Chapter 96
Dan's POV
We threw the door back into place and locked it. Just as soon as Phil turned the lock, someone on the other side was kicking it and screaming things I didn't understand.
Phil, Nate, and I quickly made it our job to wake up everyone in the room. Mark stayed at the door with Jack and the brown-haired Canadian we identified as Robert. Nate insisted that whatever had been wrong with Robert was fixed since he now seemed awkward and afraid of whoever was on the other side of that door instead of wanting to kill us.
Phil woke Tim up, Nate got Jason, and I took care of Percy.
While we were waiting for everyone to wake up and get alert, I found myself staring at Mark and Jack. Mark seemed almost like he was glaring at Jack, while Jack simply didn't seem like himself.
I found myself not trusting Jack. Something just didn't feel right. I mean, I was aware that he'd been receiving torture and that I shouldn't have judged him too harshly, but something seriously wasn't settling with me.
To add, Jack's irises kept changing from blue to bright green. They would switch back and forth for a few seconds before the bright green remained, or both colors would swirl in the iris together. I tried convincing myself that this was the aftermath of some experiment gone wrong, but the only thought I had left was quite the opposite—it was an experiment gone right.
"Alright, time to go," I instructed in a whisper to keep whoever was on the other side of the door from hearing us. I had to keep myself from getting distracted from our current mission.
Phil carried Sam, and Robert and Mark put Thomas on a blanket to carry him.
I walked over to the wall we found the secret door at with Nate and Percy. I turned the doorknob to try to open it, but it wouldn't budge.
"Well, shit," I mumbled to myself.
Percy and Nate helped me try to force the door open, but it wasn't having it. It stayed perfectly locked in place.
"You know, for a door as old as this, you'd think it'd pop open a little easier," Percy muttered under his breath while he pulled.
Nate, seeming to realize something, let go of the door and hurriedly felt around his neck.
Whoever was outside of the door started laughing before sinisterly commenting, "She just brought us the key."
Jack quickly grabbed a bed and started pushing it over to the door. I stared at him in disbelief for a second, in shock that someone that scrawny could push a bed, before Percy mumbled, "Whoa."
My attention snapped back to Nate, who was now holding his necklace with two keys tied to it.
"Step out of my way," Nate demanded with confidence I'd never heard from him before.
Percy and I obliged, moving to the sides of the door so Nate had a clear path to the lock. He bent down slightly to line his eyes up with the lock before plugging one of the keys into it and turning it.
He tensed up when he noticed that the key wasn't moving. "Uh-oh."
Something crashed against the door leading to the hallway before a voice yelled, "You can't hide in there forever! It won't be difficult to move an obstacle. Mrs. Myers wants to see you all face to face."
Now, it was my turn to tense up. I took a second to look back at Phil, who was staring right back at me with worried eyes.
I mouthed Who's Mrs. Myers? to him, but before I could receive a response, Mark commented, "I think I've heard that name before."
All of our attention snapped to him. "Where?" Percy inquired. "Who is she?"
Mark shook his head slowly and seemed like he was trying really hard to think about something. "I...I don't know. All I can think about now is a sword. I'm not sure what a sword would have to do with some woman..."
"You had a sword with the name 'Kyle' engraved on it," I replied. "I'm not really sure what that would have to do with anything either, but–"
I stopped talking when I heard Mark murmur, "Kyle Gage Myers..."
Tim nodded. "Yeah, you met Kyle in Katherine's world around the same time you met me and Sam."
"Kyle's a real person?" Phil asked, with a mixture of confusion and disgust written on his face.
"That's the least of our worries," Jason replied. "Mark said 'Kyle Gage Myers'. Mrs. Myers is probably Kyle's mom. Considering the fact that she's here in the orphanage and that her son can morph into a sword, she has to be one of the main people in charge."
"Not one of," the same guy from before who was outside the door began, "she is the main person in charge. There's been a rumor floating around that you all call her 'the voice'."
With that, a final blow to the door hit and it came flying off the hinges, pushing the bed back to the wall it came from. I instinctively pushed Percy and Nate behind me, closer to the hidden door.
"Nate, try the other key," I whispered over my shoulder before giving all of my attention to whatever two type of beings were standing in the doorway.
