Chapter 15: Broken
Maybe it was because of the wild adrenaline or because she was fighting for the life of someone she loved, but she forced herself to stay conscious. Evelyn could feel her heart beating wildly, sweat poured from her forehead, panting turned to ragged shallow breaths. Her hearing wasn't working and her vision had gone fuzzy around the edges.
It was only when someone grabbed her arm and yanked her away did she stop. Her hands were ripped from Newt and she collapsed into Alby. Her head flopped, and her eyes fluttered.
"Water!" He barked.
Someone handed him a cup and he forced her to drink it. Still shaking and vision fuzzy she pushed off him and stood on weak legs.
"Gotta finish."
"You're going to kill your self!" Minho screamed.
She just shook her head. The MedHut door banged open, head twisted around to see. Sonny and Nick stood in the door frame.
"Can I help?"
"Sonny! Nick! Thank shuck. Come here! I need your help.'re going to have to hold him down. Jeff? On the shelf is a bite stick, out that in his mouth and hold it."
"Uhh a what?"
"It makes sure he won't bite his tongue when I realign his leg, he'll bite down on that."
All their faces grimced. They all took up their spots. Evelyn was white as a ghost and would normally have passed out by now, but adrenaline and pure raw fear kept her going. When they all nodded they were ready Evelyn took a deep breath.
"I'm so sorry Newt!" She whispered.
His eyes flashed open with a wild scream of pain, but with the guys holding him and the thing in his mouth it was muffled but it still made them flinch. He withered in agony. He passed out again.
"Okay. One done. One more." She encouraged herself.
"One. Two. Three."
His body woke up from the pain. He twisted under the guys, screaming, arching his back. His eyes rolled into the head and he was still. Sweat covered his body and his breathing was shallow.
Jeff took the mouth piece away and unwound the dirty blood soaked strips of cloth and started to clean and stitch the gash in his head. Evelyn gently and as carefully as possible wrapped a thin loose layer of cloth around his leg and then placed the skinny strips of board along his leg.
"Someone come here and hold this!" Evelyn demanded. Nick and Sonny each held it while she wrapped more strips of cloth around it all tying it tightly, making a splint.
She was deliberate and sure in her movements, and actions, just having to go slow due to the injury and how much her body was begging to collapse.
Jeff finished and wrapped clean medical gauze over it. The side of his face was bruising.
"On the second shelf, the pain meds, I need the clear one and the needle."
She held a hand out and it was placed in her hands, making sure there was no air in the needle she poked it into the fleshy part of his shoulder and administered the liquid pain medication.
Disposing the used neddle in the trash she layed a hand on his cold clammy cheek. He felt slightly more stable. Evelyn closed her eyes and took a shaky breath. He was alive. Newt was alive.
"Hey ..Evy?" Nick's voice was gentle, but it made her open her eyes.
Evelyn didn't realize she was crying. Hot salty tears were flowing down her cheeks and dripping onto Newt's cheek. Sniffing she backed up.
"He uhh..we need, we need to move him to the bedroom."
Her voice was paper thin. Nick, Sonny, Alby and Jeff all gently lifted Newt and carried him the few feet and laid him on the bed. She saw Minho had sunk, skidding down the wall crouched into a ball. She tried crouching, but it was more a flop, she lifted his face from his knees. Now that the immediate danger was over, his body was going into shock.
She got up and grabbed a blanket and pulled it around his shoulders.
"Can I help?" Sonny asked.
"Please. Can you get Minho up and onto one of the beds, just get him to sit."
Frypan had left a cast-iron kettle of boiling water on her work desk at some point that day; she got up and poured the water into a mug, and made him some tea. She turned around and Minho was huddled in a blanket stating blank eyed at the wall. She forced him to hold the mug.
She could hear Alby filling Nick in on what happened. Nick glanced through the door at Minho and Evelyn, a grim look on his face. Jeff went to the other room to check Gally who was still screaming every once in a while.
Evelyn looked back at Minho who had taken a ragged breath. Cupping his cheeks she closed her eyes. With the last remaining but if her strength she forced her healing powers into Minho.
Her eyes rolled and with a wild whooshing sound in her ears she collapsed.
Evelyn woke up with a soft groan. She kept her eyes closed not wanting to face reality. Newt had jumped. He said good bye and then tried to end his life. But like everything in the Maze nothing ever works out, but this one and only time she was thankful. Shuck, she was thankful it didn't work.
With another groan, she peeled her exhausted heavy eyelids open. The MedHut was dark and quiet. Jeff was asleep on the bed beside her, still fully clothed and looked like he just flopped. Minho was gone, same with Sonny, Nick and Alby. Gally was quiet too. Newt didn't make a sound. Jeff shifted and snorted, but stayed asleep.
She felt guilty for throwing the poor kid into the middle of all this. He was only here two days and he had felt with more Klunk then most of the Greenie's. But then again, all the original Gladers had to figure it out, bumble their way through. Life the Glade was fast and harsh. Either step up and deal or it was gonna eat you alive.
She slowly sat up, her body shook with the effort and everything felt like it was on fire. She definitely over did it. If someone came in with even a paper cut she wouldn't be able to heal them. She made her way, supporting herself on the furniture, over to her work table and quickly made herself a some replenishing tea. It tastes better warm and with honey, but at this point she didn't care. She chugged half of it before she wilted down into the chair.
She sat in the chair eyes blank and staring at the wall. She couldn't get the sound of Newts sobbing out of her head. Or the sound his leg made when it snapped or the crack his made...she could feel the bile rising. She made it outside in time to throw up onto the grass. There goes that tea. Wiping her mouth and the tears from her cheeks she went back to sitting in her chair.
