Chapter 31: Hangovers
Someone was shaking her shoulder gently. She groaned and smacked the hand away. Turning over she buried her head under a pillow. But even that much moving made her head pound and her stomach twist.
"It's time to get up, Love."
"Shuck off!" She groand.
She felt the bed dip. And her pillow over her head was pulled away gently.
"Feelin' pretty rough, huh?"
"Too much buggen' fun yesterday."
"The shuck did I do?"
She had pulled the blanket over her head. The sunshine coming through the window made the pounding in her head so much worse. Newt chuckled.
"You don't remember?"
"If I shucken remembered Newt I would have asked." She snapped.
Newt just laughed.
"Cranky this mornin'. Hangovers ain't not fun. That's for bloody sure!"
"Is there a point to this wake up or can I go back to dying in peace?"
"Yeah. It's time to get up! We let's ya sleep in already! It's almost lunch!"
"I have the flu. I have the day off. MedJack orders. And ya can't argue with a Keeper. So...shuck off!"
Newt's eyes sparkled with amusement, he pulled the blanket away, and she let out a string of wild curses. He frowned.
"You've been hanging out with Minho too much!"
She just growled. Newt forced her to sit up. But immidiatly went pale and her stomach turned.
Newt grabbed the one by the he had grabbed last night. Holding her hair she threw up.
"Ya gotta learn ta hold your alcohol, little bird." He smirked.
She wiped her mouth and frowned.
"Little bird?"
"Gally called you that. Don't ya remember?"
"No. I remember like... nothing." She whispered.
Newt took the bucket away and Evelyn pulled her knees up to her chest and placed her forehead down, trying to ease the headache and twisting stomach. He came back and sat beside her, gently tucking her hair behind her ear.
"I know it's no fun. But a shower, some food an' water will help. An' I know it wasn' your fault. It's also your first buggen' hang over."
"And your proud of me?"
"I think it's quite amusing. You had...a different personality."
Her eyes went wide. And with a groan if embarrassment she lay back down, buryither head into the blanket.
"You were cute, Love. over excited toddler. Had to hold your bloody hand 'cause ya kept wanderin' off and gettin' into all kinds trouble! Ya sat on the ground and ate a cookie. Had some...interestin' jokes..."
"Do I even want to know?" She groaned.
She could feel the embarrassment growing, which caused frustrated tears. Which in turn didn't help the dehydration and pounding of her head. Newt gently tugged the blanket away. He was trying very hard not to laugh at her. But then frowned.
"No, baby don' cry! Even smashed outta your mind you're sweet an' innocent and full of life!"
"Ya, but I made a complete fool out of myself!" She angerly swatted at the tears. "I've seen how stupid the guys get and how they act and what comes out of their mouths!"
Newt just smiled at her and shrugged. She buried her head back under the blanket.
"It's why I avoided the parties."
"Love. No one is gonna judge ya! Minho an' Gally might poke fun, but it's more at my expense then yours."
"What did I say?"
Evelyn unwrapped her head from the blanket.
"Well...ya know all those jokes you didn't appreciate from the guys?"
"Yes..." She whispered.
"Well...ya gave Minho a good run for his money."
She groaned, and more embarrassed tears leaked out. She just under the blanket again.
"I'm never leaving again. Ever. I'll just grow old and die in this bed."
"It was bloody cute, Evy. Caught me off at first. Now, come on. Water, meds for that headache, shower and then lunch. Fry saved ya some bacon. Greasy food helps. Trust me."
"Did you have them often?"
"What? Hangovers?"
"Ya." She whispered, peeking back out from the covers.
He sighed, ran a hand through his hair, it was really long now, probably able to tie back. He had a far away look, and his eyes glazed over. And a shadow passed over his face.
"Yeah. Every bloody time Gally brought out his moonshine. It was a good thing ya begged Nick ta change to once a month. I hated this place so much. I hated watchin' you laugh with others, I was jealous and ya weren't even mine. I liked the feelin' it gave me, that fuzzy numb feelin'...took me away from the reality of life in this buggen' Maze."
"I'm sorry I didn't notice how much you were struggling."
