Chapter 79
Mark's POV
I exchanged an uneasy glance with Felix before asking, "You guys want to help us through the second floor?"
One of the boys, who Reagan had introduced as Percy, nodded. "Yeah? We're meeting some people along the way so we can have a picnic on the beach." He chuckled to himself. "We just went over this plan earlier today!"
Phil smiled. "We have to get moving. Everyone's waiting along the path."
"We're kind of standing on an invisible mountain," Felix commented. "How are we supposed to follow a path?"
Dan and Phil exchanged glances while the kids giggled to themselves. Dan questioned, "What are you talking about?"
I pointed to the invisible ground beneath us. "We can't see the mountain."
Phil snapped his fingers. "Oh, that's right! Nate, stop messing around and do the thing."
Nate grinned. "I'd be glad to."
Nate set his bike on the ground and bent down. He closed his eyes and set his right hand down on the ground. Dan and Phil were smiling like proud parents when thin, green swirls glowed on Nate's arms and what I could see of his legs. Felix and I stared at him with wide eyes.
Slowly, the ground beneath us started to fade into view. The mountain slowly took form beneath our feet. Once I could see every individual blade of grass, Nate stopped. The green swirls on his arms and legs disappeared and he opened his eyes. He bounced off the ground and lifted his bike up.
I took a moment to scan over the mountain. There was a dirt path that ran across the middle, but everywhere else, all I could see was grass and flowers.
"Alright," Phil continued as if what had just happened was perfectly normal, "now can we get moving down the path? Everyone's waiting for us."
Before Felix or I could oppose, everyone who wasn't already standing next to us walked up to us. Phil jumped onto his bike and raced down the hill at full speed. The four kids followed, cheering and shouting as they went rocketing down the mountain.
Dan gestured for me and Felix to go next. "I was told I had to go last."
I gulped, but before I had the chance to even consider suggesting that Felix and I get to the picnic area on our own, Felix went flying down the mountain, cheering just like the kids.
I groaned and forced a smile as I slowly pushed myself to where the path went down. I took a deep breath. These people seemed too nice to be leading us to our death. Plus, they seem to be people we knew personally.
I guess that meant they could stab us in the back and have a bigger impact.
I sighed and put the sword through my belt loop. I just had to be ready for whatever was going to happen.
I pushed the ground with my feet to move over the edge. As soon as I did, I was sent rushing down the mountain. My hair flew back and I could barely keep my eyes open. I kept my feet planted on the pedals, but couldn't bring myself to make the bike move any quicker.
Suddenly, I realized exactly what was going on.
I was racing down a mountain with some of my friends. Racing to the second floor.
I opened my eyes, smiling. I was just getting closer to getting my memories back! I laughed to myself and stood up on my bike, yelling.
Dan glided beside me. "You finally seem to be enjoying yourself."
I looked over to him, still smiling brightly. "Yeah? This is some exciting stuff, Daniel!"
He grinned back. "This is just the beginning, Markiplier!"
My smile disappeared almost instantly. "Wait, what did you say?" I called over the rushing wind.
"It's just a nickname we gave you!" He chuckled slightly. "Don't worry about it."
I nodded, unconvinced. The word Markiplier sounded important. If Felix's theory that we were all heroes was right, Markiplier could've been my hero name.
My mind then went back to that strange word Robert had mentioned. YouTube.
I sat back down on my bike. There was no way Markiplier wasn't important. Something made to trick me like Dan was wouldn't bring up something that had zero importance.
I sighed. Whatever. I decided that I would figure all of this out once I had my memories back.
We reached the bottom of the hill after a few more seconds and I glided down the path to where Felix was standing with everyone else. Whatever was being talked about, he seemed bored with the topic.
Felix's eyes lit up when he saw me riding over to them. As I got closer, I noticed a certain blue haired boy standing in the middle of all of them. I mentally groaned knowing that it wasn't really Ethan.
