Chapter 40: Another Greenie
Evelyn ran towards the Box, the chains were making a loud racket. The other Gladers all crowded around the box. Instead of being wild and excited everyone was tense and quiet. A few whispers were heard.
"What's going on?" The Greenie asked.
"Greenie Alarm, Man!" Chuck called over the loud grinding and alarm. "Which means you're not the greenie anymore! Congratulations." He added dryly.
Gally stepped beside Evelyn and Nick on her other side.
"I don't like this!" Gally said, she could hear the apprehension in his comment.
" either." Evelyn nodded.
She saw Newt step forward a hand rubbing his bottom lip. His face scrunched and his eyes looked red and slightly puffy. She looked away, back to the box. Her heart hurt so much, even just looking at him.
The Box clanged to a stop. Sonny and Gally stepped forward to open the box. There was no sound inside. Evelyn frowned. The top doors were open and the box was wide open. Evelyn went to hope down Inside when Newt jumped down first. The Box clanged and swayed. Evelyn could see Newt frozen, staring at something in the corner.
"What is it Newt?' Gally called.
Newt looked back up at them, and then to Evelyn, his eyes wide.
"It's a shucken girl!"
There was an instant up roar.
"A girl?"
"Wonder why we get another girl?"
"I call dibs!"
"Nah man! I do!"
"Is she hot?"
"Doubt it! Eve is probably hotter."
"SLIM IT!" Sonny roared.
The charter cut off immidiatly. Evelyn's skin crawled, she was disgusted with what they were saying. Already feeling angry and ready for a fight she turned and glared at them.
"Smarten up all of you! Don't you shucken dare lay a finger on the girl or I will end you!"
"How ya gonna do that?" One brave Glader called.
"I know how to make your heart stop a few different ways and make it look like an accident!" She growled, eyes narrowed.
"Well that's just shucken scary!"
"Touch the new girl and I'll make sure you're thrown off the cliff! Or spend a night in the shucken maze!" Sonny yelled.
The guys shut their mouths and they all looked sheepish. Newt was still staring at the girl. Her heart felt like it was kicked again, as he crouched down beside her. They couldn't really see much, the girl was covered in shadow, but it looked like she was laying down.
"That's not all!" Newt called up, "I think she's dead!"
Fight the hurt and tears pushed down she jumped down into the Box. Evelyn knelt down beside the girl. She was beautiful. Pale clear skin, long dark eyelashes that brushed her cheeks, pink lips, dark black shiny hair and slender but with curves. And she was clean, her face wasn't sun burnt and covered in scars or grime. There wasn't much and scraps on her hands. Her clothes were fresh and clean pressed.
Evelyn ignored her insecure thoughts and placed a hand on her wrist, closing her eyes Evelyn concentrated. She felt the girl's heart beat, but barely.
"We need to get her out immediately!" Evelyn cried.
Gally Sonny and Nick all helped get her out they laid her on the grass and Evelyn pulled herself out of the Box and rushed over, pushing Gladers out of the way.
Kneeling down beside the girl she felt her pulse again. It was barely there. Raising up onto her knees she placed both hands on her chest over the girls heart and forced what little power she found muster into her hands and into the girls heart. She took a wild gasp of air and her eyes shot open. They were a vivid bright electric blue.
She sat straight up and gasped again. Making Evelyn fall back with a gasp of surprise.
"Thomas!" She cried.
And then flopped back down to the grass. Every head swivelled to the Thomas's direction. He stood looking thunderstruck. His own eyes wide and mouth wide open. Evelyn caught Gally's eye. He was frowning and grinding his teeth.
"I knew he was trouble! There's something off about you, Greenie!" He turned to look at Newt, "still think I'm overreacting?"
Newt looked back at the girl. Evelyn was trying to get something out of her hand. It was clamped tight.
"What did ya find?"
Newt crouched down beside Evelyn and the girl. Evelyn finally managed to pull the paper out of her hand. Uncrumpling it she read the words and her stomach dropped, her veins filled with ice and her lungs forgot to work.
"What's it say?" Nick asked, leaning over.
"It says, she's the last one. Ever." Newt said.
His eyes wide, looking from the girl who looked like she was sleeping to Thomas the Greenie who looked utterly lost and confused to the bots in Evelyn's hands to Evelyn's face. Evelyn was frowning. Her mind was racing in so many different directions. But the one she latched onto was her Healers intuition.
"Jeff? Clint? We gotta get her back to the MedHut!"
They had ready run and were bringing back the board they used to transport guys who ingured themselves so bad they couldn't walk. The three of them shifted the unconscious girl onto the board and with the help of a few other baggers the guys picked up the board and carried her to the MedHut. Evelyn heard Nick and Sonny shooing the Gladers back to work.
Once back in the Hut, Evelyn made the guys get her into the bed in room 1. Ben was still withering and screaming in room 2. She had pulled the sheet over her when the door of the hut burst open and Newt, Nick and Thomas the Greenie piled in.
"Evelyn! What the bloody shuck is goin' on?" Newt demanded.
