Chapter 38: Greenie Day
Evelyn had an uncomfortable feeling all morning. She couldn't put her finger on it, but something just felt off. Maybe it was she was just exhausted, Minho had come to her room again, and took a lot longer then normal to calm down. Minho had seen another Griever in the maze halls. Ben hadn't seen it or heard it, but Minho knew it was stalking them all day. Just out of sight, but all day he heard the quiet humming whirr and the metal on metal. When he spun around there was nothing there. He kept it together and internal until it was dark and he was alone. He slept on their bedroom floor.
Evelyn and Minho woke up feeling jumpy. Newt tried to be the positive light, so Evelyn could have the day off of being the bright Glade light. Sometimes even the sun has a cloudy day, and that's how she felt internally, cloudy and stormy. Evelyn and Newt waked with Minho to the wall doors.
"Be safe okay?" She said quietly, so Ben wouldn't hear her anxiety in her voice.
"Always Pixy." He forced a smile, but his eyes looked tired and unsettled.
"I'm serious, Minho! There's something going on, I don't know how to describe it...but I can feel it in my gut!"
"You're guts never buggen' wrong... Newt muttered, frowning.
"Yeah, and that's why I'm nervous." She turned back to Minho, "Just be carful. Come back to the Glade if there's anything out of the ordinary."
She pulled her best friend into a tight hug. He hugged her back quick and patted her back. Pulling away he turned to Ben who was waiting, and they took off into the gloom of the stone halls. Newt stood watching them for a moment, a troubled expression on his face.
"You okay? What cha thinking, Love?"
He shrugged, his thumb rubbing his bottom lip, his tell sign he was thinking.
"Don't lie to me, Love. I always know." She slid her hand into his, giving it a squeeze.
He shrugged again.
"Do you miss it?" She indicated to the maze with her head.
"The physical running sure, being in better shape...but that's it. The awful dark, the gloom, the silence...the awful bloody pressure of findin' a buggen' exit; tryn' ta get back before the doors close...avoid dyin' or bein' stung. No. No I don't miss it."
His has had taken a pale stricken look as he talked, he was quiet for a moment, still staring wide eyed out into the maze. He blinked and shook his shaggy head, and turned towards Evelyn. His eyes had softened and a small smile lifted the corners of his lips.
"An' as a perk... I get ta have more time with you, My Angel." His voice was quiet, his eyes flicking over her face.
Giving him a smile she pushed up onto her toes and kissed him quick.
"Ewww! Gross! Mom, get a room." Chuck yelled as he came skipping over.
"Then look away boy." Newt grumbled, pushing the kids curly haired head, and kissed Evelyn a little more passionately.
"Ya, ya, we get it. You got a girl friend!" Chuck rolled his eyes.
"You hear for a reason Shank?" Newt pulled away with a huff, and eyeing the kid up.
"Yeah actually, not like I enjoy you two makin' out." He wrinkled his nose.
"What is it Chuck?" Evelyn asked.
"Jeff had a question for you, he said he would meet you in the MedHut."
"Thank you Chuckles." Evelyn smiled.
He skipped away and Newt sighed, letting her go. They turned to go their separate ways. Evelyn stopped and turned.
"Wait Newt!" She called and ran towards him. He turned around confused, and just in time, she flew into his arms with an omph.
"Love you! See you at lunch, have a good morning!" She kissed him quickly and then hurried off to the MedHut.
Her morning was spent slathering salve on boys, there was a rash going around.
"Where the shuck did this come from?" Jeff cried in frustration.
"It looks kind of like poison Ivy! I didn't know we had any in the forest!" Evelyn answered, inspecting another kids arm.
There was also an increased number of stitches needed today from the slicers.
"The shuck is going on?" Clint grumbled as he cleaned up another kids bloody arm.
"Dunno." Winston shrugged, "Animals are off, they seem spooked."
Evelyn looked up from the stitches, frowning at the other Keeper.
