Chapter 32: Follow the Flame
🌶️🔥spicy spice hot tamale kissy scene at the end🔥🌶️
Evelyn was kept busy all afternoon. The Greenie came up in a full panic attack, making himself pass out. Newt and Nick were very sweet and gentle with the kid. But baby blue eyes and white blind hair, the kid looked too innocent for the horrors of The Glade. Evelyn felt so sorry for the boy. He took a liking to Newt and Evelyn. He looked innocent, but once he had settled down, kid was smart as a whip.
Gally's guys showed up in the late afternoon, the took the extra bed from the corner and brought in their new shelf. It fit perfectly, they nailed it to the wall, so it wouldn't fall. Sometimes the Builders rushed their work and it was a little sloppy or crooked, but when ever it came to the MedHut and Evelyn, they always took extra care and everything was straight even and fit like a glove in the Hut. Jeff had hulled their supplies from the Box into the hut and Evelyn took her time putting the supplies away, organizing and tidying up. She heard the Fire starting, with no real intention of going, she shoed Jeff and Clint out. Well she tried.
"Eve, come on! Please?" Clint begged.
"I'd rather finish cleaning up!"
"It will still be there tomorrow. You need a break too! You were wicked sick this morning and worked your butt off!" Clint pointed out. He stood with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed at her.
"You're not going to leave it are you?"
"Nope." Clint popped his p, and grinned at her.
"You know I don't really like them..." She tried another tactic to get out of it.
"Evelyn! There are people who like to hang out with you! Now get your shanky little butt out of this MedHut!" He demanded.
She groaned as she tilted her head back to look at the ceiling. Running a hand threw her tangles.
"The things I shucken do for you!" She muttered.
"Good! Now go change!" He grinned at her, holding the door open for her.
"Why? My scrubby clothes aren't good enough for these guys who so desperately need to see me tonight?" She asked, sweeping a hand over herself, and raised an eyebrow at Clint.
"It's fine. But you're still kinda covered in blood."
"What, bodily fluid isn't what we wear to parties?"
"It's fine for MedJack parties...but you know how some guys get at the sight of blood..." Clint chuckled.
"Fiiiiiiiiine! You guys are so demanding! Sheeish!"
He waved her out the door. She could see the big bonfire and hear the loud whooping and laughing. Sighing she stepped over to her hut.
"See ya in a bit!" Clint grinned at her with a wave.
Pushing the door open she frowned. The room had been cleaned. Everything had been picked up and put away, fresh flowers in a clay jar on the table, the bed was made and sitting laid out on the bed was one of her dresses, her sneakers- that looked like someone scrubbed them clean of the blood and mud that was always on them. A daisy was sitting beside a little note. Curious she picked it up.
Put this on. Grab your bag and wait by your Garden.
Curious what the heck was going on she re read the note. It looked like Newt's writing, but more loopy. She quickly brushed her hair, glad she shaved this morning in the shower Newt forced her to take. She did as the note said, grabbing her journal, she slid the note and daisy inside to press it. Grabbing her bag off the hook slipping it into her bag she left for the Garden.
Waiting for her was Nick. He stood waiting with a small torch. The flame flickered, casting a warm glow on his face.
"Don't sound so disappointed to see me Evy! That hurts!" He teased, grinning at her.
"I'm not! Just...surprised..what's going on?" She stuttered.
Evelyn could feel her face warming up from embarrassment. She didn't mean to sound disappointed, she figured it was Newt who set this up. Nick looked her over and grinned in satisfaction.
"You got the note, good."
He stuck the end of the flame torch into the ground.
"Nick, what-"
He cut her off by wrapping her up in a big hug. He held her tight. She froze for a second but wrapped her arms around him.
"I love you Evy. Thank you." His voice sounded thick with sudden emotion. He gave her a squeeze and kissed the top of her head. He let go, stepped away, tears brimming in his eyes. He handed her a piece of paper.
"Nick, what?"
She asked again, utterly confused, but he had already walked away, back towards the wild party. Staring after him, with a frown for a moment. Shaking her head in confusion, she stepped closer to the flame and opened the note. Inside the little card was a long heartfelt note. It made tears sting her eyes. She finished reading and slid it into her bag.
"My, don't you look pretty little Pixy!"
She jumped, and spun around, throwing a hand onto her chest.
"Shuck it Minho!" She yelped.
Minho came striding out of the darkness, his hands shoved into his pockets. A big smirk on his face.
"Come." He held out an arm.
Still very confused, she looped her arm through his. He guided her around her garden and the back of the MedHut, and along the tree line.
"What's going on, Minho? You know!" She finally asked, "Where are you taking me?"
