Chapter 86
Mark's POV
The small weight on my lips moved away and I was left in silence. After a few seconds, quiet sobs filled the silence surrounding me. The weight rested on my chest and something wrapped around me on both sides, lifting me up slightly. I felt shaky breaths crash against my chest.
I started to open my eyes but stopped when I heard a familiar voice mumble through a strained voice, "Jack, I'm sorry it didn't work. He might wake up when he gets back to the human world."
I felt the grip around me tighten and through choked sobs, Jack replied, "Why would the world he's in make a difference?"
Anti didn't respond. The only sound I heard was Jack's crying growing louder. I felt something wet seep through my clothes onto my chest.
I grunted and tried to open my eyes. Whoever was holding me promptly dropped me onto the floor.
I groaned and muttered a quick, "Ow," before putting a hand to the back of my head. I opened my eyes and found myself face to face with a puffy eyed Jack.
He put a hand over his mouth and mumbled, "M-Mark?"
I grinned slightly and sat up. "It's really you this time, right? Like, you're not gonna shapeshift into some woman who wants to kill me?"
He stared at me for a second before moving his hand away from his face and smiling brightly. He tackled me in a hug, laughing and giggling away to himself.
While laying on my back, I smiled and hugged him back. Jack buried his head in the crook of my neck and I felt tears drip onto my skin.
After a few minutes, he pulled away from me and looked me in the eye. "Mark you asshole, you've been sleeping for a day!"
I stared at him, still grinning. "On the bright side, I know that Felix is back at the orphanage, I have an idea of what we need to do to help Cry, I know why Robert is being weird with Reagan, and that Ethan and Tyler are in the orphanage somewhere. Also, apparently Kyle is a–"
Jack started leaning toward me, his eyes focused on my lips. "Damn I missed your stupid voice."
I blushed and leaned in a bit before mumbling, "Looks like you missed a lot more than that–"
"Wait, what do we need to do to save Cry?" the demon version of Felix interrupted me from across the room.
Jack screamed at the sound of his voice and fell off of me. I shot up into a sitting position, throwing Jack's legs off of me. My face felt like it was on fire.
I looked in the direction of Felix's voice to find Anti, Dark, what looked like a demon version of PJ, the demon version of Percy petting Chica, Thomas, Logan, Dan, and Phil all standing next to Felix. Anti and Dark were watching in horror while the rest of them were watching with anticipation and turned on Felix after he spoke.
"What the hell, Felix!" Dan shouted. "They both just grew a pair and were getting ready to–"
"Tell us more about how to help Cry!" Anti interrupted, his face practically glowing from how hard he was blushing.
Dark looked the exact same way. He hurriedly nodded his head. "R-Right! How are we supposed to get Cry back?"
"Well," I paused, "wait, how did you guys get me back?"
Everyone went silent for a moment while Dan and Phil glanced at each other, smirking. "Oh ho ho," Phil started, "do we have a story to tell you."
"Uh, no, we don't," Anti replied through gritted teeth.
"Oh yes we do," Dan shot back. "Mark, Jack woke you up by–"
"Slapping you!" Dark yelled.
I turned to face Jack. "There's no way you slapped me."
Jack started blushing slightly. He opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by Anti. "Yeah, he did. It took a bit of convincing, but we got him to slap you right on the lips."
I thought back to what Katherine had told me. She said someone had to do something to your physical body to snap you back to reality. Slapping couldn't be enough to do that, could it?
"I don't think–"
"I slapped you," Jack interrupted me, sending Anti a questioning glance.
Logan brought both of his hands up to his face and groaned, "Why are you–"
"Telling the truth?" Dark cut in. "Just because we lie all the time doesn't mean we can't be honest every now and then."
I crossed my arms. "Okay, I got slapped. So the way you guys are gonna get Cry back is by slapping him?"
"I'd try that even if he wasn't in some kind of coma," Felix stated.
