Chapter 41: Slammed Shut
Evelyn ran straight towards Minho who had sunk to his knees. Alby slipped off landing with a thud.
"MINHO!" Evelyn screamed.
Minho picked up his exhausted head, fear and relief flashed on his face, but it dropped in exhaustion. Evelyn reached them, skidding to a halt on her knees in front of Minho. She grabbed his face, lifting it, and sending her swirling power into him, her hands were already warm and they started glowing. She saw his eyes lit up again.
"Come on Min, we gotta go." She smiled at him, "No more sittin' around, up ya get."
She stood up and pulled him up, stumbling slightly with his exhaustion. She sent another blast into him. His breathing became easier. Evelyn started sweating, and black spots danced in her vision. But she shook her head, shook the clouds away and grabbed Alby, Minho grabbed his other arm. Together they started hulling Alby towards the glade. There was a crowd now of Gladers, all yelling at them to hurry- like they were taking their time. They both knew the walls were closing.
10 feet.
Evelyn and Minho glanced at each other. They knew they would never leave him behind. Evelyn had no idea what was wrong with him, but she had a feeling. And no way was she going to leave him inside the maze at night, alone and unconscious.
5 feet. The doors were almost closed. The long spikes reaching out for the corresponding holes.
Alby was heavy. Her head was swimming again, her power seemed to match with her moods, her heart was heavy and hurting, so her power was harder to grasp onto and it took more out of her. After the last two days...she was close to passing out again. She lifted her head at the scream of her name. Newt was being held by Sonny and Nick. They all looked stricken and hopeless.
"NO! PLEASE NO!" He cried, the doors were just about closed.
Alby slipped out of Minho's grasp and both guys collapsed to the ground, and taking Evelyn with them, she slammed her head on the stone ground. Her vision went fuzzy for a moment. trying to scramble to her feet she shook the black spots away. She saw Newt reach for the Greenie.
"Tommy! NO! TOMMY!" He screamed.
The Greenie slipped in between the doors, pushing threw just as the doors slammed shut. He fall onto his face. The halls echoed with the sound of the boom. The halls settled and it was quiet, the only sound was Minho's ragged breathing.
"Good job Greenie, you just killed yourself." Minho grunted from the ground. He was still laying his eyes closing, his chest heaving.
The Greenie was leaning on the wall that just closed, like he very much regrated his decision to run out into the Maze. He pushed off and spun around. Minho pushed off the ground and struggled to stand once again. Minho looked terrible, even in the pale light still available; sweaty, dirty, scratched-up and a wild look of twisted fear on his face. Evelyn got onto her knees and crawled over to Alby.
Alby looked terrible. His clothes were ripped, arms covered in cuts and scratches, bruises all over. Black veins were starting to creep up his neck. Evelyn cursed so bad Minho looked over. Evelyn ripped her bag open, digging around inside of it.
"Greenie," Minho sneered, "if you think that was brave comin' out here, listen up. You're the shuckiest shuck-faced shuck there ever was. You're as good as dead, just like us."
Thomas's head whipped up. His big brown eyes filled with fear and looked back and forth between Alby on the ground, Evelyn scrambling around trying to find the syringe in her bag to Minho who was dead on his feet.
"I couldn't just stand there and leave you guys out here." Thomas protested and sank down onto his knees beside Evelyn.
"And what good are you with us?" Minho rolled his eyes, and gestured to Evelyn and Alby. "Whatever, dude. Break the Number One Rule, kill yourself, whatever."
"You're welcome. I was just trying to help." Thomas snapped. "What about her?" he pointed to Evelyn. "She broke the rule too!"
"How many times do we gotta tell you, Greenie?" Evelyn cried anger bubbled up, "It's my shucken job. And I'm a leader in this shucken prison. So don't even shucken start with me! You have done nothing but cause problems the moment you showed up!"
"What happened to him?" Thomas asked indicating to Alby.
She found the syringe, ripped the package off and slammed it into his arm.
"Don't want to talk about it." Minho snapped, folding his arms and looking away.
"He was stung, Greenie-"
"-what does it shucken look like? And I did what I had to do." Minho hissed.
"You saw what happened to Ben? Same thing, Greenie."
"It's Thomas. Stop calling me Greenie! And I'm not the greenie anymore, the girl is!"
