Chapter 36: Chuck
The Greenie alarm went off, echoing around the Glade, bouncing off the stone walls. Evelyn let out a groan. Another Greenie, meaning another month. Another four weeks of failing to find a way out. Her spark of hope, the big speech she gave Minho a few months ago was wearing off. His night time anxiety attacks were becoming a regular thing now. Newt had taken on the positive optimist.
"Come on Ev." Jeff sighed, "these kids lately have needed both of us. I don't know what these Creators are playing at..."
"No one knows what those shucken creators are doing!" Evelyn grumbled.
Running a hand through her tangled hair, she grabbed her leather bag and followed Jeff. Clint was out doing rounds, they would meet him at the box and find their box of supplies.
"Hey Lee!" Newt's bright voice made her smile and washed some of the bitterness away. She exhaled and smiled.
"Hey Love." He kissed her cheek.
"Hey Jeff, how's it goin'?"
"Oh ya know..." He shrugged, and wandered off to find Clint.
"So...still hopin' for another girl?" Newt asked, laying his arm over Evelyn's should, sliding her arm around his back and laid her head on his shoulder.
"Honestly? I've given up on hoping for a girl a long time ago. It's been two and a half years, and it's been shank after shank." Evelyn grumbled.
"Well, one can always bloody have hope." He said with a teasing smile. He pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.
She snorted, "hope..."
" okay?" Newt frowned slightly looking down at her, his eyebrows pulled together.
She sighed, and slumped into him, "yeah...just...tired. And feelin' gloomy. Another Greenie means another month stuck in this stupid prison."
"I know Love, I know...but we'll get outta here-"
He was cut off when the loud clang rang out, meaning that the Greenie had arrived in the metal cage. As soon as the grinding of the chains were heard bets were placed, not that the cage was here it went quiet for a few seconds.
"Who ows me for not crying like a shuck baby?"
"Maybe the shank passed out already!"
"Think they'll be a slopper?"
"I need help in the kitchen!"
"Probably a klunk shank!"
"Slim it!" Alby roared over the noise. "Sonny, Gally?"
The guys pulled the doors open, letting the bright light shine into the the dark Box. The guys all crowded around the opening, staring down into the Box.
"Where's the shank?"
"I don't know, but it stinks!"
"Man that box reeks!"
"Welcome to hell, Shank!"
"Dude! You can't say klunk like that!"
"Day one Greenie!"
"Slim it ya Shanks!" Alby roared again, "Newt?"
Newt climbed down into the box. He looked up, his face scrunched.
"It definitely smells worse! Bloody hell, it gets worse each month!"
"Newt, where's the shucken Greenie?" Alby called, already frustrated.
Evelyn laid a hand on Alby's arm, "Breath Alby, remember we were in his place once."
Alby took a deep breath and nodded.
"Wholly Shuck! Bloody Hell!" Newt cried and stepped back, his eyes wide and looked up.
"What's wrong now? The kid pass out?"
Newt just shook his head, his big brown eyes wide with worry, they slid over to Evelyn.
"Newt? What's wrong?" She asked, crouching down. Newt came over.
"Come here Love, I think this is one for the both of us. I'll help ya down."
Newt reached up and helped her hope down into the box. The rank smell hit her hard, making her stomach twist. She also heard small whippers and sniffles coming from the corner. The noise broke her heart. She still never understood why they needed to have such a traumatizing entrance into the Glade; what purpose did it serve?
She stepped closer to the noise. Huddled in the corner, laying curled as tight as possible, his head buried in his head, trying hard to keep his sobs quiet was a kid. They were all kids here, but this was a child! Anger flared inside of her. The creators had a lot of nerve! Evelyn was so angry she felt a surge in her power, her hands grew hot. Her glowing hands were tight in fists and her jaw was clamped shut, she could feel heat rising in her and her breathing was heavy.
"Love, breath. It'll be okay."
"No Newt! It wont! It's one thing to send us...but this is a child!" She cried, angry hot tears leaked over her eyelashes. "A SHUCKEN CHILD!"
Newt laid a hand gently on her back, she looked up at him. He looked just as angry and shocked and upset.
"I know Lee." He said quietly.
Evelyn swiped the tears away with the heels of her hands, and knelt down beside the child.
"Hey buddy." She said quietly, the poor kid flinched and curled tighter.
"Sweetie, look at me, I'm not going to hurt you. Can you do that for me?"
Her voice was gentle and kind, and guys usually listened to her when they were scared. This child was no different. She had placed a warm hand on his arm. She felt his fear and anxiety, his heart was racing, his breathing was shallow. He slowly uncovered his head, and peeked up at her. She smiled at him.
"Hey Sweetie. My name is Evelyn, most of the guys call me Evy."
He just sniffled, big fat tears leaked down his grimy face. She gently rubbed his arm. The smell in the Box was definitely stronger here in the corner. The poor kid.
"Where...where am I?" His voice was high, and thick with fear and panic.
"We call it the Glade. It has a home, and a barn, a big fancy kitchen and a forest." She tried to sugar coat it a little bit, the poor kid didn't need any more trauma, at lest not yet.