One was John, one of the first people we met upon entering the orphanage. When I first saw him, I couldn't help but be reminded of the painting Nate and I had found in the hallway while we were searching for Percy. Nate had pulled a key off the frame, while I had been occupied with the painter's name in the bottom corner. John Higgins.
The other thing standing next to John had black smoke clouding around its feet and back. A few of its facial features resembled some of Felix's, but I was certain that they weren't the same people. No experiment could turn a guy with a bad sense of humor into whatever demonic thing was standing before me.
Which begged the question: Who the hell was he?
"Time for you to come with us," the demonic-looking guy demanded.
I gulped and protectively started to reach my arms back behind me to cover Nate and Percy as best as I could. I completely froze up when I heard something click.
For a split second, John's face showed pure panic. He looked like someone had just pointed a gun at his forehead and demanded to know where he lived or something. On the other hand, the demonic person didn't seem thrown off in the slightest.
"Kid, you should put that key back around your neck before you do or see something you can't can't take back," the guy next to John stated.
I felt Nate try to push me to the side, so I hesitantly moved over. He held the key on the string out in front of him before putting it back around his neck. He tucked the keys in his shirt, then showed John and the other guy his empty hands.
"What now?" Nate inquired. "We wait here until your boss comes? Or are we waiting until she gives you a new set of commands?"
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Percy's hand slowly move to the doorknob. Phil, Mark, Robert, and Jack began to slowly shuffle closer to the door.
John and the demonic man exchanged a knowing look before John replied, "You can't honestly be trying to distract us by making us seem inferior to our boss."
Nate chuckled, "I don't have to make you seem inferior if you already are."
John opened his mouth to shoot back a comeback, but the guy next to him covered his mouth and whispered, "Just do as we were instructed, and we'll get to watch them pay for it for the rest of their pitiful lives."
I knew someone was about to ask how we'd be paying for this, so I stared directly into the demonic guy's eyes while I instructed, "Percy, open the door."
Percy obliged immediately, letting the door swing open toward us. He took a step into the room before reporting, "It's too dark to see anything, but there are stairs here so be careful!"
With that, I heard him dart down the staircase. John and the other guy were frozen in place. I let Phil, Nate, and Jason run down the stairs before I started making my way down them.
While I was running, I heard a loud crash from the room, followed by Jack yelling, "Take that you demonic dick sucking motherfucker!"
I laughed as I continued running down the staircase that seemed endless.
By the time I finally reached the bottom, I was completely out of breath. It was pitch black, so I couldn't see anyone else and really had no way of knowing if we were being followed or not.
After a few seconds, I heard Tim report, "I think I found a light switch!"
Lights flickered on, allowing me to get a clear view of the dungeon-like prison I was standing in the middle of.
Everyone who was with us in the room with John and the other guy safely made it down the stairs. And everyone seemed to be staring at the same thing as me.
There, on the back wall in the new room we were in, were Felix and Cry.
They were in some type of cell together that I assumed was soundproof, as neither of them looked up at us. Cry seemed like he was bleeding from every possible place on his skin, leading me to believe that the bed covered in blood was covered in his blood.
Felix looked fine other than the fact that he'd clearly been sobbing for at least the past couple of hours and that he looked like he was starving.
I started to walk to their cell but froze when something bright blue caught my attention from the corner of my eye. In another cell, there was a blue haired boy with another guy I recognized from Mark's channel. They both looked just as unconscious as Sam.
Mark walked to their cell while Jack and Percy raced to Felix and Cry.
However, before we could do anything, I heard a sinister voice comment, "Too late," before I felt a sharp pain in the side of my head and everything went black.
Oooooohhhhhh shiiiittttt
hArdY hEy! thE gANg'S baCk toGetHeR aGaiN!
Ok, real quick, I don't mean to cause panic or anything, but I was thinking about how much longer this book is gonna go on for, and with the plot outline I have in my head for everything, it should be something around 10-20 more chapters
Which is a lot especially considering the fact that this is Chapter 96
Also the fact that I originally planned for this book to have around 30 chapters buT HEY! SURPRISES HAPPEN SOMETIMES!
...what I'm saying is the plot is really gonna start rounding out and i'M EXCITED!
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