There was some scratching and rustling beside her and she turned her head. Hephaestus scurried his way from the windowsill, and over to her. His big red eyes blinked at her. Maybe she was imagining it, but the little silver and red lizard looked...sad. He nuzzled her hand with a noise in his throat. She turned her hand so it was palm up and he scurried up her arm to her shoulder, nuzzling into her hair and neck.
"I missed you too buddy." She whispered, "come on, we gotta check on Gally and Newt."
She gathered her supplies into a basket and picked up her tea and slowly and quietly, so not to disturb Jeff, she sat down first with Gally.
His skin was still green and his veins still black, but they weren't swollen. He was twitching but not withering in pain, moaning instead of blood curdling screams. The Creators must have finally figured out the proper doses, she thought bitterly. She picked up the bowl and started to trickle some broth into his mouth. She sat spoon feeding him for a while. His fever had also gone down, so maybe it would be only another day or two and he would be awake.
She had no idea how he would be. Each kid who stung died, in one way or another. One kid went out like George, another one looked like the serum gave him a heart attack, another was gruseum, he started bleeding from his mouth, nose, ears and mouth, he convulsed until his heart stopped. Another kid woke up and ran straight into the maze. Another kid woke up and was so violent they had to banish him.
She prayed Gally would be okay. She could loose another friend. After finishing half the bowl she sighed and placed it back on the table. There was nothing more she could do. She gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
"Wake up Gal. The Glade needs you back."
She got up and went to the other room, she hesitated with her hand on the door handle. Hephaestus gave her a nudge with his nose.
"I know Heph. I'm just...scared." she whispered.
Taking a deep breath she pushed the door open. Newt was laying motionless on the bed. He looked so pale in the moonlight. He looked so broken. The bright red that seeped through the bandage stood out on his pale face and sandy hair. She furisly blinked tears away. With a shuddering breath put her stuff down and hurried to go heat some water.
She cautiously sat down on the edge of Newts bed, the bowl of warm water perched on the chair she unwound the soiled gauze. With gente care she slowly washed the blood away from his face and neck, she did her best to wash the blood from his hair. He didn't even stir once. She took her time. Humming a quiet wordless tune to keep her mind busy. If not all she heard was his screams and sobs, the snap and crack.
Once the bowl was full of dirty water she dumped it and refilled it, this time with some herbs and plants to help with healing and recovery. She gently cleaned him up, a tear or two slowly sliding down her cheek. Next che checked his ribs, she must have helped speed up that recovery, because she couldn't feel the crack in them anymore, just swelling and bruising. Next she checked his leg. She didn't undo the splint, that needed to stay on for a few weeks, but she check to make sure there was proper circulation and the swelling wasn't too bad. She winced when she saw the bruising rising above and below the cloth and wood splint.
With everything checked and rewrapped and cleaned up, she just sat and watched him. She took his hand and just held it. Gently sweeping some of his freshly washed hair out of his sleeping face.
"Why, Newt?" She whispered, "why would you do that?" Her voice broke. And finally, after keeping it together for so long, keeping it held in for everyone else she broke. In the quiet and the dark, under the glow of the shining moon she broke.
Laying her forehead on his chest she poured her broken heart out. Hephaestus crawled up onto the bed and sat curled up beside them. She emptied herself, baring her soul to the unresponsive boy. She cried herself to sleep. It didn't take long, her body was exhausted.
Someone was gently shaking her wake, calling her name. Her sore eyelids fluttered open. Peeling her self off Newt's chest she sat up. She knew she looked a mess. Pale, and still covered in Newt's blood, her hair was a sweaty dishevelled mess. She turned her head and saw Nick crushing beside her, his dark eyes soft behind his glasses.
"Evy...I'm so sorry."
His voice broke watching her. Her eyes were broken and hallow. When he jumped, he took her heart with him, and broke her spirit the second he landed.
"Come. He's okay right now, you need a shower and some food. Alby will sit with him."
Nick left no room for arguments, he took her cold hand and gently pulled her out of the room. She just followed, having nothing left in her to fight or argue. He led her to her hut, she stood staring, he sighed and grabbed her stuff for her, and then taking her hand again in his, led her to the showers. He gently pushed her inside.
Somehow she just went through the motions, not paying attention to what she was doing. She stood and watched Newt's blood run down her body and mix with the water and soap suds and then swirl down the drain.
When she was done, Nick took her hand again, giving her an encouraging smile and led her to the dinning area. Heads turned and the area went quiet. Nick looped an arm around her back protectively, but she didn't notice. She hardly registered the other people. The Gladers watched silently as Nick led her to a table and sat her down. All the Gladers knew was that there was a terrible accident in the Maze and Newt was now fighting for his life.
Now two of the core original Gladers, were fighting in the MedHut. And Evelyn would give everything she had to save them. They all knew this, they had seen it, and now again they could see the dispare in her vacant look. The respect for their only girl, their healer increased.
Nick came back with some food and coffee.
"Evy you eat or I spoon feed you." He pushed a fork into her hand.
Slowly she picked at the food, not really caring what she was eating. But forcing food into her sick and turning stomach, knowing her body needed the energy. Once Nick was satisfied with the amount she ate he walked with her back to the MedHut. Alby nodded as he left. Jeff was already there preping for the day.
She took up Alby's spot on the wood chair. She sat with her knees pulled up to her chest, hugging them tight.
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