Chapter 37: Grief in the Forest
🌶️spicy kissy scene 🌶️
Chuck was a little fire cracker. He had Evelyn in stitches constantly. It was hard to stay mad or sad around the kid. He was snarky, and sarcastic, definitely not innocent and liked to pull pranks. He had just started calling Evelyn mom on a regular basis, Evelyn went along with it, and started calling him, Sweet child of Mine. Newt was kind of annoyed with the kid, he was always following Evelyn, where ever she was he was bound to be there, always barding in and always interrupting.
Evelyn would always laugh it off, pat Newt on the shoulder and give the kid her full attention. She was sure the other guys put him up to it, but he was happy to do it. Everyone knew he had a big crush on her. The guys would tease Newt about it all the time, they knew he was getting frustrated with the kid.
One day he decided to take matters into his hands, he asked if Chuck would go help Frypan with the breakfast dishes, keep him busy for at lest a bit. He went to the MedHut.
"Hey Newt." Jeff turned from the table.
"Where's Eve?"
"Forest. Said she needed to find something."
He spun on his heel and headed straight to the forest. It took him at lest 20 minutes to find her. He stopped walking and listened for a second confused. Cautiously he continued forwards. He came into the clearing and hunched over sobbing was Evelyn. His heart shattered into pieces. He was so focused on his wants he completely forgot it was anniversary of George and Jack's death. He hung his head in shame for a moment and then shoved his feelings and selfish desires to the back burner. Right now she needed love and support. He slowly walked up behind her and knelt down, his hand on her back. She turned into him and he just held her while she cried.
Evelyn just needed his arms around her, she craved his soft gentle presence. He always made her hurting heart feel whole again. Newt gently stroked her head.
"I'm sorry Lee! I forgot wha' today was. I'm so buggen' sorry!" He whispered.
Her body shuddered, and she scootched even closer, crawling into his lap, wrapping her legs around him and her arms around his chest, like a child or a little spider monkey. Evelyn pressed her face into the crook of his neck, he cupped the back of her head and rubbed her back. He was content to just holding her as she mourned the death of her friends.
It took a while, but she eventually cried herself out.
"I miss them Newt. I miss them so much! It's been two years since they died."
"The ones that love us don' leave us. Not really." He said gently, gently pulling her away his hands holding her face and looking down at her tear stained face and her red puffy eyes. "You can always find them," He laid a hand gently on her chest over her heart, "in here."
She looked up at him with such sad eyes his heart physically hurt. He felt a pain in his chest, dark sharp claws dug into his heart and squeezed.
"An'...they come out every time the moon is out. They come twinklin' an' they sit with ya at night. They shine down and they listen to all your buggen' secrets you share with the moon."
"Oh Newt!" She cried, and burried her face back into his chest. "Thank you so much! That was so beautiful!"
He just hummed and continued to hold her, her body stopped stopped shaking and shuddering. He continued to gently rub her back, running his fingers up and down her skin.
"Lee?" He asked quietly.
There was no answer, he did his his best to look down. She had cried herself to sleep. The poor girl hadn't been sleeping well the last few days. She was having weird dreams, waking her up panting it crying and then terrified to go back to sleep. Newt sighed, he didn't want to wake her up. He shifted so he was leaning against George's gave mound. Leaning back slightly, he shifted her so her head was on his shoulder.
He stayed sitting in the Deadheads with Evelyn sleeping on his chest all morning. And he was okay with it. He was neglecting his duty as second in command, but he needed this ..she needed this.
He sat with her on his chest, his face smoshed into the top of her head, just holding her, wishing it would never end. He heard leaves rustling and looked over to see Hephaestus crawling towards him. He held out a hand and the lizard crazed onto his hand and he lifted him up.
"Hey buddy. How's it going?" He asked the lizard. At first it was weird, but he had been with Evelyn for little over a year now and talking to the lizard was normal now.
He made a noise at the back of his throat.
He talked to the lizard for a few mintbefore he heard someone's footsteps. Both Newt and Hephaestus looked to the noise.
Out of the gloom came the tall figure if Nick.
"There the shuck you are!"
His eyes went wide as he saw Evelyn fast asleep in Newt's chest, just like a small child, arms and legs loosely wrapped around Newt's body. He stepped closer and gently moved her hair out of her face.
"She okay?"
"No. It's George and -"
"-Jack's anniversary, yeah... I figured this's where she was when Jeff said she hadn't come back yet."
"She cried herself to sleep." Newt whispered.
"That's not normal..."
"She hasn' been sleepin' very well. Lots of bloody nightmares and weird buggen' dreams." Newt said quietly, trying not to wake up the girl.
