Chapter 93
Mark's POV
There was a loud ringing in my ears. I felt like I was about to throw up.
A voice I knew. I recognized it, but who...
"Mark!" the person shouted.
My head ached horribly by the time I'd gathered enough energy to sit up. I figured if I wasn't already dead, I'd end up fainting soon.
Once I was in a sitting position, I decided to open my eyes. I was sitting in a room with tiles covering the floor. The walls were light blue and stretched on as far as I could see.
I heard footsteps from behind me. They weren't coming toward me. Instead, they seemed to be running at something far away from where I was sitting.
I turned around to try to find out what was going on. There was a young girl running toward a man who was wearing a tuxedo. He looked similar to how I looked.
The girl dove into the man's arms and seemed like she was crying. The man made eye contact with me for a second before calling, "Mark? You shouldn't be moving."
The girl pulled out of the hug and looked at me. Her absolutely thrilled face now showed a look of complete confusion. "Not that I'm complaining, but why are there two Marks?"
The man grabbed the girl by the hand and raced over to me, moving about as fast as light. I stumbled backward when their blurred form stopped in front of me. I mumbled a quick, "What the hell?"
The girl took a few steps away from both of us. Now that she was closer, I got a good look at her all too familiar face. I couldn't place where I knew her from, but I was certain I knew her from somewhere.
The girl looked at me, then to the other guy. "How did you do that? Does you having powers have something to do with the fact that you're pretty much an exact replica of Mark? Did you change your appearance to look like Mark? Also, how are both of you here?"
"It's a long story," the man started, "but the short version is that I'm Mark's demon side and when you summoned him here, I came as well since I was in his head."
The girl blinked before replying, "None of that's possible. How did this actually happen?"
The guy sighed, "I'm telling the truth. It's up to you if you want to believe me or not, but you'll find it in your best interest to trust the people on your side."
The girl took a deep breath before asking, "Is your name Mark as well or do you have some crazy demon name?"
"My name's Dark." He looked at me before adding, "You took quite the blow to the back of your head. That would've killed you if I didn't step in at the last moment."
I stared back at him for a second before mumbling, "What are you talking about? And what kind of name is 'Dark'?"
Dark narrowed his eyes at me. "I'll be honest, I was expecting something a bit more along the lines of 'Wow! Thanks! I know I was being a stupid ass bitch, but it won't happen again!'"
I glared right back at him. "What the hell are you talking about you psycho?"
He held firm, glaring holes into my eyes until something suddenly seemed to click in his mind. His eyes widened and his mouth dropped open slightly. "No. No no no no no–"
"What?" the girl asked.
"I must not have stepped in fast enough," Dark explained hurriedly. "I kept him from dying, but he still took the force of the hit."
"So why does he seem like he doesn't know what you're talking about?" the girl inquired.
"Because he doesn't!" Dark yelled. "There's no way for me to know for sure, but I'm pretty sure Mark got a concussion. One of the many side effects of concussions is memory loss! Considering how hard he got hit in the back of the head with a freaking baseball bat, I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even recognize us."
"As a matter of fact," I replied, "I don't recognize either of you and would be very happy if one of you could explain what the hell is happening."
"Well, to start, my name's Reagan," the girl introduced herself. "You were going to foster me for a month with this guy named Jack."
I brought my eyebrows together. "I'm married to a guy named Jack?"
Reagan burst out laughing while Dark tried to explain, "You aren't married, you were going to do it for a video series with a group of your friends!"
"Video series? Why would I foster someone for a video series?"
Reagan opened her mouth to answer, but paused. She seemed like she was trying to find the proper words to explain the situation. "I, umm, actually don't know exactly why you decided to foster a group of kids. I assumed it was because you wanted to do something original, but that's kind of a shitty excuse to foster a kid."
I blinked before standing up quickly. Once I was on my feet, I lost my balance for a second and my vision got spotty. Dark grabbed me by my arm and held me up until I could see clearly again. I looked at Reagan. "You said we were going to foster you for a month. Did we plan to adopt you once the month was over or were we just going to send you right back to the orphanage you came from?"
"The only part of that I can confirm is that there's no way in hell I'm coming back to this damn orphanage in a month," Reagan replied.
Dark chuckled to himself for a moment before adding, "I don't think you're going to have to worry about going back to the orphanage."
Reagan seemed ready to ask at least ten questions, so before she could ask anything, I inquired, "Where are we now? And what happened to my head that's causing me to not be able to remember anything?"
"You're in my dreamscape!" Reagan shouted energetically as if that explained everything.
"And this guy named Robert who's being possessed by a demon hit you in the back of the head with a baseball bat," Dark answered.
I stared back at the two in utter confusion. "What's a 'dreamscape'? Also, what the hell do you mean some possessed dude hit my head with a baseball bat? Last I checked, I wasn't in some horror film."
Reagan tapped her temples with her index fingers. "I brought you to my mind while I was sleeping. This is what I'm calling my dreamscape."
"And I'm not really sure how to explain my answer," Dark put in. "What I said is exactly what happened," he paused before murmuring, "minus a few minor details."
"What minor details?" Reagan asked, leaning forward a bit as she spoke.
"Nothing to get worried over!" Dark assured. "It's just some stuff that happened. I myself am not sure how severe anything else got."
"How severe anything else got?" Reagan repeated. "What do you mean? What happened?"
Dark clenched his teeth before sighing, "Never mind. We'll have to wait to know what happened for certain. I don't want to say something that turns out to be false."
I sighed, "Whatever, I guess I'll piece everything back together eventually."
"Or the more preferable option: you start remembering things again," Reagan replied.
"You guys think I have a concussion, right?" I asked.
"Yeah," Dark answered, "I'd be surprised if you didn't."
"Well, how long do side effects of concussions normally last?"
"I think they last at least seven days?" Reagan suggested. "Depending on what happened, it could be different."
"Something could probably trigger his memories back before then, though," Dark added.
"Great," I started, "what would I have to do to trigger them back before then?"
Dark and Reagan exchanged a glance. They both looked back at me smirking. "Oh," Reagan chirped, "I've got an idea or two."
"What?" I hesitantly inquired.
"I'm willing to bet that your memories would come flooding back if you, oh, I don't know," Dark paused for effect, "kissed a certain someone?"
Reagan nodded in agreement. "An action like that would surely bring his memories back."
Dark and Reagan grinned at each other before turning their attention toward me. "How about it, Markimoo?" Dark asked in a teasing voice.
I groaned, "If it'll help me jog my memory, I'm willing to try anything."
Dark cocked an eyebrow. "Anything?"
I swear there's a reason Mark forgot shit again. I'm not just doing this for my own entertainment lmao.
Also, do y'all play any instruments?
I play trumpet (THE BEST INSTRUMENT) and was wondering if anyone else played something??
I've been thinking about marching band AUs a lot and am getting interested in what other people play...oops.
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