He slowly sat up. And Evelyn got a better look at him. He had a little face, still with the chub of childhood, rosy cheeks, his big brown eyes were red rimed and puffy but framed in thick eyelashes. And a wild mop of curly spiral curls.
"Wanna get out of the box? We can go get ya cleaned up and Newt can show you around."
"Who...who is Newt...?"
Evelyn waved him over and he crutched down in front of the kid.
"Hey Greenie, names Newt." He held his hand out. The kid slowly and hesitantly shook Newts hand.
"Ready to get out of the bloody shuck box?"
"You speak funny." He kid said, frowning and scrunching his eyebrows together, like he was trying to think of something.
"He has a British accent." Evelyn smiled.
Newt stood up with a grin, and then held a hand out for Evelyn, he helped her to her feet. He turned and held a hand out for the kid. He hulled the kid to his feet, but the moment the kid was up his eyes went wide and backed up into the corner, his chubby hands hiding his face.
"Guys? What the shuck is going on down there? What's taken so freakin' long?" Alby yelled.
"Alby, slim it." Evelyn snapped back.
"What's wrong Bud?" Evelyn asked frowning.
The kid looked up at the faces looking down at him and just shook his head, making his curls bounce.
"We're gonna get out of this buggen' box." Newt beckoned him. The kid peeked threw his fingers, his eyes wide in fear, and shook his head violently again, after glancing up at the guys all gawking down at them. Evelyn suddenly understood when he moved.
"Newt, in one of the boxes there should be a few blankets, we asked the stupid creators to send us more." She stepped over to the edge where Alby, Gally, Sonny, Jeff and Nick were crouched. She looked back at the kid who had sunk back down into the corner.
"What's going on?" Nick asked, pushing his glasses back up.
"Its a shucken child! He's like 11!" Evelyn growled, her anger hit hard again.
"The hell?" Nick looked over into the corner.
"Well...still doesn't explain why it's taken so long!" Gally huffed.
"Slim it Gal." Evelyn snapped, "He...had an...umm accident. Doesn't want to get out."
"Are you shucken serious?" Alby grumbled, "I ain't got time for this!"
"Then leave!" She snapped again, he did just that.
"Gross!" Gally wrinkled his nose, "I'm out." He got up and left. Newt came up beside her, holding a blanket.
"Sonny, Nick? Can you find a latter? He won't climb out and no way the rope is gonna work. And can we get the guys back to work? The less eyes the better, at lest until I can get him cleaned up. Jeff? Can you meet me at the showers with some clean clothes and towels and stuff?"
The guys nodded and left. Newt handed her the blanket, and then climbed out of the box with the help of Sonny, and started shooing the guys back to work. Evelyn crouched down beside the boy again. She draped the blanket over the boy's shoulders. He lifted his tear stained baby face. She smiled at him, her hand rubbing his back gently.
"I understand." She said quietly. "We go straight for the showers and then we'll grab a snack. Sounds good?"
"'re really nice."
"Thank you, Sweetie. Now come on, lets get out of this shuck Box."
Evelyn helped him up, keeping the blanket draped over him. Sonny and Nick had come back with a ladder and lowered it.
"Up ya go Bud."
He very awkwardly climbed up the ladder. Evelyn climbed out of the box with the help of Newt.
"Thank you Love."
She turned to the boy who was standing beside the box, his eyes wide in fear, his chin trembling. Evelyn immediately threw an arm over him and ushered him quickly to the showers. Gladers stopped working and turned to look at the Greenie. Some of looked horrified at the kid, some pointed and laughed. Newt and Nick walked on each side, like body guards making them go back to work.
"I think the kid klunked his pants!"
"The Box did smell worse!"
"He really is a Klunk in a shirt!"
"But like it's a shucken kid!"
They made it to the showers where Jeff was waiting with an arm full of stuff. Evelyn ushed the boy inside.
"Clean up, change, and I'll be right here waiting, all right?" She whispered quietly to the boy. He nodded, his big eyes full of tears.
The door closed and she deflated, Newt pulled her into a tight hug. Nick patted her back.
"I gotta go help Alby and Sonny with the boxes." Nick said good bye and left, back to the box.
"You're good Ev? Clint had a bit of a line of Builders. The idiots keep waking their hands with hammers. I swear, there is nothing going on upstairs!" Jeff grumbled and left.
Newt squeezed her tight.
"You're so good with him, he seems ta trust ya."
"Well, I'm not big and scary, with a scowl." She mumbled, her face squished into his chest.
"Hey! I don't look that scary."
Evelyn snorted and pulled her face away, looking up at him. "You couldn't scare Hephy if you tried, you're too much of a cinnamon roll dipped in sunshine." Evelyn chuckled.
He gasped and tried to scowl at her, but he couldn't keep a straight face.
"Shut up, you!"
"Make me, Sunshine!"
"hmmmm, any time." He leaned down and kissed her, while she laughed into the kiss. He slid his hands down into her back pockets, and pushed her closer, making her laugh more, while Newt tried to kiss her.