I stopped my bike next to Felix and whispered, "What's going on?"
He sighed, "Apparently, one of the people we have to ride with to the beach is Ethan. It isn't him, though."
I hesitantly asked, "Do we know for sure that it isn't Ethan, or are we just assuming?"
Felix pointed at him. "Just listen to what they're talking about."
"...and Cry are waiting at the beach. They took the picnic food as far as I know," Ethan had been saying.
"So who all do we need to pick up on our way there?" Phil inquired.
"I heard we'd have to bring PJ and Chris, but I'm not sure about Thomas and–"
Nate grabbed my arm, pulled me down to his level, and whispered, "Hey, Mark?"
I mentally cursed, but looked at him smiling. "Yeah?"
"You were staring at me really intensely when I made the mountain visible. Are you doing okay? It was almost like you forgot I had powers."
I nervously grinned. "I'm just astonished every time you use your powers."
He looked at me skeptically. "Why would you be astonished? You have powers too."
My eyes widened. "What do you mean–"
"Alright guys," Dan announced, getting everyone's attention, "we should be pretty close to the beach, and since a lot of our friends are already there waiting for us, we have to get moving."
Nate walked his bike over to the other kids, and I took this opportunity to talk to Felix. "What do you think Nate meant when he said I have powers?"
Felix shrugged. "He could've been lying. Don't forget that everyone here is trying to trick us."
I nodded, but I wasn't really sure. I mean, it all fit together too well. We had fans, we found a sword and mask, and now a kid I met who has powers is telling me I have powers? I honestly wouldn't have been all that surprised.
We got on our bikes again and continued to follow everyone down the path. "What do you think's going to happen on this level?" Felix asked.
"I don't know," I replied. "Probably something with this picnic. Maybe they'll try to convince us that we have powers or something."
Felix nodded. "Alright, so we just shouldn't get attached or trust anything they say?"
"Yeah, we'll see the real versions of them soon enough, right?"
"Yeah!" Felix half-heartedly cheered. "And we'll get our memories back and know who's bullshitting us and who's telling the truth."
"Dan!" Jason shouted from ahead of us. Felix and I both looked up to see what was happening.
About a hundred meters in front of us, the path abruptly disappeared. Jason had his bike stopped where the path ended.
"Here we go," Felix muttered.
"What happened?" Phil called from behind us.
We rode up to where Jason was stopped and looked down. The path led to a cliff with water and sharp rocks at the bottom. Jason continued, "Dan just fell."
Phil started quietly sobbing and Nate had his hand over his mouth as he looked down. Several of the rocks near the cliff were tainted red.
I gagged and moved away from the cliff. There was no way I was going anywhere near that death trap with a bunch of people I didn't trust standing around it.
Ethan noticed me backing away. "What's wrong Mark?"
I glared at him. "Someone just died and you're asking what's wrong?"
Reagan smiled. "I thought you wanted us to help you through the second level?"
"We really just want to get out of here, if that's alright with you," Felix put in.
Ethan snickered, "Once you get your memories back, you won't just leave. Why else would Robert and I still be here?"
I exchanged a glance with Felix. He wasn't lying. We wouldn't get to leave once we had our memories and Ethan never explained how we would get out.
"Talking to you all is a waste of time!" Felix shouted. "I would be more than thankful if you shit heads would simply bring us to the top level instead of stalling."
Percy shrugged. "Sure, but you'll never escape." With that, Percy wrapped his arms around Felix's neck and pulled him off the cliff. Felix's screams filled my ears, but it abruptly stopped after a few seconds.
I pointed to the cliff. "That's the way to Katherine's office?"
Reagan grabbed my arm and smiled sweetly. "Yup! On that island over there!" She pointed to an island I could barely see the outline of due to the distance it was away from us. She walked me over to the cliff. "Tell dad I said hi!"
Before I could ask anything, Reagan pushed me off the cliff.
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