Chapter 44: Confessions
Evelyn went back and forth between Ben, Alby and the girl. All morning it was back and forth. Her muscles screamed at her in protest, her joints were stiff, she was bruised and scraped. She was surprised by how little the Griever bite didn't hurt.
Jeff and Clint were quiet, they kept an eye on her, but gave her space which she very much appreciated. They worked beside her long enough to know she liked to be with people but she kept to herself, enjoyed the quiet more. Especially after the other night...her body, and heart were still healing.
It was her heart that hurt more than her banged bruised body. Her heart had been through the wringer. In the quiet work, her mind was able to wonder. Evelyn thought back to the last time her and Newt were was right after she woke up from helping Ben. And even then...he was with Ben and not her, sure it was selfish, Ben needed someone constantly...but it still hurt. And his eyes weren't quite there, but maybe that was her imagination; making things up. Was he already smitten with Thomas already? Was she so horrible that it was that easy to drop her and switch? She really didn't understand.
"Hey are you even shucken listening to me?"
Chuck asked, his hands on his hips, shaking his curly head.
"I'm sorry Chucky." Evelyn gave him a sad smile.
"Nah, it's okay Mom, just stupid story. So...I guess by that sad vacant look you're still...well..not okay."
"I'll be fine, My Sweet Child."
"Feelings I'm not expressing?" He raised an eyebrow.
She chuckled. "You've been hanging out with the guys for too long!"
"But it's true! You're not okay. We can all see it. And ya know...there's one Glader in particular who's REALLY worried."
"Oh? And what's this gossip?"
"It's not gossip, I got eyeballs, Mom! I can SEE. One guy who's always checking in, always beside ya..."
"Chuck...what in the actual shuck are you talking about?"
"Oh come on!" He cried throwing his pudgy hands into the air, he shook his disapproving at her.
Evelyn was completely confused. She rolled her eyes at the boy and went back to trying to spoon feed the girl some soup broth.
"Minho! I'm talking about Minho! Come on Mom!"
Evelyn just about dropped the bowl of broth into the girl.
"What the shuck did you just say?" She looked at Chuck with a horrified expression.
"You couldn't have missed how attentive he's been? How sweet and gentle he's been?"
"Chuck you better check yourself before you wreck yourself! He's been my best friend since day one. And my shucken boyfriend has been a slinthead lately..we were both stuck in the maze for the night... we're both trying to deal with shared trauma!" She frowned at the boy.
He was smirking at Evelyn, "whatever helps ya sleep at night."
"You've been hanging out with Min too much. Shuck sakes!"
"Whatever, Mom." He held his hands up, "I can see it, and I think Newt also sees it."
"Chuck?" She sighed exhaspirated with him.
"Yes Mom?"
"Shut up." She rolled her eyes.
He shrugged with a smirk at her. She shook her head, placing the bowl on the table and got up. Chuck turned and skipped away with a wave.
"It's almost lunch, I gotta go help Fry. Later Mom!" He called and closed the door.
She shook her head, and got up to go to her table to make some tea. Frowning her jar for replenishing energy was just about empty. She grabbed her basket - she had lost her bag somewhere in the Maze the other night. She went to her garden. Kneeling down in her garden she started to harvest her things.
She heard some branches snapping and voices. They were getting louder the closer they got. They were angry and arguing. Frowning she was going to get up but froze when her name was brought up. They were just on the other side of the tree line. Evelyn didn't move a muscle, she didn't know what to do.
"...Evelyn is hurt, you shuck face!"
"Clearly she's bloody hurt! She spent a buggen' night in the maze!"
"That's not what I'm shucken talkin' about! And you know that!"
There was a pause in the conversation.
"Well she seems just happy with you around."
"Dude! You're her shucken boyfriend! I don't know what the shuck has gotten into you! You can't see what your shucken doin' to her?"
"You're aroun' for her. She doesn't buggen' need me."
There was a thump noise and a grunt.
"You're such a shuck face! I'm around cuz who the shuck knows where you are! You stood frozen watching her collapse all bloody, didn't even come to the MedHut after. Nick had to go find you and shucken drag you in! Even the shucken greenie was there! But the guy she loves flakes?"
"I...I couldn't face her-"
"Because! 'Cause Minho, I lost her! I lost you! And Alby! And Tommy!"
"You didn't you idiot! Were all still here! So what's your shucken excuse now?"