Nick hummed and frown. Evelyn groaned and turned her head in her sleep, but stayed asleep. Newt ran his fingers through her hair and she settled.
"Who were ya talking to?"
"Uhh... Hephaestus." He said sheepishly.
Nick sat and quietly talked with Newt for a little, eventually he had to get back to work.
"I'll tell Alby and Jeff. We'll see ya at lunch. She needs a break."
"Thanks Nick."
Newt settled back down, holding Evelyn tight to his chest. She eventually stirred and woke up with a groan. She sat up straight and rubbed her eyes with her first. Newt brushed some of her hair out of her face and held the sides of her face.
"Did ya have a good nap?" He asked, his big brown eyes searching her sleepy ones.
She nodded with a small yawn.
"I'm sorry. You probably had a lot to do. I didn't mean to."
"Nah, Love, it's okay. You needed a sleep. I let ya sleep. Perks of being second in bloody command."
She smiled sleepily at him. He chuckled.
She frowned and looked down at herself confused. "What?"
"You. You're just so bloody cute!" His big happy smile made her smile again, "I could kiss your whole buggen' face an' never get tired of it!"
Leaning forwards, placing her hands on his chest she kissed him quickly. He immidiatly pulled her face that he was still holding, closer. Shifting so she was closer she felt him suck in a breath. And a hand slid down to the nap of her neck and the other down her back to her back pocket. Evelyn's hands slid up Newt's chest, up his neck and into his hair.
"Hmmm." He hummed softly, "I missed you."
Evelyn pulled away, and hung her head.
"I'm sorry. Chuck has taken up so much of my time. And that's not fair to you."
"Nah, Love, I'm a big boy, I can share. You come back to me every night." He chuckled.
"Still. He needs limits, the others know when enough is enough. He needs to learn too, as much as I feel terrible for him."
"He's adjusted well, quicker than some o' the other shanks, all 'cause of you, Lee."
"I'm surprised he has shown up looking for me."
"I asked Fry and then Nick to keep him busy."
Evelyn cocked her head.
"Nick came by lookin' for us, apparently people were worried they couldn't find ya."
"Indeed." He mumbled.
Leaning forwards, both his hands grabbed her hips, pulling her closer. Making a small surprised noise escape her, then settled into a Humm, when he placed his lips in hers. Her hands pulled his hair gently, tipping his head back slightly. Slowly dragging her nails down his scalp made him growl, and his hands clamp tighter. Evelyn slowly and gently kissed down his jaw line, softly biting his ear lobe.
"...Lee.." he moaned quietly.
She just hummed and continued to kiss his neck.
" ya think - shuck - it's kinda -bloody hell Lee - it's kinda odd in the... Deadheads..?"
She pulled away making him whimper slightly.
"It wasn't until you said something." She frowned.
"Shuck. Forget I said anythin', come back." He tried to pull her back.
"Well, now it's weird! What if ghost George is sitting and watching?!"
"Then he's gonna get a show!" Newt whinned.
He threw his head back and growled.
"Fine. Come on, I'll kiss ya in a different part of the shuck bloody woods."
She got up, and so did Newt, grabbing her hand he pulled he deeper into the forest, turning constantly to kiss her. Evelyn finally just stopped, grabbing a handful of his shirt and pulled him. He stumbled forwards on the uneven ground before she slammed her head on the tree, Newt caught her around the waist and one bracing on the tree.
"Mmmm. My hero." She cooed.
He gave her a rougush smirk and kissed her, forcing her head back and it rested on the tree. He pulled away, enough to whisper against her lips.
"Where were we?"
"You were whimpering puddy in my hands." She smirked.
"We'll see who's whimpering-"
He was cut off with a sharp intake of breath, Evelyn had slipped her hands under his shirt. Running them up his abs and dangerously low. His eyes clamped shut and his breathing was shallow.
"You were saying? She asked sweetly, doing it again.
"Eve...not...shuck...I was....Lee..."
He couldn't put together a full sentence. She pushed up on her toes and kissed his neck, sucking and swirling her tongue. He was breathing heavily in her ear. She had trailed her fingers very slowly following his belt line. Slowly running up his sides. She withdrew her hands and he whimpered.
"Who's the whimpering mess now?" She teased.
"That was bloody mean!"
Evelyn looked up at him batting her eyelashes. She slowly pulled his shirt up, raising his arms, she pulled it off, and dropped it into the forest floor. Her slid his hands around her neck, holding her gently and kissed her lips. Evelyn ran her hands over his back and shoulders, his sides and abs. She never got tired of feeling all the tight toned muscle. Feeling the scares and imperfections that made him Newt.