"That doesn't sound good."
Winston shrugged again. Frowning she finished her morning in the MedHut and was glad it was lunch, she needed out of the Hut. She was feeling quite sick with apprehension. Newt noticed her jitters, and laid a gentle hand on her leg. The soft pressure helped ease the knot in her stomach. Sonny also kept an eye on her, he could see the anxiety on her face. The Greenie alarm went off. It seemed louder to Evelyn, she slapped her hands over her ears, while her stomach twisted. There was a mad dash to the Box. Alby called Newt and Nick to talk so she was left still sitting at the table, her knee bouncing.
"Feeling all right?"
Evelyn looked up and saw Gally towering over her. He took in her pale face and wide nervous eyes and her jittery knee and he sat down beside her. He awkwardly patted her back.
"Just...feeling off. I've had a bad feeling in my chest all day, I don't even know how to describe it."
"No I get it. I feel it too." He agreed, without a smile he always looked so angry. But he wasn't actually. He was quite kind. He was a good friend, a bit short tempered since the changing, but Evelyn and him got a long quite well. She seemed to be one of the few people he was comfortable to be himself with.
"Right? Something is off. Maze seems...different, Minho's noticed it more lately. The animals are spooked and causing all kinds of problems for the slicers which cause problems for me. I don't Gal. Maybe were just paranoid."
"Maybe. But I've also learned that this place is shucked up and never ignore that gut feeling! You and I both can feel it, others have noticed, don't ignore it."
Gal got up, holding a hand for Evelyn. She nodded and took his hand and he helped her up. Gally went to the front of the crowed and Evelyn stayed at the back. She heard the chains grinding, pulling the Box up.
"Hey, Eve?"
She turned and saw one of the slicers holding his head, blood dripping down his face.
"Ezra! What the actual shuck?" She yelped, rushing over to him and ushering him to the MedHut. She heard the The box clanged to a stop and a kid was heard screaming.
"Gally? Sonny?" Alby's voice boomed over the screaming of the kid.
She sat the kid down and started cleaning him up. It wasn't too bad, considering how much blood was coming from his head.
"What happened?"
"Well the stupid cow kicked and it missed me, but I tripped backwards and uhhh this happened." Ezra shrugged.
She hummed, and continued cleaning him up.
"Only needs two small stitches. You're luck."
She finished cleaning him up and sent him out the door. She washed her hands and sighed, figuring she would have to help with the Greenie. But Evelyn saw Newt and Alby talking to him by the trees. Greenie was tall and looked athletic, built like a runner, Minho might be interested. But in the last year he hadn't added any new guys, knowing there was no actual exit, he didn't want to put any more kids in danger in the maze. Alby seemed agitated, she could see him rubbing his head aggressively, his tell when he was frustrated. She smiled at herself. She knew these boys so well, she would be able to play poker and call them all. She went to the box and helped Jeff and Clint with the boxes.
"Hey Chucky, my sweet child." Evelyn smiled as he jogged by.
"Hey Mom."
"Where ya off to in such a rush?"
"Alby put me on Greenie duty!" He said proudly.
"Well, that's a big responsibility."
"Yep!" He popped the p.
"Well, I won't hold ya up. See ya later."
She watched him jog off to the trees where the poor kid was huddled at the base of the tree. Evelyn had just dumped the crate of supplies onto the table when she heard wild screaming. She ripped the door open.
Evelyn spun towards the screaming.
Evelyn grabbed her leather bag off the back of the chair and took off towards the Wall. One of Gally's guys was screaming and pointing into the maze. She squinted and in the gloom was Minho hulling Ben. Ben's arm was draped over Minho's shoulders. The wild screaming caused a crowd to form. The Green pushed forwards his eyes wide and mouth open.
"What's going on?"
Evelyn cursed.
"What happened to him? Hey, your a girl! Are you the only girl?"
Ben screamed and slid out of Minho's grasp. He was withering on the ground.