"I'm...I'm too ashamed of my bloody self! An' what I tried! Sonny had ta lock me in the shucken slammer!"
There was silence. Evelyn felt her stomach twist and bile rose in her throat. She didn't want to hear this, but she couldn't move.
"I tried to kill myself again! Are ya happy now Minho? Nick and Sonny had ta throw me in the Slammer for the night! Jeff had ta come clean and stitch my arm! An' now she's' she'd be ashamed of me! Of what I did an' how I treated her!"
There was silence still, she didn't know what Minho was doing or saying now, but she could the rumble of his deep voice but she could hear Newt sniff.
"...I don' know."
"You don't shucken know?" Minho yelled.
"You've been here since day one, you've seen her ups and downs, look how she was after your attempt in the Maze ya shank! If that's not love then I'm the shucken President of the United States! That shuck faced Greenie only went along with it cuz YOU said NOTHING about the fact you have a girlfriend!"
Evelyn was doubled over, holding her stomach bitting her bottom lip to keep the hyperventilating and crying silent. How could Newt be like this? Their entire year together meant nothing?
"I don't know Minho! I don't! I can't just ignore my bloody feelings!"
"No, that's true. But you gotta shucken grow up and stop stringing her along. Keep it up and your gonna loose them both. And my respect. Your my best friend, but... after how you're treating her-"
"What? You gonna swoop in and be her shoulder? The good guy?"
"Shucken right I am. You better shucken figure it out and soon!"
"It's not that simple!" Newt yelled.
Evelyn let a sob escape, she tried so hard to keep herself quiet. But the pain in her heart was too much. She felt like she was having a heart attack, the pain was unbearable. The voices stoped.
She scrambled to her feet and fleed. Leaving her half picked basket behind.
"Bloody fantastic."
"Shut up!" Minho snapped. "Are you gonna go after her?"
"Shuck you Newt!" He yelled as he chased after Evelyn. He caught up to her in her room. He grabbed her arm.
"Just hurts!" She cried, hot butter angry tears slid over her lashes and down her face.
"I can't imagine."
She sunk to the ground, her face in her hands. Minho crouched down and pulled her into a hug. She let it happen. Evelyn was so sick of crying. She was sick of always feeling hurt. She was tired. So tired. Why was she hurting over simething that obviously ment nothing or very little to someone?
"Why does it hurt so shucken much?"
He sighed, "probably cuz you have a long history, 'cause you gave him everything. And he throw it in your face."
" you have have always been there!"
"That's what besties are for Pixy." He answered quietly, squeezing her tightly, "And I'll continue to be there for you! Always. I don't leave my Pixy hanging."
She sniffed. Pulling away slightly to sit up, she used the sleeve of the hoodie to wipe her eyes. She realized it was still Newt's hoodie. With a twist of her stomach and heart she pulled it off and tossed it into the corner of her room. White hot anger rose up and replaced her hurt. She was done. She hated being the weak little girl. She hated being treated like she wasn't important.
"I gave him everything, and he ripped it apart." She whispered. Her hurt tears turned into angry tears. There must have been a shift in her eyes, because Minho looked at her and leaned back slightly, searching her face again.
"I'm done being the weak one! I've saved this shucken Glade more than anyone else! I've kept this place from crumbling and turning into a Lord of the Flys situation. I'm done! Minho! I'm gonna be selfish, it's my shucken turn!"
"There's my fiesty little Pixy!" He smirked at her.
"Thank you Minho. For being my solid rock for the last two years. Seriously. Thank you."
"No...I would have given up so many times, if it wasn't for you...I would have said shuck it and given up. But all those nights you let me cry and panic and whatever...I owe you."
"Yeah, you do."
He chuckled sadly. She smiled sadly at him. She sat quiet, looking up at him. He was still crouched in front of her. His face still had a bruise and a few scratches, but his dark brown eyes were intense but gentle. They were unwavering. Minho slowly, cautiously raised a hand and rubbed a thumb along her cheek bone.
Something weird happened. Maybe it was everything that had happened in the last few days, maybe it was because they had a shared trauma experience, maybe it was the conversation she overhead, and Chuck's words...her stomach felt nervous and her heart thumped against her chest. She could feel her cheeks become warm and the blood rose to the surface.
Minho's hand had gently laid against her full cheek. His eyes flicked around her face. Her heart was speeding up.
"Evelyn?" His voice was quiet and sounded strangled.