"I do know and I ain't saying nothin'!" He smirked down at her, his dark eyes twinkling.
She huffed but went along with it. He took her along the tree line all the way to the back of the map room. Where he stopped abruptly, beside another torch flickering. He turned towards her and also gave her a big hug, wrapping her up in huge arms. He lifted her toes off the ground.
"Thank you for everything Little Pixy!" He gave her one more big squeeze, kissed the top of her head and placed her back down gently. He handed her a note and winked.
"Minho! What the actual shuck is-"
"Follow the flame."
"What?" She asked. Her exasperation was rising.
"Follow the fire. Pretty straight forward little Pixy."
He turned and walked away. Frustrated, confused and really curious she stepped towards the fire and opened the little card. Inside was another long hand written letter from Minho. Thanking her for everything she had done for him. It wasn't just a simple thank you, it was long and personal. Tears prickled her eyes, and a few slipped down her cheeks. It took a little to compose herself. She slipped it into her bag and blinked the tears away, looking for a flame. Spotting a bright spot just inside the tree line, she made her way over.
Sticking in the ground was a long torch, and tied to the pole was another note. This one was from Gally. Another long heart felt, very personal letter. Holding a hand over her mouth, and failing miserable to hold the tears in, she looked up, she saw another torch. Follow the flame. She walked over. Tied to this one was a note from Sonny. A long beautifully worded letter, straight from his big tender heart. Tears filled her eyes it made reading the note very difficult. She was so overwhelmed with love from these boys. There was another torch a few feet away.
She slowly followed the flames. Tied around each one was a heart felt letter from every Keeper, and Grouchy old Alby. And then after those were more letters, a few tied to one torch, some had one a singular note. Some of the notes were short and sweet, some where a little longer, but there was a note from each and every Glader. The trail of flames took her all over the Forest, it twisted and curved, meandering all over. She stepped up to one more. Untying this one it felt thicker. She unfolded it, already smiling, she recognized the swirly neat and tidy letters.
Newt's letter had her sobbing. He had said a lot of the things written down, but seeing it permanently in pen, on paper, just hit her heart differently. It was beautiful, sweet and straight from his tender heart. It took her a lot longer to finish this one, the tears wouldn't stop.
"Stupid tears!" She muttered.
Swiping the tears away she saw a big glow from the other side of a clump of trees. Cautiously stepping through the trees and branches. She stopped dead. Her eyes wide, full of tears, her hands clamped over her mouth.
Torches lines the clearing, laid out on a blanket was a small picnic and a small bonfire. It was decorated with flowers. Her eyes scanned the area, taking in everything, all the details. Tears now streamed down her cheeks. Her blurry eyes finally landed on the young man leaning on the huge tree at the other side of the clearing.
He had a soft smile on his face. The flames flicked around him, making him look like he was glowing. He had his hands shoved in his pockets, his ankles crossed, leaning back. His eyes flickered all over her.
"Hey, Love."
"Newt.." was all she was able to choke out.
"You look beautiful."
He pushed off the tree. His limp was hardly noticeable anymore. But she saw it, she always would, but right now her focus was on his face. Her legs wouldn't work, she was frozen in place. Newt stepped closer and her legs felt like jello-w all of a sudden, her stomach twisted, and all the butterflies escaped. He was now right in front of her, she looked up at him, his soft brown eyes looked down at her. His hand came up and rested on her jaw line. the other one slid around her to her back and pulled her closer.
Her voice still wasn't working. Newt just smiled, his hand slid to her chin, gently tipping it up. He leaned down and kissed her gently. The kiss sent life back into her. She felt life and heat spread into her limbs, she felt her cheeks heat up. Just as she relaxed into the kiss, he broke away and slid his hands down her arms to her hands. He gently tugged her.
"Come on." He grinned at her.
He chuckled. He pulled her gently over to the blanket. She sat down, still not believing what was going on.
" did...When did you...Newt!"
Her words were all mixed and jumbled together. Newt continued to chuckle at her look of shock and astonishment. Her eyes still sparkled from the tears she shed, the fire made them flicker and look like actual emeralds.
"You needed a buggen' night just for you. So me an' the guys set this up. Ya do so much for all of us bloody shanks an' you never ask or expect anythin' in return. It was high time ya received some buggen' gratitude. An' we all know ya don' like the big wild parties. about a picnic for two?"
"Newt, its perfect! I can't believe you did all this!" She finally found her voice.
"Oh, I had a lotta help!"
"It's incredible! How did you get all the guys on bored? Some of those letters...shuck, they were so heart warming!"