"Is he dying?"
"MOVE GREENIE!" She snarled and shoved out of him out of the way.
"EVELYN! NO!" Newt screamed.
She sprinted into the maze towards Minho and Ben. Sliding on her knees, ripping her pants, she skidded to a halt. Pulling the syringe out of her bag ripping the packaging off with her teeth and slammed it unceremoniously into his chest. He started to breath easier. The black veins already working up his neck and down his arms, they stood out against his pale skin.
Minho was panting, his eyes wild, she could see his hands shaking. She reached over, and took hold of his hand, sending some of her power into him, to help him calm his wild anxiety. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
She had already let go and was digging in her bag for strip of cloth to wrap around Ben's head. There was a long gash on his head, and another one along his torso. She ripped his shirt open and pressed some gauze to the cut.
"Shuck, I need to stitch this." She muttered.
Ben let out a wild scream and convulsed.
"Don't think he likes that idea."
Evelyn cursed.
"Pixy! Such language!"
She left the cloth and just laid a hand on his side closed her eyes. Her power shot threw her arms into Ben. She felt herself sag, her energy depleting. She felt the creepy crawling feeling of something foreign in his body. It was like a wall was preventing her from healing him. She growled in frustration.
"Eve! Stop!"
Minho shoved her back. She fell onto her but panting and feeling sick. Trying to focus her unsteady eyes she saw Ben's gash was mostly healed.
"Thanks... whatever is in that poison sucks my powers faster." She got to her feet shakily, Minho following her example. They bent down and hulled Ben to his feet and each taking an arm over their shoulders. They hulled him back towards the Glade.
Evelyn felt dizzy and exhausted. But she hulled Ben back across the Glade. Jeff and Clint took him right away and started towards the MedHut.
"Evelyn!" Newt cried.
Evelyn was swaying, her head was swimming. The grass came up to meet her, and her world went black.
She woke with a gasp. Sitting bolt up right, she was in the MedHut. There was a shuffling and voices in the one room.
"Greenie! Get out! What are you doing in here?" Newt's voice was frustrated.
"Gally...Gally said you were here..."
The greenie fled the MedHut, not even noticing she was awake and sitting up. The door banging shut behind him. Evelyn got out of the bed and made her way to the room, she pushed the door open.
"Greenie! I bloody swear- oh. Evy. How are you feeling." He got up hurrying over to her. He grabbed her face his worried eyes searching her face.
He let out a chuckle of relief. He pulled her into a hug.
"That scared me, Love. You buggen' runnin' inta the Maze." He said quietly into her hair.
"Ben and Minho needed help, Newt. I did it for Gally and for you. I would do it again."
"I know. An' that's what scares me the most! You're willin' ta throw your life into the way of danger, give your powers away until it kills ya. I'm just...worried about ya, Love."
Ben let out an agonizing scream., arching his back off the bed, and pulling at the restraints. Her heart broke.
"Go Love, go get a snack, I'll watch him until Jeff and Clint get back."
"I'll bring you back a snack." She kissed his cheek.
"You're my buggen snack!" He gave her a cheeky smile.
"Pfft. Just a snack? I'm the whole shucken meal!" She rolled her eyes and turned to leave.
Newt laughed, "That ya are Love...That ya are!" He smacked her butt and Evelyn flipped her hair and winked.
"Hey Chuck, whatcha doing in here? Did Fry let you in?"
"Yeah, said if I cleaned up my mess, I could get the Greenie a snack. Kid looked a bit peekish after the whole Ben thing."
He nodded in the direction of the tables. Greenie was sitting at the table, his head in his hands. Her heart softened. That was quite the thing to see your first few hours in the Maze.
"Chucky? Make me one too? I'll go sit with Greenie."
"On it Mom!"
She went over to the table.
"Hey, Greenie, this seat taken?"
