Chapter 25: Bloody Wounds
Evelyn sat in shock. The glade had gone silent. Only half of Billy was pulled. He was cut clean in half. Bright red blood pooled on the grass, soaking into the knees of Evelyn's pants. Billy's face was twisted in fear, his eyes were wide open, glassy and vacant. He was already gone. At least his death was quick and painless. And with that horrible thought, she glanced down at the clean cut, and turned to the side, bile rose up in her throat. She wasn't the only one to throw up. Nick had gone white as a ghost, his eyes wide. Steve hadn't moved, his mouth wide open in a silent scream. The tension grew until finally Steve found his voice and screamed, a loud huge heart wrenching scream.
His face morphed into rage and he flew at Nick, his fist back. Newt tried to stop him, but he was still unbalanced, and Steve lashed out and Newt went crashing to the ground. Steve tried again, but Sonny had grabbed him before he could land his fist.
"Go. I know it hurts, but go right now." Sonny demanded, and gave him a shove the other way. Winston stepped forward.
"Come on." He looped an arm around the kid and lead him away towards the Bloodhouse.
The crowed stood for a moment longer and then disappeared. Evelyn scrambled over to Newt, who had clamed his eyes shut and was breathing hard.
"Newt? Talk to me." Her voice was strained, and her heart was wild.
"Just...shooting pain." He tried to keep his voice level, but she could hear the pain laced in it.
"Okay, come on lets get back to the MedHut. There isn't anything for me to do here. Sonny and the guys will take care of it."
She tried to help him up, but her hands were shaking and her legs felt like jello. The air had an iron metallic smell of fresh blood, it was making her stomach sick.
Jeff hadn't moved, he was still staring at Billy's bloody mangled body.
"Jeff!" She called louder, he still didn't move. She got up, and stood in front of the boy, blocking his view. She shock his shoulders.
"JEFF!" She yelled sharply. His eyes finally focused on her. "Good. Now come on. I need your help." She said gently, steering the boy away from the blood and guts. With Jeff's help, they hulled Newt to his feet, and with an arm over both of them, they helped him back to the hut, They got him laying down, and propped up.
"Jeff can you get some pain meds?" Jeff nodded and went to the other room.
Newt way laying on the bed, still breathing hard, but not to bad anymore. He didn't look so white now.
"I'm okay. It's just throbbing now." He forced a smile for Evelyn.
"Don't lie to me. I know see the pain on your face." She said quietly, he dropped the smile, and then nodded.
Jeff came back with the meds and a cup of water. She helped him sit up, and once he took them, she lay him back down.
"Okay, I'm going to go fill the kettle from Fry and I'll bring ice. Both of you need to just sit. I'll be back." She leaned over and kissed Newt's slightly sweaty forehead. She made Jeff sit.
"I'll be back."
She had a big bag of ice and carrying the kettle back to the MedHut when she heard a wild scream. Spinning around trying to find the screaming. She saw two guys fighting over by the trees. She dropped everything and ran. She saw Steve pull one of his slicer knives. Evelyn screamed, drawing the attention of a few Gladers.
"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Steve screamed as he drove the knife into Nicks side.
Evelyn screamed again. Other Gladers were now running towards the scuffle. Steve pulled the knife out Nick fell to the ground, bright red blood poured from his side. Steve stood over him, holding the knife high above his head, ready to plunge it down when Evelyn made it, and threw her body into Steve, knocking them both to the ground. The knife went flying into the grass. He kicked her off, and he scrambled for the knife. Evelyn felt a rib crack, and all the air was knocked out of her.
"I know your hurting! But killing Nick isn't going to bring Billy back! It's not!" Evelyn cried. She had scrambled over and was kneeling beside Nick, a hand held up, leaning over Nick.
"YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING!" He cried. Tears poured down his face. He let out a loud scream and sob.
He held the knife out in front of himself.
"NO! STEVE D-" She screamed, and dove for him as he plunged the knife into his own chest.
Alby, Sonny and Gally finally made it. Nick was making chocking noises, Evelyn didn't know who to go to. If she went to one, the other would die.