"They were actually quite easy ta convince. Keepers got their guys to write one an' then collected 'em. Sonny, Minho and Alby helped get the poles in place, and the fires goin'. Jeff and Clint kept ya busy. Fry made us snacks... with ya busy with the Greenie, who's name in T.J apparently, and the shelf.."
She gasped. "Gally did that on purpose, sending it today!"
"Of bloody course he did!" Newt laughed.
She shook her head, still completely overwhelmed and astonished.
"It's incredible!"
"Just like you, Love."
They laughed and talked late into the night. They ate all the snacks Fry left. The cupcakes were the best, they were defiantly a rare treat. There was also two jars of the honey vanilla infused drinks she made, and two small cups of her infused vodka.
"I don't know...last time was a disaster! I'm only now feeling better!"
"You don't have ta Love, but I wanna try this apparently amazin' drinks Gally wouldn' bloody shut up about!"
She shrugged, "What the shuck."
"To you, Evelyn, my Love." he tapped her cup with his. She watched him take a sip.
"Wholly shucken bloody hell! Eve, this is amazing!"
She laughed at him.
"I can see how ya got drunk off it! It doesn' even taste like rubbing alcohol!"
She giggled, they finished the little cups.
"Now this honey...what do we call it?"
"Honey mead!"
Slowly sipping the drinks they continued to just hang out together. Laughing and talking, imagining what the outside would would be like. They had laid down, and watched the stars, trying to figure out different shapes in the twinkling stars. They eventually lapsed into a comfortable silence. Evelyn continued to watch the stars in a warm, happy comfortable bubble. Newt turned his head and watched her. She finally turned her head, they were only a few inches apart.
"Yes?" She whispered.
"Nothin'...just admiring you." He whispered back, "You're beautiful Evelyn. An' I'm still so shocked you chose me, out of all the guys here."
"My heart chose you. They don't make me feel the way I feel around you."
"An' how do you feel?"
She thought about it for a moment. He rolled, so he was on his side, and propped his head on his hand, so he was right beside her, looking down at her. Her hand slid up into his long hair.
"It' a comfortable hug, familiar, and comfortable... safe, but with a wild electric excitement. I feel alive, and at home."
He just hummed. His fingers had started to gently cares her face and down her jaw. Slowly trailing down her throat to her chest. Her heart speed up and her chest heaved.
"My heart speeds up and I have a hard time breathing." She whispered.
He hummed quietly again. His fingers trailed a little lower.
"I feel hot and tingly...and my head spins..."
She was having a hard time talking now, his fingers were sending shivers down her spin and making her break out in goosebumps. They went lower, they were now dangerously low. His eyes never left hers though, he was glued to her eyes. Evelyn was lost in his.
"..Newt..." Her voice was hardly above a breath.
"Yes Lee?"
Her eyes just about rolled into her head when he whispered that name. His voice was rough and gravelly.
"Kiss me."
Newt leaned down and did just that. Her eyes fluttered shut immediately. Her hand tangled in his hair pulled him closer. His tongue in her mouth and hers in his. His hand still explored lower and lower, gently caressing the tender soft skin. Her chest was heaving, and her heart slammed into her chest so hard she thought it would explode out of her ribcage.
Newt broke the kiss to breath and kissed down her jaw line and down her neck. He shifted so he was now on top of her, kissing lower down to her collarbone. Her hands tangled in his hair. Newt left kisses all over her chest, making her moan and gasp. She slid her hands down grabbing a fist full of his shirt and pulled. Sitting up slightly, he let her pull his shir off. Evelyn's hands trailed over his chest and shoulders, and down his back.
He kept himself propped up on one arm, and hooked onto her strap, looking up.
" all right with this..?" His voice was deep and rough. He was having a hard time breathing. She nodded.
"Lee...look at me..please."
She opened her eyes and meet his eyes which were now dark and needy, but looking her dead in the eye, making sure she was alright.
"I need you to tell me. Please."
"Yes Newt!" She panted, "Please...don't stop!"
She wrapped a leg around his hip, pulling him closer, and digging her nails into his shoulders.
"Thank you."
His hand left her dress strap and went to her leg that was wrapped around her. Sliding down her bare leg, Evelyn arched her back into his touch, throwing her head back. Biting her lip when his hand explored higher up her leg, pushing her dress up. Newt went back to kissing her chest.
His tongue gently swirling her tender skin and his hand exploring making her arch into his touch and moan.
"Yes! Yes Please Newt! Please!" She whimpered, arching her back again.
His eyes grew so dark. Newt kissed her gently and tenderly, just like the rest of the night. He was gentle and tender.
He pulled a blanket around them, both breathing heavily and they fell asleep wrapped around each other.
**I kinda had something like this in mind**
Do we approve of Newt's date night?
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