"I'd like ta do more than kiss ya..." He murmured against her lips.
"Would ya now?" She pulled away just enough to raise an eyebrow at him.
"Shuck ya!" He growled and attacked her neck making her shriek and giggle.
"Are you two like dating or something?" A voice said behind them.
Newt looked up and over her shoulder and Evelyn twisted to see behind her. The kid was standing in the door frame his arms crossed. Newt's hands were still in her back pockets.
"Somethin' like that." Newt smirked and looked down at Evelin.
She rolled her eyes, and pulled away turning fully to the kid, her cheeks a bit pink.
"Come on, lets go get a snack. You hungry?"
"You coming Newt?"
"I have some second in command stuff to do. I'll see ya later Love." He stepped closer and kissed her forehead. He then turned towards the kid, "Look after her, for me."
The kid grinned and grabbed Evelyn's hand.
"I said ta buggen' look after her. Ya better keep those bloody hands ta yourself! She's taken!"
Newt narrowed his eyes. The kid gave him an innocent look. Evelyn tried to keep a straight face, she pulled the kid with her, towards the Kitchen.
The Greenie had followed Evelyn around all after noon like a puppy, clinging to her hand. Newt tried to give the tour, but Evelyn ended up having to go along. So she walked in the middle of the guys, holding Newt's hand and the Greenie's hand.
"So Greenie, an' now, last stop. The fire in your buggen' honour." Newt said and swept his arm towards the group of gathered Gladers.
Evelyn pulled the kid to the front. All the Keepers were at the front, each lit a fire torch. Evelyn's lit up and she meet Newt's eye across the fire. She bit her lip. She saw his eyes narrow. They stared at each other during Alby's speech.
"We survived another month! For the Greenie!" He yelled, throwing his torch into the air, the Keepers following suit, and then with a wild yell, threw them into the big pile of wood.
It lit up and the party began. Evelyn pulled the Greenie over to the logs to sit with the others.
"Since when are they sending shucken babies?" Minho frowned.
"Hey! I'm not a baby!"
"Sure look like one!" Minho retorted.
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"Do not!"
"Do too!"
"You're both actin' like buggen babies!" Newt rolled his eyes as he sat down, passing a jar to Evelyn. "This Greenie, here" he nodded his head at the kid, "has been tryin' to steal my bloody girlfriend all day!"
"Well, with such a charmer, you got your work cut out for you, don't you, Love?" She smirked at Newt, and winked at the Greenie who blushed.
Newt raised an eyebrow and leaned over and whispered, making her shiver, "I'll show ya some work."
She sucked in a breath making her choke and spit her drink out.
"Newt!" She gasped.
He gave her a sly smile.
"I don't even wanna know!" Sonny rolled his eyes.
"I do!" Minho smirked at them.
"What's going on?" The greenie asked, frowning.
"Nothing." Evelyn said quickly, her face hot and very pink.
"He said somethin' real dirty." Minho grinned at the kid.
"Please do not corrupt this sweet innocent child!" Evelyn wrapped her arms around the kid and gave him a side hug, "He's to young and sweet and innocent for this world!" She yelled dramatically.
"Hey! I ain't THAT innocent!" He pouted.
"Yes, clearly." She laughed.
"I saw you two kissing! And if he's talkin' dirty...I'd say someone is in for a good night. If ya know what I mean." The kid grinned, wiggling his eyebrows
"GREENIE!" Evelyn shrieked, while the guys howled with laughter. Greenie looked quite pleased with himself. She gave the kids a playful shove.
"That she is, Greenie!" Newt laughed.
The guys were just about rolling on the floor.
"All right, I'm done." She grumbled, and stood up and went to get some snacks from Frypan.
When she came back the guys were getting the kid to try the jars. She swooped in and snatched it away, glaring at the guys.
"Nope! Don't even think about it!" She scolded.
"MOM! Give it back!"
Evelyn raised an eyebrow. His face went slack with realization. The guys were now howling with laughter at the kid.
"I don't think so, sweet child of mine. This stuff is not good for you! Now, these idiots here are drunk, and it's time for you to go to bed. Trust me Greenie, it's been a long day."
The kid pouted, the guys were all trying to persuade Evelyn to let the kid hang out longer.
"He's a CHILD and he's a Greenie, kid needs sleep." She said firmly, kind of angry with the guys now.
"It's Chuck."
"What?" Evelyn blinked and looked at him.
"My name. It's Chuck."
She smiled. "That's great, you remembered your name!"
Poor Chuck looked dead on his feet. She guided him away from the wild fire and over to the sleeping area. There were a few guys who were turning in early, and she asked if Andy would help get him set up. Once she knew Chuck was in good hands Evelyn turned and slowly wandered around the fire and off to her hut, her heart feeling heavy and sad.
Newt was waiting for her, sitting on their bed, holding a cup of steaming tea.
"Come here Love, it's been a long shucken day."
She sat down heavily, kicked her shoes off and lay down her head in his lap, his hands went straight for her hair. The tension of the day slipping away.
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