She raised an eyebrow at him and crossed her arms. He sighed and ran a hand down his face.
"What's goin' on?" He asked again.
"Best I can guess? She's in a coma-"
"You guess?"
"I got my job same as you. I can only make a beat guess, slim it Newt!" Her voice was low and dangerous like her eyes flashing.
He groand and turned to Thomas. Who was staring at the unconscious girl.
"You recognize her?" Newt asked, pointing at the dark haired girl.
Evelyn watched Thomas, his eyes raked over her body, and then rested on her face, and narrowed his eyes. She saw something flash quickly in his eyes but he blinked and shook his head with a frown.
"No man! I don't recognize her!"
"Ya sure?" Evelyn asked her own eyes narrowed and suspicion rising, "she seemed to know you!"
Thomas looked back at her, she couldn't read the look on his face. He narrowed his own eyes.
"What about the note? Maybe we should worry about that?!" He pointed to the piece of paper still crumpled in Newt's hand.
"We can worry about it later." Newt said waved a hand.
"Maybe we should worry about it now!" Thomas protested.
"We have enough to deal with." Newt said again dismissively.
"Nah man, I think he's right!" Jeff said, a worried look on his face, "If the Box isn't coming back up, how long do you think we can last?"
"No one bloody said that. Let's not jump to any buggen' conclusions." Newt said, trying to sound positive, "We'll just wait until she wakes up and see what she knows-"
"Somebody has gotta have some answers around here." Evelyn cut him off, glarring at Thomas.
"Okay, okay." Newt said, watching Evelyn carfully, "let's all take a breath. Get back to work. The Creators just sent another buggen' obstical. We'll be fine. It's all fine. Everything is fine!"
"Very convincing." Evelyn muttered, rolling her eyes.
She turned back to the girl and sank down onto the chair beside the bed. Jeff shooed everyone out. It was quiet. But Evelyn knew Newt was standing behind her.
"What?" She asked, her voice was just as tired as her body.
"You don't recognize her, do ya?" He asked quietly.
"Why would I recognize her? I don't know any more than you!"
"I just thought maybe..."
"'Cause were both girls? And we're in the middle of a stupid maze of 60 boys I would know who she is or why she's here? Well I don't! I know nothing!"
She could feel the frustrated tears rising. And placed her head in her hands.
"That's not what I was buggen' emplying!"
"Then what Newt? What were you getting at?"
He sighed. She heard him step closer. He crouched down beside Evelyn's chair and the bed. She saw him gazing at the girl.
"She's pretty isn't she?" Evelyn finally said and sat up straighter. Her arms firmly crossed across her chest.
Newt shrugged. Evelyn stood up so fast her chair skidded back into the wall.
"What has gotten into the sweet thoughtful Newt? Why are you acting like this?" Her tears flooded her eyes.
Newt just stood up. His dark eyes flicked over her face and then travelled to the open door where a clear view of Thomas was walking away and then Newt turned his head to the girl on the bed. And then back up to Evelyn. He looked so lost. Her heart was beating wildly, but this didn't feel good, at all, this hurt, this made it twist. And all he did was shrug.
"You don't know?" She whispered, her heart was squeezed by sharp claws.
"I dunno Evelyn! I' confused!"
"About what exactly? What are you confused about?" She asked, her hurt and pain clear in her face and in her voice. "Because right now, all I see is you ignoring me. All I see is you all over the Greenie."
Newt's eyes flicked to hers. She saw the confusion and anger and resentment and sadness, she saw it all fkicker on his face.
"You want to throw our year and a bit away out the window for the Greenie? Fine, Go."
Tears streamed down her cheeks now.
"Newt, I love you. So much it hurts, and I don't know what I did wrong. I don't know what happened, but you gotta figure out what you want. Because I'm not sharing. I'm not going be the extra."
"You didn't do anything wrong! I....I just don't know!"
"Don't know what, Newt?" Evelyn cried, tears still running down her face.
He just shrugged and looked at the ground.
"The minute something new and shinny comes around, it's out with the old and in with the new?"
"That's not fair!"
"Then talk to me! Please! Please Newt! Tell me what I did, or what you're thinking and why this is happening! We've had so many Greenie's come through, why now? Why now, am I not good enough for you?"
He sunk into the chair. His head in his hands.
"I've been the only girl in a prison full of guys, most of which are quite good looking, and you were the only one I wanted. Ever. Greenie after Greenie, it was always you-"
"Why?" He picked his head up.
"Because I love you Newt! I. Love. You."
He lowered his head into his hands.
"I never once try anything on anyone. Not once did it ever cross my mind. And this Greenie comes up, asking all kinds of questions poking at things he shouldn't."
A realization hit her so hard in the gut she took a stumble backwards. Fear, anger, hurt, despair, all tried to claim dominance instead her. Her heart beat was so loud in her chest it drowned out all other noise. She felt the blood drain from her face, and her stomach twisted and turned.
"Wait! Did you even tell him about us, or did you withhold that information?"
Newt just stayed hunched over, his head in his hands.
"You need to figure it out. It's him or me. I'm not sharing. Grow up Newt."