"Wait what?" Minho asked, "What girl?"
He slid down the wall and sat with his head leaning against the wall.
"We got another Greenie. A girl. she was just about dead and a note that said she's the last one ever, woke up screamed this Greenies name," Evelyn indicated to Thomas, "passed out and it now in a coma. Also the Box wont go back down."
Minho's eyes went wide and his mouth dropped. Running a hand through his dirty sweaty hair, he shook his head and glared the Thomas.
"Ya, you really are the source of trouble." Minho said.
"I didn't do anything! All right? Stop accusing me of things I don't know! I don't know anything!"
"What about stealing other boyfriends?" Minho asked, raising a challenging eyebrow.
Evelyn felt the knife in her heart twist. She looked down at Alby, tears forming in her eyes. She fidgeted with the cloth, pressing it gently to Alby's bloody face.
"Wh...what?" Thomas asked.
"Please don't insult my intelligence." Evelyn said quietly.
"Again, what are you guys talking about?" He was looking back and forth between Evelyn's heart broken tears eyed face to Minho's angry cold one.
Minho rolled his head and looked at Evelyn. His angry eyes softened, she was trying very hard to keep it together. Anger flashed in his eyes as he looked back at Thomas lost and confused face.
"You. You shuckface. Don't play dumb! We all see it. Is it normal for you to try make out with someone you just met? Newt and her have been together for a full year, and then some. And then you waltz in and cause problems." Minho spat at him.
Thomas's face paled, his eyes went even wider, he opened and closed his mouth a few times, nothing came out. He slowly looked over at Evelyn who refused to look at him.
"I...I had no idea!"
"How could you, when he didn't say anything and ignored me the second you showed up."
"So that's why you don't like me?" He asked shocked.
She looked at him sharply. Her eyes glassy with unshed tears.
"That's one major reason yeah. So, now you do know...what are you gonna do about it? Hmm?" Evelyn asked.
He opened his mouth and then clamped it shut.
"Yeah, ever mind, no point in worrying about it, we probably won't see the sunrise." She whispered bitterly.
"Evelyn! I'm sorry!" He pleaded, reaching out and placing his hand on her arm.
She ripped it free and turned away from him, her heart still very hurt and angry; though her mind knew Thomas had no idea, apparently of Newt and her.
"I don't want to hear it right now. We have bigger issues to deal with right now." Evelyn's voice was thick, and full of emotion.
Thomas frowned, and looked from Minho's grim look of exhausted despair to Evelyn's sorrowful one, he glanced around the darkening maze. The fog and haze was starting to creep down the halls towards them, and a low quiet grinding had started. The maze was starting to shift.
"We're really going to die?" Thomas asked frustrated, his eyebrows were pulled together, "you guys are telling me there is no chance?"
"None." Minho said flatly.
"No one has survived a night in the Maze, Greenie." Evelyn said sadly.
"No one ever has been outside the walls at night?" Thomas asked desperately.
Minho just laughed bitterly again and shook his head.
"Fine! How many have died?"
"12." She said dully, looking down at her lap. "Newt showed you the Deadheads in the Forest, Greenie? ...and those are the bodies we've found. Well Jack's body's not in the 13." Evelyn said, she was still trying to stop the flow of blood from Alby's head.
"Well... we'll be the first."
Minho scoffed and rolled his eyes.
"At least we can try!" Thomas cried.
He had gotton to his feet, and was spinning in a slow circles, looking at this surroundings. Minho growled, anger in his eyes and got up. He pushed off the wall and abruptly jumped at Thomas, grabbing him by the shirt. He slammed Thomas into the wall
"You don't understand, shuck-face! You don't know anything, and you're just making it worse by trying to have hope! We're dead, you hear me? Dead!" Minho yelled.
Thomas looked shocked, then his face morphed into anger and then slid into pity. Evelyn didn't know what to feel. She just felt numb. She had lost everything she cared about. He other half, her love to the Greenie, she had lost her best friend and her leader, then the doors slammed shut and she lost all hope of seeing her family again. Tears slid down her cheeks, she just watched the scene in front of her with blank eyes, her hand placed on Alby's chest, feeling his heart slowly beating.