The kid looked up. His big brown eyes wide in surprise. She frowned. There was something about this kid. She had no idea who he was, just like everyone else who came up, but there was a feeling in her gut. Dark hair, whiskey brown eyes. He had a slight lost puppy, confused look. But most greenies had that look. She sat down across from him anyways. He just sat with his eyes wide and mouth open.
Chuck came over and plunked a plat down in front of the kid and Evelyn.
"Here ya go Mom."
"Thank you Sweet Child."
"What?" The Greenie finally found his voice.
Evelyn raised an eyebrow, taking a bite of the sandwich.
"Mom? Child? You ran into the maze...Chuck said no one was aloud...What happened to the kid? What did yo do to him? How come your the only girl? Why wont anyone answer any of my questions?"
Evelyn was slammed with questions, she had to blink a few times to process the questions. She held a hand up to slow his flow of questions.
"Okay one, maybe no one can answer your questions is because you wont let them?" She challenged.
The kid slumped.
"Look Greenie. Life in the Glade is hard, fast passed and full of danger. We ain't mean, we just need the new kids to learn fast. Open your eyes and learn. We have also learnt that if we dump answers to every question you greenies have your brain malfunctions and ya end up in the MedHut with me. So slow and steady, you will learn. I promise."
The kid nodded, his eyes wide, soaking up everything she said.
"Now, yes I'm the only girl. Have been for over two years. Woke up here with about 20 boys. No idea why. I'm a MedJack-"
"What the heck is a MedJack?" He interrupted.
"Healer. I fix you broken banged up Gladers. Cut your finger? Come see me. Burn your hand? Come see me. Got a headache? Come-"
"See you, ya got it. Why MedJack though? Why not just healer?"
"I told you kid, answers will come." She sighed, "Jack was my partner-"
She gave the kid a look and he shut his mouth and had the decency to look sheepish.
"Yes. Was. Jack...he's not here anymore. It started as a joke. He was the Med and I was the healer. He called himself MedJack. After he passed, we called ourselves MedJack's in his honor."
"Oh. How did he die? How come kids die here?"
"The Maze, the I said Greenie. It's a dangerous place. Listen, learn, eyes open and you'll learn alright?"
He nodded.
"What happened to that kid you ran into the forbidden halls for?"
"Told you this Greenie doesn't stop!" Chuck threw his hands into the air.
Evelyn sighed and ran a hand through her hair.
"He's a Runner and something happened, I needed to help. I'm a MedJack. I help people Greenie."
"But how come Gally didn't get mad at you? He tried to just about kill me when I got close, and I was just looking."
"He was saving your life. The Maze is dangerous, you saw the walls close right after he shoved you away, ya? He knows what he's doing."
"He doesn't have to be so mean!" He pouted.
"He has his reasons Greenbean." Evelyn said.
"What are you like dating him or something? Why stand up for the bully?"
"Careful Greenie. I've been here for two years, and I know everything, I've seen everything. You've been here what, a few hours? Careful how you talk about the people I call family. We have our shucken reasons for how we act."
She stood up and took her plate along with Chuck's and the Greenies empty ones.
"I'm sorry."
She turned back to the Greenie. He was hanging his head, looking close to tears. Blinking rapidly.
"Look Greenie. We are a family. Did Alby tell you the rules?"
He nodded.
"Okay. Then you gotta learn to trust that the ones in charge know what were doing, alright? I know it's scary and overwhelming. But little by little, slowly you're learn. Piece by piece."
She sighed, and placed a hand on his shoulder. She could feel his wild beating heart, his fear, anxiety, doubts, sadness, all his tight muscles. She let a little power slip through her fingers and into him, she saw him exhale and his muscles relaxed. The storm in his eyes eased a bit.
"I'm sorry I was snappy with you, it's been a long day. But cheer up, there's a big party for you in a bit."
She went back to the MedHut with mixed feelings about the Greenie and the day. Her head was pounding. She probably would stay long at the fire tonight.
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