She spun on her heel and fled the MedHut. She hardly registered that Jeff and Clint were both there, and they heard the whole thing. She walked so fast towards the door the open wall door. She stopped right in front of the door, her arms wrapped tightly around herself. Evelyn waited for Minho and Alby.
Her legs finally gave out and she sunk to the ground. Tears silently sliding down her cheeks. She heard someone walking towards her. She tried to wipe the tears away, but Sonny saw and stopped.
"He didn't fix it."
She snorted in dirision and shook her head.
"Worse actually. I think."
Sonny's face went from soft sadness to anger back to sadness looking at the crumpled heap of a girl. He sat down beside her.
"Tell me."
"You wanna hear my drama? All my shuck boy problems?"
"Yes. You're important to me, I want to know why your crying like the world is ending."
Evelyn hiccuped and used the heel of her hands to rid her cheeks of tears. Without look away from the empty stone corridor she explained. Sonny nodded along, growling every once in a while.
"... he's gotta figure it out."
He didn't say anything when she finished just pulled her into a side hug. After a few minutes Sonny got up, kissed the top of her head.
"I'll be back."
"Don't kill anyone, Sonny."
"No promises."
"If you do, clean up after yourself. And don't bring a beat up Shuckface to my door. I'm not fixing them."
He walked away leaving Evelyn alone. Her anxiety was high. She finally couldn't sit anymore, and got up and started pacing. Chewing her thumb nail. She wore a trail in the grass, walking back and forth. A few other Gladers came over. The other Runners trickled back through the other open doors. Evelyn continued pacing, checking her watch and staring into the hall.
She didn't see someone walk up beside her. She bumped into them, stumbling backwards. Arms caught her. She looked up when her feet were steady. Newt looked terrible.
They didn't say anything, just turned back to watch the hall.
"Why'd Alby go out there?" The Greenie had shown up, with his bag of questions.
"Went to retrace Ben's footsteps." Newt answered.
"But...Ben was stung...he went back out?"
"Yes Greenie. I told you the maze is dangerous. As a leader you got make tough choices. He knows what he's doing." Evelyn snapped.
"Look Tommy." Newt turned to talk to him, Evelyn wrapped her arms around herself and stepped closer, praying she would see them jogging towards them.
"Like we told ya, every month, the Box sends up a new buggen' arrival. But someone had to be first, right? Someone had ta spend a whole month in the Glade, tryna figure everything out from scratch. That was Alby. That was Minho. That was Evelyn, Sonny, Nick, Frypan, Gally and... myself. We didn't have someone ta show us the ropes"
The greenie was listening, his eyes wide soaking up all this information. She could feel the kids eyes on her back. Newt continued.
"I mean, it wasn' easy. Trial an' error. We had ta learn as we bloody went. They had ta make hard choices, Alby Nick and Evelyn, they had some really hard choices. But when those other boys started comin' up, one after the other... They saw the buggen' truth. An' they learned that the most important that we all have each other. 'Cause we're all in this together."
"I told you, Greenie." Evelyn tried to keep the sneer out if her voice, as she turned towards them. "We gotta trust each other. This doesn't work if you don't trust that the leaders know what they're doing."
Her eyes flicked to Newt when she emphasized the word trust, she saw him flinch.
"All right Greenie?"
"It's Thomas."
"Oh, I thought it was Tommy." She said throwing all the sarcasm behind her words, glarring at Newt. She heard a few caught and throat clears.
Thomas looked taken aback, his eyes flicked to Newt, who avoid eye contact by staring at the ground. With the knife in her chest, tears in her eyes she turned back.
"They should be back by now." Evelyn muttered, running a hand through her hair again.
"What happens if they don't make it?" Thomas asked.
"They're gonna make it." Newt simply said.
"What happens if they don't?" He repeated.
"They're gonna make it." Newt said again, his voice thin and strained.
"Can't we send someone after them?" Thomas tried.
"That's against the rules." Gally answered, he had suddenly crouched, she could feel his anxiety rising, she was pretty sure his legs just about gave out. "Either they make it back or they don't."
"Who would we send? None of us know the halls, runners just ran all day." Evelyn whispered.
"Evelyn's right. We can't bloody risk losing anyone else." Newt added quietly, "it would only make it worse."
The doors started to close, the wild gust of wind from inside the walls swirled around her. Evelyn's heart broke. Gally got up and walked away, head down. Chuck shook his head and turned away. Even Newt. He turned his back to the maze and limped away. Thomas hot on his heels. Evelyn couldn't move. Her heart was gone. There wasn't anything left. Just a black hole. In a day she lost the love of her life her best friend and her leader.
She sank to her knees.
Out of the gloom came a distorted figure.
She straightened. The doors started moving. She scrambled to her feet.
"Guys!" She called.
Stepping closer, she realized it was Minho, dragging an unconscious Alby on his back.
"Guys!" She screamed, looking over her shoulder. Newt had turned. His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped.
"No!" He screamed. "Evelyn don't you do it! Don't you bloody do it!"
Too late.
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