Minho looked down at his fists, holding Thomas's shirt; holding him pinned to the wall. Shame washed over his face; he slowly let go of Thomas. He ran both hands through his hair and slid down the wall, his head in his hands.
"Ah man ah man! Shuck! Guys I've never been this scared before! Not like this!" He whispered.
He looked up at Evelyn, his eyes wild with fear and anxiety. He was on the verge of panic, it was a very controlled panic. There was nothing else she could do for Alby. He had the Grief serum, she tied a cloth around his head, the bleeding and stopped. She assumed Minho had to knock him out. She left Alby and crawled over to Minho. She held his face in her hands, lifting it so he was looking at her.
"Come on, the Minho I know doesn't give up. He's determined and shucken stubborn."
"This is different Pixy."
Minho opened his mouth to speak, but closed it quickly when there was a noise. Minho's head snapped up; he looked down one of the darkened stone corridors. Evelyn's heart rate pick up, her eyes went wide, looking down the foggy dark hall.
"Head up Solider! We can't let them win." She said softly, "Were fighters, you and I. We don't sit down and let them win! We can't give in to the fear...can't let the creators win!"
As she talked she let her powers flow, she was sending what she had into Minho. Her vision was going fuzzy at the sides, her forehead was beading with sweat and she felt a sharp pain in her chest, her breathing was ragged. Her hands were glowing, making the dark gloomy halls brighter.
The noise came from deep within the Maze, a low, haunting sound. A constant whirring that had a metallic ring every few seconds, like sharp knives rubbing against each other. And then a sharp thud metal stabbing stone. It grew louder by the second. A hollow moan filled the air, and then a loud animalistic scream. All of it, together, was horrifying, and the small amount of courage Evelyn had started to slip away. Evelyn's blood went from hot to cold back to hot. Her breath started to come faster.
"What the heck is going on?" Thomas yelped.
"Eve! Evelyn!" Minho cried, trying to pull away.
Her hands flashed bright as the sun with her fear. They were clamped around Minho's face. She hadn't moved, giving him everything she had, sending every last big of her power into him. He needed it more than she did. She didn't really want to be awake anymore anyways. Minho grabbed her wrists. With a strangled cry she pushed whatever healing power was left out of her. Her head flopped and she collapsed into Minho's chest.
"Why? Why Evelyn?" Minho cried.
" more.." Her eyes rolled and her world went black.
The first thing Evelyn registered was how exhausted her body was. Every limb felt like led. The second thing was she was laying on something hard, and something heavy was laying on her chest. She forced her eyes open. Everything was dark and everything was quiet. She blinked a few times. The ground was hard and cold under her fingers. She moved her head to look around. Ivy and vines were draped all over her. She pushed it off and propped herself up onto her elbows. Her vision spun, the walls around her wobbled. Holding her head she shook it and blinked.
Looking around she knew she was alone. Where Minho, Thomas and Alby went she had no idea, but she was very much alone. Fear shot through her body. She knew her pupils were dilating in fear. Her heart was slamming in her chest. She knew she wouldn't be able to stay here long. She already spied the beetle blades, their red flashing eyes were coming closer. Bringing with it the quiet sound of metal on metal, and the whirr and the wild high pitched animalistic scream. She scrambled as fast as her sore tired legs would go.
Standing alone in the stone halls she looked both ways, everything looked the same, how would she find her way or her way back? She had nothing to mark her way. way...flinching she pulled her small knife from her bag and held it in one hand against her palm. She took a deep breath, closed her eyes and pulled the knife across her palm. Sharp stinging pain shot from her palm up her arm. With her hand pooling with blood, she placed her hand on the stone to mark where she was.
Turning away from the noise of the Griever she ran. She took a turn and placed a hand on the wall. She ran. The Beedle blade's eyes flashed and the noise of the Griever followed.
She took a turn, sliding on the rubble, her bloody hand print smeared the wall. The noise of the Griever was only a few turns away. It was like it was following her hand prints too. She had to stifle a sob. Her heart was beating so wildly it hurt, tears streamed down her face. Her legs were so tired, her lungs burnt and her head was spinning. There was a wild scream, and metal on metal, at the end of the corridor came the thing that haunted nightmares for two years. She finally had her first glimpse of a Griever and it was more terrifying then what her mind made up.
She finally let out a wild scream.
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