He slowly leaned closer. She hadn't moved closer. She hadn't pulled away either. He was a lot closer. His breath fanned her face. He gently laid his forehead on hers. She let out the breath she was holding.
"I won't try anything." He whispered.
"Thank you." She closed her eyes, feeling quite safe and surprisingly content.
"But...I guess you know where I stand now."
She just hummed quietly.
"Evy...You gotta know...I've really liked you..and still do... for a long time. Almost from the beginning."
"Really?" Her eyes sprung open.
"Yeah. But I knew you had given Newt your heart, so I backed off. But...he's being a slint head. I can't sit back and watch him hurt you like that! You deserve so much more!"
"Minho..." she whispered again, her heart fluttered again.
She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. Her wild nervous settled. She felt safe for the first time in a while. The tense muscles she was carrying eased. He kept his other hand in his lap, and didn't move. He kept his forehead on hers and didn't try or do anything.
"I'm not gonna do anything. You're still hurtin' and there's so much shucken klunk going on. You got enough going on. I just...needed you to know."
"Thank you Minho. You have been really sweet and kind."
She took her lunch and sat at the end of the table with Chuck. He kept her laughing and her spirits up. He was refreshing and good for the soul. He was a good kid. And she loved him dearly. She ignored the other Gladers at the table, talking to only Chuck. She went to relieve Clint in the MedHut so he could go eat lunch.
Her heart didn't feel so heavy. Sure she hated seeing Newt's dishevelled look and hearing he had tried suiside again. She would always have a hard time listening to that, they had shared too much for her to never not care, but her heart didn't hurt as much. After over hearing the conversation at the garden and talking to Minho...the knife in her chest wasn't so sharp.
"I got it Clint. See ya in a bit. You're on rounds again after lunch."
"Sounds good!"
She spent the afternoon cycling through the three beds. Alby wasn't screaming as often, and his convulsing wasn't as bad, a few shivers, hopeful soon Alby would be up. Ben was quiet and still, which means he would be waking up mostly likely tomorrow. And the girl was still out, no change in her condition.
Evelyn was checking on Ben again, double checking his temperature and listening to his heart when there was a small tapping on the window. She turned and saw Hephaestus trying to get into the window. She chuckled and placed her stuff into the dresser and opened the window. The lizard crawled in and onto her hand.
"Hey Buddy!" She cooed, lifting her hand up so he was eye level.
The lizard made a noise and nuzzled into her cheek.
"How have you been? I missed you! It's been a wild few days!"
He purred, and closed his eyes, wagging his tail.
"So...what do we think of Minho? He's all ready my bestie..."
The lizard made another noise and nudged her cheek. Maki her chuckle.
"Hmm, you're right. Let's worry about loving me again."
The lizards head snapped up, and he made a growling noise. Evelyn frowned at Hephaestus. She realized the steady breathing of Ben had stopped.
She knew right away something was wrong. Her heart rate picked up, she was instantly hot and her palms were itchy.
Before she turned she heard the loud ragged breathing behind her. She hesitantly turned around.
Ben was on his feet, somehow he had gotten out of his restraints and he looked terrible. His eyes were wild. They were red rimmed and still dark from the changing. His veins still looked swollen and black. His wild crazy eyes looked her over. Focusing on her belt, where she had a knife tucked.
"I remember!" He panted.
" should lay back down."
"I remember you!"
She froze. Gally had had a memory of her too. But he had said they had never seen her before.
" don't belong with us! You're different!"
With a wild scream he lunged forward, pushing her in the chest. She stumbled backwards surprised and she tripped. She slammed the back of her head on the window sill. She slid down the wall, disoriented. Her vision coming and going, black spots danced in her eyes. She saw Ben jump forward and fumble with her belt, finally grabbing the knife and yanking it out.
"Where is he?" He hissed in her face.
Evelyn tried to talk but it was hard to focus on anything. Ben was coming in and out of focus.
"Where is he?" He screamed, grabbing her shirt and shaking her. Evelyn's head flopped around.
"Thomas! He's bad! He's bad bad bad!"
"I...I don't know! I don't!" She cried, as he shook her violently again.
He screamed in her face, spit and black phlem flew from his mouth. He slammed her back into the wall and sprung out the door like some kind of animal. She tried to get up, but nothing was working like it should. The only thing she could think of was, "shuck. She had to warn Thomas." But the room faed and her hearing stopped working.
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