Evelyn, and finally whispered, "You're the only girl?"
Evelyn nodded, "Yep, for three years. Me and a handful of guys woke up here, no memories, no idea what was going on. Then every month it was a new guy. Never a girl until you."
"Thomas said I had a note?"
Evelyn nodded. "Yeah."
"They think it's my fault!" She whispered, tears leaking down her face.
"No, they don't. We know the Creators are messing with us. It's not your fault. The box never went back down, it just has everyone a bit nervous. The Box brings us supplies to survive. But it's not your fault."
The girls big blue eyes soaked in her words, "Even if I'm different? And...Thomas said no one remembers anything... but we both do!"
"Do you now?" She looked around at Thomas who raised looked guilty and looked away.
"What do you guys remember?" Evelyn asked Teresa.
"Umm, I remember water... Feeling like I was drowning. These faces staring at me." She scrunched her face trying to remember. "And this woman's voice saying the same over and over-"
"Wicked is good." They said together
Teresa stopped talking and Thomas took over. "Ever since I've been here, I've had dreams. Well, I thought they were dreams."
Teresa nodded, "Yeah, I've had dream, or where there..." She looked at Thomas, "You were there...and you told me that everything was change." She paused, scrunching her face again, "What does it mean?"
"I don't know." He shrugged. Sighing he ran a hand over his face. "I just get pieces."
"And the others don't remember anything?" Teresa asked.
"No." Evelyn shook her head.
"Why are we different?" Teresa asked desperately.
"Well you and I aren't the only different ones!" Thomas blurted, looking at Evelyn.
Teresa looked at Evelyn. Evelyn sighed and ran a hand through her hair, trying to think of how to phrase it without scaring the girl.
"She has magic hands!" Thomas blurted again.
"Thomas! You're not helping!" She scolded.
"What's going on?"
Evelyn took a deep breath and explained her powers. Hephaestus climbed down her arm and into her lap, he slowly crept over to Theresa. Teresa slowly unfolded her legs and relaxed. The lizard crawled into her lap and up her arm onto her shoulder, nuzzling the other girls cheek; making her giggle. Evelyn stopped talking and smiled.
"Looks like your approved."
"He's so cute!" She cooed.
"Hephaestus meet Teresa. Teresa, this is My little Hephy."
The lizard made a rumble purr in his throat and nuzzled into her cheek again.
"That's the lizard Minho told me about!" Thomas got excited, he got up onto his knees and scrambled over beside Theresa and they both fussed over him.
"He's gonna get spoiled!"
"It's still crazy that he was a robot!" Thomas gaped in awe.
"Wait..what?" Teresa's head snapped up.
"Magic hands!" Thomas answered.
"Okay, enough with that. Wanna come down and meet the guys?"
She saw Teresa shrink slightly. Evelyn smiled gently. "The guys here are really sweet. No one is going to hurt you! I promise."
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