Chapter 74
Mark's POV
I groaned as Ethan dragged me through the building. "So, are there two cafeterias here or is one hidden away–"
"Shut up!" he whisper-shouted over his shoulder. "I'll explain once we find Felix and Cry and get there!"
I shut my mouth and followed Ethan down a hallway. He abruptly stopped running, throwing me into the crowd of people in front of me.
While Ethan pulled me away from the crowd, a man turned around. "Watch it!"
Ethan smiled. "Sorry! We're just looking for a few friends. We didn't mean to bump into you."
The man sent Ethan a skeptical look, but turned back around. I noticed that Ethan had turned slightly pale while the crowd inched forward.
"You either know him or you're afraid we won't find Felix and Cry," I stated.
Ethan turned to face me, seeming surprised. "For someone who doesn't have their memories, you still seem to know exactly what's going on with me."
"No offense, but you're kind of an open book," I replied.
He glared at me. "First of all, rude. Secondly, both of your assumptions are correct."
I blinked. "So you know that dude?"
Ethan glanced in the man's direction. "Yeah, but he doesn't seem to remember me." He turned back to face me. "I wouldn't normally be bothered by it, but he's my neighbor, so I'll have to explain everything to him again to make sure he doesn't snitch."
I nodded and looked at the man. "What's his name?"
I froze staring at the back of Tyler's head. Tyler. It sounded too familiar. Like it was a name I'd heard everyday of my life.
I brought my eyebrows together. Ethan said that we were friends, so then why hadn't his name sounded this familiar.
I shrugged away the thought, guessing it was due to the different circumstances. I elbowed Ethan. "Why don't we bring Tyler with us to the other cafeteria?"
Ethan seemed to be thinking it over when Tyler walked through the door to the cafeteria. He mumbled something under his breath before reaching forward and grabbing Tyler by the back of his collar.
Tyler coughed something out that sounded like, "Let me go!"
Ethan rolled his eyes. "I'll take care of this. You go find Felix and Cry and bring them back here. Don't make too much of a scene and don't attract any unnecessary attention to yourself. Also, there should be someone in there to lend you a hand. He's one of my friends, so don't freak out."
"Just go find Felix and Cry!" Ethan demanded while he slowly dragged Tyler away. "I'll be waiting near my room. Come and find me when you have them."
I quickly nodded my head before bursting through the cafeteria doors. I was met with a blinding light and the sound of a few whispers asking where Tyler had gone.
I ignored the whispers and blinked to help my eyes adjust. Once I could see, I took in the hugeness of the gymnasium sized room. A buffet was lined up against the right wall and tables covered the rest of the room.
I couldn't help but be reminded of something, though I wasn't sure what.
I pushed away the thought and scanned the room for Felix and Cry. As I was looking over the crowds of people, I remembered what Ethan had told me. Cry was a demon.
I tensed up a bit just thinking about it. Did Cry know he was a demon, or was he under the impression that he was human? Would he act differently once he got his memories back?
As thoughts raced through my mind, I didn't notice the hand on my shoulder. I didn't even realize someone was standing next to me until they asked, "Are you alright?"
I let out a short scream as I pulled away from the person who sounded somewhat familiar. I spun around to face them. "Who are you?"
The man sent me a confused glance, but his eyes widened quickly after. "Sorry!" he began in an awfully loud tone, "I always forget these things are in when they do a mind sweep or whatever." The man slowly pulled an ear plug out of each ear. Catching my confused look, he added, "Could you ask your question again? I couldn't hear you because of these things Ethan had me put on today."
I blinked. "Um, right. What's your name?"
The man smiled. "What? You didn't hear me sassing Katherine at her speech today?"
I stared back at him, my mouth hanging slightly open. "That was you? What did she say your name was? Randy? Richard?"
"Robert?" he offered, seeming humored.
I smiled. "Yes! You're Robert?"
He chuckled, "You sound awfully surprised, Mark!"
I tensed up slightly, but played it off as curiosity. "How do you know my name?" I inquired. "Were we friends?"
Robert laughed. "With you and me, it was a bit more on the side of us knowing about each other's existence than being friends."
"Then...then how did you get here?" I asked. "I thought everyone here was at an orphanage with me."
Robert nodded. "It's a long story, but the short version is that after a while, I really started to get worried for all those YouTubers who had gone missing. It took two years, but I finally tracked you down to that orphanage. I broke into the building, but was immediately knocked unconscious. I woke up here and Ethan found me."
"I have several questions, but the first one I have to ask is what's a YouTuber?"
Robert stared back at me. He opened his mouth to reply, but closed it again. After a few seconds of silence, he seemed to find the right words, "Katherine sure did a number on you. It was bad enough when Felix didn't know what YouTube was, but you, too?"
I tilted my head. "What do Felix and I have to do with...what did you call it? YouTube?"
Robert's eyes widened slightly. "Uh, sorry. You'll figure it all out soon–"
"Does YouTube have to do with those videos Ethan started talking about? Was I making a video of something for...YouTube?" I inquired. The word sounded familiar, but I wasn't sure if it was important.
Robert's eyes lit up a bit. He seemed impressed that I pieced that together. "We should wait to talk about this more. We'll finish this conversation once we're with Ethan. Right now, we have to find Felix and Cry."
I sighed, but nodded my head. Robert smiled, grabbed me by the arm, and raced in between the rows of tables. "Alright," he called over his shoulder, "you scan over the line at the buffet and I'll look over the tables."
He slowed our sprint down to a jog while I looked through the people in line at the buffet. I searched for Cry's mask, guessing that that would likely stand out more than Felix's blond hair.
I heard Robert sigh just as I saw a man with blond hair turn to face us. As I held my breath, Robert reported, "They aren't sitting at any tables. Katherine's at the front of the room, though, so don't make any loud noises."
"Isn't that..." I trailed off as I watched someone approach the blond male.
"You see them?" Robert asked, glancing around the line.
Both people were facing me now. I pulled excitedly at Robert's arm. "Felix and Cry!" I whisper-screamed. "They're over there making sandwiches!"
"Shit," Robert mumbled. He turned to face me. "Alright, make sure they don't eat any of the food. The food's poisoned. That's what helps lock away your memories. I'll be waiting on the other side of the door!"
With that, Robert ran for the exit. I turned back toward Felix and Cry to see them getting ready to sit down at a table.
I sprinted over to them as quickly as I could. Felix lifted his sandwich to his mouth, but I made it just in time to spike it out of his hand and onto the floor.
I put my hands on my knees and panted slightly while Felix groaned, "Damnit, Mark! I was just about to eat that!"
I bolted upright. "You remember my name?"
Felix groaned again, "Yeah, that Robert guy threw two pairs of headphones at Cry and me when the alarm went off. I probably still have a bruise from where they hit my head."
"I'm guessing that something more important happened?" Cry put in.
I nodded. "I need you two to follow me. I'll explain on the way, but I met someone who can help us get our memories back."
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