"No, you don't get to be sorry, 'cause ya did nothin' wrong! There's nothin' ta be bloody sorry about. I made terrible life choices." He deflated. Placing his head in his hands he shook his head.
"I'm the bloody reason the narcotics had to be locked up, Ev. They weren't goin' missin' ...I was taken them!"
It was his turn to swat at tears. Evelyn slowly sat up, her eyes big and glassy. A hand over her mouth.
"That two weeks after the box sent a lock box an' I couldn't get them...I was terrible."
"That...flu that only you got! It wasn't the was withdrawal from the narcotics!" Both her hands were slapped over her mouth. Tears slid down her cheeks. She closed her eyes, her chest was heaving slightly.
"Newt ..!" Her voice was cracking by a cry.
"I'm sorry Evy. Last year...was bloody awful. I was awful."
Tears leaked out over his lashes. He lowered his head, and then crumpled forward, his head in her lap, wrapped his arms around her waist and cried. She bent forward wrapping her arms around him and laid her head on his back. They held each other for a long time.
He finally pulled away, making her sit up. Placing her hands on his cheeks.
"I love you. And thank you for telling me. That was very brave. Thank you for trusting me with that."
He gave her a small sad smile. With a deep inhale and then long exhale. He shook his head and leaned forward and kissed her forehead.
"Come on. Time to get up." Newt got up and tossed her a t shirt and waited for her to slowly get out of bed. She moaned and groaned the whole time. Newt carried her stuff and ushered her out the door.
She flinched in the bright sun.
"You know I don't like you right now." She grumbled.
"Thank me later."
He ushered her to the showers, opened the door for her and closed it behind her. It took twice as long to shower. Moving too fast made her head throb and she had to throw up. But once she was washed, she stood in the cold water and the helped sooth the pounding. Wrapping her hair up she dried off, brushed her teeth and got dressed. Evelyn braided her hair over her shoulder and pulled the hood of Newt's hoodie up and left.
Newt was waiting for her, leaning on the wall, ankles and arms crossed. He looked up, his eyes lit up and shamelessly traveled over her. She didn't look very pretty, at least she didn't feel pretty. Her fitted cargo pants, tank top and Newts hoodie and slipped her boots on. But Newt's eyes flicked all over her. She stepped closer and wrapped her arms around his waist. He held her tight. Both still feeling heavy after their conversation not long ago.
"I love you Eve!"
"I love you too!"
He held her tight for a bit longer.
"Hey...Remember when you used to call me Lee?"
He hummed in response, slowly swaying with her, like they were slow dancing.
"How come you stopped?"
"I... actually don't buggen' know. Why? Should I start again?"
"I kinda liked it...I like the way you say it."
He hummed again. He took a step forwards, making Evelyn take a step backwards.
"Lee." He whispered.
They way he said it made a shiver run down her spine. He must have felt her shiver, because he stepped again.
"Lee." He growled this time in her ear. Her stomach turned, but not from the hangover, her skin broke out in goosebumps.
He had backed her up into the shower room wall. A few things happened all at once; Newt pressed his body into her, he slid his hand to the nape of her neck tilting it up and he kissed her hard. Evelyn's head spun, her heart speed up and her breathing stopped.
She immidiatly kissed him back. One hand clenched a fist full of his t shirt the other held onto the back of his neck. They way they just molded into each other was like they were puzzle pieces just ment to fit right. His hand splayed on her lower back, his hand cradling the back of her head, the way she fit into the front of his chest, her lips on his. Forehead to forehead, nose to nose, she just fit him perfectly. He kissed her harder, pushing her into the wall and pulling her closer at the same time. She made a soft little moan noise, making him growl, and he took the opportunity to slip his tongue into her mouth.
They both pulled the other closer, eliminating every possible air pocket. Evelyn's hand slid from his neck into his hair, and dragged she nails down his scalp. Newt broke their kiss breathing hard in her ear.
"Shuck....Lee..." His voice was gravelly and needy.
"Say it again." While her voice had become breathy and lighter.
She pulled her nails down his scalp again, while also sliding her hand into his back pocket.
"Shuck...Lee...this ain't fair!" He growled into her ear.
"You're right, it's not. 'cause I'm better."
