Chapter 82
Mark's POV
My eyes widened after I realized what I had just said. I remembered Jack's name.
I remembered him.
Memories flooded back. Memories of Jack crashed back into my mind like a brick being thrown through a window. I remembered his adorable Irish accent. His award winning smile. His breathtaking eyes.
I let a smile cover my face as I yelled, "Jack!"
He smiled back, but it almost immediately was replaced with a look of fear. "Mark, watch out for–"
Before he could finish his warning, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and fell forward.
When I regained consciousness, my hands were tied together over my head. I was being dragged along at a steady pace on my back. I groaned and opened my eyes.
Once I had my eyes open, Jack whispered, "Dude, stand up."
He was walking to my left with his hands tied together and a rope connecting his hands to whatever was dragging me. I rolled onto my stomach and stood up as quietly as I could. Jack walked over to me. "Do you know what's going on because they won't tell me anything."
"I just got my memories of you back. I don't even know who the rest of my friends are," I mumbled more to myself than him.
He nodded but persisted, "You don't know anything about where we are right now?"
"I was trying to get to the top floor of whatever this place is with Felix. We got separated when we got to this floor, though. All I know about this place is that someone from the real world is here—which I assumed was you—and that Katherine's office is here."
"How much do you know about Felix?"
I stared at him for a second. "What do you mean?"
"Is the Felix here a demon or human?"
"Ethan told me he was a human and that Cry was a demon–"
"Who's Ethan?" Jack inquired with a tilted head.
I stopped walking for a split second before being yanked forward from the rope. I tried to process what Jack asked. "H-He said he's one of my friends."
Jack's eyes widened slightly as he shook his head. "Mark, you never had a friend named Ethan."
"Maybe he was friends with me and you didn't know him!" I tried to think on the spot. Ethan couldn't have been lying to me. He didn't lie about anything in here, why would he lie about being friends with me?
"Mark, I'm telling you," Jack continued, sounding worried, "you never had a friend named Ethan. Something here must be screwing with you."
"W-What about Tyler! Ethan seemed to be friends with him and wanted to bring him along. I would've been friends with him too!"
Jack stared at me with a confused look. " in Tyler Oakley?"
"I," I paused, "I actually don't know his last name."
"How gay did he seem?"
"What the hell does that–"
"Hey! You're finally awake!" Tim shouted cheerily after popping his head through a window in the wagon-styled machine in front of us.
"If it'll help lessen the consequence we're about to receive, I'm sorry for pushing you in the woods," I apologized.
He blushed slightly. "Actually, I hit you in the back of the head with a stick, so we're already even."
"Wait, you knocked me out?"
Tim blushed a bit more but smiled nonetheless. He opened his mouth to reply, but Sam cut in, "You two need to shut up if this is going to work properly."
I exchanged a quick glance with Jack before he asked, "If what's going to work properly?"
Tim grinned proudly. "Well, we obviously aren't turning you in to Katherine! She dragged us here, and we've got no reason to follow her orders!"
"Shush up!" Sam whisper-shouted before the machine stopped.
Jack and I stopped walking and glanced around. I heard Sam talking to someone, but couldn't quite catch the words. It sounded like a guy a little older than me and Jack.
We stood there for a few minutes before a guy walked around from the left side. To say he was muscular would have been an understatement.
As the guy walked over to me and Jack, Tim peeked his head out the window and gave us a reassuring smile. I sent him a questioning look, but before I had a chance to ask him what was happening, the guy ripped the ropes away from the machine.
He held both mine and Jack's ropes and led us off the path. He started hiking his way up a mountain without saying a word to us.
Once we had reached a small clearing, he stated, "I have been informed to speak with Mark individually." He looked at Jack. "I'll have to tie you to a tree."
Jack nervously glanced at me before nodding. The guy led both of us over to a tree and tied Jack's rope to it. He then brought me back to the opposite side of the clearing.
"Have you figured out who here is real and who we formed based off of memories to trick you?"
"Jack is real, right? When I saw him I remembered him immediately, and I don't recognize Sam and Tim at all, though their names sound kind of familiar."
The guy didn't change his neutral facial expression at all. He simply replied, "Don't make the wrong move."
Before I had a chance to react, he grabbed my rope again and led me back over to Jack. After snatching up his rope, the guy continued hiking his way up the mountain.
"What'd he want to talk to you about?" Jack whispered.
I shrugged, not really wanting to trust Jack fully until I could prove it was really him. "He told me not to make the wrong move."
"What's that mean?" Jack giggled quietly.
"Not sure," I chuckled softly.
"Then it probably doesn't matter!" Jack whispered decidedly.
I rolled my eyes. "Sure, for now."
After a while, we reached the top of the mountain. There was a small house that looked similar to a shed. The guy led us up to the front door.
He opened the door and gestured for us to enter first. I walked in, curious of why we had been led to a house on top of a mountain. Jack followed, scanning the inside in an almost skeptical way.
There was a fireplace with a fire warming up the room and a couch was placed in front of the fire. The only other thing in the room was a radio.
A little disappointed at the lack of things to investigate, I turned around to leave, but the door had been closed and the guy who led us up here was gone.
I grabbed the doorknob and tried to open the door, but it was locked in place. I groaned to myself before I turned around to face Jack. He was messing around with the radio.
"Jack, the door won't open," I announced.
He turned to look at me with his eyebrows bunched together. "What do you mean?"
"I think that guy locked us in here."
"That wouldn't have been all that bad if this stupid radio would work," Jack laughed as he messed around with some of the switches.
As I walked over to him, I replied, "It's probably not getting any signals. We're on a mountain inside a building in a world that isn't real."
"Then why would they leave a radio?"
I stared at the radio for a minute before I asked, "Did you check to see if there's a tape or disk in it?"
He shook his head. "No, but good idea."
Jack pressed the eject button and a second later a tape popped out of the small compartment.
"Alright!" I smiled as he pushed it back in. "Now, try hitting the play button and see if it works."
It was quiet at first, but after a few seconds, Mr. Blue Sky started playing. I started laughing while Jack started head banging before acting out the quick drum part.
He started dancing in place as I continued to laugh, making my side hurt a bit. Once the singing started, he put his hand out to me. I smiled at his cheeky grin before I rolled my eyes and took his hand.
I immediately started blushing as I realized I was dancing with him. He swung me around and didn't seem to have a care in the world as he did so. He chuckled as he looked at me.
"What?" I asked, trying to shrug off the twisting in my stomach.
"Your face is redder than your hair." He smiled and seemed genuinely amused.
"I can think of a way or two to make your face redder than my hair," I replied, blushing harder as I thought about what I'd just said.
"Sorry Markimoo, but I don't think that's possible." He smiled adorably as he continued to bounce in place on beat with the music.
Without thinking, I grabbed Jack by the collar of his shirt and smashed our lips together.
I know I'm about to be killed for ending this chapter here so I'll make this quick.
If you've never listened to Mr. Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra I linked it at the beginning of this chapter.
I was listening to it the other day and I fricken love it and think it kind of goes with the situation and the ship and just uggghhhHHHH I LOVE IT
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