"Evy!" Sonny's deep voice cut through her indecision, "Nick needs you. NOW!"
She dove for Nick. Ripping his shirt away from the knife would. He was starting to shake.
"Dammit! You're not dying today!" She cried. She still had her bag and she ripped it open, grabbing a wad of the cloth she pressed it hard to his side.
"Sonny! Come hold this!" She demanded. He dropped and did as he was told. "Hold it tight, don't let go."
She spun on her knees towards Steve. He had the knife in his chest, stopping most of the blood. She knew his chance of survival was slim, but he couldn't have a knife in his chest.
"Gally! Come here!" She demanded.
He dropped. She pulled more cloth out and did her best to pack it around.
"When I pull you need to push, stop the bleeding."
He nodded.
Alby stood slightly dumbfounded, watching the chaos.
"Ev! Hurry!" Sonny cried.
"Hold on!" She snapped. "Ready Gal?"
The boy nodded. She grabbed the handle of the knife and pulled. A spirt of blood followed. Gally pressed down. She grabbed some more cloth and passed it to Sonny.
"Alby! Be useful and go grab some more gladers and a big flat board to transport these guys NOW!" He turned and ran.
"Okay, Sonny, move."
He shifted out of her way, she placed her hands on Nicks side and forced some healing into Nick. She could feel the blood slow down. Her head became clouded. Blinking away the black spots, her forehead broke out in sweat, and her heart started racing. She pulled her hands away, the blood had slowed. She packed cloth around him again. She nodded at Sonny, who came back to hold trying to stop the blood loss. She spun back to Steve.
"Gally. Move."
She didn't wait for an answer, and ripped his shirt the see the damage, blood flowed thick and hot from his chest. She could feel his heart beating wildly, trying to keep up with the blood loss. She knew deep down he wasn't going to make it. But she placed her hands on his chest and let the power flow through her and into him. At least let him die in peace and less pain. Her chest was hurting, feeling the sharp pain of breathing. She let her power die out, and nodded at Gally to come back.
Alby had raced back with some more guys.
"Board!" They placed it down beside Nick. They helped slid him onto the board. The guys picked up the board. A few more guys came and helped Steve onto a bored. But the rush wasn't as urgent...They knew he wasn't going to make it.
The guy's around Nick's bored picked it and started rushing towards the MedHut. Evelyn ran beside, her hand on his chest.
"Wait! Stop!! She cried, she could feel his heart beat slowing, she cursed. Without a word, Sonny picked her up and placed her on the board, She climbed on top, and started pushing on his heart.
"Live dammit!" She cried, tears slid down her face.
"Greenie! Go tell Jeff were coming." She yelled.
The stocky kid nodded and took off, for a heavier muscled kid he was quite fast. She went back to Keeping his heart going.
"Come on Nick! You can't leave me!"
She scrapped the CPR and slapped her hands onto his chest and concentrated. In a desperate cry, she grabbed onto what powers she had left. She sent it franticly into Nick. His eyes flew open and he gasped, his face lit up from the glow of her hands.
Newt was waiting for Evelyn to get back. It was taking her an awfully long time. Jeff had got up and was moving around, keeping himself busy. There was commotion and a wild voice outside. The door lammed open, the Greenie was panting, standing in the door.
"Jeff!" He yelled.
Newt pushed himself up. Jeff spun around.
"Evelyn is on her way in with Nick and some other kid...the one who flipped at the box. They sent me here to get you ready. It's crazy!"
"What happened?" Newt demanded, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. The way Greenie was yelling it sounded like someone was dying.
"The kid pulled a knife on Nick and then stabbed himself."
"Shucken bloody hell!"
Jeff yelped and jumped, flying around. Jeff started handing the Greenie things, and telling him where to put it. The door slammed open. Guys came caring a board, on top was Evelyn, covered in blood, her face pale and covered in sweat, twisted in fear and concentration, and she was glowing in a wild golden light. The three guys in the MedHut froze and and looked for a second. It was the Green who moved first. He shoved things off the big middle table.
"On the table!" He called.