While Felix walked over to Cry's unconscious body, I grabbed Jack by the shoulders and whispered, "Before Felix interrupted us, it almost looked like we were about to–"
"Alright, hands off," Anti murmured as he pulled me away from Jack.
Dark pulled Jack off the ground and brought him over to Felix. Anti pulled me out into a hallway. "Uh, so some weird stuff–"
"Hang on a minute, where are we?" I asked, skimming around the electric blue hallway.
"My old room. It's not important, just listen–"
"Where are we, though?"
He sighed, "We're still at Felix's castle."
I tilted my head slightly. "You used to live at Felix's–"
"It's not important," he replied with a bit more force. "Anyway, since you went unconscious, Felix cleared up everything with the citizens of the Underworld and Percy's safe. We also managed to knock Cry out after he grabbed you and made you go unconscious." He looked at the ground for a moment and seemed to be blinking quickly.
I gave him a minute before asking, "Did something else happen? You're hesitating."
He lifted his head to look back up at me and I could now see his tear brimmed eyes. "Nothing else happened. The Underworld is better than ever now that you've come and helped fix it. All that's left to do is have you send Felix's dad back here from the human world."
I smiled before sending him a confused glance. "Why are you crying if everything's back to normal? Better than normal? I mean, you'll probably end up moving back into Felix's castle and everything will be like it was before Felix's father intervened, right?"
Anti sniffed and swiftly wiped his hand under his nose. "Mark, you don't get it."
"Don't get what? It sounds like everything's going to be great for–" I stopped myself.
He smiled sadly as a tear dropped onto his cheek. "You get it now, right?" His smile changed into a frown as another tear rolled down his face. "Don't make me explain it. Please."
"You're," I paused as I felt my eyes start to water, "you're sending me back to the human world?"
He hesitated before nodding. The tears in my eyes fell out. "Y-Yeah, since we saved Jack and that was the only reason you came here to begin with. You, Jack, and Thomas have to go fix the human world. Dark explained everything happening at the orphanage to Jack and everyone else while we were waiting for you to wake up."
I smirked at him. "You know, this is the first time you've cried since I got here. After everything that happened and none of you demons crying, I assumed demons couldn't cry."
He smiled and wiped away a few stray tears. "How kind of you to try to lighten the mood. Unfortunately, though, that was my job."
I narrowed my eyes at him. "You're the one who made me sad. How are you supposed to lighten the mood?"
His grin widened as he wiped away the last of his tears. "We tried to tell you earlier but that wall came crashing down between us. Anyway, you're going to be the first human to hear about this, but demons can–"
A loud slapping noise sounded from behind the closed door to the room I woke up in. It was followed almost immediately by Cry's muffled voice screaming, "What the fuck, Felix?!"
A chorus of laughter followed leaving me and Anti to glance at each other sideways.
I spoke first, asking, "You guys actually slapped me to wake me up?"
Anti had wide eyes but he nodded nonetheless. "Yeah, you didn't believe us?"
I shrugged before inquiring, "What were you trying to tell me before?"
His eyes lit up as he turned to face me, smiling brightly. "Okay, so this only happens when a demon and their human part have met or have an intense connection. Since Jack and I have met and you and–"
"What do you mean 'intense connection'?"
Anti snapped his fingers. "Right. You know how Dan and Phil's demons have a telepathic connection with one another and can communicate through thought waves?"
I stared at him for a second before replying, "Okay, sure, what about it?"
"Dan and Phil have the capability to share their powers with the human versions of themselves since they're...well, let's go with special."
"So Dan and Phil in the human world would be able to read each other's minds?"
Anti thought for a second before replying, "Yeah, but they should also be able to develop the power further than that."
"Alright, but what could happen since you and Jack and Dark and I know each other?"
Anti smiled, showing off his pointed teeth. "Once a demon knows their human counterpart, they can possess them."
Not exaggerating: I've had this planned since Anti was first introduced and I'm really excited for a few things I have planned.
Also, I'm sorry, but I couldn't just ignore the perfect opportunity to make Felix a cock-block, even if he was the demon version
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