She tried to laugh, but Newt had come back to kiss her lips, cutting off her laugh. He kissed her roughly for another minute, hands in hair, pulling each other as close as possible, Newt had her pinned against the wall. She had to tilt her head to breath. He went for her neck. She sucked in a sharp breath.
He hummed, while he continued to kiss her neck. Her sour head was leaning back against the wall, her eyes closed.
"We should probably...shuuuuuck - go have some...-shuck Newt - some breakfast."
She whimpered and panted between his kisses. He just hummed. She would get lost in his neck kisses if she could, she would spend all day like this.
She had grabbed the side of his face and pulled him away. It was his turn to whimper.
"Food. And coffee!"
"No." He whined, "Lee. And neck kisses!"
He tried just forcing his way back, but with a giggle, she pushed him away enough to slip under his arm. He spun around with a gasp, a smirk on his face.
"Come back here woman! Let me love you!"
She yelp and squealed, when he caught her around the waist, and pulled her back into his chest.
"Got ya!" He growled, nuzzling his face into her neck, making her shreak and giggle harder.
"Don't squeeze too hard, still feel like throwing up!"
"Aww." He whined, "you're so squeezable!"
She twisted around in his arms to face him, she placed a hand on his cheek, her green eyes sparkling, his big chocolate brown ones twinkling, and a soft smile he looked down at his whole world.
"I love you, Lee."
"I love you too, Newt!"
He kissed her nose and then took her hand and pulled her to breakfast.
"TIPSY LITTLE PIXY!"Minho bellowed, making her flinch.
Minho snickered.
"Aren't you supposed to be in the maze somewhere?" She asked, pressing her eyes with the heels of her hands.
"It's my day off!"
"Oh joy."
"Cranky hungover little Pixy, aren't ya?"
The table of guys all snickered.
"I blame Gally!"
"Fine. I'll take full responsibility for the drinks you had, Little Bird. You're such a light weight."
She groaned. Making him chuckle. The guys would snigger if something came up in conversation, Minho would lean over and whisper, that's what she said hey, Pixy?
She kept her head down and and ate as much as she could.
"Is that all your eating?" Newt frowned.
"I can't. My stomach feels so sick! Maybe later..."
She pushed her plate away and layed her arms on the table and layed her head down closing her eyes. Newt slid his hand onto her thigh, automatically she scootched closer to him, hip to hip. Not breaking conversation with Winston he slid his hand a little higher and a little more towards the inside of her thigh, making his heart pick up.
Lunch was almost finished and his hand hadn't left her leg. One of the Gladers came up to the table holding a bloody hand.
"Uhhh Evelyn?"
She picked her head up out of her arms and looked over. The kids hand was covered.
"Joel! What did you do?" Her eyes going wide seeing the blood leaking down his arm.
"Never mind. Come on, that needs stitches for sure."
She got up and ushed the boy to the MedHut. Newt sighed and watched her go.
"Come on Lover Boy! You'll see her again!" Minho teased, elbowing him.
He swatted his elbow away.
"No, it's not that, ya shank! She just never gets a bloody break! Even when she was tryin' ta recover from broken ribs she was working! She's not appreciated enough. She literally saved how many lives sittin' at this buggen' table?!"
Heads nodded. Sonny furrowed his forhead and eyebrows.
"Yeah, Evy definitely keeps this place running." Nick agreed, "I owe her my life. Twice."
"Same." Winston agreed.
"Yep." Gally nodded.
"Well...not my life...but definitely close to." Minho said quietly, deflating.
"Pretty sure she knows more of each of our secrets and keeps them then anyone else." Nick agreed.
"She has the weight of the whole Glade on her shoulders!"
"And she's still...Evy." Sonny nodded.
"She needs something special!" Frypan said thoughtfully.
"It is fire night!"
"Nah, she's not a big fan of the buggen' fires." Newt shook his head, "too big, too loudly, too many drunk shanks. Somethin' quiet."
Sonny snapped his fingers, "I got it!"
He leaned forward, and the rest of the Keepers, Clint and Jeff, Nick and Alby leaned in to listen.
"It's bloody perfect!" Newt grinned. He felt his stomach explode in butterlies and his heart swelled in appreciation for his friends. He couldn't wait for tonight.
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