The guys placed the board on top of the table, and backed up or out the door. The next group came caring the second kid. They stopped unsure where to put him. He was bleeding so bad, it was dripping off the board and onto the floor.
"The bed." Clint pointed, he took over, even though he was a fresh greenbean they listened to him, left them there and they left the MedHut. With his arms full of supplies that Jeff handed him he went to the bed and got to work.
Jeff and Evelyn were left to fight for Nick's life. Newt stood leaning on the door frame, with his mouth open and eyes wide. Evelyn stayed kneeling on the table, telling the guys what to do. Even though she looked pale and shaky, we was breathing heavy. Jeff handed her things as she asked, she was stitching him up when Jeff cried that he had stopped breathing.
She dropped the needle and immediately started pushing on his chest, and then bent over and started breathing for him. Newt watched in awe as she went back and forth, pushing his chest and breathing for him. Jeff had taken the needle and was stitching him up as Evelyn tried to keep him alive. She had started to slow down, she was covered in sweat and had tears leaking out of her eyes and falling down her cheeks onto Nick's chest. Despite how tired or scared she was she kept working.
With a dramatic limp, and every step sending sharp pain up his leg he made it to the table, grabbing a wet cloth, while she was pushing n Nick's chest, he gently placed the wet cool cloth on her neck. She glanced at him so fast he almost missed it, but the look of relief on her face, nearly broke him. He stood beside her, not really knowing what else to do for her. He didn't want to be in the way, but he wanted to be a support for her.
"Jeff? How's it going?" She asked, her voice was so horse and dry.
"Almost done!"
She continued to to work his chest.
Newt placed a hand on her lower back.
"He's not stable!" She cried.
Before anyone could stop her, her eyes clamped shut and her hands started glowing. He went to pull his hand away when she whispered.
"Don't go! I need you...please."
"I'm here Love."
He applied some more pressure on her lower back. Newt could feel the power and energy radiating from her. It amazed him every time he saw it. It scared the klunk out of him the first time, and oddly enough it was when she was saving Nick from a different knife wound. And now she was begging him to stay and be a support.
He watched terrified as her face got more pale, her breathing was more shallow and ragged. She was drenched in sweat, and Newt could feel the heat from her power. The entire MedHut was full of the glowing warmth.
"Newt!" She cried.
"I'm here! I'm here Love." He whispered.
"I can't...I can't anymore..." She panted. Her eyes were fluttering closed, she was trying to keep them open.
"..Help..." She breathed as her eyes rolled into her head and she fell sideways.
"Evelyn!" Newt cried, he caught her before she fell off the table. He stumbled back, into Sonny, who caught them. He helped lift Evelyn up, he took her from Newt and placed her down in the bed that was beside Steve.
"She shucken got him stable! He's just shucken sleeping! Dude was almost dead! Wholly shuck!" Jeff whispered in awe, looking at the unconscious girl.
Newt looked at Steve. Clint, the Greenie had pulled a sheet up and over his face, covering his body.
"Steve didn't make it?" Newt asked quietly.
Clint shook his head. "He had already lost too much blood, the knife hit the vital organs. I saw her try save him before we got here, she tried to give him enough time, but...we all knew he wasn't going to make it." Clint said sadly.
"I'll deal with him in a minute. You did good Greenie." Sonny's deep voice rumbled around the Hut.
Alby nodded, he had been quiet the whole time, "Greenie, do you mind staying with Jeff, I'm sure he could use a hand at the moment. Newt. I'll grab that ice she went to grab you. Look after your girl, we all need her. Sonny- we have two bodies now to deal with. I'll come back and check in on them."
Sonny nodded, and left to go find his Baggers. Jeff started to putter at he table, and made them all tea to help ease the tension. Newt turned back to Evelyn, his fear twisting his stomach. Jeff came over and handed him some tea, and brought the bowl of cool water.
"She was worse after you. Somehow she hung on longer today, it must have been you. You gave her the strength she needed!"
"What?" Newt looked around at Jeff in shock.
Jeff nodded. "She needs you just as much as you need her."
"Soulmates." Sonny said from the doorway.
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