She tilted her head away to breath, breaking the kiss. It was his turn to kiss down her jaw. His hands had slid down her throat, gently caressing her. Running his fingers gently over her collarbone and over her heart, which was beating wildly. His hand slid under the strap of her tank top and pushed it out of the way, leaving a bare shoulder. Newt kissed down her neck and all over her shoulder.
"...Newt..." She breathed, tickling his skin.
Lifting a leg she tried to wrap it around her, pulling him closer. Newt kissed her harder and lower. Making her nails dig into his shoulders and a gasp escape her mouth. He came back to kiss her roughly, sliding his tongue into her mouth.
Newt grabbed a hand and pulled it away, holding it above her head. He smirked into her mouth, and she moaned into his. He grabbed her other hand. Now pinning both her wrists above her head with one hand, his other hand was free to explore. He kept her mouth busy with his lips and tongue, keeping her moans and gasps quite. Arching her back into his touch, he finally let a growl escape.
"What do ya want Lee?" He growled against her lips.
His fingers caressing her gently, making her eyes roll, her hands to form fists and her back to arch again.
"Say it...I wanna hear ya say it Lee!"
He was teasing her now. She was whimpering and panting.
"Use your words..."
Again, he made her a moaning mess.
"You. I..want you!" She finally managed to cry. "Please Newt...Please!" She whimpered.
"That's my girl!" He growled.
He finally gave in, and gave her what she was begging for. What he had wanted. What they both needed.
They missed lunch. No one came looking for them. When asked where they were Nick just said Evelyn needed some quiet space and Newt was with her. Sonny gave him a knowing look and helped deflect questions.
"You should be more worried about your job then where Eve is! Then you wouldn't have a nail in your hand ya slint head!"
The couple reappeared half way through the afternoon, and just slipped back into the routine. A few guys gave her questioning looks. Some gave her suspicious looks and others, gave her knowing looks.
"Feeling better?" Nick asked, poking his head into the MedHut.
"Yes, thank you."
"I know today can be emotional. If there's anything I can do..."
"Thanks Nick. That's sweet. A good cry, a good nap, a good snuggle, coffee and I'm feeling better. Newt was a big help."
"All right. Love ya Evy!" He kissed the top of her head and left her to her work.
She smiled to herself. And her cheeks flushed pink and her tummy back flipped.
The rest of the month flew by. She had a talk with Chuck about having to make time for others.
"Okay, Mom! Jeeze. If ya don't want to hang out with the coolest Glader..." He huffed and rolled his eyes.
"Oh Sweet child if mine...the coolest Glader hands down is Minho."
"Shucken rights I am!" He called as he passed by.
Chuck rolled his eyes. "That hurts Mom. Right here." He pointed to his heart, "I can...I can hear it breaking!"
She ruffled his hair. "I'm sure you'll get over it Chuckles. Now. Off to bed. It's a big day tomorrow!"
He gasped, a look of wild joy on his face.
"I'm not the shucken greenie anymore!"
"Nope! New Green Bean and you're promoted!"
"Nice!" He fist pumped. She laughed at the boy.
"It's bed time! Go on!" She scolded.
"Yeah yeah. Night Mom!" He hugged her tight around the waist.
"Night Sweet Child." She kissed the top of his head. He let go and skipped off to bed.
"Where's mine?" Nick asked.
She held her arms opened and hugged her longest dearest friend tight. Kissed his cheek and shooed him to bed.
"Hey! If he gets one...I want one!" Minho whinned.
She chuckled and held her arms wide. He gave her a big tight hug.
"Good night Minho. You know where to find me. Newt might even let ya spoon with him!"
"Sweet! I'll bring a chick flick and chocolate."
"Pillow fight first though."
"That's a shucken given!"
"Good night MinMin." She kissed his cheek, and he kissed the top of her head.
"Me next!" Sonny called.
Evelyn sighed.
"Anyone who wants a hug good night get into shucken line!" She called.
"Looks like you're the Glad Mother. You got what? 60 shanky little children!" Sonny asked raising an eyebrow.
She chuckled shaking her head, "seems like it some days."
There was a wild scramble and a long line of Gladers appeared. She laughed and shook her head. She said good night to each Glader, even grumpy ol' Alby came for a hug. At the end of the line stood a very disgruntled looking Newt.
"Is it my buggen' turn? I gotta share ya with the whole Glade?"
"Nah. They get a good night hug. You, my Love, have my heart."
"I can live with that." He wrapped an arm over her shoulders, pulling her close, kissing her temple.
**Sorry another filled Chapter - but Who comes next?? 😱😍😎**
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